Newspaper Page Text
inferior judicatories by writ of certiorari, and
to grant new trials in the Superior Court on
proper and legal grounds,
8. It shall have power to issue writsof man
damus, proljjbition, scire facias, and all other
writs which may be ncccessary for carrying its
powers fully into effect.
9. The Superior and Inferior Courts shall
have concurrent jurisdiction in all other civil
causes; which shall be tried in the ccunty
where the defendant resides.
10. In cases of joint obligors or joint prem
iss >rs or Copartners, or joint trespassers residing
in different counties, the suit may be brought
in cither county.
11. tn case of a maker and indorser or indor
’ sers of promissory notes residing in difle ent
counties in this State, the same may be sued in
the county where the maker resides.
12. The Superior and Inferior Couits shall
sit in each county twice in every your, at such I
stated times as have been or may be appointed
by the General Assembly.
Sec. 3. 1. The judges shall have salaries
adequate to their services fixed by law, which
shall not be diminished during their contin
uance in office; but shall not receive any other
perquisites or emoluments whatever, from par
tics or others, on account of any duty required
of them.
2. There shall be a State’s Attorney and So
licitors appointed in the same manner as the
judges of the Supreme Court an 1 commissioned
by the Governor; who shall hold their offices
for the term of four years, or until their stices
sors shall be appointed and qualified, unless re
moved by sentence on impeachment, or by the
Governor, on the address of two-thirds of each
branch of the General Assembly. They shall
have salaries adequate to their services fixed by
law, which shall not be diminished during then
continuance in office.
3. The Justices of the Inferior Courts shall
be elected in each county by the persons en
titled to vote for members of the General As
4. The Justices of the Peace shall be elected
in each district by the persons entitled to vote
for members of the General Assembly.
5. The powers of a Court of Ordinary and of
Probate, shall be vested in an Ordinary for each
county, from whose decision there may be an
appeal to the Superior Court,under regulations
prescribed by law. The ordinary sha'l be er
officio clerk of said Court, and may appoint a
deputy-clerk. The ordinary, as clerk, or his
deputy may issue citations and grant tempora
ry letters of administration, to hold until per
manent letters are granted; and said ordinary,
as clerk, or his deputy, may grant mairiage
license. The ordinaries in and for the res, cc
tive counties shall bo elected, as other coun’v
officers are on the first Wednesday in January.
1864, and every fourth year thereafter, and
shall be comm ssioncd by the Governor for the
term of four years. In case of any vacancy of
said office of ordinary, from any cause, the s une
shall be filled by election, as is provided in
relation to other county officers, and until the
same is filled, the Clerk of the Superior Court
for the time being-shall act as clerk of said
Court of Ordinary.
1. The electors of members of the General
Assembly shall be free white ina'e citizens of
this State ; and shall have attained the age of
twenty-one years; and have paid all taxes
which may have been required of them, and
which they have had an opportunity of paying,
agreeably to law, for the year preceding the
election ; and shall have resided six months
within the district or county.
2. All elections by the General Assembly
shall be viva voce, and whim the Senate
and House of Representatives unite for the pur
pose of electing, they shall meet in the Repre
sentative chamber, and the President of the
Senate shall in such cases preside, and declare
the person or persons elected.
3. In all elections by the people, the e’cc
tors shall vote by ballot, until the General As
sembly shall otherwise direct.
4. All civil officers sh ill c mtinue in the ex
ercise of the duties of their several offices, du
ring the periods for which they were appointed,
or until they shall be superseded by appoint
ments made in conformity with this Constitu
tion ; and all laws now in force shall continue
to operate, so far as lhev are comp itib’e with
this Constitution, until they shall expire, be
altered or repealer) ; and it shall be the duty of
the General Assembly to puss a?l necessary
laws and regulations for carrying this Consti
tution into full effect.
5. All militia and countv officers shall be
elected by the people in sirrh manner as the
General Assembly may by law direct.
