The New South. (Douglasville, Georgia) ????-????, March 22, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Personal and Other News Items of Interest Picked Up AROUND AND ABOUT TOWN All 1116 Hapyenings and Mishaps In and A rouud| Douglasville—Something io Please and Displease New South Readers Tuesday was a March day. * • Subscribe to The New South. \ Miss Alice Roberts is very sick. Why don’t you ’phone us the news? Emmett Harding was here last Sunday. Vander Smith spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mrs. John Dorris is visiting in the country. J. Q. Maxwell was a visitor to Lithijl Sunday. Mrs. Mary Freeman is some iMtogtfhat improved. jlayne Turner, of Rico, heie Monday. Col. M. M. Eakes, of Cordele, this week. The little child of J. S. Aber croinbie .is very sick. Fred Stringfellow was a visitor ft to Atlanta this week. Marshal O. P. Brown is still sick with fever. Emory Weddington was here L Sunday from Atlanta. . Mayme Pittman spent ■lt SurrtUv in Douglasville. " The of the winter J fell last Sunday night and Mon ■ day. pF Miss Ruby James was here several days of this week with her parents. Mrs. W. H. Camp, who near Chapel Hill, has nick this week Mil '0 X t.Q D (_IAMbL: 1f * P ■te n< W <« *»' >d’ ■ McElreath, ot Atlanta WasTiyre4j|Ui(l ay with his parents and many fnen?twr"\. Jim Burtz, of Virginia, is here this week with his sister, Mrs. W. 0. Abercrombie. Mrs. W. Z. Yates, of Hartwell, is quite sick at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. A. James. Mrs. J. E. Phillips was in At lanta this week on business in connection with her millinery store. Miss Winnie Key, of Atlanta,. * si»ent a few days of this and last week here with Miss Grady Whitley. The canning factory is about completed. The stockholders are paying up their subscriptions this week. It seems that the Southern is having a time of it; three wrecks in two days and water to beat the band. Some of the friends of H. J. Daniel are urging him to become a candidate for tax receiver of this county. Somebody got a marriage IL |m| cense last Tuesday and rumor IgK has it that the wedding will take pH place Sunday. Misses Vergia and Pearl Per kins entertained a number of their friends Tuesday evening at a surprise party. • The little son of Col. and Mrs. M. M. Eakes, of Cordele, is very sick at the home of Col. W. A. James of this place. jMMMMMttiiccount of the trestle of > f ,er n over Sw eel water ESHIIh: Monday all trains were ovex twenty four hours, There seems to lie some trouble about those who arrested Bill Jones getting the reward offered for his arrest. The matter is be ; ing investigated. Douglasville should have a street railway from Atlanta right away. If one could be constructed it would build up Douglasville so as to have four or five thousand inhabitants. How many will decide, the minute they read this, to paint their premises wit.m the next 60 or 90 days? Get ready to buii l your brick houses in Douglasville. You’ll soon need 'Them. Who will be the first to break dirt? T. J. Barrett has purchased the old brick house near the resi dence of Mrs. McKelvey, known as the old Primitive Baptist church; The people of Douglasville were somewhat surprised Tues day morning to see, as the school boy puts it, “the old woman picking her geese.” A large crowd will attend the murder ttial of Bill Jones at Douglasville next Saturday. J. 8. James will represent the state Case begins gt 9 o’clock. We are requested to announce that Prof. Lambert will close his school at Ephesus with an enter tainment on the night of March 30. Everybody invited. Dr. Oscar Selman, of Summer ville, spent Sunday and Monday with the family of his father in this county, and other relatives and friends in Douglasville. Bill Jones, who killed Bob Holloman at Winston some time ago, was arrested last week and put in jail here, and will be tried before a court of inquiry on next Saturday. In the next issue of this paper I will publish a long list of dif ferent lots of land for sale in Douglas, Carroll, Harftlgon Paul ding, Polk and other counties. J. S. James. Miss Emma Hollis, daughter of J. J. Hollis, is dangerously sick. Her mother, who had a stroke of paralysis some time ago, does not seem to improve but very little. What about the macadamized road? Let the Douglasville Com mercial Club take some action Ai this matter at Its next meet ■g. s Appoint committees to with our two senators Bffu representative in congress, and with Hon. C. W. Adamson of th M r !