The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, March 18, 1861, Image 2

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SEMI-WEEKLY ADVOCATE. ■■■' ' ' ‘ Marietta,- Georgia. ■ , ■ ■■ Twira 9 *• bpd—- MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1861. Cobb Superior Court. Gen. Wm. Phillips, our Solicitor General, returned this morning l from Savannah. He States that there will be no Court held the present week, Judge Rice being in Savannah as a member of the State Convention. We learn that Court will bo held next week, the second week of the term, as Judge Rice will certainly be here, if his duties in the Convention do n<jc make it absolutely necessary that he slioind re main. * f.S. Levi Q. C. McGinnis, sentenced at last term of Forsyth Superior Court, was hung at Camming on Friday last. The execution was public, by order of the Inferior Court. It is isaid that the largest crowd over assembled in the county, was in Cumming on that dav, amounting to some fifteen thousand poisons. —•> —ffiCJ...— Aew Corsa Mil!. Messrs. Jarmon & Co. have just put in ope ration, at McE'frcsh’s building, a new mill for grinding corn for customers. Tais mill will ■ ■grind 150 bushels per day, of the very best i taeal. We have nowhere seen better than was : shown us on Saturday, when we stepped in to i seethe new establishment Capt. Jarmon in*; forms us that customers from the country - i bringing in but a single bushel or a few bush- | els of corn, can have it exchanged for meal, and need not be delayed moic than five inir* ntes at any time, as a supply is kept constant ly on hand for the purpo eof accommodating the public. —wa* .<1 The Constitution Ratified. By a letter from lion. George 1). Ric..', of Saturday last, we learn that the Permanent Constitution of the Confederate States of Amo rica was adopted and ratified on that day by a unanimous vote of the Georgia Convention. As soon as it was known publicly, a salute of seven guns was fired in the city. Judge Rice, after a very careful examination, gives it as his opinion, which is no d.mbt correct, that this Constitution is the most pcifcct that the world ever saw. It is the Constitution of the United States, with such amendment as our peculiar situation and domestic institutions require. - b The Permanent Constitution. We publish, this week, the Constitution of Abe Confederate States of America, unanimous ly adopted by the Congress at .Montgomery, unanimously ratified by the Geoigia Convcn. tion, and by an almost united vote of the Ala bama Convention. As pronou .ced by the Charleston Mercury—“ taken as a win le, the Constitution for a Southern Confederacy, sub mitted to us by our Delegates at Mo: tgomery, is the best Constitution, wc believe, ever de vised by man. We are grateful for it, and can not doubt that it will long endure a monument of the wisdom, ability and pr.t.iotism of the statesmen of the South. - ’ The Tariff Bill. A despatch from Montgomery to the Char leston Mercury of the 15 h, savs : The Tariff Bill has not, as many suppose, been passed. It was simply reported by the Committee on Fi nance, and made public for the purpose of eli citing discussion of its merits. It. will not Le acted on until Congrcs . shall re a- embic. — an ♦ ♦ -« ♦ Flag Language—How our new flag of the Confederate State? is regarded abroad, mnv be judged by the following from the New Y< tk Herald : ’ The design is striking, and the flu has the merit of originality as well a> dm aliility. The upper and lower sections, comp l >i:ig the ~f lv” part, .are rod, the middle section white, whilo a blue union, containing seven sta:s in a circle, reaches from the top t > the lower red. This flag possesses an significance not pro bably comprehended by t e uninitiat ed. The blue union signifies firmness, eon.