6. I his Constitution shall be amended o.jfv
by a Convention ot the people calle 1 f>r that
7. This Constitution shall not t ike effect un
til the same is rat tied by the people. And to
this end, there shall be an election held at al
the places of public election in this State on
the Ist Tuesday in July, 1861, when all the
citizens of this State entitled to vote for Gov
eroor, shall cast their ballots e thcr for “ Ratiti
cation” or “No Ratification.” The election
shall be conducted in the -amc manner as gen
eral elections, and the returns shall be made to
the Governor. It a majority of the votes oust
shall be for Ratification, the Governor shall by
proclamation decline ’his Constitution adopted
bv the people. But if for No Ratification, that
fact shall be proc aimed by the Governor, and
this Constitution shall have no effect what-
Done in Convention of the Delegates of the j
people of the State of Georgia, at Savannah, on
the 23d dav of March, in the year of our L id
eighteen hundred and sixty-one.
In testimony whereof t'e President of said
Convention has hereunto set his han 1, and
caused the same to be attested by the Secreta
ry thereof.
Attkst f A. R Lamar, Sec’y.
\VaßH!!»gtox, April 2 —The Government
loan was taken to day at about 93 J. Nearly
thirty millions were bid tor.
®ljc CUniKalc.
For the Advocate.
Mr. Editor : a writer over the signature of “ Via
tor,” has been indulging the public, through the col
umns of “ The Southern Field an I Fireside,” with
imitations of the “ Raven” of Poe, which he tells us
are given by one Mr. Harris in New York City, as
centime communications of Edgar A. Poe himself, he,
Harris, being only the spiritual medium of their
communication to the dwellers on this mundane
sphere. After reading the two Communications of
“ Viator” I was mvself made the medium of commu
nicating the following verses. Whose spirit it was
that favored me with this duty, I cannot possibly
say; if I may conjecture, I would say it was the spir
it of all the true master Poets combined, though the
form of expression is that of Poe. If you think them
worthy an insertion in your paper, you can give them,
and commend them to the notice of that truly ster
ling Sou'hern Journal, ‘ The Southern F Id and
Fireside.” L.
By my lonely fireside sitting.
Shadows o’er the wall came flitting,
Shadows that disturb’d my thought, and shook my
soul to its core ;
Presently, without dissolving.
But into one shape resolving,
A demon form they took that settled near me, right
From beyond the Stygian shore.
Then with eyes into mine staring.
Look of ancient wisdom wearing,
The shape fantastic marked a spot his own upon the
floor ;
When, w'tli perception curious,
And my passion growing furious,
I asked him, “if ’twas his intent to turn me out of
door ? ’
And a deep, big oath I swore.
But his digits gently waving,
As if my indulgence craving,
The figure answered me—“ that no such ill design he
bore ;
But from Aidcnn’s mystic poital
He cam ; to this planet mortal
The light of Truth upon the blind and ignorant to
An errand kind— nothing more.”
'l’hen my sudden wrath restraining,
I said, my wonted self regaining,
‘‘Tell me, is there pow’r the dead to Earth's regions
to restore ?
Or, can spirits once departed
Back hither again be started
By spell or incantation human lips may mutter o’er?
Tell, or leave me evermore.”
With a look of hopeless sadness
That had never tasted gladness,
The demon figure shivered in his pl up >:i th Jfl> >r ;
Then with eyes into mine staring,
Look of ancient wisdom wearing,
'Die vague and mystic shape a more resplendent bright
ness wore,
As he answered Neverhork. ”
“Then the tale that is narrated,
And the verses imitated,
Os Poo, th it Mr. Harris on oi l M.mhattm shore.
Are not any whi t deserving
Os any sane man’s observing
Who hath regard for Truth and what Truth only doth
assure ?
Only a lie—nothing morel”
With a start almost Icarian,
And a shudder quite Tartarean.
Shudder thaCsympathetic rm my own being o’er an I
The weir 1 figure quick departed.
Leaving me bale and, lone-b cartel,
But left a sad Io >k. as though my question he did de
As he anffwe ed—“ Everm re.”