■ of is visiting relatives here. His fath er and mother were reared here. H’S father was a son of E. M. Malone who died here a short time ago and his mother was Miss Maggie Winn, a sister to Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Ellen Smith of this place. Col. Mather Eakes, of Cordele, is here for a few days attending his sick child. He will return to Cordele in a few days Col. Eakes says the first session of the superior court of the new county of Crisp is now in opera tion,and is moving along smooth ly and the outlook for Cordele, the county seat, is very bright. The work of changing the Douglasville Telephone exchange from over the store of Upshaw Bros, to one of the rooms over the Selman drug store is being car ried on to completion by Mr. Z. T. Adams. Mr. Adams is a hus tler and the interest of the Gainesboro Telephone Company isJiW ays uppermost in his mind. M town is always judged by its general appearence. A few hun dred dollars spent in cleaning un the various dwellings in Doug lasville, and repainting all the houses would greatly add to the appearance of the town, and not only this but it would be a great saving to the property owner. No amount of money spent in any other way would add as much value as th* painting of all the houses and fences. Joe Gorman, colored, of this place, went to Atlanta last Mon day and come back on train on Tuesday. He was riding on a tickett granted to Dr. J. L. Sel man and family. When the train had passed Lithia Springs on return from Atlanta the con ductor took up the tickett and put Gorman off, claiming he had no right io ride on the tickett. Gormon claims he had been sent to Atlanta after some special goods for the Selman Drug Co., and he also claims that when he was put off the car the conductor struck him on the side of the head The conductor claims the negro had no right to ride on the tickett under the rules the company. Singing Directory- All dav singing at Almon,New ; ton county, on Georgia railroad, third Sunday in March. All day singing at Calvary church, Atlanta, in memory of Mrs. J. W. Dunford deceased, first Sunday in May. All day sth Sun lay in April at 88 Cooper street, Atlanta. All day at Bulah church, one ' mile from Lithia Springs, third Sunday in May. All day at Decatur, first Sun day in June, Others will be given in our next issue. « APPLICATION FOR CHARTER GEORGIA—Douglas County To the superior court of said county The petition of J T Duncan, A W McLarty, V R Smith, H T Cooper, Upshaw Bros & Co, J M Abercrombie, W C Abercrombie, W A Abercrombie, J S Aber arombie, Roberts & Hutcheson, J A Pittman W J Camp, W 1 Dorris, F M McGouirk, J B Mor ris, W M Morris, H C Dorris, T R Whitley, J L Selman, P Y Me Carley & Son, Isaac Groodzinsky 0 A Adcock, A S Baggett, 0 P Brown, B F Camp, M L Hath cock, T S Abercrombie, W M McLarty, J C & E A Morris, Phillips & Edwards, S A Griffith, J Q Enterkin, N B Duncan, J B Dorris, E It Stewart, H H Con nell, T II Selman. W F Brown, C W Baggett, J R McKoy, J J Johnston, W P Duncan. R M Johnston, G T Rutherford, Ben Watkins, J T L 4 Bouter & J B Phillips, all of said state and county, respectfully shows: 1 That they desire for them selves, their associates, success ors and assigns, to become incor porated under the name and style of the Douglasville Canning Co 2 The term for which peti tioners ask to be incorporated is twenty years, with the priv ilege of renewal at the end of that time 3 The capital stock ot the Corporation is to be ten thousand dollars; divided into shares of one hundred dollars each Peti tioners, however, ask the"privil ege of increasing said capital stocK from time to time at the pleasure of the stockholders, to any sum not to exceed twenty five thousand dollars 4 The whole of said capital stock of ten thousand dollars has already been actually paid in 5 The object of the proposed Corporation is pecuniary profit and gain to its stockholders Pe titioners propose to do a general canning and preserving business, buying and selling for cash or on credit, buying all kinds of fruits and vegetables and grain, can ning, preserving and selling the products of the fruits, vegetables and grains manufactured and all such articles and things as may be profitably handled and sold in connection therewith, and are usually embraced in a canning and preserving business; acting as general agent or special agents for other persons or companies m selling or handling any article or class of articles appropriate to a canning or preserving business, or usually connected therewith, and to make contracts to act as such agent, and to exercise the usual powers and to do all usual, necessary and proper acts which pertain to or may be connected with the business of canning and preserving the articles and things named; also the right to contract and ba contracted with, to sue and be sued, to have a seal, to TEXAS Ale NORTHWEST REACHED VIA QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE IO HOURS, Ouickest time to Dallas, Isa Ft Worth and all Northern Texas Points. K HOURS. Quickest time to Southern Texas Points. SOLID TRAIN TO NEW ORLEANS AND CINCINNATI T hrough Sleeper Chattanooga a® Shreveport