The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, May 14, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. 1. gwfcMnmal tfarfc. IV. B. G RE EX, Attorney & Counsellor at Law Marietta, Cobb County, Georgia, WILL practice, and give prompt attcntien to all business confided to his professional care, in the District Court at Marietta; The Su preme Court of Georgia at Atlanta: The Superi or and Inferior Courts of the Blue Ridge Circuit, and the counties adjoining Cobb, of other Circuits. Special attention given to the collection of debt”, and the securing of all manner of claims. Prompt and efficient attention will be given to all manner of business in the lourts of Ordinary in the county of Cobb and adjoining counties. PHI LLI PS & B UR K H A ETE R attorneys at law, Marietta, Georgia. WILL practice in Fulton, Paulding and all the counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit, in the Supreme Court, and in the District Court at Mari etta. WM. PHILLIPS, J. T. BURKHALTER. Jan. 1. • E. FAW. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Marietta, Georgia. WILL diligently attend to any business con fided to his care in the counties of Cobb, Cherokee, Milton arid Pauldiug. CLAIMS collected as soon as it can be done by law, and the money promptly paid over. Jan 20, J 861. NOTICE. ( CIRCUMSTANCES having prevented my re y moving West as contemplated—l < Her my services to the public as a Physician for the ensu ing year. jgJay- Office in Connell’s Building, up stairs, Where I can be found at all times. GEO. W. CLELAND. W- I!. HUNT, ATTORNEY at law, Marietta, Georgia. E. M. AEEEN, Marittitu, Gcorgi?.i. RATEFI'L to the citizens of Marietta and vi I cinity for a. liberal patronage during the past ten years is still prepared to nerform all opera , tions either for preserving the natural, or insert ing artificial teeth, in the. most approvi d maun r. lie.solicits calls from those who have <'<7/ M teeth, as he is using a prcpnrition for filling th. piust delicate teeth, no m ilter hrtw Badly decayed, if not otherwise diseased and rendering them scrv iccable for year . It is about the sum ■ color as the teeth and will never change or discolor th ti'etli. A>, Refers to citizens’ of Marietta for win ui lie hfl.s operated during the pa t ten years. Tniftts CASH, unless by special contract Offie.e Solith side of public square, over the Post iltlice. Marietta, <la., .lan. 1, 1861. DR. \. N. GOBER, REFORM PHYSICIAN. Marietta, Georgia. OF I"'E RS his services to the citizens of Mari eltn and surrounding country. Office North side of the square over Pnge A Ha ley's Store. 1 eb 8, ts. CIC ERO C. W IN N. COLLECTING LAWYER, Marietta, Georgia. ILL give his entire attention to the colh . 7 V tion of all claims entrusted to his care. March 9, '6O. A. N. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Marietta, Georgia. March 9, '6O. GEORGE N. LESTER, AHorn<\val Marietta, Georgia. MB T"!!,], practice in the Bine Rid •• Circuit, m l 77 in the Supreme Court of the State : also in the District Court at Marietta. (Nov 2 I ) F. M. MYERS. ATTORNPjY AUU LA W, Marietta, Guii'glu. W- Will attend to all business entrusted to hi- /' ' .■ Denmead ,t Wright. A. J. Han . sell, Irwin X Loste», Marietta. Genre'a. Hon. I. Coin n, and S. \ rites L vv. Savanna ■, tin. Nov. 23, ts. n.ivtn IRWIN. i.rki \i i i t,t ti n. IRWIN &’ BUTLER. AO'ornoysni IMit i’i<*( I :t, C 4 covji’ia. Busiuvss confided to their professional mating.' incut in tlie following countie.’ will be fiith ly transaeted, A ia; Campbell, I’auiding, I' Ik. t l>h. Cherokee. I'arsvih. l.tlmpkih, Fulton and Mi c>n. Also in th,. District Court at Marietta, and the Su preme Court at Atlanta. ma I. ANDREW J. H ANSELL. Attorney, Counsellor & Solicitor, Nlaviottu, IV> tiees regularly in ti e District Court at Ma , lieti i. the Sii' roinc Court of Georgia, toe Superior Courts of the following emiKtivs; Cobb. Forsyth.. Floyd. Cat •«», Ch" ke . F lid ding. Whitfield and Milton. I,i a;:.: . ; ly to securing ar i collecting claim.’ in a. y et the ndioinii’g cimriics. Mar.vita, Ja.i. I. 1861. D. PHILLIPS. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Marietta. <•< or-Jn. Fehr; try 22 1562. V7 ' ■ ATLtXr.I M'.oum BY E. R. SASSEEN i ietta Seini-Wecklj Advocate. ®t«rral gwlmSmtfntSr EOUR HORSE COACH LINE • 000 From Marietta to Cumming. mHE subscriber has in the above line a splendid j Four Horse Coach, with excellent stock and careful drivers,by which passengers are put through in shorter time and with far greater convenience than formerly. Ev-ry attention will be paid t their comfort, and no exer.ions spared to make this line equal to any South. This line connects w th the W. & A. Railroad at Marietta, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for Cumming ; and return Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur lays; also connecting same days -with the Hack to and from Dahlonega. I. N. HEGGIE. STILL AT THE OLD STAND! FEtHE undersigned, thankful for past favors, is | still manufacturing and repairing CABBIAGES A N D BUGGIES OF EVERY DESC I PTION, And No. Iron .Ad-lu ’d'cns. all of the Best Style and Finish, Aii d a1 I War ra n ted. Repairing done in nil the branches, as hemto fore. A H accounts due on p cse»tati"». Those in debted will please come forward and settle. Marietta, Jan. 1. Hl MPIIRIA REID. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. J. J. NORTHCUTT, CD.. Marietta, Geoagia, | 3 AVE their full susply of Staple and Fancy Ml BO LADIES <('• CHILDRESS’ SUPE RI O R SHO ES , together with a general assortment of articles, n lii' ii they are ofi'i iiiijon th' moxt j'aeoralde terms FOR W*OASH 1‘ g i Call and be convinced. [mar 28 JMMDN A CO. S EXCELSIOR MILLS, Marietta, Georgia. FHSII IS French Burr Stone Mill, la elv put up in i ft Me 111 Irish's building near the railroad, runs Every Wednesday and Saturday, and makes the finest quality of Meal and Grist. Com Ground for Toll. m:ir‘2l YaK-MON CO. FAMILY STORE! GROVES?& BUTNER, | fl A\ I! opened in the Post Office Building, a VARIETY FAMILY STORE. in w! ' h will befound every article in the Grocery line, li ( u rs <x i pled, besi les a great variety of other articles. They will sell fur i ;m<! Small Profils. „-u ll’ yen want go d COFFEE, TEA, SUGAK, BACON, X.ARD, Molas- ■>. Syrup, Tobacco, Yarn, or n> - .' ing in that line, give u- n Call, and we w irrant ;atisln - : tion. M e will also keep Foolscap and Letter Paper, Pins Ink, at 4 ether art. - •' Stationery. CDS NTR V PRODI f’E of a 1 ! kinds, t .ken i.i b.< ter liber .1 t' . ais. ja’y 14, 1860 ly Tan Bark Wanted. rp \N r \.RK ■ l ep.reSae 'i . eMn-t”. 1 St 'tn Taftnery, in any "on-> ,: ty f r whi h three : ■. - yer to. t will b t . t. if <1 ‘ii ’red at the yard. JN v. ii. 1 ■ V ' EK. A. ISAACS, WhAesale ai.d re:., . i’c..!. . la Miilinery’and Fancy Goods, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, He i I Dr,- Eml iSeries, Lac. <. BLildc-, Ra. , l’< . n:. ry, I <■., A Viuuulj » 1,..i Front Building, White Hall Street, ATLAN TA. GEORGIA. MARIETTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING MAY 14, 1861. iSdrugsjS MARKLEY & JOYNER A NNOUNCE to their customers that they have /Y On hand a full and complete stock of O H U G- S AND MEDICINES. Our present assortment of .all the usual goods i kept in a Drug Store, is now offered at prices that cannot fail to suit. Persons in want of any of the following would do well to price them at bur house: Kerosene Burning Oil, KEROSEXE LAMPS , from 60 cts. to $3 75 each. ALSO Turpentine, Fluid, Candles, Alcohol, Lard and Sperm Oils, Linseed Oil, White Leads, PA INTERS’ COLORS, Putty, Window Glass, Druggists’ Vials, I)YE &c., «JUe., Ac. Prescriptions carefully put up. Well Koi BED CORDS, BLOW LISES, BUCKETS & TUBS, Cedar Bu;!r; tss and Tulm, Well Backets and V» luuls, Sieves and Riddles, Tea Kettles, t'dl'ec Aliil. BROOMS, Cotton Twine and Factory Thread. For sale by Mar 1,18(11 M’M. ROOT A SON. Mm mn m. Its Character Claims, &c ( , First. The! >ur>o of In-true'ion is extensive and -i ited to the character and -phere of femah s. Second. Ihe Discipline U effectually maintain I eil, without severity, <r, j Third, 'i