- » -< -► • ♦ln
Mit. Editor —In the general amalgam ition
of old party material which now prevails, it is
difficult to foresee, how public opinion is to be
sufficiently concentrated upon men to fill the
stations appointed by the constitution of the
Confederate States. Are we t > have a gener
al scramble ? Are we to have nominations
bv conventions I or have we men am mg us
whose qualifications and previous distinguish
ed services place them so conspicuously be
fore the public as to leave little doubt as to
where oar choice is due ? It is time to ponder
on these things as pertaining to the next
general election.
Among the offices to be filled, stands quite
prominently a Representative in the first (’in
gress from this, the Eighth Congressional Di--
trict, in reference to which I beg leave to sug
gest that the people of Cobb County would be
gratified if th ’.' could secure the services of
the Hom ralde Lucius J. Gaktrell.
This gentleman was elected by a large ma
jority to the old Coirgres* f->r a term which the
secess : on of Georgia forbade him to fulfil. —
\\ hen the edict of withdrawal was announced,
I believe he was the first to vacate his seat in
Congress. No man fought more persistently
against the perpetration of the wrongs which
have driven Georgia from the Union, and when
they were consummated in the triumph of aboli
-1 tionism, none adopted more heartily her chosen
“measure of redress.’’ In Congress he has
renderd the most faithful servi e to bis constit
cuts; be has won hoi.orable distinction for him
self and ha*' contributed largely to the vindica
tion of Southern lights and honor. Ever fore
most in the State Rights ranks he took un
compromising ground lor the South against
its foes of every grade, braving the Black Re
publicans and scorning the c unpro r ise of the
Squatter Sovereigns; in short, no man hat been*
more true to Southern interesti and rights than
our late Representative, and now in the hour
of triumph and independence, we should re
member those whose energies have been de
voted to our cause. Let us then with one ac
cord, elect him to perfect, in the new Congress,
the career which was so suddenly abridged by
our secession act. It is the adopted policy of
om new Republic to compensate those who have
made sacrifices for its establishment, and it
will doubtless be the pleasure of a greatfnl
constituency to recognize those who have been
faithful to their trusts. At least I believe such
is the sentiment of Cobb County.
1 ICL ;— 1 wo months after date application
will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb
county for leave to sell the lands belonging' to tho es
tate of Job Steward, deceased, for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors es said deceased. This April 1
1861. JOHN GANN, Adm’r de bonis non, ’
with the will annexed,
TWO MONTHS after date application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb county for
leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of
Charles Clet, late of said county dec’d., for the bene
fit of the heirs and creditors of s tid deceased.
April 1, 18G1-30J
(IKOIWIA, Forsyth County: — -Wheresa
" Julia A. E. Boyd Administratrix of William Boyd
preresents to the Court in her petition duly filed and
entered on record, that she has fully administered
William Boyd’s estate. This is therefore to cite all
persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show
cause, if any they can. why- said administratrix should
not be discharged from her administration and re
ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in May
next. nov3o-Gm 11. BARKER, Ord’y.
MONTHS after date application will be
JL made to the Ordinary of Pickens county at
the first reguar term after expiration of two months
from this nolice, for leave to sell the lands belonging
to the estate of Albert G. Faucett, late of said county
deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of
said deceased.
March 4-12 LOVICIA. FAUCETT, Adin’x.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having de
mands against Albert Faucett, late of said county,
deceased, to present them to us properly made out,
wi bin the time prescribed by layv, so as to show their
character and amount. And all persons indebted to
sai l deceased are hereby required to make immediate
payment. WILLIAM E. PADGETT, Adm’r.
March 4-12 LOVICIA FAL'UEIT, Adm’x.
Raymon Sanford ft . NBSfi, to foreclose
Turman H. Sanford, I Mortgage in Cherokee Superi
vs ( or Court on lots of land Nos.