REDUCED RATES AND EXCELLENT SERVICE to NORTHWEST POINTS. For information call on or •ddrosMMKjß 1. C. COMN, 0. P. A. Read Block, Tssa. J. C. VOLZ. $. E. P. A. 240 Equitable BIBHKn. Rgl IHE above picture of the man and fish is the trade mark of Scott’s Emulsion, and is the synonym for strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the ciyilized coun tries of the globe. If the cod fish became extinct it would be a world-wide calam ity, because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott’s Emu]- sion found away of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone cai take it and get the full value d) the oil without the objectionabl taste. Scott’s Emulsion is th» best thing in the world for weak backward children, thin, delicate people, and ad conditions oi wasting and lost strength. Send for free s&mple. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 400-41 S P3L4BL BTBEKT, SET YOBK Me. fI.OQ, AU make boxes and sell same, and all other powers nercessarv and usual to a corporation 6 The principal office and place of business of the proposed Corporation will be-in the town of Douglasville, said state and cou n liiue ti I the name and aforesaid,en- i t ioners, This March 22, 1906. GEORGlA—Douglas,County. Office of Clerk Superior Court: I, J F Winn, clerk of superior court in and for said county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and exact copy of a petition for incorpora tion as appears now on file in the office of the clerk of the superior court of Douglas county, Ga. Witness my hand and official signature this, the 22nd day of March, 1901. J F Winn, CSC Notice. Will be sold at public outcry by the undersigned on Friday, April 6, 1906, at 10 o’clock, a. m. for cash to the highest bidder at the livery stable of A. S. Baggett & Co., in Douglasville, Ga., one German Coach Stallion, three years old, named Demon, to sat isfy a livery keeper’s lien, in fa vor of A. S. Baggett & Co., against Hartman Stock Farm, S. B. Hartman, Proprietor, for feed ing and grooming said Stallion. A. S. Baggett & Co. This February 20. 1906. M / . MMW. «ptac«r TRADE MARK cr *Hl zcr fl Bl registered J for Big Crops with h*. Less Acreage Fewer acres, lighter labor, larger yields—a happy combination secured with FARMERS* BONE, the fertilizer proved perfect by twenty-one years of great |||| crops from Southern soil. Farmers’ Bone is richest in balanced food for every stage of plant growth from planting time till harvesting, and is suited to a great diversity of crops, from cotton to corn, wheat to small truck. Made with Fish Fisl scrap is used in every ten of Farmers 7 insuring nourishment unde?" conditions- anJ ma&fHgHtXfamous as a crop • for the Royster trade mark. —*B HERE’S THE SALES RECORD THINK OF THE CROP RECORD X 1885-250 TONS X 1890-1,500 TONS 7 1895-12,000 TONS X / 1900-58,455 TONS \ 1905-130,091 TONS \ Columbia, S. s C. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Deafness Cannot Be Cured >y local applications, as they annot reach the diseased portion f the ear. There is only one way ■o cure deafness, and that is by constitional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condi tion of the mucouslining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rum bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirley closed, | Deafness is the result, and unless : the inflammation can be taken ’ out and this tube restored to its 1 norma condition, hearing will be destroyd forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but airi:*fiamed condition of the mucous surt&ce. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any Case of Deafness caused by catarrh) that cannot re cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure Send for circulars fiee. F. J. Cheney & Col. Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggist, 7oc. Taky Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. Douglas County Real Estate For Sale. I have settled the case be tween the W. B. Johnston estate about lot of land No. 66 in 2 dis trict and 5 section, and will sell the lot to anyone wishing to buy, at a reasonable price. I have 14 acres of land near Polk’s old mill, 2 1-2 miles south qf Villa Rica 18 acres adjoining the resi dence of J. W. Wingo, in Chapel Hill district. 14 acres adjoining W. J. Camp on west. 100 ac’’es of lot 91, west of Lu ther Duren. Lot 1017, 18 district, 2 section. One half of lots 954 and 955, in 18 distsict and 2 section. A large list of other real estate will appear in next issue. J. S. James. T t \fyxifcz Lemons as Medicine Their Wonderful Efft on the Liver, Stomac Bowels, Kidneys and Blood. Lemons are largely used by T1 Mozley Lemon Elixir Company, i compounding their Lemon Efixii a pleasant Lemon Laxative an Tonic—a substitute for all Catharti and Liver Pills. Lemon Elixir posi tively cures all Biliousness, Const pation, Indigestion or Dyspepsia Headache, Malaria, Kidney Disease Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite. Fevers, Chills, Blotches, Pimples, all Impurities of the Blood, Pain in tha Chest or Back, and all other dis eases caused by a disordered liver and kiJheys, the first Great Cause of all Fatal Diseases. for all Female Irreg •'i-1 £ ;! ’ Lemon Elixir and t.'