The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. (Marietta, Georgia) 1861-????, May 03, 1861, Image 2

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SSMI-WEEKLY ADVOCATE. MARIETTA, GEORGIA. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 29. TTEMJCHSSTS-im a Jtsiv jfcQjLj It is stated ou good authority that the Legisla ture of Tennessee has passed an act of secession by an almost unanimous vote. It >a t eported that there were only two nays. W< 11 done‘"fur the volunteer State. e * CAMP M-.UIon We had the pleaguie on Wednesday of visit to Camp Brown, five miles beiow Marietta. 0 ly officers <>f the different volunteer companies which constitute Gen Paillips’ Brigade are in camp, pre paring themselves for drilling their several compa nies. The daily drill to which all are subject ed i® thorough. Whilst a part of rhe officers are familiar with all the duties and exercises, others elected in newly formed companies have had every thing to learn. We werejircibly impressed with the very great importance and utility of our Mil itary Institute upon seeing various squad*of> fficers under instruction of Cadets detailed fom the Institute for the purpose. The ludie* of Marietta had provided a most bountiful dinner fr the soldiers ofCamp Brown on the occasion. A verv large number of visitors, were present from Marietta and Atlanta and the neighborhood. Among the most interestii g fea tures of the occasion was the presence of Unpr, Neal’s c rnpany the Jackson Guard*, fn m A tian a of Irish volunteers. Toe fidelity and of the-0 citizens of foreign birth gave high gratifi cation. The two yonth ul c unpanic*, the Fulton Blues from Atlant.* and the Johnson \ oluuteer* fi-.<m Marietta were U iversally a Loire ! and com mended for their thorough drill. L'lie-e boys are to be among our fu ure soldier®. Gov. Hicks of Miry land,-iigge-tel to Lincoln that L>r 1 Lyons, the English Mi ... .v. .* <».«- i g ton, should be re pies eo toilet a- >ue...u<<<i' uetween the contending pari es in our country to prevent effusion < f blood. Lincoln does n>t like the sug gestion and says through Mr. Seward. “Ii eighty years have obliterated all the other n <ble sentiments oi that ago m Maryland, the President w mid I >e hopeful, nevertheless, that there i® one that would f rever remain there ami everywhere. That sent wiit is ttiat no dan -sri«- contention whatever, that may arise a imng th« parties nt this r< public, ought in any case to ferre 1 to any f >r« tgn abitrameiit, least "f all to •bitrauient of an European inoiia-cny.” Tuts i*t very line ta’X -onntg from those who ar< determined to “ wipe us out.” L st Mountain, G*., May 1. 1861. W. 11. Hunt, E q— bear Si : Below you w II find a list of the ofli ers of a company forme I fr m Powder Springs and Oregon District®, calle “ I’ne Confederate Gmiids.” We organized on yesterday with 66 members, and w 11 have I*o or in -re by I rt day, which is our m xt me tiugai P .wder Springs : Capt.. L. T M zell ; Ist L eut., J. B. Lindley ; 2'l Lieut., J. F. Il -er ; 3d L eut., B. F. AS aid ; 4th Lieut. ,E. II L tidley. Ist Sergt.. J R. Moon ;2d Serg’ , T. J. llardage; 3 • Serg'., S. F Mayes; 4 h Sergt., |>. W. J bus. 1 i C< r ~ -J. W. Newell ; 2d Corp., J. M. L'ihl 1« , Jr.; 3* Corp., E Bishop; 4th Corp.. Win. Var ner* Y urs, B. F. W. (amp B*ow>. The f illowing ex Facts we take from the e litorial correspondence >t the Route Courier, wuose editor is an officer at Camp BinWn : Camp Brown is five miles below M irietta, and has finnerto been k'lown as the Smyrna Camp Meeting Ground. It is a beautiful giove, now neatly cleired “if, and, m all respects, is a really delightful place. There are fourteen ot the <> d camp meeting tents still standing and in vdeiabie condition. These are occupied—rw > i-y the com tu ssaiy depur'metit—( me for pr > lot the men, Un* other for forage for horses.) and the mhei twelve make very comfortable <|uarier- tor the men —the the officers of one coin •noy to a tent. Be sides these there are twelve canvass tents. —each affording pleasant quarters 1 >r one c rnpany Most of ttie day yestenbiy was spent in the, to novices, rather disagreeable duties ot pitching camps, providing camp equipage and furniture and the labor ot setting up for house keeping generally. It wa-the writer’s f rtune, in company with Lieut. Hall, to be the first detached f r gn.iidduiy. We were posted to guard the <-ommis-.