A. J. Bruce. ' 829 and 830 both in the 2d
district of the 2'l section of said county The defend
ant is hereby 7 notified to appear at the next Term of
the Superioi C urt and make his defence to said rule
(if any’ he has) and on failure so to do. a rule absolute
will be taken in -aid case and execution issued accor
dingly. This 21tb Oct. 1860. J. 11. BROWN,
Pill s Att v.
GEORGIA, Cobb Cvuntt/.
HE-REJohn Maloney, as son in-law of de-
I v v ceased, applies to me in yvriting for letters of
I Administrator on the estate of Leander Aikins, late
i of said comity, deceased.
These are therefore to cite ami admonish all ami
singular those concerned to tile their objections, if
any they have, in my office, on or beforethe first Mon
day in May next, otherwise letters of Administration
will be granted the applicant at that term of the court
of Ordinary for said county.
Given under my hand at Marietta, this March 6,1861
mar 6 30d JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Or'dy.
EORGIA, Paulding County.
\ JT Whereas, A G Bulloch, Administrator of the
Estate of Napoleon A Lester, deceased, applies tome
for Letters of dismission from said Administration.
These are then-lore to cite and admoni h all per
sons concerned to be and appear at my office by the
Ist Monday in August next to show cause.if any they
have, why said letters should not be granted the ap
Given under my hand at office this January 30th,
i 1861. MILES EDWARDS, Ordinary.
p BOBGIA, Cobb County Wheretis J 1 n
I ’X Rols-rts, Guardian < f Laura Wellborn, applies to
| me for letters ol dismissionfrom said Guardianship.
These are then fore to cite and admonish all and
I singular those crrn 'crned. to tile their objections, if
I any they have, in my office on or before the first Mon
! day in May next, otherwise letters of dismission
I will be granted the applicant at that term of the
Court of Ordinary fol s ml county.
Given umb rmy hand and oiiieial sisrnatnre. this
March (• Pul. (40d) JNO. G. CAMIU’.ELL, < Ini y.
("1 corgi a Cherokee Cons Hy. W.’ieie-
J! as 1-Tancis Hill administ'atrix on the estate of
I Binlville Hill, applies for letters of dismission from
! said administration.
These are therefore to cite and admoni-h all per
sons concerned to tile their objections, if any they'
have, on or before the 2d Monday in May next, why;
I said letters should not be granted the applicants-
1 nov’J'<’>«llll' >:i JAMES .!• UH bl N. Oi Iy.
(i i-oruiih Cobb Cwiinl y Al:
JI O. Ifiivs applies to me, in wiitiug, and as a
' friend of the decease i. for fitters of adminisliation on
i the estate of Allen T. Meadiam, late of said county, de
| ceased.
These are therefore to < rte and admonish, all ami
' singular, th • kindred ami cieditors of said decease'! i
' to tile their objections, if any tin y have, in my ofii< e j
on or before the first Monday in .May next, other |
I wise fitters of adminis ration will be gran ed th<-;
applicant at that term of the Court of Urdin..iy fm I
said county. ... , . I
Given under my hand an 1 official siirnature. this
I 18th March. 1861.' -IN'>, <; CAMPBELL. Ord y.
Cieorgirt. Cobb County. Wl
Whitlock applies to nu- for letters of guardianship
over the persons ami pioperty <»f George G . Albert
I Y . and Janies P. Leake, orphans of M iliiam Leake, ;
. late of South Carolina, deceased.
T1 cse are therefore to cite and require all per ons I
concerned to be and appear at my office by the fir-t j
Mond'y in May next. t<> show cause >if any they
have: why said letters should not be arranted Um ,ap J
I plieant. Given under my hand at office, this 18th j
of March, 1861.
J\O. G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary.
&KCRRGI CbbbCouuty.-
II Glover applies to me f> r letters of ‘ • uardi inship ,
over the person and propertv of James 8.. AnuiJo
seph. Jane L . Maria. Edward and Diomas W. Glover,
orphans of John H Glover, decease L
These are therefore to cite an I require all persons i
concerned to lie and appear aj my office bv the first
Monday in Miv next to show cause, ii any they (
have, why -ai 1 letters should not l>e granted the ap-1
Given under my hand at office, this March
JOHN G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary. ■
10,000 FINE SEGA RS,
( Fm gale by HAMMETT & GROVES.
