The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, August 16, 1861, Image 1

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•Vol. 1- She Marietta Advocate. By W. M. JEFFERSON & CO. T lie Semi - W e ekly Is issued on Tuesday and Friday mornings at $2 50 a year Strictly in Advance. Tlie Weekly Advocate Is published every Friday Evening at $1 50 a year, in Advance, Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! BLANKS in any quantity and of every va riety kept on hand or printed to order, at the lowest possible price, at this office. Also—JOß WORK, of every varie ty and style, executed in the neatest and most approved style of the art, and at prices which cannot be “murmured at" by the ■‘closest-fisted'’ in or out of this section of the country. Give ns a trial. jfiegal jAdvecti.scnicntii- GEORG-I A. Milton. months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands and negroes belonging to the estate of Wm. Dinsmore, late ot said county, deceased. JOHN G. CANTRELL. ) ~l mr, s SARAH DINSMORE, Admrs - August sth, 1861. GEORGIA, Forsyth County.—T'™ months after date 1 shall apply to the Hon orable Hubard Barker. Ordinary of said coun ty, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the Estate of Samuel Edmondson, late of said coun ty, deceased, for the purpose of distribution among the heirs and creditors of said deceased. This 2nd day of August, 1861. WILLIAM I). BENTLY, Adm’r. Notice. TWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Paulding couxty, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of A. G. Brintle. deceased. O. F. BRINTLE Adm'r. July 24th 1861-2 m GEORGIA. Milton County. WHEREAS. John 11. Cook. Executor on the Estate of Jeremiah Cook, deceased, ap plies for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all perenns concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinal ) of said county, on or before the first Monday in October next, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not then be granted. Given under my hand at office in Alpharetta, Ga., March 16th, 1 ‘•'6l. (). P SKELTON, Ordinary. (4 EORGIA. Miltox County.—Twomonths after I date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Walton W. Smith, deceased. LUCINDA SMITH. | EBENiiZER F, SMITH, | ' Juhel2, 1861w2m. EORGI A, Mii.tox CorxTY, Two months as- I ter date application will be made' to the Co irt of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate Eli Mc- Connell, deceased. JOSHUA ROBERTS, I lIENIJY B. MeCONNELL, f Jone 7th, 18612 m, TWO MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Paulding county, for leave to sell the real es tate of William Greer, late of said county, deceased. Jnlvl, 1861. 30 ’ R. M. BRYANT, mim’or. Administratrix's Sale. Postponed. 'WTKT’II'L be sold, by virtue of tin order from ▼ V the Court of Ordinary of Cobb countv, on the Ist Tuesday in September next, before the Court House door in the eity of ,1/arietta. Cobb county, between the legal hours of sate, one lot in the city of J/ariotta, on which is n brick house, near the W. A A. Railroad. and opposite (Hovers shoe store nt present secupied by J/rs. Cler. Also, one lot in the city of J/arietta, on which i< ll small framed dwelling house, near the IV. A A. Railroad and adjoining south the above lot, sold as the property of Charles Cler, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs nud creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. ELIZABETH CLER. June 17, 1861. tds Adm’.x. Ailiiiiiiisteator's Sale. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Cobb county, will be sold on the first TvusnxY in Sfctembek next, before the court house door in t’<e city of Marietta, between the le gal hours of sab*. Two Negroes, namelv. Ester, a woman about 30 years old : and ('aroline. a girl, about II years old, as the property of Martha Ma loney, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on dav of sale. Julv !». ISGI. 3» tds. Edward m \yes, vim'or. GEORGIA, Paulding county. "WMT'IIEREAS, John Wk,lex of said county, ▼ ▼ applies to me for letters of administration, on the estate of William Wigley, late of said coun ty, deceased. Thvsc arc therefore, to cite and require all per sons concerned, to be and appear at my office, on the first Monday in September next, to show cause why said letters should not be granted the appli cant. Given under mv hand and official signature. 'MILES EDM \RDS, Ordinary. July 15, ISCiI. ",t 12 GEORGIA, Piuhling county. MVHEREtS, James M. Lako. guardian of .1. ▼ V 11. Lester, applies to me for letters of dis mission from said guardianship. These are therefore, to cite and require all per sons concerned, to be and appear at mv otliee on the first Monday in September next, to >li<nv a.;- w hy said letters of dismission should not be grant ml the applicant. Witness my hand and official signature. MILES EDWARDS, Onlinnrv. July 1-. IMI. ti.’J GEORGIA, Paulding unty. WTOTICK is herein ga en to all persons t .mcern ed. that Hexry Mt rvtiEt.t.. late of <a;4 c.eet tv. departed this hie intestate, and no person has applied for Administration on the estate of said Henry Mitchell, and that in terms of the law ad ministration « ill be vested in the Clerk ot the su perior Court, or some oth -r tit and proper person, thirty divs after the publication of th-- citation, unless some valid objection is made to his appoint ment. Given under mv hand and offi -ial signature. Jnh MH'IIT. F»WO MONTHS after ’>• ■. apne ati > w>” b« S made to the t'onrt of Ordinary »f Cobb coun ty, for leave io sell the LAND md XE'H*Ol < longing to the estate of M vhv Ttxsj \ late of sat.l county. deceased, for thv be” tit oft!. heirs and creditors of said deceased. June I ; 1, A. M. NORTHCUTT. ■ „ W. J. TINSLEY. • (NHKESh just received, a large lot English J I Miry and other Che«’«e by Nov. 3 GKOY ES a Bl I'Ni R. The Mariella Semi-Wklj Advocate! MARIETTA, A-TTG-TTST 16. 1861. BUSINESS CARDS, Churches in Marietta. M. E. Church,Rev. Alex. Graham. Pastor. Presbyterian,Rev. E. P. Palmer, Pastor Episcopal (St. James') Rev. S. Benedict, Rector Baptist,filled 2nd and 4th Sabbath in each month by the Rev. Mr. Rambau. Two Churches for the Blacks, Methodist and Baptist. ~T!Oimpson Attorney and Councellor at Law Marietta Georgia. October 6, ly. A. J. HANSELL, Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery. Marietta Georgia. October 6, ly. ~ J OIIN _ 0. GARTRELL, Attorney and Councellor at Law AT arietta G eorgia . July 29. ,yl C. D. PHILLIPS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Marietta Georgia. june 15ly ' G. N. LESTER. ATTORNEY AT LAW Marietta, Georgia, "TTT'ILL practice in the Bine Ridge Circuit VV the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District Court at Mrrietta. February 29, 1861ly. CICERO C. WINN, ATORNEY AT LAW Marietta Georgia. Will attend promptly to all claims entrusted to his care. Oct. 12 ly. j a a r eYmTbts HO P,~ Attorney and Counselor at Law, D AM’SON VI LLE G EORGIA. 'TT7’"ILL give prompt attention to any business W confided to his care in the Blue Ridge circuit.—Sept. 21, 1860 ly. T- OuA-Tx/f J=>~~ Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Acworth, Cobb Coi xty, Geo. ATE ri.r, practice in Cobb. Cass, Cherokee, Mil- VV ton, Paulding and Fulton. Heferences. — Hon. J. W. Lewis, Hon. L. J. Gartroll, Atlanta, N. <V. G. S. Avery. Acworth. >?'??