The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, June 04, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. 1. iHijseUiuwmts. FOUR HORSE COACH EINE ooo From Marietta to Cumming. —ooo rnilE subscriber h"* in the abovoline it splen lii j p oul . Horse Couch. with excellent su ck an i careful drivers,by which passengers are put through in shorter time and with far greater convenience than formerly. Ev ry attention will ,e> pant their comfort, and no exer ions spared to make this Marietta, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fn-la.vs for Cumming; and return Tuesdays, Ihursday, and Satur fays ; also connecting same days <vith the Hack to and from Dahlonega. Ihenaut io a L N . HEGGIE. FAMILY STORET - -o GROVES & BUTNER, ’J-JAYE opened in the Post Office Building, a VARIETY FAMILY STORE, in which will befound every article in the Grocery line, liquors < xceptcd, besides a great variety of other articles. They will sell fir Cash and Small Profits. If you want good COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, BACON, LARD, Mola s'"’, Pyrup, Tobacco, 5 arc, or anything in that line, g’ve us a call, and we warrant satisfac tion. » e will also keep Foolscap and Letter Paper, Pens T nk, aid other article.-! of Stationery. COU NT MY PRO DUCE of a'l ki..ds tak.-n in hart ron liberal terms. july 11, 18». ‘ly UTILU AT THE OLD STAND! — O'JO Ffil IE till o r-i ,■ t. th Hik'u' fir p-i.-t fi.-’t'-, i Jt_ xti 1 1 'ii 'n n :-tni i rai i ' ••[>.!■ ii ng CARRIAGES A N D B U Q <3 I E S OF EVERY DOSU OPTION. And No. Irosi zYxle Wagons. all of the Best Style and Fink-It, An d all War ra n ted. 11-p tiring dof.e in -ill th ' bran -h s, a* to fore. All due on /> '■ '.toh i Tbo-ein <l< li'- .1 iv II pie -iso come fonvnrl o< ■! * 11 Iv. Mar etta. I in. I. Hl MPHHEY REID. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOOD! J. J. NORTHCUTT, & CO.. Maii.Jta, Georgia, g I AVE th< ir fu’l .-u.qdy of Staple, and Fancy I) B 7 COO BS. LADIES <(’• CIIILD.L'EXX' SUI*E RI O R SIM) Es . together with a general assortment of articles, icAl’c'i t/l' 7 lire <o, r . .» / e.i tAe J.iro.-.i ’ f. •».. FOR ENCASH Call and be convinced. [m ar 28 JARM3N & CO. S EXCELSIOR MILLS, Marietta, Georgia. FISHIS Frvn.-h Burr S' -ne Mil’, ’a Mv put v.p ir. | .MvEltiv.'li's building near th ■ iwHioad, turs Every Wednesday and Saturday, nd makes the finest qui’ity ofMea'. and Grist. Corn Ground for Toll. ut*r2l J A MON A CO. GWin.i. cue a corxH; umixisT a rolus s ile. 11 ’ 11.1. bs - id. on tho ti".-t Ta - Itv io J i v H r.V, b«..r ttx-C.prt H-.u- d rin M r tin. li-tw,,- h- I z*] h ur.» < f -a <•, by \ riu< «>• •tn ’. r •>■ n t C.-mt . f O io <-y at -u c ir. v e . Si.t-i 'V,muii.f..'n..' ' i I, u - ’ v - mil i'c ..t-'r- vt the e-t.v.v o .’e cuv.a h Mo r, d o, M I . T< rn.s m* tv kr-.n on t e d v <»f - <lo ?>ti' ■.l-oi M>ANN Mi Wu B Adm's chv sTUti.v xorti v. A a o ■ ■> . i th-i t; ■ < \<H •••«»■ < i .nt . t . f . »» I ’ 31.