-.orouchly reliable ly, the least danger of - then; ia any condi at STORES Do.-e Convinces.” FT Buy This Golden Eagle Top Buggy For $49.00 \f And Save the Dealers Profit. y build the Golden Eagle 4feMNN| ■ sBffSKvWgM Buggy to stand comparison with \P i V / \Vj Wl--4 S fis - E'’ery piece of wood, steel, X iron and leather that goes into it / \ /SsjS is examined and tested, conse- CW tf£jj£ -r--., particular. © /nffrwlm\ 849 a /X, ts / \ extras” to buy. Every Buggy is 4 built in our factory at Atlanta L—■jkJgyrfer'X I and shipped complete. X \/ri VxTiVK' — J\ // \Vmx*J With every Golden Eagle /7 x. /L XL }QZJ \ X X/ x\ £&\ \ Jr Mounted Collar and ,__ A f “ "X-C | Home Harness for... W I / I I send my name and address for catalog and special Harness offer. E-W Dep. I\q | ?’:i”io < yw-i W11 1"" 1 '■' in! 1 GOLDEN EAGLE BUGGY CO., ATLANTA, GA. . GO AFTER BIG GAME with the famous t TO?* Models 1893 and 1895 Repeating Rifles i Baffin —and back up your own skill with Marlin accuracy. They shoot truer '***'and are more dependable than any others —and they get the game. » ‘'Whjfflß The -32-40 an d .38-55 Marlin high power smokeless cartridges are the greatest game killers ever made. They have great velocity and accuracy, make a jig hole and go deep. Where less power is Sf FE -r**l desired, black powder loads may be used. Vy aS |y J Cur Experience Book ie fllei with big game etorieg VX' W 4 with tlata/ofue for 3 etamfi poetage J I THE MARLIN FIRE ARMS COMPANY * 42 Willow Street, New Haven, Conn. "BREMEN lACHINEIORKf H.J.®MARTENN,|Proprietor. lion and brass castings, Saw and Grist HILL Shafting,? Bulleys, Hangers, Fronts and Grate Bars, Boiler and Machinery Re pairs a SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of IRival Shingle Machine, IRival bolting Machines anb IRival Brag Saws. If .your Engine needs Boring, Planing, New' Brasses or other Repairs, or if Pipes or Saw Mandrels need Refitting or other changes, or any new’ work, Remember my Prices are as Low’ es the Lowest, and all work first-class and guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. H. M. MARTENN, P. O. Box 47. Bremen, Ga. i We Never Disappoint Our Patients.L Wa Fulfill Every Promise and Sever Hold Out False Hopes. MJE C/513S hlrictura without the knife or bougie and Varicocele without w'rf *. UUfiife pain or detention from bnsineaa; Contagious Blood Folsow ■' J cured never to return, without mercury or mineral mixture; Lo«» of Manly - _j, r j Vigor Positively cured; no stimulant but. permanent, 1 -*~ Tbe Dr. King Medical Co. Is an Ins Hint ion organized under tbe ■ /> laws of tbe alate of Georgia for tbe treatment and cure of *ll nervous and chronic diseases. Dr. K. K. King, the founder of 'y-*'--’ \ tblslnitUutlen, i* tbe chief consulting specialist, being assisted \ by a staff of eminent physicians and surgeons. Our success in the treatment ot chronic disease* I* unsurpa* i) r-W"?y »ed; we use both medical and electrical agencies. ■ "* 1 Our office* are equipped with a l tbe galvanic, faradlc bat tev < ,J TT le*. X-ray, violet ray, and Finsearay: In fact, every ele< trlcm. * ’Sqf v -~j contrivance known to ■he medical profession. Our sanitarium is modern In every respect, and wo employ none but the best X trained arid efficient attendant*, regularly qualified graduate* *X and licensed physicians being In charge. y \ ' stK We employ no misleading means to secure patients and '\ patronage—no C.U. D. sor unasked for literature are-sent out ■*' \ \ bythla instutlon. Our terms for treatment average from KOO ' 'X \ \<#4*to f 10.00 per month. <medicines included) and we give the aosur '*,r ance of a cure within a specified time. MYKSTBffERENCEIS, CHRONIC DISEASES » Bently cure a \X chronic dWaee* 11 kPAI IA s:'= r Fhfcpfc *nch as Kidney and Bladder troubles, EheurnKtlMß,. A?-\ airiXV£?//X Rupture. Hydrocele. Drains. Losses, etc., rndali Private i'*'' HMTR CI,!? 1 '!! r *UU Diseases, Tumors and malignant trouble*. Catarrh of tbe 1 . uniu.vuK&u. Nose, Throat, Head and Lungs. Diseases of Kye and Ear, I N. K. KING, M O. Chronic Diseases of Women, such as Displacement*, M #» Ch«'CessouTnsii Pwvmomm. Unnatural Discharges, and such weaknesses of women. us to-day regarding your condition if you are sick or afflicted. On request we B SIX? send you our literature, including symptom blank* for home treatment. ■ » < ON-LLTATION’, KXAMBiATIOS ANjy ADVICE FREE —l. ■ Ift. «se KEOiCaiCO,, Ittanta, Ga. J 3