The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, August 02, 1861, Image 1

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Vol. 1. Adi'Drate. By VV. M. JEFFERSON & CO, Tlie Semi-Weekly Is issued on Tuesday and Friday mornings at $2 50 a year Strictly in Advance. The Weelily Advocate Is published every Friday Evening at $1 50 a year, in Advance, Blanks I Blanks I Blanks! BLANKS in any quantity and of every va riety kept on hand or printed to order, at the lowest possible price, at this office. Also—JOß WORK, of every varie ty and style, executed in the neatest *•);] most approved style of the art. and at prices which cannot be “murmured at” by the •closest-listed” in or out of this section of the country. Give ns a trial. jic.qal GEORGIA, Milton County. ■ffTTHEREAS, John H. Cook, Executor on the VV Estate of Jeremiah Cook, deceased, ap plies for Letters of Dismission: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on or before the first Monday in October next, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not then he granted. Given u der my hand at office in Alpharetta, Ga., March 16th, 1861. O. P SKELTON, Ordinary. (GEORGIA, Milton County.—Whereas. John JG. Cantrell, and Sarah Dinsmore applies to we for letters of Administration on the estate of William Dinsmore, deceased, These are therefore to notify all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Mon lay in August next. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not then he granted the applicants. Given under my hand at office in Alpharetta, this June 25th, 1861. O. P. SKELTON, Ordinary. ('I EORGIA. Milton County.—Two months after I date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Walton W. smith, decease 1. L.7.’ 7NDA SMITH. ) . . a EBENEZER F, SMITH, f A,lmrs ’ Julie 12, 1861 w2m. (1 EORGI A. Milton County.—Two months as- T ter date application will be made to the Co irt of Ordinary of said county for leave to Bell the lands belonging to the estate Eli Mc- Connell, deceased. JOSHUA ROBERTS, I Free’tr henry b. McConnell, ( Mec Jone 7th, 18612 m, f't EORGI A, Milton Couuty.—Two months as- T ter date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell *he lands belonging to the Estate of Dmcil la Walker, deceased. June 5 1861. JAS. WALKER Adm’r. EORGI A, Milion; County.—Two months as- I ter date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the Estate of Sarah Spence, deceased. J AMES SPENCE. ( , SAMUEL P SPENCE, | A ” ,n IR - June sth, 1861. —w2m. TWO MONTHS after date, applieati<> n will lie made to the Court of Ordinary Paulding county, for leave to sell the real ea fate of William" Greer, late of said county’ deceased. July 1, 1861, 30 * R. M. BRYANT, adm'or. Administratrix’ll Sale.— Postponed. WILL be sold, by virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Cobh county, on the Ist Tuesday in September next, before the Court House door in the city of J/arietta. Cobb county, between the legal hours of sale, one lot in the city of Jfiiriettn, on which is a brick house, near the W. A A. Railroad, and opposite (Hovers shoe store nt present sccupied by Jfrs. Cler. Also, one lot in the city of J/ariefta, on which is a small framed dwelling house, near the W. A A. Railroad and adjoining south the above lot, sold as the property of Charles Cler, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Ferms made known on the day of sale. ELIZABETH CLER. June 17, 1861. tda Adrn’x Admin Istrntor's Sale. «Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Cobb count}’, will be sold on the first Tuksvay in Si-TTi'inn ’■ next, before the court house door in tbe city of Marietta, between the le gal hours of sale. Two Negroes, namely. Ester, a woman about 30 years old ; and Caroline, a girl, about II years old, as the property of Martha Ma loney, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on dav of sale. July 3. 1861. 32 ids. Edward m ayes, Adm’or. GEORGI A. Paulding county, M• T iIEUEAS. John Wiolky of said county, ▼ ▼ applies to me for letters of administration, on the estate of William Wigley, late of said coun ty. deceased. ’ These are therefore, to cite and require all per sons eoueerned.JA be and appear at my office, on the first Munday in September next, to show cause why said letters should not be granted the appli cant. Given nnder mv hand and official signature. MILES EDWARDS, Ordinary. July L 5. 