-t »m v. faith fulness ; the white, pur ty and peace ; and the red is emblematical of war. With the seven stars in the blue, this fl ig can b 1 rea l as f I lows: blue—Seven States have entered into a covenant < f Good Fai h. W.ttc—- i o pro mote the geneial welfare in tune of Peace Red—To provide a common defence in times of war. To assist the rra hr t > interpret the flag more fully, we w ukl state that in engrav ing heraldic devices it is ruleabk t > make the portions delineating blue in horiz mini line®, and red in perpendicular ones. Clocks—Ti e New Haven Clock Comt any makes 686 clocks per dav, < r 250,000 a t ear. There are 150 kinds of clocks made, and t ach contains 400 parts. The number of looms oc cupied by the workmen at this establishment, is ab >ut 100. That occupied by t! ose who paint the pivtunson the glass doors is jeal ously guarded, as that operati n is a valuable aec ret. From the Richmond Despatch. A Prospective Stampede, The Richmond Enquirer has private advices from different parts of the State, which inform it that a large number of the largest slavehold* ers in Virginia are already making prepara tions for an exodus. We havo ourselves relia ble information to the same effect. When this prospective stampede shall once become pres ent and actual, none can predict the extent to which it will be carried. Some opine that some of our largest and most flourishing agricultu ral districts will be left as desolate as the wil derness of Jamaica. Even if it shall fall far short of this, it will still involve incalculable damage to all our interests. These large quo tas of the very flower of our population rep resent much of the wealth, talent, virtue and commanding influence of the State. They will carry away from us millions of property. They will carry away from us what is far more val uable to the Slate than property —thousands and tens of thousands of busy handsj which now constitute the pioductive labor of the State. luade. We sincerely hope that, now we are a. separate people, our merchants will dis continue, as far as possible, to trade with the No:lb. Charleston and Savannah should now put forth every 7 effort to attract the trade of the Confederate States. There is, in both cities, capital sufficient. Is there the enterprise ? We shall see. If the importers and wholesale dealers in our seaports can other inducements to country merchants, they should let it be known. A word to the wise, Ac. [Anyusta Dispatch. ■—acq ♦ ♦ -t • ► pw Washington, March 14. The Senate lefused to take up Senator Dou glas' ri solution relative to the Administration’s policy in reference to the Southern fort?, aise ua Is, Ac. A resolution was adopted, ’bat whereas the -oats of Scuatorts Benjamin, Brown, Davis, Clay, Toombs and Mallory h iving become va cant, Therefore be it resolved, that the Secre tary be directed to omit their names from the roll. Washington, slarch 14. Mr Cot win declines the Mexican mission. The Supreme Court rendered a decision in the celebrated case of Mrs. General Gaines. — The decision was in her favor on every point. The secession of Louisiana does not affect the decision, as provision was made in the or dinance for such cases. It is understood that the Southern Commis sioners yesterday sent an official note to the Secretarv of State, asking for recognition, and stating that an answer would be called for to dav. The Secretary ot the Commiss'oneia ended at the St te Department to-day for a leplv. Th > response was p. request for time to consider their propositions, which was coi.c - dcd. The opinion prevails that the President w 11 refer the whole matter to the Senate for advice. It is denied in Administration circl s that any unusual naval display is to be made in S. uthorn waters. The vessels of war now in N.ithem ports, it is said, are preparing for sen, merely for transport service, as upwards of twenty-five hundred troops now in Texas are awaiting means to return Northward. —. sett—-- . New York, March 16.—-The steamship Etna, with Liverpool dates to the 17th ult., arrived here to-day. The Etna brought 8260,000 in specie. No alteration in Bank notes. In the House of Commons Lord Buxton : aid that he feaied the Southern Confederation I would revive the slave trade, at d he hoped i that the Government would not recognise it I without express stipulations against it. Mr. Shouvenal officially assured th? Ameri ! can Minister that no delegate from anv of the I ° . seceded States has been received by the Em peror or bims If. Montgomery, March 16. Ihe Convention confirmed the nominations of Distiict Judges a- follows : A. G. Magrath for South Carolina • IL R. Jackson for Geoigia, Wm. J. Jones fur Ai ibama; Wm. Lanier Harris for Mississippi ; ! Thomas J. Semmes for Louisiana; John Hcmp ' hid for Texas; Jesse J. Fiulev for Florida. McQueen Mclntosh to be Judge of the Ad ■ nihaltv t'onit at Key WCM ; David Hubbard, '■ f Alabama, Commissioner of Indian Affairs; ; Alexander B. Cliitherall, of Alabama, Register l of