*ries q lar ters ir mII j A. M t• 2| P. M.. and it w..s a weary pacing hack and forth we had ot it, in the hot HUI. The arrangements n- t being complete, tir st of the lue-aes hud as >rtof picked up dinner yesterday, but since then our meals have been wnoiesome and good enough. The regular daily rations fur nines* of five, is 5 lbs. 4 oz beet, or 3 lb-. 6 z. haom ; 5 Ibe. 10 < z light bread ; |b. rice; soz eofl’e * ; 9$ oz. sugar ; 1 gid salt ; | pint vinegar ; 2 <>Z. an-l 2 candles. Tue-e provisions and the cam,' furniture are all furnished at the expense of the State. Butter,eggs, vegetable-; A•, if na lat all, are at the ex;*en®«> of the respective messes. Octi I‘ made a sp-ecli yestcr-lay evening, in which he stated that tin rea-<m toe G -vent -r had < rdtred thia encampmcot was io pi epare as non an possible, the Company offi eia <>t toe B i_- ade for actual service, and tlir ugn them their re apSchve <s>u>pames ; and hr ex pi eased Hie behrt. founded upm fr m the Governor, toat hie command would be called info the field as s s>n as u.oruny companies of i , were -uffl lemly well drilled to render it expediein to d<s . He said me 4tu Brigade no “ H >SM Guard.” but was organised fnp u»e purpose ■ f -ioi g service tor the Coniedaiats States in G -orgia or out ot it wher ever itiev might be it«oue-l. There are now as rrp»ne I twenty-eight compa nies represen ed in the encmupm-i.t. Tne m-u are alt nt iig » Spirits, an i a e l«-an<iug the s« i ence otWar a- fatti a< poss bie. Tnere pr b.itily jie er was an a*srm >hige of men more eager to learn, than are the officer* ut C.imp Br >wu. fiirre ie not in all the Camp a niur nu*- of complaint, u r any gi U liUlmg a ou> fiard iar»» or the Ungues f du y. In ta- lit w<>uld be very ungracious '.or any one to fii.d tanll. for-• far a* the acts of , r exct i- Irut offi/vrs. tie*, i’h t p< ant JI j r Ca, ers. a.e Cooceinvtl. fuuil la a tui g tUat « u..u t be Jvwd : BA 1 Syide, ths Uieu ai« not d.ey«<sed Co /nr., e TaS uwues d vamp are regular, ey stem ami ox.. Her prevail!, gin all things and busumss now moves o. , i.m ly ”> k- clock work, out yet With as much 1 c- nld be eX| ec ed trom a volunteer cm p>. Wehavea great ma- y litt.e in rer sting scenes and <-c urreiices and me geiicrai prevaleuce of good hum >i. wit a d repartee, inter mingled music and soegs, prevent a y thing like dullness, when . fl’fn m duty,and keep such as oth erwise in gut be so dispo-ed, fr- m thinking too much .4 h me. Last Wednesday the Rome Light Guards sent to Atlanta and g >t t e i.ece-sary mate rials and tm-n sat up until one o’clock at night mak mg a Confederate F>ag. Before retiring it was completed and raised. This was the first flag rais ed m the camp. The mxt morning at sunrise the balance of ine Kifl** Battalh -n were inv.ted t" j >in the “Guards,” and tin- Flag was saluted, by film ing in c rcle and marching eights time round it in double quick time. As Boon as the balance of the encampment learned tiie < ause of this novel dem .msirati m. the weik n wa- made to ring by ti e loud hiiZZis from all the quarters. O' ve- erday Friday, iSeab rn Jones, Jr., Capt. o; the P- ik county Rifles was eiteied Lieutenant Colo-el of the Rile Bartulnm. He has resigned and another election is ordered on next Mon day. Yesterday was a very exciting day atCamp Brown. At eleven o’clock al turned <ui to escort Capt. Mays’company, the Toombs volunteers, of Cal houn. called into service. Ge .. Phillips, made a sb >rt but very patriotic taie-vell spee h vvuicii was appropriate y responded to by i apt. Mays. When at the train a rep -rt was received toat the "Rome Light Guards” had teen ordered nut. Our Boys huzzaed until they could hardly speak ; they were c 'iigratulated by their tr>e<nis and the exciteme; t was k J>t up until laie in the evening when it was leancu that the rep rt wa- false. It rained nearly all tne forego >n. but. tills did not keep the men in their quarters. Several ladies have visited the camp h. m Marivtta, and ye-derday there weresev ed from Atlanta, aim when they left were escorted to the cars by tw’o companies from Atlanta, and the two from Ro no. x t 'Wali r .