- t > piv Cu 1. ‘ - f,-, Jf r fV : ' 1 : . . • . ''• . ’ 1 5. HIGGLE. The Marietta Semileeldy Advocate. ilHsitirss gdhttrtwnwafs. SdrugsH aIA RKLEY A JOVAEA ANNOUNCE to their customers that they have on hand a full and complete stock of BR« @ § MEDICINES. Our present assortment of all the u uni goods kepi in a Drug Store, is now offered at prices that cannot fail to suit,. Persons in want of any of the following would do well to price them at our house: Kerosene Burning Oil, KEROSENE LAMPS from 60 cts. to $3 75 each. —ALSO Turpentine, Fluid, Candles, Alcohol, Lard and Sperm Oils, Linseed Oil, V> Lite PA INTERS’ CO LORS, Putty, Window Glass, Druggists’ Vials, TOY S 3 >; r VTT &C., &C., etc. Prescriptions carefully nut up. WiSS -i-ipg A' Won Ilope.M. }ir:n cords, plow lines, PAINTED BUCKETS & TUBS, IJsu Ri tH r.isti 'I uli-i, W cIl Ikeivts and WdieGs, sieves an I Rid Iles, Tea K.itt'es, Coffee .Mills, 33 IALOOM S, ('■■it 'll Twin and Factory 'I h ia 1. For sale by Mu-r 1,18(51 WM. ROOT A SON. Its Character Claims, &c., n-ifsl. The Conr-c M’ In-nue ion is extensive and suited to (lie ■ baraetcr aiol sphere id females*. SoColl (. ill - !• i-iio inc >s effv I I j lin ’d wiiti'mt severity, or h ushiiiss. 'l'll I**l. T ie Rat -of Tuition are moderat ' and t' o pax in 1.1.* easy. l-uurtli. The Build:ng. and Gi-.iinds, b-ing wry niivli improved, .are admirably adapted to plea -an t aid li> n1 •: ',lu! study and < x. l eiso iiflh. il.el'ii cipa! i .by birth'• ii I’du ''l i >n, a lien-, ; nil hi.- mtin.'-ts and sympati: ies nr empl’.a' i< a'l v 8> u hi in. noil he has p iid a d the property, umler th- ab,a ■ tit]' for the piti p. ■ "f i i i li.-’. ii.; a S' at e n l.male - it:::.;'| equal t any <»« V:.-r in < ,\i -teiuo. *iX.ll. The parents who Send their dn '. t er.- hero, may feel insured that tliev wi 1 •"' ex-'inp’ i r un immoral i. Il :."n i * : t at ty wi i I li.ii'- ix cell nt soi inland rc’igidus advnnt s; that thev wi! receive every at'ci.t , n nice-, ary t ■ th. ir im pr< \ 'ii'citt and contf rt ; that they will he eon iluetcd ri gulurlv through a course of ;tpn opriatc s'udii s and a', the end of that <•• mrse. w i I r evive <li]'lotras, as eerti'ieati-s of the r scholarship. ■'•vv until, >tudeut< nt iy en'er at a v time and w ill bechatged from the ti ne of ent ranee to the Clow < f the Session. I i _,hth. Tile Ptii '’poll is pt''pared t > t'.h.e b >nrdvrs at ttu'di ra e. and :o ail' r l them e\tra ai v at.ta : s f.r proseouting t' <ir stli 'iie*. <j- For particular.*, a -'.dress T. B. COOPER, Pi in. M -.iv-ttn. Ga. May, 7. IStil. NEW PA 8 NT SHOP. r2l I E utider'igsi d ha vii g p. ■; ma> e . ''y ' it el K tn Marietta with a view ot carrying oa the PAINTING BUSINESS in a’! its vv Ims dep rtiTtents, ha* taken the Room <'Ve r the \V i t Ksi.op of \\ R. A! C .v n, • : 1 ’ .■ .. He wool 1 re p ctfully call th ■ atti • izeits and "tin rs t ■ the same, au I . .in. -tly li it a liberal share of p.iti m 'go. • ’ \llw o' k d 'lie. wil hp. .mptnes ■ a l '. -p.itoh. Jam IS, ly. 1. 5. H A >. 11’;' ' ' " 1' - H ( a-h. HAM.MKi r v t. ROVE.- Tan Bark Wap ed. rp BARK will I - ■ • 5 >t*'.n.i f.ii <ry'. ;t:»y :i. .. ly, 'rw! i. ' I lire,' .a j cell spi. f. t Wil; I ■ p.: t. if de’. : vered ■it the yarn. JNO. H. GLOVER. A. ISAACS, Wh lestile at ,1 iet.ui I'. ,!er in Fancy Goods, KIBBD.Vs FEATHERS, FLOWERS, li ’. 'D. --.l'’- ie -. I. i . 