Cobb Mortgage Sheriff Sales.
WILL BE SOLI) on the first Tuesday in April
next before the Com t House door in the City
of Marietta, between the Legal hours ot sale, the fol
lowing property to-wit:
One negro man by’ the name of Charles, about 35
years old of yellow complexion, levied on to satisfy
a mortgage ti fa in favor of David Dobbs vs S W
Bentley and his wife Frances Bentley. Property point
ed out in said mortgage li fa.
febl-tds ‘ J. F. McdLESKY, Sh’ff.
CkEOROIA, Cherokee County.— Whereas
Mary Conner, adm’rx of the estate of John Conner,
deceased applies for letters of dismission from said ad
These are therefore to cite and admonish all per
sons concerned to file their objections (if any they
have) within the time prescribed by’ law why said let
ters should not be granted. Dec. 16 1860.
Cherokee Sheriff’s Sa!es.
WILL BE SOLI) before the Court Hou e door in
the town of Canton, on the first Tuesday in April
1861, w ithin the legal hours es sale, the following
ing property, viz.
Lets of land Nos. 151, 223, 221, 280, 281 and 296,
in the 15th District, 2d section Cherokee county, lev
ied on to satisfy’ a fi fa from Cherokee Superior Court,
in favor of Herbert Fielder for the use of Wm. P.
White vs Wm. IT. Smith, principal, and Griffin Greg
ory and S. W. Hillhouse securities. Levied on as the
property of said Griffin Gregory.
Also, one engine and fixtures, being used for a
saw mill by Air. Sewell, near James Haggeriy’s, in
said county. Levied on as the property of J B O'Neal,
to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by T H Hogan. T C of
Cherokee county, and pointed out by him.
Canton, Feb 26, 1861. BENJ. RILL, Sh’ff.
GEORGIA, Forsyth County:
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interestjd
that I have administered on the estate of Sam
uel Edmonson, late of this county deceased, and all
persons having demands against ssid estate, can pre
sent them to me within the time limited by law, and
those owing said estate are required to pay up accor
dingly, as the statutes require.
octi 2 iB6O Adin'r. of Sami Edmonson.
G EORGIA, Paiihliug County :-Whereas
William Jones, Administrator of Joseph M. Sim
mons, deceased, applies to me for letters ot dismission
from said Administration. These are therefore to cite
and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear
at my office on the first Monday in September next to
show cause, if any they have, why said letters should
not be granted the applicant.
Given under my hand at office, this Feb 18,1861.
Feb 22-6 m MILES EDWARDS, Ord’y.
fpWO months after date application will he riirlde to
I JL the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Cobb county
j tor leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of N.
■ 11. Campbell, dec’d, tor the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deceased.
March 61861. W. W. CARRELL, Adm’r.
AdmiMistrator’s Sale.
A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary
ZA. of Cobb county, will be sold at the Court House
in the city of Marietta, on the first Tuesday of April
■ next, within the legal hours of sale, the following
lands to wit : about one hundred and thirty acres of
lot number seven, and about seven or eight acres off
of lot number eight, in the 2'th district in said coun
ty. Said ’an Is lying adjoining Acworth, and being
well improved. Sold as the property of Washington
Drmmnond. late of said county deceased, and for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of sai l deceased. —
Terms, made known on the day of sale,
J. T. IIAMELTON, j . , .
Feb. 11 1861.—tds,
I . .__ --4
-0 Whereas, A. G. Ilutchins,AdmU’strator of Robe i
son Wood, repres .is t > the Cou. t in Ids petition, a
ly filed and entered a record, that he has fully ad
-minis’ed Rcberton Wood’cs estate :
This ij, therefore, tocite all persons known as cred
itors, to show cause if any they can, why said admin
; istratcr should not be discharged from hisadministra
tion. and receive letters of dismission on the first
Monday in -lune next, 1861.
dec. 7, 1860. 11. BARKER. Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Cobb Coiniiy.— All persons in
debted to the estate of Reuben Rumsey,late of said
county,dec’d.are notilied to make immediate payment;
and those having demands against 'said estate, are
requested to present them to the Undersigned properly
attested, wi hin the time prescrib'd bylaw.