the Treasury ; Bolling Baker, of Georgia. Auditor of the Treasury. Mo:.TOoMi.RY. March 16 —The Convention adopted a resolution to adjourn on Wednesday next. An Ordinance was also passed altering the free banking act —it substitutes the Stocks of tbe Confederate States for United States Stock® and allows the issue of two tor one ; neither foreign < itisens nor corporations are allowed to hold the Stocks. • Two members of Congress were elected to supply vacancies caused by resignation, viz 11. C. Jones, of Lauderdale, and Nich Davis, of Madison. Brigadier General. Mr Editor: —Please announce the name of Col. F. W. CAPERS as a candidate for Briga" ■.. . ° i dier General of the First Brigade 11th Divis- ion, G. M., and oblige many voters. DRUGS, MEDICINES &c. f®- IF YOU I ANT of the K.-C. i Family or Patent ■2” HEDI Cll E S : of the day, call or send your orders to IIAMMKTT & GROVES, inar7 North side Public Square. 1861 NEW YEAR!! 1861 HLAMMI&TT (North Side Public Square.) Il 9 holesale and Biel all OfiUGBiSTS, ABI CT TA, GEO 1 7 HAVE’, a large and well selectc.l Stock of Drugs, Hardware, Perfumery, Stationery, Toys, Teas, Soaps, Sugars, Chewing Tobacco, &c., &c. All of which will be sold low down for We are thankful for past patronage and solicit a ccntinuanceof thesaine. HAMMIvTT A GROVES. DR. SWEET’S INFAL IB L E LIN2M EN T ® THE GREAT EXTERNAL lIEMEDY, For Pdieumatism, Gout, Neuialgia, Lumbago, Sti-1 Neck a'.d Joints, Strains. Bruises, Cuts and Wounds, riles, llet?4'?che, and all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders. ZT-. S/cp/tC)! Sweet, of C’oiijtcclicut, The great natural Bone Setter. I ~ r~' ' ~~~ ' - L•" . "7. ~~T J>i\ Stephen Sweety o f Cunnectlcv.t, Is known ail over the United States. J)r Stephen Sweet, q/" Connect 'wnt, Is the author of “ Dr. Sweet’s infallible Liniment.” AiCiV-As 1 Infallible Loioncut , Cures Rheumatism and never fails. ])i‘. Sier fn In fallible Lluimeiit . Is a certain remedy tor Neuralgia. ])r. Swift's Ijipillible Loument ( ni es Burns and Sc Ids immediately. 7>/ - . Sweet's Infallible Liniment i Is the best known remedy foi Sprains and Bruises. />/•. Niwc/C [nfalllble Liniment Cures Headache immediately and was never known to fail. Dr. Sweet's Infallible .Liniment Affords immediate relief for P ies, and seldom fails to cure. JDr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Jin Sa (< t's Inj'allible Liniment Cures Cuts au l Wounds immediately and leaves no sea r. Dr. Sweets's Infallible Liniment Is truly a friend in need,” and every familj' should have it at hand. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy ior Sores in the known world. />/■. Sweet's Inj ibb. Liniment I ILis been used by more than a million people, ami all J pmi--- it REFINED SUGARS. ;jt) I'.bbls P< ; tied s A. B, C, and Crushed, on j hand for sale by j fob 92 ’ WM. ROOT & SON. MARBLE DEALER® MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEAD STONES, MANTELS, IVrr.s anti t'aritishiitg •Warble. J.FAI- >. Iron Kailing for Cemetery Enclosures j_£ South of the Georgia Railroad Depot, j. u 9 1 y AILA X TA, G EORf HA. MESSRS. PAGE HALEY, Ib speetfudy < all the attention of the public to their stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS! lust received from Charleston Almost every article usual;/ kept in a Diy Goods Store may la? found. STAPLE and FANCY 3 3 Y 3 3 3 3. SHOES, BOOTS, HATS, CAPS, BON N ETS, C LOT 11J NG, Crockery, Glass Ware and Cutlery. Call and see our Stock before buying elsewhere. Prices will be ma le to correspond with the haiduess of the times. Store next door tu D. M. Vonng. Oct 12 ISHOtf PAGE & HALEY. POTATOES. i Choiec Pink Eye i i Choice Peach Blow, , Fo'atoes. T v ®als b- » W HOOT A SON. LEGAL NOTICES Choice Fruit Trees. TTIHE undersigned is prepared to furnish the very J. best varieties of tine fihit trees from his Nur sery near Marietta. Otders t trough the Post Office will be promptly attended to. Marietta, Ga—Feb 19 N B HARDEN, i Cherokee Sheriff’s Sales. WILL BE SOLD before the Court Home door in the town of Canton, on the first Tuesday in April 18G1, within the legal hours of sale, the following ing property, viz. Lets of land Nos. 151, 223, 224, 280, 281 and 296, in the 15th District, 2d section Cherokee county, lev ied on to satisfy a fi fa from Cherokee Superior Court, in favor of Herbert Fielder for the use of Wm. P. White vs Wm. 11. Smith, principal, and