*i Works. Major Mark A. Co .per has secured for the above company a very heavy c nitraet from the 0 mted .rate'States (Joveruuienr, and will at once commence tie ma. us icture ot i.annnon o ’tars, balls and other mu iti- ns of war on a large sea e. Six s U“eu s from < x .-rd C-liege, >a , arrived ar Mon r g imery on the n ght oft e 15 h ms'., on their way to Peu-acoia io j io the Oglethorpe In fa iiry. Military Movrium.ts i > Nortlk Carolina. With regard t • ihe seizure if the Fayetteville Arse -c .al by 2.2 0 N ath ti o n.a t o pstiieStates Jour .ml -ays: Tne United States officer in command of sonie sixty troops, seeing ihe dem .nstratimi, at once sur reuiiered. He wa* perm tied to salute his flag wh eh was nt <>n<-e hauled down and the flag <d the sou ti was imm* iately runup and saluted by the Sta e troop-. N » injury «n<* found t > have h< en Ime t<» the prop. rty. The number of arms thus secure 1 are 47.<‘00—50 OLO men can be armed iu Vari m* way- from the A-.-e al Several p ee es of artillery are am ngst the arms B -ides these arms the arsenal complete set <4 themo-t approved machinery f r m iking arms and we learn ttiat men will be at once put to work to r.fle the mu-keib there. Important Jlailkoad Convention. — An imp <r t.aot R iiir -ad Convention, m winch forty-three hfferent com| were repre'fjiited. assembled a' (he Evcliaoge Hotel yesterday. It agreed, wv I. t- tia.isport ihe tro p- ot the Confede r te Sa es at tie rate of two ent- per mile, and muiiiti n* and provisions at half the il*ual price.— I’he mail* are to be carried at $150,.er mile for rhe fi st grade service; SiOO f-r the second grade -civic- ; an 1 SSO I i tne third grade service. A cmiHMHtee wa- appointed to determine a* t whether they will receive Confederate States bonds in payment t< r this servi e, and we are reliably informed that it will report fivonbly. The pro ending oi tue t'u iventimi have been m irked W’ith the gicu est harmony and patriotism, and their importance cann >t be easily over estimated. The em n-y < R ipu die i• gradually lomii.ig tip into grand pro,noli n , ind tne conii I> , uch winch is mmofe-ied in its stability '.y capitalists i» exceed ingly encouraging.— M>ut punery Adve. bser, 2.lth. tel?- 1.1 a letter from a distinguished eit'Z n of Not to Carolii a, addressed to the Hou. Martin J Craw l' r I, and piil»li-lied in tne Columbus hJnf[>ir er, the writer -ays the war spirit is ut its highest pitch in Hie gnod Old N rth State, and that he is nun-sei a private m a Rifle c nv any 100 strong “. f whom at .east 95 were strong Union men tvv . month- ago ” Ai, that is gratifying 'o our hearts to see the Union tn-n c-nnug so nobly up to the gO 'd w >rk. as we always knew ai d said they would wiien tne Ist <-f Id-atd came—when the “ti .al mi >1 sis <>t Liberty " was to b> made. Who now vv mid be any tuing else titan a Revolutionary Whig, a Patriot Hebei ? Nava I’rki'vrvtionsin the Southern CfWFEDER- A < y.— Tne New Uneau- papers t Sunday state that C' inmodoiv R -sseau had rei oivsd dtapatches f rom th. Government at M ntg inery .containing or des for fitting -lit the U mfederaey Slates ste m shipof-war Sumter, (late II .ban.) and to get her rea lv f -r sea imme iian-ly. L eutetiaot Fry has been nine e I to h*-r fitting-iit. Also, the Uo d'-derate Sr ii.-s br g Pickens, (late reveiiut ‘cutter McClelland,) and the Washiugtin , wh se repairs are nearly c.