■* Any information as to responsibility of parties, promptly given. --Feb. 29-’6l WM. PHILLIPS. J. T. BURKHALTER PHILLIPS & BURKHALTER, Al ivriet 1 a, <4 oor<visv. Will practice in Fulton. Paulding and all the counties of the Blue Kidge Circuit , in the Sn j preme court, and District court, April 5. '6O ... .-ly. DAVID IRWIX. GREEXI.EE BUTLER. llt WIN & BUTEI3R, ATIORNEYS AT LAW, Tvta letta, Oa. BUSINESS confided to their professional management in the following counties will i be transacted, viz ; Campbell. Paulding. Polk, f'obb. Cherokee. Forsvth. Lumpkin. Fulton and Milton. Also, in the District. Court at Marietta. : and at the Supreme Court at Atlanta. ft'The District Court sits at Marietta on the second Monday in March ami September. Re turn 20 days before Court. —feb29-'6l-ly. W, T. DAY. J. W. HEATH. zszm.y- Ilcatli, a! Law, JISPER, I’ICKEXS Col XTY. GEORGIA. 'VTT'H.L practice in the counties of Pickens, v v Gilmer. Fannin, Lnmnkin. Dawson. Mil ton. Cherokee. Murray and AVhitfield. The utmost vigilance given to collections, and : monevs promptly paid over. ept’ I Uh-y/ TSL. 13. G-REBIST, At ( oi-ncy :iml < 'on 'isellov n 1 loi W, Marietta, Cobb county Ga. Will practice, and give prompt attention to all business confided to his professional care, in the District. Court of the U. S at Marietta. The Supreme Court of Georgia, at Atlanta, and the Superior and Infe'ior Courts of the Blue Ridge Circuit, and the counties adjoining Cobb of oth i er circuits. Especial attention given to the collection ol ■ debts, and the securing of all manner o ’ claims. Prompt and “flieient attention will be given to all manner of business in the Courts of Ordina , ry in the county of Cobband adjoining 'o inties. Feb.lo one v w 11.1.1 AMS&McLEAX Manufacturers and Peelers in all kinds of FURNITURE, MOSS AND HAIR MATTRESSES. LOOKINGGLASS, PLATES, cfco. Peech-Tree Street,Vtlanta, Ga.§ ST. JAMES’ INSTITUTE For Young Ladies. rillU' Th;; I Sessi a will open August 1' th, .1 an.l close December 20th. Tuition from s.: 50 m per month. Bills for tuition, from time »f entrance to end of > >'ion payable in October. Circulars eotnaiuing particulars obtain ed on application to Rev. S. BENEDICT. ■ August 2d. 1x62. lE', EH. RESIDENT D E N T IS T. GRATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta and vicinity for a liberal patronage during the past ten years, is still prepared to perform all operations either for preserving the natural, or nserting artiliicial teeth in the most approved manner. He solicits calls from those who have veryljad tedh. as he is using a preparation for filling the most delicate teeth, no matter how badly de cayed, if not otherwise diseased —and rendering them serviceable for years. It is about the same color as the teeth and will never chang or discolor the teeth. Refers to citizens of Marietta for whom he has operated during the past ten years. Terms. — Cash, unless by special contract. Office south side of public square, over the Post OfficeOct sth 1860, Cherokee Baptist College. Crtssville, <L’:vss County, O-eorgin, 132 50 TO $162 50 pays for 40 weeks Tuition U) Board, Lodging. AYashing, Fuel and School incidentals for a young man. There are six Classes (two Academic and four Collegiate). Students are received at any state of preparation and for any studies they may select. Tuition payable in advance. Boarding in private families. Provisions for 200 students. For further particulars address Rev. THOMAS RAMBAUT, L. L. D. Pres’t. or Prop. J. D. COLLINS, A. M., Dean of Fa’lty. B.