1 .. les, * ••>. t< •'■i y' 11. »i 1 t lit: 1!illn st;. White Hall Street, a: LAWS. GEORGIA. MARIETTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING JUNE 4, 1861. gulvertigtrncutji. Cobb s>herilf Sale 'WTST’IDL be sold before the Court House door on VV the first Tuesday in July next during the legal hours of sale the following property to wit One Hon-) und Lot in the Town of vcwor’h, Cobb county Georgia, said Lot beit g originally part of Lot. No 32 in the District of ths 2nd See.' .n •. mg one hundred, feet in fruiit am.l two hundred feet buck, bounded on the East by street muning North and South and M est by lot owned bv t mith Lemon South by lot owned by Sitiit i Lemon ami North by lot owned by Wm._ Bond*, Lev ed for cost money. JAS. F. McCLESKY, Sh’if May 2s, 1861. ’ Slate of Georgia, Cobb Count. A LL persons concerned are hereby notified that t, G. M. tolls before J. A. Tolleson, one of the Justices of the Peace for said district, as an estray, a brown mare, ito marks or brands except a slight eoPar mark on the shoulder and a wind puff on the in side of-the right hock, and about ten years oi l.— Appraised by John F. Perry and W iliam Kirkland Jj-ev holders of said c'lUtity, worth one hun dred dollars. Th owner of said csir y is equir ed to come forward pay charges and take said m ire away or she will be dealt as the law directs. A true extract from the Estrav B mk. May 31, IMI. W. W. CARRELL, C. I. C. tic*-.—Two months after date, application At will be made to the Court of Ordina y of Col b c > inly, for leiiW' to sell the I ;nd belonging to 11.e estate <>f John Pharr, deceased, for the benefit of tie heirs an I cred.tors of said decerned. This Slay 3), 18-H. 2m A. N. DcPRE, Admr. AC' r 0 I ICL. —All persons indebted to the estate Ti J.tmes B rd, late of Cobb county, deceased, are required to make immediate payment to th; u ;der- I._.ted, and a'l persons having demands ag liust sal I e-tate, are requested to present them properly Ltites<eil, within the time prescribed by law. 'llli-' 3clh M :y. IsGl. 6w. I). D. - . ■' iBN ER, Admr. I^'OTICE,-- Ail persons indebted to the estate of Allen T. '! lacham, late of Cobb county, d ceased, are required to make immediate pay m mt to th ■ undersigned, and all p if; ons having d tiiand- against .-mid estate, are r- quested to pre sent them properly attested, within th; lime pre scribed by law. i’his May 3i) i ill. Gw JEHU O. HAYS, Admr. 'il.---T'VO months ■> f:er <1 application IN will be made to the Court of (Jr lie iry of Cobb C'.ithly, for leave to sell tn.' la mi- belonging to he estate' of Alien ’l'. Meach.: m, deemised. fm the benefit of the heirs at:.i cri ditols of aid dec. ;.- : < d. 'this M . . 1.2 m JEHU ). IIAA Adm-. <1 i'.ORGIA, COBB COUNTi-- -Wh. rm>..*, Elizt S Jontgor- ery applies to m" in writing us the widow of the decea.-ed for letters of administr.'i tioii on the e.-l tt ■ of R .bort M. Montgomery, late of s:iid ceiunty. dei ea- nd : The-e ar? t iter "fore to cite and mlrnonWt all and i-mgnmr the Lmlred and cr.'-iitjis m said de ceased, to file their I'bjm'iioiis. if any they have, in my oki.-e, on or b. lore the lir-t M.m lay in July next, o h ■ i-e b iters of admmi tratimi will b" g a;t;<'d :!;*• imp imint at that term us the Court of (>rdht:i I".’ f-ir mileumtv. Giv.-t’. mid t mvh.tml, at M iri '.ta, tids 3 '.h .’lav, l-M. Im JOHN G. CAMPPULL, Ord’y. 'V (>Ti i E -■-- ' li persons i d bted to the estate J. xl of John Pharr, late of Cobb e■ mty, dee. 