-mpleted. The Star ot the We*t will nodouot tie added io our little navy . ►wheh is a ready sawkiug a v »ry fair show. Great activity pn-va Is at the I •’♦mines 'f Messrs. Leed-and Hie Phoenix, w here guns, shot and shell ure being east f. r our naval ves-el*. M iri es tor the naval service are already being recruited here by Captain Van Benthuysen. and in a few days our first shiji-of-war will be ready for sea, and acln n, if necessary. tejjr Mr. John Sexton. Pilot of thesteamer fTn? i dn. wa • returned to thi- city vester lay, -late- that just previous to bis L aving New Y >rs on Thurs day. he naw an extra of the New Y ’rk Tinier, in which he read the announceni-nt that the E .glisli G vermnent hat agreed to receive the S-mthern C .mmissioner-. and recognize the i. dependence >.f the C.mfrder .te Stales, and that the En^ ; i-h a-d Fie- e » ivernments protest' d against w#r between t.e N rth and S-udi. This ami u..cement may in* preina nre, hut there can l»e no re.i-onal'te d übt ti ut u.dependence will be ack: -edged <y Euglalid France at tne carlie-t p -sd.le day. (-Size. -Vtirx. Vary Divine, a puup>-r in the Clerela'<i work ti m»e, re e.itly ted heir t Sfl.tMJO. and sud p»n!y becau ea . o jeer ..f milic i u- .nierebt. NEW VOLVNTEaLI <<» *FAX Y. Toe vo u iteer c»mip'*uy just f -rrned in this coun ty .-li Wedm-ed-vy elected tne t <ll owing -ffi. ers ; Cap M-'j- J F- C«»»per ; Ist. Lieut., I’. 1. Winr ; *l.d. L-vui.., G. Bailer ; J. A. G. Auder *iD. frum the Atlanta hitelliyencer. Montgomery, A.a . April 30.—Not ingnfgeneral interest has tianspired. Congress is mostly m (-ecret session. Fust Battalion of the Third Alabatnu Regiment left this morni .g fi r Virginia. Two Companies of Dragoons are now ready fi r Pensacola. Alfxvndria, Va., April 30.—- T he steamship Coatzocaolcos, with troops passed up to Washing ton to-day. The Government will call out twenty five thousand additional, which with the regular aimy and navy will make a total of one hundred ana eighty-three thousand at the disposal of Lincoln. II vBRTswuBQr April 30—By an understand ing between the Governors of New York. Pemisyl vania. Ohio ‘ and Indiana, those States will act in c.mjuucti. n in throwing troops and provisions into Washington, and elsewhere in the South, upon an mder from the War Department. Gov. Curtin, of Pennsylvania, earnestly recom mends an appropriation of five million of dollars and the raising of twenty- five thousand men, for defensive, as well as for domestic service. Boston, April 30.—Edward Everett delivered an eloquent speech in which he said, we are but, one bean, andd, a.d that the Govern ment must be sustained We must f .rget that we were ever part.zans and remember only that we are Americans. The Collector of this Port received orders to grant no clearances to any port South of Delaware Bay. New York, April 28.—Northern Statesand cit ies, and including jirivate subscriptions, the sum <>t $11,239,0 )0 has been contributed iorwarpur [>.c‘e>. The steamers T. W. Bune, Fanny Cadwallade acl Wm. Wo.uiw-rrtf have Leen chartered Ly the United States Government, and left New York Sarnrd y m irning for Trenton N. J,, to take tro -ps for W ishington. Several «e zures of gun powder on board of ve - seis were made on Saturday night. Aboti 15,000 troops are quartered here, destined for Washington. Aidermen Wilson,Avith 500 Zouaves are quarter el in the old Government houses, on Staten Is land. Philadelphia, April 28—A petition is in cir culation urging the President to open a route through Baltimore. Much activity is observable to-’ay between F r b Mdlenry and Carroll. It is reported that the gu .s will be taken from the latter which are being placed in the beat possible condition for i s defence. The city is quiet. Volunteers are offering in large numbers. New York, April 28.—The Tribn’ e says that -o soon as everything requisite ran be prepared and suj'plied, there will d übtle.