Griffin Greg ory and S. W. Hillhouse securities. Levied on as the property of said Griffin Gregory. Also, one engine and fixtures, being used for a saw mill by Mr. Sewell, near James ILiggeriy’s, in said county. Levied on as the property of J B O’Neal, to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by T II Hogan. T C of Cherokee countv. and pointed out by him. Canton, Feb 26, 1861. BEA J. HILL, Sh'ff. CT_EORG a A, Pauldisig Cossisty :-Whereas A5 "William Jones,Administrator of Joseph M. Sim mons, dOoedsed, applies to me for letters ot dismission from said Administration. These aie therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office on the first Monday in September next to show cause, if any they havo, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office, this Feb 18,1861. Feb 22-6 m ’ MILES EDWARDS, Ord’y. P luOltGE 1, Cobb Cossnty. --Whereas A N i vT Du Pre applies to me in writing for let ers of Ad ministration on the estate of John Pharr, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and | singular those concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office on or before the Ist Mon day in April next, otherwise letters of administra tion will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for sairl comity Given under my hand and official signature, this 20tfi Feb. 1861. ’ JNO. G. CAMI’BHLL. Ord’y. C 4 c o r g iC«>bb CoimJy.—Whe.eas, F.d- war J Mayes applies to me, in wiiting, and as a friend of the deceased, for letters of administration on the estate of Martha Maloney, late of said county, de ceased. 'Lhcsc are therefore to cite anil admonish, all and singular, th 1 kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office on or before the first .Monday in April next, other wise letters of adminis:ration will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand and official signature, this 20tir Feb. 1861. ‘ JNO. G. CAMPBELL. Ord’y. Executor’s Sa’e. f)Y virtu? of an order from the Hon. the Court of ) Ordinary of Cobb county w ill be sold on the 20th of March instant, between the legal hour's of stile, all the perishable property of Charles .1. McDonald, late of said county deceased. Sale wi 1 take place at the lute residence. A. S. ATKINSON, MarS bl TIIOS. M. KIRKPATRICK, Exec CEOIIGJ Cobb Cminti/. % t,-' HERE YS, John Malo- cy. as son in-law of de- V » ceased, applies to me in waiting for letters of Administrator on the estate oi Lcandei Aikins, late of said county, deceased. '1 lies- are t hei •lei-c f . < i.'c uuJ adiuonisli nt! and singular those concerned to file their o!>je lions, if anj’ the.v have, in my office, on or beforethe first Mon day in May next, ofn rwise letter's of A Iministration will tie granted the applicant at that term o! the court of < trdinary for said county. Given under my hand at '•larietfa. this March 0.1861 mai6-30d JNO. G. CAAIPBLLL, Or’dy. AclmissEJralos's Naic. A G lIEEABLV to an or ler of the ( onrt of Ordinary of Cobb county, will be sold at the Court House in the city of Marietta, on th ■ first Tue ; ; |.iy of A| fi.l next, within the legal hours of -ale, the following lands to wit ; about <>nc him lied and thirty acres ol lot number seven, and about seven or eieht acres off ot lot numb' r eight, in th" 2 th district in said coun ty. Said lands lying adjoining .AcworHi, and being well improved. >"l4 as the proper' \ of W'ashinnton Drummond. Lite of .-aid county de,ceased, and for the benefit of the: heirs and creditors of said deceased.- ■ Terms, made known on the dav of sale, J. T. HAMLLTON. ) , , . ELIZABETH DHUMMoND. j A<!inr H - Feb. 11 1861.—tds, OTATE OF Gid'HOIA, FOItSYIH COUNTY O Whereas, A. G. Hutchins. A.dininistrator of Itobert- Son Wood, represents to the Com t in his petition, du ly filed and i.'iitered on record, that lie has fully ad minis'f d Leberton Wood’c< estate : '1 his is, the refore, tocite all persohs know n as <■' < 4- itois, tosh iw cause if any they can. wbv s.ifil aUniin i.- trat< r should n ■( !,<■ <l:-ch,ii'u<'d from his adm.'nistra Hon. and receive lette s of dismi>>.-ioii on tlic fir. 4 .Monday in June next, J-ul. dec. 7, 1860. If, BARKER. Ord’y. Raymon Sanford A A SNI, to foiv< lose Turn/iUi If. Sanford, I Mortuau ■ in Che.okce Snpcri vs i or Ouurt <m lots of land Nos. A. J. Bruce. - 529 and 830 both in the 2d district <4 the 24 section of said county '1 he ■ efend ant is heieby notified to app-ar at the next 'Ferm of tl.e Sujx rioi ( urt and make' Hi defence t<> said rule fifany he hast and on failure so to do. a rule absolute will be taken in -a'd • ■ ise am! execution iss led accor dingly. Ihis Vlth Oct. 1860. J R. BROWN, Plffs Att y. GEO lIG IA, Forsyth Cminty : TV.’ OTICE is 1 Lx that I have admini tercd on the e-statc of Sun : n> I Edmonson, late <>f this county eleccascel, ami all persons having el< niaials auain-l -.-id < ta'e, ran pre sent them to me within the time limit I by law, and those-owinn said e state- are requiretl to pay up uccon dingly. as the .statutes require. MTLLI.IM D. BENTLEY, oct!2 1860 Adm r ofSunl Edmonson. rVo.tice. GIZOICCmI A, Cobb County.— All p'-rsons in debted t<> the < stat-- -jt Reuben limn- y.late of said county.dec’<Lare notified to make immediate payment; and tho-e having demands auainst said e.-tate, are requested to pres-nt tin rn to the undersigned properly attested. wi bin the time preseri bed l,v jaw. March 6, 1861-tiw W. W. CARRELL, Adm’r. Aotice. months after dute application will be made to the (Jourt of Ordinary of Cobb county, for leave- to self the lane! belonging to th.- estate ot Reuben Rumsey, late of Cobb county, decea sed, for the benefit of the he-irs anti err ditor of said de v’/ L , . w. W. CARRELL, Ad'mr. March 6,18 bl Bni. Notice. TWO months after date application will be made to ' the Honorable Court of Or-linary of Cobb county ’or leave to s--ll the land belonging to the r-tate r-f N.! H ■ * ■ : ; creditors of said d-.eas-d, March 61861 W. w. < ARRELL. Adm r, LEGAL NOTICES. GBORGI A, Cobb County : Anton Bessinger i In thy Superior Court, Present vs. L the Hon. Geo. D. Rice, Jude Michto 1 Holler, j of said Court. Mortgage &c. September Term, 1860. IT appearing to the Court by the petition of Anton Bessinger (accompanied by the note and mortgage deed,) that on the first day of January 1°59, the de fendant made and delivered to the plaintiff his prorn isory note bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby the defendant promised one day after date thereof to pay the plaintiff or bearor the sum of eight hundred and five dollars for value received, and that afterwards, on the fourteenth day of March 1860 the defendant the better to secure the payment of said note, executed and delivered to the plaintiff his deed of .Mortgage, whereby the said defendant mortgaged to the plaintiff. City lot in flic city of Marietta, Cobb coifnty, Georgia, known as the Cooper’s shop lot con taining one-half acre more or less, and it further ap pearing that said note remains unpaid. It is there fore ordered that said defendant do pay into Court on or before the fust day of the next term thereof the principal, interest ami costs due on said note or show cause to the contrary if any he can. And that on failure of the defendant so to do the equity of redemp tion in and to said mortgaged premises be for ever thereafter barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered that this rule be published in the ‘‘ Marietta Advocate” once a month for four months previous to the next term of this court or served on the defend ant or his special agent or attorney, at least three months previous to the next term of this court. nov27-4in GEO. D RICE, Judge S. C. Regina B. Holley, ) for DIVOKCIE, VS. r IN Jackson I*. Holley ) Cotib Supei ior Court. IT 1 eing made appear to the Court by the retain of the Sheriff, that the defendant, Jackson B. llol.ey is not to be found in Cobb county, and it further ap pearing by satisfactory evidence that said defendant is out of the limits of the State of Georgia: It is ordered by the Court that said defendant ap pear at the n<-xt term of this Court to be held on the third Monday in March next, to answer said libel, and that this rule be published cnee a month for four months in the Marietta ” Advocate,” a public G ette of.saiJ State, ahd that such public' tion be deemed and adjudged legal ami sufficient service of the cita tion in said case on the said defendant. This the 19tb day of September 1860. GEO. D. RICE, Judge SC 1 do hereby certify the above to be a true copy of the minutes of said Court in said case. Sept. Term, 1860. mini J. M. BARNWELL, Clerk. 6-1 JEOESIG BA, <'hvrokce County.— Whereas Mary Conner, adm’rx of the estate of John Conner, deceased applies for letters of dismission from said ad ministration.