1861. St 32 G EORGI A. Paulding county. ■WBTHEREaS. Jamkh M. Lard. guardian of J, V v H. Lester, applies to me for letters of dis, mission from said guardianship. These are therefore. to cite and require all per sons coneerned. to he and appear at tny office on the tir-t Monday in September next, to-how an-e whv -aid letter- of dismission should not be grant »d the applicant. Witness mv hand and official signature. MILES EDWARDS, Ordinary. July IS. l»tl. t.l GEORGIA. Paulding county. ■WTUTICK is hereby given to all persons concern- IN ed. that II nkn Min nri.i . late of -aid •oun tv. departed this lite intestate, and no person has applied for Administration on the estate of said Henry Mitchell, and that in terms of the Saw ad mim-tration will be vested tn the ( lerk ot the su perior Court, or -ome other fit and proper person, thirtv dav- after the publication ot thi- citation, unless some valid objection is made to his appoint inent. Given under mv hand and official signature. July j-, is '!. MILKS KD\\ ARDS. Ordinary. MO rit mwo MONTHS after date, application will be I made to the Court of Ordinary »f Cobb coun ty. for leave to sell t ie I \XD and NEGROES, be longing to the eMate of M kkv late of said conntv. deceased, for the benefit of and creditors of said .leceased. June 1; I. A M • Adm ur., W, J. TI>SLE\. t The Mariella Semi-Weekly AtlvodM BUSINESS CARDS, Churches in Marietta. M. E. Church,Rev. Alex. Graham, Pastor. Presbyterian,Rev. E. P. Palmer, Pastor Episcopal (St. James) Rev. S. Benedict, Rector Baptist,filled 2nd and 4th Sabbath in each month by the Rev. Mr. Rambau. Two Churches for the Blacks, Methodist and Baptist. A. N. SIMPSON Attorney and Councellor at Law Marietta Georgia. October 6, ly. A. J. HANSELL, Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery. Marietta Georgia. October 6, ly. johnYl gartrellT” Attorney and Councellor at Law Marietta. . Georgia. July 29. .yl 0. D. PHILLIPS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Marietta Georgia. june 15iy gYnTIeSTER?” ATTORNEY AT LAW Marietta, Georgia, practice in the Blue Ridge Circuit VV the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District Court at Mrrietta. February 29, 1861ly. CICERO O."WINNT” ATORNEY AT LAW Marietta Georgia. Will attend promptly to all claims entrusted to his care. Oct. 12 ly. JAMES M?BISHOP* Attorney and Counselor at Law, Dawsonville G eorgi WILL give prompt attention to anv business confided to his care in the Blue Ridge circuit.—Sept. 21. IB6o—ly. j". oXlze:r~~ Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Acworth, Cobb County, Geo. TTT ill practice in Cobb. Cass, Cherokee, Mil- V v ton. Paulding and Fulton. References. — Hon. J. W. Lewis, Hon. L. J. Gartrell. Atlanta. N. A*. G. S. Avery, Acworth. information as to responsibility of parties, promptly given. Feb. 29-’6l WM. PHILLIPS. J. T. BURKHALTER PHILLIPS & BURKHALTER, Attorneys Tjq/xtv, IVTixi-iet t iv, Georgia. Will practice in Fulton. Paulding and all the counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit , in the Su preme court, and District court, April 5, ’6O ....-ly. DAVID IRWIN. GREENLEE BUTLER. IRWIN & BUTLER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ZVEcXi-ietta, G-a. BUSINESS confided to their professional management in the following counties will be transacted, viz; Campbell, Paulding. Polk. Cobb. Cherokee, Forsyth. Lumpkin. Fulton and Milton. Also, in the District Court at Marietta, and at the Supreme Court at Atlanta. The District Court sits at Marietta on the second Monday in March and September. Re turn 20 days before Court. —feb29-'6l-ly. W. T. PAY. J. W. HEATH. cfc Hcntli, At tor ney's at Law, Jasper. Pickens County. Georgia. ■YTTILL practice in the counties of Pickens. v V Gilmer. Fannin. Lumpkin. Dawson, Mil ton. Cherokee. Murray and Whitfield. The utmost vigilance given to collections, and moneys promptly paid over, eot 111 'i -y. TNT. T 3, G-TUTBBBSr, Attorney mid Connwllor nt TjtvW, Marietta, Cobb county Ga. Will practice, and give prompt attention to ' all business confided to his professional care, in the District Court of the U. S at Marietta. The Supreme fburt of Georgia, at Atlanta, and the Superior and Infeuor Cburts of the Blue Ridge Uircuit. and the counties adjoining (bbb of oth er circuits. Especial attention given to the collection of debts, and the securing of all manner o ’ claims. Prompt and ‘ffleient attention will be given to all manner of business in the Courts of Ordina ry in the county of Cobband adjoining )o mties. F<‘b. 10 one y AL LEAX. Manufacturers and Deelers in all kinds of FURNITURE, MOSS AND H AIR MATTRESSES, LOOKINGGLASS, PLATES, Peech-Tree Street. Atlanta, Ga. GEORGE (JABI.k PHOTOCi 1« A I’ll -VKTISS’r. All the various Sizes and Styles op : PICTURES MADE AND WARRANTED ’ SATISFACTORY. DrirCasus and Frames in great variety, always on Kooms West side of Public Square. Marietta. ! Georgia. L-lpnl 20. 