'used, arc required to ma!;.' imm d .iie payment to tit • under-. d, and ; per - ons ha viti g claims agaim t said es'.tl'', are requested to pr tin tn, ]irop erlv atte.-ied, within the time pr -.rribed by law. 1 his '■! tj 3), 1861. Gw A. N. D tPRE, Aln ■. .< E()RG ? , C'HEROK EE <-»un < 4 t ; • "■ ■• • ■ ’ ■ t her of 'uhti I. -w. dee. i.-i ■!. applies to me f r letters of minii ei ir.iti m tip n t..e c- ate of the raid John L"W, late i f .- 'id county dvee—*'■•!. T .-■• .ii v . i ]’ n e t■' l it'.' hi. 1 mlmon’-b all at.d -i'.iia' t e'. 1 and credit r "f said de'eased e tile me 'tion.-, if any tiiey have, within the i'.iie pres, rilied-liy law. why .-a d letters sh mid mil he granted the ai• ;■!i'-r. ’’i, this -It i April. I 'll. April 11. ' JAMES JORDAN, Od’y. ESTRAY NOTICE, <•-o Pauldljig Vvunty, Clerl-:* Offi-e, h.i i >r (hurt, Ap.d li, IfCL < L L PERSUN ?4 sN'T EI iE - iT -2%. ..'ii ar.- 1. I', l.v not'm. d t'at W. L Bone, of s .id eon’ tv. toil.- Ip f -re Willmm dair, one i f the Ju -:ii s "f the I’e ■ e for- iid e'.ur.ry. :.- an c-tr.iy. a(■ ray Horse, with sem ■ yel low sp"' on hi* n.-.k a d s*. mde's. sup]' ■'d to Lc al. t s fitteen year ; <l.l, I- mr i t vie v> n imh ■ - I':.;';, valm "1 b y M • ’A . Timm; "ii ami JeLti 15. .Adri', i. - ' ImldeiS of sail count v, to be tv tili five toHat*. Tl.o ii'.v’;, rn, <ai i v tray i- li-'o ’y required to c me .'... v, a. 1 i '.y ••!• .:r.:e . a I time sai I Imrse ■ -! ' I j ... A true c.xtrai'lfrom the < ,-tr.iv lb ' . N. N. BE \ I.L. C J. C. NOTICE. qpWO S?9XT?[S i'"'’ 1 ' G’i'” J} will be tnade to the'.ourt fOr b a y <.f Cobb eountv 6-r lea' o to sell the i.- ate oelongiug o the cstnie of Charles Cler. late o sail < ■>ii'.ty de ri'.-i.-i■<!. t i' th■■ 1., l.efit of C. Heirs a: I ir-miturs of sai I de e..- ■ I. April I, ELIZABE) H CIJiD, A lua’x. <1 EORGI 1, P, ‘ >KSYT " ’’ " ’ ’ SasJ ■ I. : ■. Ii i' Y i>. Aiimini tra'rix "f U’il. ham . oyd. ; re*e< t- to the. Court in her petition <hr v fi lid ami enter 1 on re< • r i tli t .- he li ' * ful ly . Imi.i ' .- I Wig; tn I ly.l's .-stat". TIE- i* t'lm:etore, toeit. all pt-m - c-im ■ rt.< d i imlro 1 ard < r 'lit rs. t- iv can if noy t <y < at', why .-aid n-iinii' «'r.,c i.\ should r.ot l-v <!:-< . i . ■ d !r<mi 1 r .otniiai ; .ri'iit on the fir-t .'.'' ■ ’ ■ M.iy m n o ’ 11. 11 Iv .I'. (* . EORGIA.' HERuK i ■ K a- J -<■>■’: M’Connc I, am. ■ a,-;r..r-r .< the v a e f Wm. P-nver*. ile -t-;■ eI. >p; li s to m f. r I:* i. -s on fr u .- id ii'ttu :ii-tr,tion. I ■-’ ■ ■ ’ ■-";■- .* • st, i ! ■ h y ti e t■. t • ;- : im - , if any thiy I: <ve. w i fin 11..- t. i;> |-r...<i i ■] t> > a-r wi vsii t p • t j \m» > jordan oj’v. A ; .. 11. h’. ’. t,; PATE or Gi:OKGI •> > • >’ .ti <y : " . r i ■ A. ti i; .<• in A eutn i t at r <>: K '"'rt- n W < 1, r • »* t . the C u t tn I * j-cti'.i■ o. d i v ii'isi ami enter* <1 on re ‘•T'l t at he :-.i* a ,r. i R v a-rison f‘ ’ - is. ’’i ere fore, to < i <- all p rsi t.s kt- wn a* r . n-e if SI y ri.ev .’ n. way * , d a -n "Tatar *h.l.v ' :rem tis i a. i - *at i ■ in, : ■ •■. ve let a■ - t <<i*mia?iuu I ' I. l e*. 7. I*B- ’ IL BARKER, Ord’y. I 2 EORGIA. P ) riJH.GJ' •••• I 1 " (. i, . , -.Ai .-t :i! ri f : .-■ r .-i.vte ut N.«; ’.