- 1 hese are therefore to cite ami admonish all per sons- concerned to file their objections (if any they have) within the time prescribed by law why said let ters should not be granted. Dec. 16 1860. JAMES JORDAN, Ord’y. pLOT! 14 U ;—Two months after date application Li wili be made to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the es tate ot Hardy .Mitchel!, deceased, for the benefit of the Iniis and creditors es said deceased. ’lbis Jaa-iCO 1801. JOHN MITCHELL, ) r , HENRY MI’ICHELL, | ’** AT CHAMBERS, Feb’y 1, 1801. Kitty A. F-hockman, ) Libel fob Divorce, vs. - Cobb Suporioi’ James I’. 1 ’iiock.m an, ) Court. “ T appearing to the Court that Hie defendant, Janus i! I’ Brockman resides mu yt the limits of this State. ft is on motion of Counsel ordered that sa-d defend ant upper ami answer at the next of this Court, and ami in default thereof, plaintiff be allowed to proceed, ami that this Rule he published •in the Advoratc weekly until rhe third .Mondav in March aext. GEORGE 1). RICE, J. S. C. Eeb’y tc. i F.ORGI A Pauhliug Comity.— Where X. "3" a-, H: irv Lester,Administrator of the estate <>'f Henry i’ltlmer, deceased, applies to me for Lefttfs of Dismission from said Adiffinistration These are therefore to cite ami admonish all persons concerned, to be ami appear at my office, by the first .Monday in .May m xt, to show cause, (if any they have.) why said Letters of Dismission should not be granted the applicant. Gun mi dcr my hand at Office, this Oct. 29th iB6O MILES EDWARDS Ord’ry. CoS>b JUoi'Lvagn SBieriff t F/ 11 L BE SOLD on the fir t Tutsdav in April V V next before the Com t House d< or ki the City 0 M.-riefta, between ihe Legal houis ci sale, the fol lowing property’to-wit : One mgro m'an by the mime of Charles, about 85 years old of yellow- complexion, levied on to- satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of David Dobbs vs S W Bentley ami his wife Frames Bentley. Property point ed out. in said mortgage fi fa. febl -tds J. F. McCLESKY, Sh’ff. VOI Jo)',. -All persons having demands against the 1\ c. rate of Hardy Mitchel), deceascil, are requested to pre.-eiit th» ni properly attested to the undersigned within the I'm e prescribe I by Jaw, ami those indebt ed io said estate lire required to make immediate pay ment. '1 hi Jan 30,1861. JOHN MITCHELL,) P HENRY MITCHELL, f ~,xia f J.EORQIA, Pattlding Comity.— \ X Whereas. A G Bulloch, Administrator of the k.'iate oi Napoleon A Lester, deceased, applies tome foi I ' liens <>t <1 ..-lai.-.sion from said Ailministriition. i These are therefore to cite and admonish all pcr- I sons concerm.-d to he and appear at my office by the 1 -4 Momla v it> August next to show cause,if anv they have, why said letters should not be granted the ap l plicant. Given undei my hand at office this January 30th, • I'4. AIILES EDWARDS, Ordinary. <j«KOR<3IA, C’lierokee County* —Whereas \\ illiarn Gilstrap, guardian of Jane I’raten applies for letters of dismission from hiss.i l guardianship. '1 L< o’ are therefore to notify all per ons concerned Jo file iheir objections (if any they have) within the time pres< ribed by law why said letters should not be grunb d the applicant. 16-th Dec. iB6O. JAMES JORDAN, Ord’y. OTICE.— AII j f-rsons indebted to the estate Li of Isaac How li. deceased, aie hereby required to make immediate n; yment, ami all those having demands against said estate a: e requested to present them properly attested, to the und -isigned, in terms of the law. H. P. HOWELL, Feb 4 1861 Administrator. I ’ lIOSSGI.I, Cobb Coilialy Whereas John ' L Roberts, Guardian of Laura Wellborn, applies to rue for letters ol dismissionfrom said Guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and simrui ir those concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office on or before the first Mon day in .May next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary foi said county. Given under m’v hand and official signature, this March 6 1861. t-lOd) JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ord’y. fl" y<*orgia Cherokee County. Wheie- AT .is Fr-im is Hill adruinist'-atrix on the estate of Bit iville Hill, applies lor letters of dismission from sai d athn i nis t rat ion. These are therefore to cite and admonish all per :-on • <'o:i<.i rn' 1 to tile their objections, if any they have, on or before the 2d Monday in .May next, why said letters should not be grant- I the applicants nov2’6om6m JAMES JORD.4N, Ord’y.