1860-] if- 7VTAB_IETTA, ATJGTJST 3. 1861. ie; m RESIDENT DENTIST. GRATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity for a liberal patronage during the past ten years, is still prepared to perform all operations either for preserving the natural, or nserting artifiicial teeth in the most approved manner. He solicits calls from those -who have very bad teeth, as he is using a preparation for filling the most delicate teeth, no matter how badly de cayed. if not otherwise diseased —and rendering them serviceable for years. It is about the same color as the teeth and will never chang or discolor the teeth. Refers to citizens of Marietta for whom he has operated during the past ten years. Terms. — Cash, unless by special contract. Office south side of public square, over the Post OfficeOct sth 1860. wyrTMOdREr" TAILOR, Marietta, Georgia. WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he is permanent ly located in the city where he intends carrying on the Tailoring Business, in all its departments in the latest and most improved style of the art, and earnestly solicits a continuation of that pat ronage heretofore extended to him. Satisfac tion warranted. Rooms up-stairs ever Wade White’s Grocery store—North side of public square. Nov. 9th, ly O, (AT J. H. MCCLINTOCK’S OLD STAND. Has now on hand a large and well selected astortment of FAMILY SUPPLIES To which he invites the attention of the citizens of Marietta and the oounty. The one price system will be strictly adhered to. His terms are cash, or equivolent, th it is, country produce at cash pr ces, or short time, to prompt paying customers. Bills due on pre sentation. His deamination is to sell good articles it low prices, and will expect prompt payments. (p tc' ICT Hamilton, Markley & Joyner, Atlanta, G-eorgia. AND Hamilton, Markley & Joyner, ai.Le.lia, July Ist, 1861 DR. JOHN L. HAMILTON, of Atlanta, and T. C. Markley and R. W. Joyner, of Ma rietta, hereby give notice to the public that they will carry on the DRUG B US IN BSS In all its branches in Atlanta and Marietta. N. B.— Book Store in Marietta continued. WUL A. FRAZER? IIAS A SPLENDID STO C K OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, Silver and Plated Ware, Which he offers at prices to suit the times. FOB CASH ONLY, At his store one door above Connell’s Hall. June Ist, 1861tf. JARMON & CO’S Excelsior Mills, MARIE TLA, GA. HUHS French Burr Stone Mill. lately put up in I M<’ El fresh's Building, near the railroad, ru is every Wednesday and Saturday, and makes the finest quality of Meal and Grits. CORN MEAL AND HOMINY ground at this mill, is acknowledged to be su perior to that which is prepared by the old style miils. For sale by the Grocery and Provision deal ers in Marietta, April 12, Pickles and Preserves, Preserved Ginger, “ Pine Apples, “ Cherries, “ Peaches, “ Plumbs, “ Quinces, Jelley - assorted, For sale by WM. ROOT & SON. CONSISTING of Teasetts. Castors. Forks Spoons. Hohlers. Cups. Cake and Pie Knives Ac,. Ac.. plate<l on the very best White Metal with full weight of silver at FRAZER S. 13- 'Wcilictce, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER an<l Imitator of Wood and Marble. -hop in the East Basement of Marietta Hotel on Decatur street. TtZf Please leave orders in Messrs. Markley A Joyner’s store. R W A large lot <>f Almottfa, Walnuts. 