—Spring session opens Thursday, January 17th, 1861, -—jan. 4-1861. ly. MARIETTA PAPER COMPANY XT n. mi fuel: nr er* of BOOK, NEW. MANILLA AND WRAPPING PAPER, Letter, Cap, A’o'e and Envelope Paper Far nished to Order. Our News and Book PAPER is as good as any manufactured and at reasonable terms. Cash Paid For Cotton and Linen Rags, Old Rope, BAGGING AND COTTON WASTE. Address A. S.EDMONSTON A. CO. Oct. 19th, 1 860-ly. Alarietta, Ga aTisaacs, - Wholesale and retail Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, Heal Dresses, Embroideries, Laces, Blondes, Ruches, Perfumery, Ac., &c. Cotim-lly’s Iren Kzimt Eu.ilr’ing, White Hall Street, ATI.ANTA, GEORGIA ’ Mrs. A. ISAACS, FASHIONABLE MILLINER, Connelly’s Iron Front Store, White Ila 1 !, near Alabama Street A T L A N TA, G EO RG 3 A. i LARGE assortment of Bonnets, Head j. A Dte-ses. Bertha Capes, Embroideries, Driss Trimmings ami Fancy Goo Is constantly on hand. Bonnets viatic to i.rtler at ■ hoi t notice. Oct 5, ly. Again. HAVING returned to Marietta again, my old home. I offer my services to the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, who I have served for nearly twenty years in repairing Watches, &C- lam now prepared to serve you again. In addition I have in Store, an as sortment of Confectionaries, consisting of A N 1)1 IIS, NUTS, RA 1 SIN S and fancy articles. Also. Tobacco &. Cigars of the Beit Brands SO.l/‘S. 7’0.1/.l TOA’.S in Cans, Fresh OVO Oysters, N. 1/? /A pIS \I ND CL A MS, ami a variety of Articles usually kept in a Con fectionary Store Thankful for past patronage so liberally bes towed. I hope to merit a continuance of the same. Tin* Ladies are especially solicited to call. West side of the Public Square, next door to Phivnix Building. A. D. RUEDE Sept. 14th—ts. J UST RECEIVFnG !! C - T* O O O 7/ i © s I NCLUDING Sugars. ''lola- Syrups. Cos- J fees. Salt. Flour. Corn. Bacon. Ac.. Ac., and I for sale at the lowest Cash price- bv. 1.. M< LE LLANi), February 2('tli 1861. . K.CV : J I .* ’ - i ATTHEPASSF.X- x GER DEPOT Marietta, Georgia, 'PHIS Hmtse. well arranged and convenient ■ 1 Iv located, has recently passed into tin j hands of the undersigned, and is open b»r the accommodation of permanent amt tra.ns.ej : boarders. . They arb determine 1 t<> spare no pa ns .r v tention to make their guests cmnf >ru.b|<-. Fo> teis alwavs in attendance at the trains. Sept. 28-ts. DOBBS A HUDSON J War Hotice! OUR acemmts are all due up to the tir-t day of July. and we earnestly request our friends to come forward ami Settl TT]p. As we are compelled Io Lave Money tv carry on the Wars. We hope thev will mH "S’ to be I ealleu on. HAMMETT A GKuVES. July 2tlth. 1891Im. marietta Female College. 1 > \TI.S of Tuiti- n. from >2 to -- month. Boardimr. xIJ mv mb. T. B. «'Ot >PEK. A. M.. M. G.. Pr. An-»itst 6 1 1 . CHERORI-T •' Wl, -e VW as J-- ti W .nn . . -m.-. :r.u r ate of Wm. Beaver*, Je ■ »*■ i. *jq-ius t m for distnisGun fr >tu - u>i adtuu u. Thv-e are therefore to cite and a l:n >: i-h all per sols that they fie tieir ohj-etion®. if any tiny have, within the time pre-eri hJ by ia r way sai l I letters of di-in-si-n sh<»ul (h: be n»ed tie ip plicant JAMES JORDAN. Ody. I Apiil 0,1861. Ba. C. McLREAN | North West Corner Public Square MARIETTA GA, Grocer and Commission Merchant. Will devote his attention to the purchase o 30t,ton. AROMA'ScF DYSENTERY cordial, on Compound Elixer of Rhubarb. APLEAN.-INT, safe, and effectual remedy for Dysentery, Cholera Marbus, J’ain or Sickness at the stomach, and for all Bowell aj lections, Prepared and sold bv e HAMMETT A GROVES. Feb. 17, ’6o—tf. WM?AFRAZERr HAS A SPLENDID STO C K OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, k _JL—i CD CZ> 7 JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, Silver and Plated Ware, Which he offers at prices to suit the times. FOR CASH ON UY, At his store one door above Connell’s Hall. June Ist, 1861 ts - Ulf DIWWMa Hamilton, Markley & Joyner, A-tlnnta, Oeorgia. A X D Hamilton, Markley & Joyner, ■Wai Leila, July Ist, 1861 DR. JOHN L. HAMILTON, of Atlanta, and T. C. Markley and R. W. Joyner, of Ma rietta. hereby give notice to the public that they will carry on the DRUG B USIA ESS In all its branches in Atlanta and Marietta. N. B.