-s be a "rce <1 ZUO.nnU men sent t<> the relief of F >rt Pickens, and this force will march not around, but through Baltimore, as well as Richmond, Raleighh, Charles ton, Savannah, Montgomery, and New Orleans? being joined at ttie last named place by a like force, which will have made its way down the Mn’ sissij j>i river. Montgomery, May I.—Congress was in secret -ess on nearly all day. The public proceedings are u 'important. Montgomery May I.- Vice-President Stephens has arrived in Montgomery from Richmond. Montgomery, May I.—Passengers who left Peusacol a yesterday repoi t the troops generally in tine health and spirits. The Confederate fortifications are rapidly pro gressing. Troops, arms, and ammunition aredaibi relieved. Alexandria, May I.—This city is quiet It is rumored that an attack w ill ! e made on this <-ity l>v the federal tr > -ps. Citizens are leaving and the »tr< ets are deserted. More troops arrived in Washington to-day from Annapolis. —v Long Bridge, across the P itomac, is guarded by eight pieces of artillery and a large force us Infan try. Description ol a Murker Village. A corfesp 'iide.'it writing from Conc>»rd N. IL sends the following interesting account of tne Canterbury Shakers : Twelve miles from Concord, in the township of Canterbury, is situated the Shakers’ village.— I’hese peculiar people have there a Mhtlemerit of about three hundred persmis ; their buildings are painted buff and are large and eumioodious. They reei'U in what they Crxiß* “•families,” < aeh numbei ihjYfroiu fifty tea hundred souls. The lower lumiiy ' is called church lainny, from the tact of the church being there situated. Then there are the centre family ant tne north family. !• winter they have no wor ship. but the member®«i each familyhave dev Aions iu their respective house®. Lbeir farms consists of some f nr th- usand acres, iu a high state of culti vation, whilst their outbuildings are not equalled nV those of any farms in the world. One barn w. e entered was two hundred feet in length, a cellar underneith for manure. Each cow bad its name placed in a conspicuous position. The barn or stable was so clean that a lady with £ the finest sdk dress would not be in the least soiled. The house we were in was painted yellow, furniture and ail. j a d oil cloth t""k the a carpet on the ffi.ol. r l’i>e men wear blue clolii coats, claret colored 1 pan s, and urab vests, the latter garment coming down alm st t" their knees. The women are dressed in white cap-, with their hair pushed buck fiom their f •reheaa*. d irk 'ire'ses fitting clo»ely t > their persons, with high w ilte Collars Coming up to their coin-. Tne gr .ps present, d quite a unique a I'pearance, lutfy ueuiot , xeclieut liv ers he dinner we sat v, <> t» would ie-at a go.-d , niiuv served up in N-w Y rk. They have a very go.«i, though M'lut-wßil »i"i« ar rule posted up, which iiMhv bundle* i> i r ht ir tu fr.-ni, viz; “N .th-' in-'mu>t be led on the 1 T.tey hol t their propertv in cmiimo". vu h >ne having a share in ir. t’elitM' yis strictly adhered 10 a.- the meu s of a pure life ; indeed. - strut are they that a map and wi’e pping thereover night are obliged • tv sleep io different apartments. miscellaneous. I IST OF lE L' f EK->, r inainiug in ihe office a* Alaii- J etta Ma' l, ls6i. A -bieV. J'lo. F. Moor, W. L. Bui ar<i, IMi-s Margttfvt Mote, Wiliam, baiie>, T. J Morr C 8. Boring. .John P. M Faria- d. W m. Betton, lani'-s C P >«er« Mrs L ’A. Bayior, Miss C G-. Pennington, M ss Louvira, Barnwell J -tues M. nagbda.e, .iames J M. Couipton, J. I>. nooi' son. MiSa, 0 le, Eli. ’-with. John K. Chase. F. C. Sm tn, 8. V. Carter. N L. -hivers, Miss Eliza, bunhani G. T. 3 -nell. J. Wes<ey, Gay, Berry. Wi son, Oliver. 2 Green, 0. M. VVoomuff, T. D. Ga; way, Mrs Amelia, 'Vney. Joseph, Ho-lgts. Guss, Wrignt, Monroe, Jone-, Henry, W it , T P. Jou-s, WTJliam, Wood, James, Johnson, Miso Bessie W. Worth y, W. W. F. WM. F G KOVEB. P. M. Xu.