M irch 6, 1861 Gw .W. W. CARRELL, Adm’r.
GEOEJtiS A. Psutißdiug County*—Wh
as O E. Brintlt and Milly J- Brintleapply to me for
letters of Admini itration it; on the estate of A, G.
Brintle, latcofsaal county deceased.
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred ami creditors of <aid dec’d, to
tile their objections, if any they have, by the first
Moral ay in Alai- next, why sai 1 letters should not be
grant d the applicant.
Given under rnv hand at office, this March 25.1861.
OTECEl— persons indebted to the estate of
Lx John T. Jacobs, deceased, are hereby re
quested to make immediate payment ; and those hav
ing demands against said < stat - will present them
properly attested in terms of the law, to the under
signed. THOS. G. JACOBS, Adot'r.
March 21st, IRGI .-."AI _ __
’K’ <>Tl<' 16. \' 1 ir- ’us iud bted to the ■
Lx of Isaac Howell, deceased, ate hereby required
to make immediate payment, and all those having
demands against said estate a e requested to present
tm-in properly attested, to the undersigned, in terms
of the law. H. P. HOWEL'-,
Feb I 1861 Administrator.
(sLORbB A. Clivrokev County.— Whereas
William Gilstrap, guardian oi Jane Praten applies for
letters of dismission from his s.i 1 guardianship.
'These are therefore to notify all per-ons concerned
‘o file their object ons tis any they have) within the
time prescribed by law why s od letters should not be
granted the applicant. 16th Dec. 1860.
JAMES Jordan, Ord’y.
f’ EORGIA, Cobb County.— AVhercas James
'T D. Arnold ; pplies to me for ’"tiers of Guardianship
over the person and propert' - nf Ali ces Arnold, orphan
of Joseph D. Arnold, decc i>-ed.
These are therefore to cite and admoin’sh all a: <l
singular tla>se concerned, to file their objections, it
any they have, in my office on or Is-fore the Ist Mon
day in May next, otherwise fetters of Guardian
ship will be granted the applicant at that term of tho
Court of Ordinary for said county.
Given under my hand and official signature, this
18tfi March, 1861. JNO. G. < 'AMPBELL. Ord’y.
EORGIA Paulding Count y«—>Where-
JF a', Henry G-ster. Administrator of the estate of
Henry Palmer, deceased, applies to me fur Letters o
Dismission fr >m said .4dtniiiistration
These are therefore to cite and a'hnoni>h all person*
concerned, to l>e and appe-ir at my office, by the first
Monday in May next, to show cause, (if any they
have.) why said Letters of Distni—.ion should not be
granted the applic- nt.
Gven under my hand at Office, this Oct. 29th 1860
Recruiting Rendezvous, Ist Reg’t., G. A. 1
Marietta, March 25, 18G1. C
A PREMIUM of two ($2) will be paid to any Aj/x
citizen, non-commissioned officer or soldier,
for each accepted Recruit that may be breughtjto
the Rendezvous. W. J. MAGILL,
Mar 25-ts Capt. Ist Reg’t. G. A.
' ROUND at this Mill, is acknowledged to be supe
’ rior to that which is prepared by the old style
For sale by the Grocery and Provision dealers in
Marietta. March 21
Tan Bark Wanted.
will be purchased by the Marietta
jL steam Tannery, in any quantity, for which
will pay three (3) cents per foot, if delivered at the
yard. [March 11] JNO. H. GLOVER.