1A Pecan and Brazil nuts just received by Nov. 30. ROVES A- BUTNER. “TooeFfok Yl ILCII cows? PEA MEAL. - \S( I’PLX of Pea meal—the best food in . market—kept constantly on hand, at -SI per bushel. C. J. SHEPARD. Corn She!levs. ON hand, a lot of tli- best < ,<tn Shellers. Nov. 2. W. L. WADSWORTH FAMILY STORE. GROVES & BUTNER, AVE opened in the Post’ Office Building a VAIETY FAMILY STORE, in which will be found EVERY ARTICLE in the grocery line. * Liquors excepted—besides a great variety of other articles. All bills payable on presentation. If you want good COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, RICE, SALT, MOLASSES. Lard, fish, syrup, yarn, CORN, MEAL, GRIST, FLOUR, Ac. or anything in that line, give Us a call, and we warrant satisfaction. We will also keep Foolscap Letter Pa per Pens, Ink, and other articles of sta tionery. Country Produce of all kinds, taken in barter on liberal terms. ALSO, ON HAND Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff, Soaps, Indigo, Powder,. Shot, Lead. Candles, Oranges, Lemons, Candies, Starch, Nails, Arc. &c. marietta, Georgia, Oct., 27th, 1860-ts. 1000 POUNDS choice Sugar Cured Hams, A LOS, Prime Smoked Beef For sale by WM. ROOT & SON. White JF’islx, Mackcral in Kitts and Half Barrels, SlEtO & SAira'inua For sale by Wm. ROOT & SON. KT otice. FROM and after the first day of January 1861, my business will change from an everlasting credit, to a strictly Cash business. I prefer the cash if the profits are not so good. I have bought goods on time and sold them on time, and the consequence is, I cant collect enough to meet my liabilities. I am very thankful to my old friends and cus tomers for past patronage, and hope they will continue to call at the same old stand with the ready cash, where they will always find a com plete stock of Gboceries and PkovisTons. 1 will sell goods lower than any house in the city who sell on time. Respectfully. Marietta, Dec. 27 ’6O. W. L. GAULT. Tin Roofing & Gutters. T AM now ready to do ROOFING and put up I GUTTERS, and to do all kinds of repairing in Tin "Work, and painting of Tin or Felt Roofs. Dec. 20 1860-ts. J. M. WILSON. For Sale. THE undersigned being desirous of going West, offers for sale, his stock of Horses, Carriages. Buggies, and everything appertaining to the keeping of a first rate Livery Stable. He will. also, sell on accommodating terms, his large and well constructed stables, located in the city of Marietta. Cobb county. Georgia, on the great W. A: A. Railroad. The income from the above property is some $9 or SIO,OOO per year. Also, for sale, a Line of Hacks, from here to Cumming, in thu county of Forsyth. The above line leaves Marietta at 8 o clock, in. the morning, on Monday. M ednesday and briday, re'rnlarlv. Passengers going up should leave a’l mta in tin l night train, or at 6 o clock in the morning. I- N. HEGGIE. Jan. 27. 1860.—1 y. Bed Cords, &c. COILS ROPE ASSORTED, Bed-Cords. 'Well Ropes. Plow Lines. Well Buckets, Various sizes. Well M heel . For sale by WM. ROOT & SO2^ l _ DYSENTERY CORDIAL, OR Conipoiind EliYer of Bliubarb. V PLEA SANT, safe, and effectual remedy for Dysentery. Cholera Marbus. Pain or Sickness at the stomach, ami for all Bowell aj sections. Prepared and sold by HAMMETT & GROVES. Feb. 17. ’6O-tf. JUST RECEIVING!! Oi'ooeT'ies INCLUDING Sugars. Molasses. Syrups, Cof fees. Salt. Flour. Corn. Bacon. Ac.. Ac., and for sale at the lowest ('ash prices bv. L. C. McU/LLAN D, February 26th 1861. Keiiue.-JW XTouise, .1 A ATTHE PASSES- '; J • GE R DEPOT. Marietta, Georgia. THIS House, well arranged ami convenient- I lv located, lias recently passed into the hands of the undersigned, and is open for the accommodation of permanent and transient boarders. . . Thev are determined to spare no pain- or at tention to make their guests comfortable. Por ters alwava In attendance at the trams Sept. 28-ts. DOBBS A’ Hl DSON. MEAL AND HOMINY. “ Mem. and Hominy, ot excellent quality, from white corn, fresh ground at Jarmno & Co’s Excelsior mill. J- SHEPARD. HOUR. - 'lav. and 14 dav Clocks, cheap 30 at ’ FRAZER’S k. C. McLELAX Earth ll 'esl Corner Public Square MARIETTA GA, ‘ Grocer and Commission Merchant. Will devote bis attention to the purchase o rotton. FAMILY SUPPLIES. —oC —— THE SUBSCRIBER offers the public at his Store next to A. Green Aco Cherokee Street, a full stock of GROCERIES, embracing every article usually kept in that line, such as SUGARS, till kinds ; COFFEE, all kinds ; MOI .ASSES, SY R UP, TOBACCO, YARNS, &c., &c., & Country Produce, taken in Barter, on liberal term- Having purchased the store and goods of Mi. B. S. Johnson, he also offers a large stock of GROCERIES at that stand, on Cherokee Street, and Mr. HAMES will take pleasure in waiting on. scustomer