-Q-JM£3B3tg3Et... ~ 100,000 Feet on hand. HE subsc iber has on hand at his Steam Saw Mill, * 2J miles from Marietta, 100,000 of Lumber, Plank of anv kind, or other descriptions of lumber he is prepared to f tirnish FOR THE CASH, at $1 per hundred at the Mill, or $1 25 delivered at Marietta A. COOK. Ipf? Orders may be left at the Post Office, or at T. J Atkinson’s store. «X>iil 1-ts Notice I A LL person* having claims against the Canton Mixing Combaak will present them forthwith to Skid Harris, Superintendent, fur settlement, decld Gm S. HARRIS, Snpt. Livery Stable Notice. A f.L persons hiring Horses, Buggies or Carriages A from the Livery Stable of the subscriber are no, tifie I that theCasii must be paid at the time of hiring, As I -ave to yav Cash for feed for my stock. I cannot c» dit GUt frou. my stables. LN. HEGGIE LEGAL NOTICES GEORGIA, Forsyth County : IVT• 'TICE is hereby given to all persons interest Lx that I have adinini tered on the estate of Sa n uel Edtnonso late of this county deceased, and all persons having deimlnds against, ssid estate, can pre sent them to me within the time limited by law, and those owing said estate are required to pay up accor dingly, as the statutes require. WILLIAM D. BENTLEY, octl2 Adm r. ofSaml Edmcnsofi. C1 EORGi A, Paulding County :-Wherea* n William Jones, Administrator ot Joseph M. Sim mons, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration. 1 hese aie therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to lie and appear ■it mv office on the first Monday in September next to -how cause, if any they have, why said letters should not i e granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office, this Feb 18, 1861. Feb 22-6 HI MILES EDWAIIDS. Ord’y. (il'.Oilfil X, Cobl) County. --Whereas Joh II Glover applies to me fir letters ot Guardi,mshi over tbepeizon and property of James 8.. Annie. Jo seph, Jane I . Varia. Edward and I hoinas W. Glover orphans of John II Glover deceased. I hese are therefore to cite an I req tire all persons concerned to be and appear at mv office by the first Monday in Mav next to show cans-, if any they have, why said letters should not lie granted the ap plicant. Given under mv b ind at office, this Marchlß, 1861 JiHIX G C vMI’BELL. Ordinary. / 'v eorgia, Cobb County.— Wbceas. Jehu ’ T O Hays applies to me. in w iting. and as n friend of the decease '. for l< tters of administration on the estate of Alien’T. Meacham 1 ate of sail i county, de ceased. These are th* refore to cite and admonish, all and singular, th kindred and cieditors of -aid deceased, to tile their objections if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in Mav next, other wise letters of adininis ration will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand and official signature, this 18th March. 1861. JN<). G. CAMHIELL. Ord’y. GEOIMwIA, Cherokee county.—Where as Alfred Low. as the broth»’rof John Low, deceased applies to me foi letters of admini tration upon the es tate i f the said John I ow, late of said county deceas ed. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said def eased to tile their objecti" s. i< anv tiiey have, within the time preseri' ed ly law why said Jette ash >nM not be granted the applicant, this 4th April. 18fil ap. 11-3od J.4MF.S JOKD.IN, Crd’r. CCOKt.IA, For«ytli Comity:— Wheresa ’I Julia A E Boyd Administratrix of Willi mi Boyd preresents to the t’onrt in her jM-tition duly fi ed and ( ent-- eil on record, that she has fully administered .' Wiliam Bovd's estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show j cause it any thev can. why said administratrix should i not be discl areed from her ."Iniinistration and re- ; ccive letters of flistnis.-ion on the first Monday in May ' next. nov-30 6m H. BALK ER, Ord’y ('I FOIIGI A, Cherokee Comity.