■ a A. 1 . -t-.r. te -. ■< a. ap : :'.-r let:- rs vt 0.-mi.-.-.- u t: m .-a.d Ad- mini-irat o n. • - s a .o'er' i i I'm i. ; pear at my > ebv ■v Ist '. u day . i Au, •m.. t. t -' w ■;e, if tn * y ave, w t.y letters si. a 1 met I■' graa - C'.vt ; u;. ;r: tv h.i- t ; t” •' ■« Jantt irv 3<, Is . .MILE' AWARDS. Ordinary. VOTiC”.-' ■ : - ' i’MVtd t ~ t “■ rt qu’ red t make eot str pay :;.-'Bt. an i all those ■ l-.t .t.r.0.-s; ■ ■. ■ : are request. .1 ’ ■- ’ t. -;u ■ r '-rt-.-<i : >; . - i 11 t.-rm- ; tfte ii P. E< WELL “ F b I I' .R Adat’r. I (ciirfe. ”73.YJREW~J7 H ANSELL?' Attorney, Counsellor & Solicitor, jMssvietitii, Georgia. “Sf'C:: ACTICES in Ea Superior Courts of the fol- Jj2 rawing counties: Cobb. Forsyth, Floyd. Catoosa, Cherokee, Paul ding, Whitfield and Milton. Also, in the Supreme Court of the Stnte of Georgia at Atlanta, and in the District Court of th •. Corned rate States lor the D strict of Georgia. may 1. 1861. C. D. PHILLIPS, Attorney and. Counsellor at Law, y'aiietta, Georgia. February 22, 1862. WA.SHIKQTOKH&IX VfS.VNT.V GEWIAGIA BY E. R. SASSEEN HR. N. N. GOBER, RFFORM PHYSICIAN. Marietta, Georgia. OFFERS his services to the citizens of Mari etta and surrounding country. Milieu North side of the square over Page Ha ley’s Sti re. P'-’'- 1 8, ts. CICEI ' -,3 D.'X, COLLECTING LAWYER, Marietta, Georgia. ®’SFILL give Lis entire attention to the coliec y y t’ou of till claims entrusted to his care. March 9, 'CO. M. A LL 2N, JlaricHa, Georgia. ,t < HATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta and vi eiuily for a literal ].;<t!onago during the past bin years is *tHl prepared to perform all opera tiimm-IHier f.T preserving the i. itura.l, or insert ing artificial teetii, in the most approved mann.-r. He solicits calls from those who have eery ba,l tzifA, as he is u.-ing a prejuir ilion for tilling the most delicate : - tit, no matter how badiy decayed, if not otherwise diseased—ami rendering them -erviceable for years. It. is about the same color as the tee h and will never change "r discolor the teeth. Ri fi t * to citizens of Marietta for whom Le lia-i '.perated during the past ten years. ’lr.HVts CASH, unless by special contract — (Jff.'.u Smith .-ide of public square, over the Post Ollicc. Marietta, Ga., Jan. I, 1861. FA W. 21T TOR M E Y A T LA W , llaaictta, CJeorg-ja. ’&’lf7'lLL diligently attend to any business con s V hlei to his care in the counties of Cobb, Cbm -lice. Milton and Paulding. CLAIMS collected as soon as it can bo done by law, and tit*- money promptly pail over. Jan 20, 1 >6l. NOTICE. (y IRCUMST\NCES h iving prevented my re moving West as cootciuplated—l offer my services to th. public as a Physician for the ensu ing year. ■'o -Office in Connel.’.* Building, up stairs, where I an be found at all times. GEO. W. CLELAND. W- H. Hl NT, ATTORNEY AU LAW, Marietta, Georgia. X. B. GREEN, Attorney & Counsellor at Law. .13a» ießCobh C'ounty. Georgia, 'g'i T ILIi practii'e, an i give prompt attention to Vr all bu.-im ** .