October 12, ’6O. tf] E. PAGE. 186L _ : PRINU 1861. AND Summer Goods!!!! Phoenix Building,Marietta, Ga. (Opposite the Public Square) n. HURSCIT. P3R SPRING & SUMMER has in Store, a splendid assortment of STA PLE and FANCY Dry-Goods, suitable for City and Country Trade. Having made excellent arrangements for a full supply of everything NEW XZND NOVEL, at all times through the season, assure custom ers, and the public generally, that he will sell any and all styles of GOODS As low as oan be purchased in this City Assorted Goods in Silks, Bareges, Muslins, Ma retzes, Organdies, and Jackonets, Fonlar-d Anglaise, and Grass Cloth Suits. Mantil las. in Silks, Laces, Grass Cloth, &c. Em broidered and Lace Setts. Linen and Lace Setts. H. S. L. C. and Superior Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Fans, Kid Gloves, Lace Mitts, &c., Ac., Ac. Also, a full supply of Bleached And Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, Cotton rules. Jeanes and Stripes. HOOP SKIRTS of the latest styles. BOOTS, SHOES, &c. Also, a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Which he will sell as low, for Cash, as they can be bought in this or any other market. Call and examine his Stock. None can excel him. ■ —April 12th, 1861-ly, Bacli. HAVING returned to Marietta again, my old home, I offer my services to the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, who I have «<«rved for nearly twenty years in repairing Watclies, Ac. lam now prepared to serve you again. In addition I have in Store, an as sortment of Confectionaries, consisting of ANDIES, NUTS, RAISIN S and fancy articles. Also. Tobacco & Cigars of the Best Brands SOAPS. TOMATOES in Cans, Fresh ove Oysters, SARDIN ES AND CLAMS, and a variety ot Articles usually kept in a Con fectionary Store. Thankful for past patronage so liberally bes towed, I hope to merit a continuance of the same. The Ladies are especially solicited to call. West side of the Public Square, next door to Phccnix Building. A. D. RUEDE Sept. 14th—ts. Ready-Made Clothing, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, 8:0. TIIIIE subscriberat the North corner of the I square in Marietta keeps constantly on hand a well selected stock of Goods in the above line of trade, and respectfully invites the inspec tion of his friends and the public both with re gard to their QUALITIES and PRICES. as my customers can buy from me as low as from anv house in Georgia, FOIL And I only ask that the public in Cobb and the adjacent counties will satisfy themselves ot tbe fact. L. BENNETT. N. B. —My customers indebted to me are re quested to come forward and settle their ac counts. ,L- B. All persons indebted are expected to come forward and settle at once. ItlS" Persons wanting Goods can get them as cheap for cash at mv .Store as anv where. L. BENNETT. Oct. 5, 1860 6m W. n. GAUL.T, Grrocei* n.n<l I’rodnce Merchant, Cherokee St., Marietta, Ga. Keeps constantly on hand every article in the Grocerv Line Such as; SUGARS, COFFEE, MOLASES, SYRUP, SALT LARD and BACON, Cheese. Mackerel and White fish. Tobacco, Su gars. Iron and farmers Hardware. Buckets Ac Tubs Candles, Soap. Powder Shot. A Lead. Yarns. Starch, and a choice lotybieoW IPAisfci’es A Brandy. All indebted to me hy note or open account will save cost by coming forward and imike a Settlement. lam determined to have prompt paying customers or not have any. Oct. 12. " 6m. JARMON & CO.’S EXCELSIOR MILLS, Marietta, Georgia. THIS French Burr Stone Mill, la elv put op in AicElfresh’s building near th" railroad, runs Every Wednesday and Saturday, nd makes the finest quality of Men 1 and Grist. Corn Ground for Toll. mar2l JaR.MON A CO. F A St ILV" T EAS- B, INE Green and Blaek Teas, Yeast Powders, Soda, Covking Extracts. Ae., for sale bv HAMMETT 4 GROWEE. A Missouri. We gather from the Memphis (Tenn) Appeal of July 24th, the following’in formation relative to affairs in Missou ri. Kansas City, July 19.