u“ Pates of Tuition are moderate and the paynmrt- ea.y. t-'oiirlh. The Buildings and Grounds, being I very much improved, are admirably adapted t ploa-aut and healthjul study and exercise. Filih. The Principal is, by birth nnd education, a Georgian: all his interests nnd sympnthii - ar emplmtii allv Sou’hcrn, nnd ho has purchased the property, under the above title fur the p:i:pu,,- c.f establishing a Southern female summery, eqnal to any other in r xi -tem-e. Sixth, 'i tie parents who s. d their daughter.' • here, may feel assured that they wi 1 be exempt ii'mii imm >ral influences; that they will have e\ eelb nt s(o ial ami r digimis advent iire<: that thev will re-l ive every attention nee'-.-sary t > their im provement ar I eomfort : that they will be con dm ted regularly through a course of appropriate s'mlies ami a* the in lot t hat cour.- ■, wil receive ■I-pl ■•n::i'. as certificates of their seli-dar.-hip. Sc vent h. Students may enter nt any time an I will be charged fi'-m the of entrance to the <4 -e l>f tin St -sioll. l lightti. Ire I’rim 'pal is pr< pared to take heard at modi <a e charges an Ito all-rd them extra a Wantage- lor prosecuting their studies. ' For parttciibirs, address T B. COOPER, Prin. Mariotte, Gn. May, 7. CHEESE. 1’ l ST received, < largt lot of E glish Dairy and vtaer Cheese, by GROVES Bl fMik. NUTS! A LARGE 1 t. of Almonds, Filberts. Perm. V English Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts ami Rai sii.s. forsale by GROVF.<A- BUTNER. hEUD GIA. ('OBE CO LSI Y •• A DM IN ISTF A TOR’S SA LE. »PLLLbe - hl, on the first Tm < 1 iy indu’y 77 next, before the Court House dm rin Mari etta, between tlie J< gal h urs of sale, by virtue ot an order from toe Couit tt Ordinary of .-aid i c.'unty, one Xi rm Woman, named (Jkriuinc, al n : Jr years ot Sold for the befit fit if t! heir ami <:e i;...“s of the estate oi JeremiaM "re i n !■ known on th ■ dor of sa'e. Aj i.l 27, 1 ‘l. M SANNAIi M'h'RL, A-lm’x. PAINTSHOP. ssn :ndi r n I i.vhic rwu em' v 1..-a -i A in Mark I-.;.. - v> I »r:y i. -• n ti.e PAINTING BUSINESS ■ ’ ill ■ ■ - '■ "• ' s taken the Rom ■.or W .-a.-h. p W. 11. M CoWn, on De itiir He w .11 re s j . tfally c .ll the atter.ti n< f < : -a: : . . - t-> tk_- same, and earn a-tly s ’i e i t u': ’Tn tru t patr - 'AI work d- e .i*. ; an 1 iispateh. j-m. i'. iv. i. n. hays. M F re selling Goods as ehcan ns ever fi r • ?V i - . HAMMETT L GROVES I.IVCIiY STABLE NOTICE. A, persons hiring Horses, .Buggies or Carri a £ G ~' from the Livery Stable of the subscriber are notified that the CASH must be paid at the time of hiring. As I have to pay Cash for feed for iny stock, I cannot credit out from my stable. I. N. HEGGIE. . Mrs. A. ISAACS, FASHIONABLE MILLINER, Coiiiielly’s Iron Front Store, M bite Hall, near Alabama Street ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 4 LARGE assortment of Bonnets, Head a K Ihesses. Bertha Capes, Embroideries, Dress Trimwngs and Fancy Goo Is constantly on hand. Bonnets anode to order at sliort notice. Oct 5, ly. FAMILY SUPPLIES. milE subscriber offers the public, on Cherokee JL Street, a full stock of FINE GROCERIES Embracing every article usually kept in that line such as Sugar ; ancL GofTee, M O L ASSES AND S Y RUP- Gh e wl.n g; To bac cq e Sl3Gr A. S ? Y-A.2ELISrS; &C. 3 prodWmerally. Taken in barter on liberal terms. Having purchased the store of Mr B. S. John son, he oilers a large stock of Groceries on the very best of terms, where Mr. Haraes uill take pleasure in waiting on customers. E. PAGE. May 1, 1861. A LARGE lot of Writing Ink, which is war- . ranted, for sale by may 10, 1861. HAMMETT A GROTES. HOSTETTER'S STOMACIUHTTERS. The proprietors and mnnufacf urers of HOS TETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BIT TERS can appeal with perfect confidence tc physicians and citizens generally of the United F ates, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A few facts upon this point will speak more powerfully than, volumes of bare assertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption of Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident that during the coming year the consumption will reach near one million bottles. This immense amount could never have been sold but for the rare medicinal properties contained in the prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent physicians in those sections of the country w here the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters to their patients, but are ready at all times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomachic derangements and the diseases resulting therefrom. This is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trum peting the qualities of the Bitters, but a solid i iimaii 'ii <4 an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be as enduring as time itself. ll'isteiter’s Stomach Bitters have proved a G< I-end to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the “Bitters’ 1 are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un alloyed pleasure. It removes all morbid matter from the stomach, purifies the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable I r the restoration of health. It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them 1 , a condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. i lderlv persons may use the Bitters daily as per directions on the bottle, nnd they will find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the Bowels, excellent as a tonic, nnd rejuvenating generally. We have the evi d nee of thousands of aged men and women wk" Lave experienced the benefit of using this ] ' ' iiion while suffering from stomach de- i,i .. : u: -an I general debility ; acting under ; e ■ B i e of pliy-icians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly tested the merits < f this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There are certain periods when 1: r cares arc so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. '1 he relation of mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the t -leer, especially if she be young, is apt to t ? t Lor own health in her extreme anxiety I r her iiifiint. Should the period ofimaternity ■ rri-.e during the summer season, the wear of 1 d,• and mind is generally aggravated. Here, th is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the co.ther to bear up under her exhausting trials I i< -i rtsil ilities. Nursing mothers genc i ■ | ferthe Litters to all other invigora • id : t r. eive the endorsement of physi . ms. ' it i- ngrecal le to the taste as m : cer: nto give a permanent increase ■ id' I ti y strength. Ai; ■ i --ins. to wlicm we have particu ’ r’v r-f" i above, to wit: sufferers from t -nr a- t enu-ed Ly nia’.aria. diarrhoea, dv.-i • v. indigi siii it. loss of appetite, and I 1.,-. -or derangements of the stomach, ! - : •. -ited invalids, persons o; sedentary * ■ t--i .. i. and nursing mothers, will consult i ■V,'i WelfuT'' Ly giving to Hoa- t v . - i'< ia-- 1 St- mach Bitter? a trial. CAUTION. —We cantion the public against ti'iitg any of the many imitations or counter • I ,t iof Ilf stettkr's Cet.ebr.vted ' !■ -. and see that each ■ 'tie has : . J. TU.-fd'ter's'h Litters'’ I ■>:. nti- c de of the hottie, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and oifierve vu; autograph s."nature is on tiie label. r. ■ r-o-nrod nnd sold by HOSTETTER & S2CITII, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by ail druggistgrocers, and dealers generally through' : the United States, South Ame rica, and Germany. lUriilay Morniii<i7 ATay 14. Public ZtXe.etiifcg in V.i nlcling County* A large number of the citizens at Paulding County met in the Court House of Dallas on Tuesday the 7th inst., and called C. D. Jen kins Esq. to the chair, and requested J. R. Owen to act as Secretary. The object of the meeting was expilained' by T. C. Moore Esq. On motion a committee was appointed by the chairman consisting of the following gen tlemen from each Militia District, to wit: Town Dist. T. C. Moore ; Callifornia, Henry Lester ; Burnt ITickbry, Ed. Ilagin ; Acorn Tree, L. Maulding ; Pumpkin Vine, I. L. Adair; Weddington’s, Wm. Florence; I9th, W. D. Harris ; Utah, Ryalßates; 20th, Thos. W. Grogan; Umphries, M. Austin; Caines, J. S. Leathers ; for the purpose of reporting suitable resolutions. The committee having retired, J. R. Owen made a short but patriotic speech, followed by a stirring enthusiastic speech from the Rev. A. J. Devours, at the close of which the Committee through T. C. Moore Esq., made the following report; Whereas, the people of eight of the South ern States have dissolved their connection with the Government of the United States and have entered into a compact of Govern ment with each other known as the Confed erate States of America of which nationality Georgia is a component member: And where as Abraham Lincoln President of the United States has, contrary to the Cons titution there of and without cause declared war upon the people of the Confederate States end is at this time prosecuting with all the powers of that Government an unjust, unnatural and unholy war upon the people of the Confederate States and their friends in other States for the purpose of subjugating and reducing us and them to a State ot unconditional vassal age to that government ; And whereas it therefore becomes the imperative duty of the people of this Confederacy to resist to the utmost and the last extremity the efforts of the United States government in order that they may preserve the liberties bequeathed to them by their illustrious ancestry ; And whereas also these are in our midst a few dis contented and disloyal citizens who either through ignorance or prejudice have mani fested signs of disloyalty to the Government of the Confederate States and who might in the event of a protracted war enter into com binations and through their Treasonable ef forts cause trouble to our people ; therefore, Ist Resolved, That we the people of Pauld ing County feeling an ardent attachment to the cause ofthe South hereby pledge ourselves to spare neither men nor m mey in resisting the unholy and unjust war now being waged against our country. 2d, Resolved, That we recommend to the citizens of our County the propriety of form ing an organization composed of men over the age of Forty five, whose business it shall be to see that the families of those who be long to Volnnteercoinpanies in this county are supplied with necessary food and clothing during their service and to visit those per sons if any whose language and actions may be treasonable, and warn such persons ofthe impropriety of their course and to take such other action in relation thereto as the neces sities of the particular circumstances may require. 3d, Resolved, Thai the chairman of this meeting appoint one or’more suitable men in each district whose business it shall be to call the men in their respective districts over the age of forty five, together for the purpose of organization. 4th, Resolved, That each District company be requested to appoint a committee of live to meet at Dallas on the 3d Thursday inst., for the purpose of a thorough organization ot the county generally and of reporting the condition of the Districts respectively. sth, Resolved, That the sympathies of this meeting are tendered to the officers and pri vates of the Paulding Volunteers also the Paulding Grays, that the prayars and good wishes of tfie people of this couty shall fol low them on their mission of j>atriotism and should they return they shall be welcomed back with fe lings of the deejx.s g a'.itu le to the homes of those whom they have defended. 