-ti: b-d t > his prof s-form! care, in the D -tri t Court at Marietta; The Su pi'.m. ■ (’"! it of Ge T_ii at At anta; The Superi or an In -ri >r C'nrts of the Blue Ridge Circuit, a . ! th" (■'■' I’.t ■ * :"lj.lining C.i’ih, of other Circuits. Spee’al atte' ttuit Liven t > the collc< lion of debt*, an t t lie-emtrir,g of all manner of claims. uipt and etneimit attention will he given to 1m im . r •-t’ 1- i-im ** in the '. urt-s of Ordinary in the eoiii.'y ■ t Cobb and adjoining counties. RKH ALTER ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Georgia. V Tl 7 I LL practice in Fnltmn, Paulding and all the V V c unta'? of the Elite Ri lge Cin uit, in the .'■i ; m • Court, and in th D.-triet Court at Mari etta. WM. PHILLIPS, J. T. BURKHALTER. Jan. 1. ly. < H EENE. Jt*T re lived, a large )«»r ■ t English Dairy and t. rCbe- -e. >y ' GROVES A BUTNER. NUTS ’ 4 T'. R ’*E l"t ■ A’m -1:1*. Fi'hcrt.*, Pecan, • iEiu.i'h W.ilnu'*. *'■’ -a Nuts ami Kai ■. : >r- iie i.y GROVES & BUTNER. IYiH'iii, Mil- ier, C.’ppera*. Logwood, Blue . -.... ’■'■ g, Berax. A . t r .. bv HAMMETT Jt GROVES. i.; iv lu. IS6I. FOOD FOR MILCH COWS. £ A J/UAL. 4 SUPPLY of Pea Meal the b<-t food m larket kep* ■ -uetually on hand, at $1 per bu-uet. april 19 C. J. SHEPARD. Jiiicl I Homing. t l EKL (ND HOMINY - f excelb-nt nun ity, i tu w.. ' >i u, i.-' u r <• uni at Jmmon A . c : V - rji:.l. C. J.SHEPARD : K A Y. I’ -'-, aup i y tlm S.:•(■■. a Dark Brown are t ten years hl, no mari except a wind gall I on the right hind leg. The - wncr is requested to i; me 1 "Wari, ai.dget his proptr'y . -u'. Will Li ' - ... <.:;■- *av. A T*. H'M lO.VRE. ,f '■ ’ ** * ’' I-.’!. 1 WwlfeJg gidverate. The Scmi -We ekly la issued on Tuesday and Friday mornings, at the following rates : Six mcsitlio 00. Twelve montiis 00. The Weekly Is issued every Friday morning, at the follow ing rates: Six months - - - ” A - §1 00. Twelve months - 00. TSatesi : >BST Ten lines or less constitutes a Square, either in the Semi-Weekly or Weekly.“©a. One insertion 81 00 Each additional insertion 50 One week or three insertions 2 00 Facu additional square 1 ('0 Two weeks 3 00 Each additional square 2 00 One month 5 00 Each additional square 3 00 Two months 7 00 Each additional square 4 00 Three months 10 00 Each additional square <5 00 Six months 12 00 Each additional square 6 00 Twelve months 15 00 Each additional square 8 00 RENEWABLE AT PLEASURE: One square one years2o 00 Each additional squarelo 00 xj’ Advertisements excee Hug the space con ranted for, will be charged for the excess. j?.3“ Advertisements in both, the Semi-Weekly Weekly, will be charged the full Semi-Weekly rates, with only half price for the Weekly. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. MARKLEY: JOYNER DRUGGISTS, ll.ive just received from the West 200 Gallons Pure Lord Gil, 165 “ ‘‘ Tanner’s Oil, 180 “ Prime Alcohol, SO “ Burning Fluid, 150 lbs Pure Sulphur, 250 “ Prre Cooking Soda, 2 Barrells Linseed Oil. 120 Gallons Kerosene Oil, Sold for Cash only. June 1, 1861. C yV £4 II IV consequence of the stringency of the times we inform the public that we will demand the < :issi for all Uood. when rlcli v <1 lifter this dav. MARKLEY A JOYNER. May 31,1861. Georgia, Pickens County. TO all whom it nmv concern, .Times E. Burch havin'’’ in projier form applied to me for perm anent letters of adniinistri’mn on the estate of Pye’- Burch, late of said eountv deceased. These are therefore to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Pvcr Burch