—The Fort Scott Democrat, of the 13th, furnishes the following Items : Gen. Lyons, who is now marching S"uth towards Springfield,. has about COO men, including Major George’s com mand, 24 pieces of field artillery of all descriptions, an abundance of ammuni tion and a full train of baggage wag ons. Md’ulloch and Jackson have retuC.Tf ed across the Arkansas line for the pur pose of drilling their troops. Their av ailable force is placed at 11,500, i iclu di g tbe Texan Rangers and a Missis sippi regiment. Gen. Lyons strength will be between 10,000 and 15,000. The Jay hawkers under Janneson have been stationed on the State line, below this place, some days. Janneson will main tain a force of from 200 to 500 men in that region, until the United States troops an ive A train which passed this place about a month since, with the families and property of the United States soldiers fiom the Indian country was intercepted and searched by him a few days since. There can be no d >ubt but Missouri is to be the Western battle field, and it will be a bloody one. She needs all the help she can get, and if she is not sus tained Arkansas, Texas and Lousianna, and other States South of us will sutler. It is useless to shut our eyes to these things, and our millitary men must look to tlie defense of the Arkansas border, in order to preserve the other States of the Confederacy South. Virginia will be the Eastern battle ground, and Mis souri the Western, and the sooner Mis souri receives aid, the better it will be for the States < outh of us. The Republican makes the following brief mention of the worse than infernal atrocities perpetrated by the Lincoln hirelings in North Missouri. The death of Mr. Palmer, as repic sented to us, rivals in atrocity the acts' of the mountains. He was taken pris oner, and in the hands of the Zouaves. They proposed to hang him. He entreat ed for his life declaring that he was loyal to the government. A rope was put around his neck, and he was taker* across the track in the direction of a tree from which it was designed to sus pend himself. Rather than suffer suck a fate, he attempted to escape, and the* chivalrous soldiers fired upon him. The ballsjtore his head off,and his body was perforated with bullets. It was said, but we will not. believeit, ihat thecemmand was to take no prisoners. A man called Bill Enwards was also killed. At. Jonesborough station, a father and two sons, by tl.c name of bkinner were killed. Ihe Fori Smith Timesand Herald, of of the 12 li has the following. Major Potter, sheriff of this county, returned from Missouri last night di rect from Carthage the scene of the late conflict between General Raines and the St. Louis Dutch. He tells us that the battle was fought principally with cannon, th • Dutch hailing eight pieces an<l the Missourians seven. The con tending parties in the fight ran over, ill retreating and changing, about fifteen miles ot g ound. They fought all day, ami when the Dutch retreated they kept up firing until 10 o’clock at night. The Missourians lost eight killed and two mortdly wouidcd, besides oth ers slightly wounded. 'J he Dutch lost a large number, most of them being thrown into wagons and hauled off, ami eighteen found dead on the field, a. part of which were found in a creek in tlio water. Gen. McCulloch’s and Pearce’s com mand did not reach the scene of action until the day after the fight, and could not pursue the enemy, as the men and horses were too much jaded by forced marches If they had been able to pur-, sue the enemy, the whole command would have been captured. Captain Mclntosh, adjutant general proposed to lake 1,000 men and pursue them, but it was not thought best. Major Porter speaks in the highest terms of the I ravery and gallantry of Captain Mclntosh. He was with him when he captured the Dutch at Neosho. He says that as they enter d the town of Neosho the women cheered them by the waving of handkerchiefs and bon nets. The Dutch were quartered in the court house, and Capt. Mclntosh gave them ten minutes to surrender, and which they did in nine, marching out of the court house, kneeling upon cue knee, and deliverieg up their arms. Capt. Mclntosh turned to our troops and said he hoped the troops would trefct the prisonsi s well, for ilie honor of Ar kansas. Then seeing the old flag flying, he said it ought to come down, which was no sooner said, than down it came. The women standing bp tore it into shreds. Jftor picking up all tl.c pick ets and fellows with soldier clo hes on . there turned out to be one hundered and twenty prisoners. It is stated that there are between the Georgia line and Manassas some twenty thousand Confederate troops on# the road to Virginia. And this is not all —the riivnbef is GQD.Uuually increasing.