— ' here* "I Joseph M< Conn-I‘. administrator of the estate of the estate of Wm. Beavers, deceased applies to me fur i dismission f "IB aid administration These a r e therefore to cite ‘nd admonish all per- j sons con erne that thev tile their objections (if any I they have) within the time prescribed by 1 w why | said letters ut dismission should not be granted the applicant JAMES JORDAN. Ord’y. i 11 th april 1861: — Km ray Notice CEOHGJ I. Paulding County, I Clerk s Office Inferior Court. April 11 1861. ( VLL per ons interested are hereby notified tha ' W. L Bone, of said county, tolls liefore W illiain ! Adair, one of the of the Peace for said county, | as an » str v. a gray horse, with some yellow spots on I his neck and shoulders. s ipp<>-e<l to b titteen yara of age. four feet eleven inche- biirli. valued bv W. V I T and Jonn B. Yd ir. freei oldc-rs of said coun’y to l>e worth tive d<.liars Th owner of sail otrav is herelw required to) come forward, pay charges and take said horse away, or be will N‘ dealt with as the ) tw directs. A true extract. Irotu the t stray Book. npr ]l N. N. 81-AI.L. C T. C. Aotice. rpWO MONTHS after date application will be I made to the Com t ofOrdinaiy of v obb county fat leave to sell the real estate elonging to thec-stateo ChiUlea C)« r. late • f said county dec’d . for the bene fit of the heirs and credibns of s id deceased. LLIZABEIH CLEB, Adm’x. ' Aprill, 1861-36*1 LEGAL NOTICES Y'i rorffia C erok«*e County* Wht*»e- K I as Francis Hill administratrix on the e ate ot Birdvine Hill, applies for letkrs us di-mission from said administration. ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to tile their objections, if any they huve, on or before the 2d Monday in May next, why said letters should not be granted the applicants nov2’6om6in JAMEB JORDAN, Urd’y. Ca EORGIA Paulding > a , Henry Lester, Administrator of the estate of Henry Palmer, deceased, applies to me for Letters ot Dismission from said Administration These are therefore to cite and admonish all person® concerned, to be and appear at my office, by the first Monday in May next, to show cause, (if any they have,) why said Letters of Dismission should not be granted the applicant. Gven under my hand a< Office, this Oct. 29th 1860 M iLE EDWARDS Ord’iy. GEOStGIA, Cherokee County.— Whereas Mary Conner, adm’rx ot the estate of John Conner, deceased applies lor letters of dismission from said ad ministration These are therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to file their objections (if anv they 1 have) within the time prescribed by law why said let ters should not be granted. Dec. 16 1860. JAMES JORDAN, Ord’y. Notice.— All persons-indebted to the estate! of Isaac Howell; deceased aie hereby required to make immediate payment, and all those having demands against said estate a e requested to present them properly attested, to the undersigned, in term® of the law H. P. HOWEL , Feb 4 1861 Administrator. GEORGIA, Cherokee County.— Whereas William Gilstrap, guardian of Jane Praten applies for letters of dismission from his suid guardianship. These are therefore to notify all persons concerned to tile their objections (if any they have) within the time prescribed by law why said letter® should not be granted the applicant. 16th Dec 1860. JAMbS JORDAN, Ord’y. P EORGI A, Cobb County.* * Whereas James vT D. Arnold < pplies to me for letters of Guardianship over the person and propers of Moses Arnold, orphan of Joseph D. Arnold, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular those concerned, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office on or before the Ist Mon day in May next, otherwise letters of Guardian ship will be granted the applicant at that term of th* Court of Ordinary for said county Given under my hand and official signature, this 18tn March. 1861. JNO. G. CAMPBEI L. Ord’y. Notice. j GEORGIA, Cobb County.- -All persons in , deb e., ii. the esi ite of Reuben Rumsey.late of said county,dec’d.are notified to make immediate payment; and those having demands against said estate, are ’requ sled to present them to the undersigned properly attested, wi hin the time prescribed liy law. March 6. 1861-6 w W. W. CARRELL, Adm’r. GEORGIA, Paulding County.