6th, Resolved. That this meeting will heart ily co-operate with Miles E 1 wards Esq., and John B. Beall Esq., in the formation of anoth er company, and recommend to the patriotic citizens cf Paul ling who desire to serve their count y and have not Volunteered to unite with those worthy gentlemen. On motion the chair appointed the follow- \ ing gentlemen under the third Resolution,' Tavd Di-t, W.C. Adair: Burnt Hickory, I Eiwarl Ilagin: rn. Tree M. Pickett;! Pumpkin Vine, J. L. Adair: Weddington’s. Win. Florence : 19th, John Y. Allgood; Utah, M. If. Mosely : 20th. 11. Whitworth : Um phrys M. Austin. Upon motion the resolutions were unani mously adapted ami on motion cl Miles Ed wards it was Resolccd, That all persons that are willing to aid in supporting the families of absent Volunteers be requested to pledge themselves in writing to do SO. Whereupon a large number of our citizens came forward and signed the pledge. Various patriotic speeches were made by our oldest citizens and ministers of the gos pel . Tears trinckled down the checks ofmany a hardy true man, and altogether such a day was never before seen in the Village of Dallas. Our citizens are fully aroused. We have tw v o companies organized and in a few days another will be added to the list, and thus the work of patriotism will go on until not a man V 111 be found in Paulding county who does not belong to a Military organiza tion. Upon motion it v/as resolved, that the papc-is of Al arietta and Atlanta be requested, to publish the proceedings of this meeting and thereupon the meeting adjourned in the best cf feeling and every mans heart felt to over flowing with feeling of patriotism. C. D. JENKINS. Chin. J. R. Owen £e ffy. The Louisville Courier furnishes the fol'-' lowing comparative statement of meats in the city: April 20, 1861. April 4, 18601 Mess Pork, bbls 26,434 29,899 Bacon Shoulders, 1b<...4,687,740 3,682,000 “ Hams, lbs 3,825,550 2,872,000 ; “ Sides, lbs 1,672,000 2,602,000 This, we are assured, is more than has been sold in this market for home consump tion— that is for consumption in the State— wc are told in the last ten years, all tcld. Organization of a Volunteer Regiment. Yesterday, the commissioned officers of ten Companies met at the Armory of the Gate City Guards, for the purpose of organ izing’ a Volunteer Regiment, for the service •of the Confederate States. Capt. L. J. Gar trell was called to the chair, and Perino Brown was appointed Secretary. The following arc the names of the com panies composing this Regiment, and the officers representing them in the Conven tion : CONFEDERATE VOLUNTEERS, FULTON COUNTY. Captain—L. J. Gartrell. Ist Lieutenant—G. J.Foreacre. 2d “ —Perino Brown'. 3 1 “ ll. 11. Witt. MCDONALD GUARDS, COBB COUNTY. Captain—J. M. Johnson. Ist Lieutenant—ll. Reid. 2d “ —J. C. Grifiies. 3d “ —J. J. Blackwell.- STONE MOUNTAIN VOLUNTEERS, DUKM.B COUNTY. Captain—E. W. Hoyle. Ist Lieutenant—T. 11. Browning. 2d “ —Daniel Brogan. 3d “ —IL J. Holly. COBB MOUTAINEERS, COBB COUNTY.- Captain—Janies F. Cooper. Ist Lieutenant—C. C. Winn. 21 “ —Green Lee Butler. 3d —J. A. G. Anderson. PAULDING VOI.UNTEERS, PAULDING COUNTY. Captain—C. S. Jenkins. Ist Lieutenant—J. 11. Weaver. 2d “ —L. B. Anderson. 3d “ —L. B. Compton. CONFEDERATE GUARDS, COBB COUNTY. Captain—E. 11. Lindley. Ist Lieutenant—J. B. Lindley. “‘1 “ •—John F. Kizer. “ —B. F. Ward. ROSWELL GUARDS, COBB COUNTY. Captain —John Dunwoody. Ist Lieutenant—C. A. Dunwoody. - I “ —B. F. Bishop. 3d “ —J. L. Wing. DEKALB LIGHT INFANTRY, DEKA LB COUNTY. Captain—John W. Flower. Ist Lieutenant—John J. Powell. John M. Hawkins. •’ d “ —Janies L. Wilson. COWETA 2d DISTRICT GUARDS, COWETA COUNTY. Captain—S. W. Lee Ist Lieutenant—George W. Bryant. 2d “ —I. F. Gordon. 3d “ —Jacob Benton. DAVIS INFANTRY, FULTON COUNTY.- Captain—W. J. Ballard. Ist Lieutenant—W. P. Chisolm. —John McLendon.- V» • L. Hubbard. . Capt, L. J. Gartrell was elected Colonel. Capt. James F. Cooper, Lieutenant Colonel, and Capt. John Dunwoody, Major. A resolution was unanimously adopted recommending Dr. J. F. Alexander to the :>p; lintment ofSurgeon of the Regiment. Several other companies were represented, but their applications for admission came too late, as the Regiment was already full. This!’ gim nt is expected to go into active service in a few days, and will no doubt do honor to our Flag and the cause in which they are al out to engage. May success at tend them every vhere.—Allaida Litelligenc er. Washington, May B.—Major Robert An derson, late of Fort Sumter, Charleston har bor. is at present in this city, and is consen I ting to take command of the Kentucky Brig ade of Lincolnites, NO. 18.