100,04)0 Feet oh hand.
r FITE subset iber has on hand at his Steam Saw Mill’/
A 2.J miles front Mal let‘a,
100,000 Feet of lAtntber,
Plank of any kind, or other descriptions of lumber
he is prepared to furnish
at $1 per hundred at the Mill, or $1 25 delivered at
Marietta. A. COOK.
may be left at the ,Post Office, or at T.
J. Atkinson’s store.
april 1-ts
Excelsior Mills,
r piIIS French Burr Stone Mill, lately’ put up in Me
■E Elfresh’s building, near the railroad, runs every
and makes the finest quality ot Meal and Grist.
ground for toll.
Mar2l JARMON & CO.
St. James’ institute.
For Young Ladies.
On the Rectory Grounds.
o EV. SAMITEE ISE iV EDICT, Rector and
I Tiac-her of Christian Evidences and Ethics.
YIISS .1. E. GREEJV, Principal.
JIl«. V. JI. EITHER, Assistant.
PROS'. V. 53. JI lIftGET, Teacher of Modern
PROF. E. JI. EDWARJOY, Instructor in Vo
cal and instrumental Music.
‘The School year consists of ten months, with a
short vacation in midsummer, and a long one at
ChThtmas. The next session will commence Febniai-y
•1, and end July 26.
Thete will be an examination at the end of each
term, not open except to the parents and friends of
the pupils, and to invited guests. Parents, Guardians,
and triends are requested to visit tlie Institute at
any time.
A strict daily’ record is kept of each pupil’s condnct
and scholarship ; and at the end of the month, a re
port is sent home to the parent or guardian.
The punctual attendance at the beginning, and
throughout the session, is of the highest consequence.
; A’o allowance can be made for absence except in the
etise of protracted illness.
'The range of Studies pursued is divided into a
First Form and Second Foun,
First form, second form and third form
Circulars containing particulars of this arrangement
in tabular order furnished on application.
Modern and Ancient Languages, Music, Drawing,
&c., taught at any stage of cither course, as may be
Terms of Tuition by the Month :
Primary Course, $2 50
Elementary “ ............................3 00
Academic ‘‘ Ordinary English Branches. 400
“ Higher “ and Ancient
Languages, 5 00
French and other Model n Languages, 2 00 '
Music-Instrumental—Piano, (>rgari or Guitar,.... 5 00
Vocal, Hi her Art, ....500
“ “ Classing 2 00
Drawing .3 00
Bills for tuition from the time of entrance to the
end ot the Session pay’ablc in April ami October.
Board can be obtained in good f milies at reasona- '
ble rates.
Application mav be made to the Principal, or to
S A JI I E E BE X EDI CT, Rcctor
Mari, J tn. 26, 1861.
Harness Making and Sa d <ll er y.
• 000000
At the Room over Kirkland's Celler.
r |TVIIE Undersigned would most re
spectfully ca’l the attention of the public to
the above business, which he intends carrying ort in.
all its VARIOUS DEPARTMEN'J'.S with neatrtess and
dispatch, surpassed by' few establishments in the
REPAIRING of all kinds promptly attended to,
Accounts will be due and collectible twice a
ye“ r —say the Ist of July and January of each year.
Accounts not settled promptly at those times, will
iraw interest for all the time they remain unsettled
A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited
"c7 j? s~ii r D,
At the Old Stand of .1. 11. JleC’lintock.
HAS now on hand a large and
w< 11-selected assortment of family supplies, to
which he invites the attention of the citizens of Ma
rietta and the country, the one priced system will
be strictly adhered to. His terms will be Cash, or
equivalent, that is, Country Produce at Cash prices,
or short time to prompt paying customers. Bills due
on presentation. His determination is to sell
good articles at low prices ami will expect prompt
Choice Fruit Trees.
riJIIE undersigned is prepared to furnish the very
JL best varieties of fine fruit trees from his Nur
sery near Marietta. Orders through the Post Office
will be promptly attended to.
Marietta, Ga—Feb 19 N B HARDEN.
COFFEE. ———'
»3O Bags Coffee, Bio, Java, and Laguira, on handfor
ale by WM. ROOT & SON.