to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, to show cause if a r v they can. why perma nent administration -hon'd not be granted to Jas. E. Bnreli. on Dver Burch’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature. May 24, 1861. " P. F. FERGUSON, Ord’y. Georgia Paulding' County. M^ T IH'RF \S Charles Robertson npnlies'fo nte V v for letter* of irnar<ii:in-t ip overtlm t ersons and property of Victoria V.. Mary E. and Martha R. ('otisin*. mi't'ir orphans of John Cousins, dee’ll. These are therefore to <ite and admonish all persons concerned to Im ami appear tit my office on the first Yfondav in Jnne next to show cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted to s<i 1 applicant. Given under my hand at office tin’s Mnv 27. |R6I. may 31, ’6l. MILES EDWARDS, Ord’y. NOTI CIl. rnr,l,^l ' i n f' , r date application will be i* made to the TTouorab's Court of Ordinary of Paulding county for leave to sell that portion of the r** 1 estate which lies in said county, of Reu ben T. Font, kite of Macon county Ma. deceased, may 27, ’6l. JAMES C. N. FOOTE, Adin’r. NOTIC r. i irn'b- after date application will be S made to the Cottit of Ordinary of Paulding •county for leave to sell the real estate of John L. Davis, late of said mmutv deceased. MA LINDA P. DAVIS, Adm’x. May 27. 2861. GeorgTa, Paulding' County. A LL person- having demand* against the estate . » "f A. G. Brintlc late of said county deceased, are hereby requested to present them to the mi, designed properly attested within the time pre scrib 'd by law. an 1 all those indebted to said •'*• Cite ar - hereby requested to m ike immediate pay ment, th : - Mav 27, 161. O. F. BRIN I LE. A Im’r- m iy 31, I*']!. M. J. BRINTLE, Adm'r. May 21st, 1861. Marietta Camp Ground Academy. V,’t. the Trustees and patrons of said school and ' itizen- of the county having been callcl togeth er this lay by the teacher of said school, Mr. E. P. Gaines, in order to inquire into some slander ous reports which are rapidly spreading all through thi? country relative to Mr. E. I’. Gains' being au Abolitionist and favorable to Lincoln and his friends, have diligently inquired into, the whole matter and find them to be perfectly false and un founded, and ir.ttvad of their being true, we believe him Mr. E. P. Gaines to be as firm and a* sound a principled man and a* true a patriot a.-, our county afford.*. J rXVSTEES. Sila.* Brown, B. W. Donahoo, T. A. Gober, Waller Manning, Wm. J. De'.k. I'ATBOXS. ' .. W. J. Stone, J. L. FridcJ. J. G. Shirty, John Bar- ’ rtU, W. D. tUl'Fim. D. «. Pl*Wmr»n. > ‘ ‘ I MARIETTA, MAY 31. Cobb Motxntainoers. Below is a list of the officers and privates of the Cobb Mocntaineets one of the compa nies of this county belonging,!© Col. GartrelFs regiment under oiders to leave on Thursday. OFFICERS. Capt.—W. AV. White, Ist. Lieut.— C. C. Winn, 2nd. “ —Greenlee Butler. 3rd. “ —J. A. G. Anderson, Ist. Sergt.—J. IV. Hodge, 2nd. “ —Thos. Wilson, 3rd. “ —T. 11. AVeaver, 4th. “ T. W. Brock, Ist. Corpl.