—Where as O F. Brintlt and Milly J. Brintleapply to me for letters of Admini itration upon the estate of A. G. Brintle, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all aria singular the kindred and creditors of laid dec’d, id file their objections, if any they have, by the first Monday in May next, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office, this March 25.1861. MILES EDWARDS. Ord’y. GEO'.G/A, PI CKENS CO 1 7 NT FT' ]\! oTICE:- All persons indebted to the estate of 1 X John T. Jacobs, deceased, are hereby re quested 10 make immediate payment ; and those hav ing demands against said tState will p:esent them properly attested in terms of the law, to the under signed. THOS. G. JACOBS, AdKr. March 21st, 1861,-30.1 C. EORGIA, Paulding County T Whereas. A G Bulloch, Administrator of the b state of Napoleon A Lester, deceased, applies to me 1 for I etters of dismission from s -id Administration. I These are then tore to cite nd admoni h all per -1 sons concerned to be and appear at mv office by the | Ist Monday iu August next to show cause.if any they have, why said letters sh< uld not be granted the ap plicant. Given under my hand at office this January 30th, 1861. MILES EDWARDS. Ordinary. IX 01 ice. TWO months after date application will be made to the Ilonorable Court oi Ordinary of Cobb county 'or leave to sell the land tielonging to 'he estate of •. H. Campbell, dec d. for the benefit of the heirs vi I creditors of said deceased. March 61861. W. W CARRELL. Adm r \JTALE 08 GEORGIA, TORSYI H COUNT Y T kJ Whereas, A G. Hutchins. Administrator of Robert son Wood, represei ts to the Com t in his petition, '<’i ly filed and entered on record, that he has f -lly ad ministed Rebcrton Weod’cs estate : This is therefore, to cite all persons known ns c-ed itors. to show cause if any they can. w hy said admin istrater should not lie discharged from bisadmmi-tra j tion, and receive letters of dismwsiou on the first Monday in June next, 1861. dec. 7, 1860. IT. BARKER. Ord’y / ’ EORGIA, Cobb Comity W hereas John ’ I Roberts, Guar lian of Lauri* Wellborn, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Guardianship. These are theri fore to cite and admonish all and simrular those concerned, to tile their objections, if any tiwy have, in my office on or before the first Mon -1 day in May next, otherwise letters of dismission will l>e granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary foi said county. (riven under iny hand and official signature, this March 6 1861. (40d) JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ord’y Notice. months afterdate application will be rna>le to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb county, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Reulten Rumsey, late of Cobh county. de< ea sed for the benefit 01 the heirs and cri ditors of said dec’d. W. W. CARRELL,. March 6, 1861 —3m. GEORGIA, PICKENS CO. r | •V O MOKTHH after date st plication will b« I made to the Ordinary of Pickens county at the fid-1 regnat term after expiration of two months from is nolice. for leave to sell the lands belonging to the otate of Albert G- Fancett. late of said comity deceased, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of said deceased. WILLIAM E. PADGET r , Adm’r. Minh! 12 I/iVK’IA FAUCKIT, Adm’x. GEORGIA, Col>h County. 1 ’H. R 1 xs. A \l. NorthoHv. as a friend, and W. ▼ V J T'insly, as son of deveused, apply to mein writingf' r letters of Administran r oi- the estate of Miry 'lins-'-v. ]a<e >f said county, d*eas'd. 'I hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and sinuular those concerned to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, onor before the first Mon day in .hue next, otti< rwise letters of Administration w ill e granted the pplicant at that term of the court oi < rdinary for said county. Given under my band at Marietta, this april 24.1861; april 25-3<kl ' JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Or’dy. Cheese! J VST RECEIVED !— a large lot English Dairy and other Cheese, by GBOVEB & BUTNER. bov9-U