—J. N. Daniel, 2nd. “ —J. W. Doncaster, 3rd. “ —V. A. Hamby, 4th. “ —J. IL Tucker, Company Surgeon—G. AV. Cleland,- PRIVATES. Thos. Aderholt, AV. P. Hughey, IT. Bradley, A. J. Hammett, J. L. Brewer, T. S. Henry, W. AV. Barmore, 11. C, Irwin, P. 11. Bryant, AV. S. Johnson, •J. P. Bryant, A. L. Lord, I). A. Brown, J. W. McConnell, P. A. Bennett, S. A. Martin, Jas. Brooks, .1. AA T . McGarity, Av T . T. Bohanan, T. J. Mullins, W. A. Brown, J. C. McDonald, T. AV. Cook, Alpha, Newton, AV. B. Clinkscales, Bluford Osborn, B. F. Curry, Bird Parks, 11. S. Collins, AV. A Iloby, Jiiltn Cain, AVm. Ililfey, Stophen Daniell, AVtn. Stephens, A B. Daniell, J. E. Shaw, AV. R. Daniell, John Sauls, G. W. Daniell, AV. T. Simpson, I. V. Daniell, S. Smith,- F. G. Daniell, E. J. Smith,. L. C. Downs, D'vid Swan, L. it. Dunn, J. B. Stokes, S. Dutton, J. M. Stuart, D. IV, Diggs, AV. G. Simpson, Ransom Diggs, Thos. Thompson,- R. AV. Flemming, N. B. Williams, AV. F. Fletcher, AV. 0. AVatson, J. AV. Gann, AV. F. AVhitfield, J. A. Hill, A. F. AVhite, W. J. Hudson, J. A. AVilson, Lester Volunteers. Mr. Editor : Pursuant to a resolution' passed by the “ Lester A r oluntcers,” I here with transmit a correct list, of the names of the officers and privates of of said company Capt.—R. P. Lester, Ist Lieut. —S. B. David, 2nd “ —J. B. Patterson, 3d “ —B. E. Reeves, Ensign.—AV. A. Porter, Ist Sergt.—W. 11. PaxtoiY, 2nd “ —AVm. Pearson. 3d “ —Jos. McAfee. 4th ” —J. IL Gramling, Ist Corp.—T. E. Kellogg, 2nd “ —E. E. Fincher. 3d *• —J. C. Hallman, 4th “ —R. P. Stokes, Chaplain—Rev. IL A. Seal, Surgeon—Dr. J. N. Linsay, PRIVATES. •J. AV. Anglin, R. Ledbetter, Wm. M. Anglin, E. Ledbetter, T. z\. J. Armstrong, IL AV. Long, H. P. Bell, J. IL Lister, A. P. Bell, L. 11. Lott, L. S. B lily, F. C. Mullins, 11. IL Brown, J. 11. McGinnis, I'. L. Bennett, A. 11. McDonald, J. AV. Bagley, It. J. Miller, I. Bice, A. McAbee, J. A. Davenport, <l. C. Otwell, W. J. E. Dodd, C J. Otwell, J. Fowler, B. A. Odum, P. K. Fowler, AV. E. Rogers, J. C. Gossett, E. G. Sharman, B. A.lluff, AV. AV. Streetman, T. L. Humphreys, Jesse Samples Jr., A. Ilollums. AVm. J. Thompson, <}. W. Hawkins, J. R. Thompson, D. I'. Hutchins, G. T. Taylor, J. L. Jfthnston, M. M. Taylor, J. N. Karr, F. Tucker, F. S. Light, AV. C. Vaughn,- The following resolution was adopted : • llcsolucd, That the -Orderly Sergeant be and he is hereby instructed to make out a correct list of the officers and privates of the “ Le-ter Volunteers” and request the Law renceville News and the Marietta Advocate to publish the s:me. AV. IL PAXTON. O. S. A. Scct’y “ Lester Volunteers” Cumming Ga., May 21st 1861. G 0 A' EIIN ME X T 0 F G EORGIA >•'. x <■<:«• t i v<- Depart nt ent Joseph E. Brown—Governor. John B. Campbell, IL 11. AVaters, Secretaries of Executive 11. J. G. Williams, Dep’t. A. F. Putnnrn, E. P. Watkins—Secretary of State. John Jone* —Treasurer. Peterson Thweatt—Comptroller General. A. J. Boggess—Surveyor do. Henry ('. Wayne—zVdjutant do C. J. Wellborn—L'barian. • LEG IS LA TI A’ E I) EPA RTM EN T T: co lore L. Guerry—President of Senate. F. IL AVest—Secretary do. do. ('. -J. William*— Speaker of House of Rep. George ILUyer—Clerk “ “ “ PENITENTIARY. Jas. A. Green—Principal Keeper ofPcn. Charles G. Talbird—.Xssistuot” “ “ Tho. T. \\ indsor—Book Keeper’ 1 Charles AV. Lane—Chaplain “ “ 11 Dr. G. D. Case—Physician 11 “ “ LUNATIC ASYLUM Dr. T. F. Green—Sup’nt. Lunatic Ar.lut* Dr. S. G. AS hite,) J - D. C. < amribfll. * Trustee* -* Miller Gtie..#. } ,jn. NO. 24.