— Book Store in Marietta continued. T 3 'Wallace, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER Imitator of Wood and Marble. Shop in the East Basement of Marietta Hotel on Decatur street. Please leave orders in Messrs. Markley A Joyner's store. R W Mt. AIRY VINEYARD. rfll'lß undersigned, sole lessee for n period of .S years of Mount Airy Vineyard, offers for sale, and will keep on hand rooted vines and cuttings of the, best varieties of Grapr». During the Grape season I will have grapes for sale to supply the or ders id'customers in large or small (pi.intitii-s. Application may be irgwl'e to me at this Vinegard or throm/h the Post Offic'e, Marietta, Ga. Jiila c„ ls<il.-st-:i[ _ E. L. MASON. TO OUR CUSTOMERS. On and after this date, we will sell Goods for CASH ONLLY Those wishing goods in our lino will find it to their advantage to give us a call, as we can offer inducements to buyers. Those indebted are requested to come forward and SettlS tip either by note or Cash. HAMMETT A GROVES, Augnst Ist 18'11. W. L. CrAUT.T, (Grocer mid Produce Alerelia.iat, Cherokee St.. Marietta. G\. Keeps constantly on hand every article in the i Grocerv Line Such as: SC CARS, . COFFEE, MOLASES, SYRI’P, SALT LARD and BACON, ('Leese. Mackerel a: I Wiiite fish. T< Jiacco. Se ‘ irars. Ir<-n and farmers Hardware. Buckets Ac i Tubs Candles. Soap. Powder Shot. A Lead. I Yarns. Starch, and a choice lotjmeoM iChisk ies i A Brandy. All pers e:s in L-bted to me by nob* or open I account will save cost by coming forward and I make a Settlement. lam determined to have prompt i-toniers or not have any. ()ct 12. (an. FAMILY SIPPIJIIS. (>(> riAHSUES.’BJBEII offi i-s the public at h:> .1. Store next to A. Green Aco Cherokee Street. | a lull -to.-k of GROCERIES, etabfaclng every ' j article lun.illv kept in that line, such as ; SO rA RS, all kinds ; (. ()I i EE. all kinds ; MOLAS-ES. SYRUP. TOBACCO, YARNS, Ac., Ac., & 1 Conn tr y Produce. ! -. ken in Barter, on liberal terms. II ivino pnreb:’.-ed the store and giauls of Mt. ; B. S. Jmixsox. be a!- , otters a large stock of ■ . GR( K’EUIES at th it 1. <-n Cherok: e Str< --t. j and Mr. HAMES will take pleasure in waiting . n. >e istom-r ('ember 12. '(tf] E. PAGE. War! War! War!! j / \N eul n.'.- -lay there will positively ’CSriNzcn . for •, ■i-orw. rk a? my 't.-re. All m>!es an-l iiats d;u-tm* and not paid by i : - 1< of V:xn-‘- will !•• place I in the 1 hands ,>f ;in attorney for collection. W. A. FRAZER, i I Ju’v2_d. ir 1 ts. i CONG RESSIONAL DISTRICTS. FIRST DISTRICT. Appling. Glynn, Bulloch, Liberty, Bryan, Mclntosh, Chatham, Montgomery, Camden, Pirce, Charlton, Scriven, Clinch. Telfair, Coffee. Tatnall, Elffngnam, Ware, Emanuel, Wayne, SECOND DISTRICT. Baker, Irwin, Berrien, Lowndes, Brooks, Lee, Calhoun, Miller, Clav, Mitchell, Colquitt, Randolph, Dooly, Terrell, Decatur, Thomas, 'Dougherty, Wileox. Early. ' Worth. Echols, THIRD DISTRICT. Chattahoochee. Stewart, Muscogee, Sumter, Macon, Schley 1 Marion, Taylor, Harris, Talbot, Quitman, Webster. FOURTH DISTRICT. Jasper, Wilkinson, Jones, Houston, Putnam, Twiggs, Baldwin, Laurens, Bibb, Pulaski. Crawford, FIFTH DISTRICT. Burke, Lincoln, Glascock, Warren, Columbia, 'Washington, Hancock, Wilkes, Jefferson, Richmond, Johnson, SIXTH DISTRICT. Clarke, Hart, Elbert, Newton; Franklin, Taliaferro, Greene, Walton, M- rgan, Oglethrope, Madison, SEVENTH DISTRICT. Butts, Henry, Clayton, Pike, Fayet.c, Troup, Meriwether, Spalding, Monroe, Upson. EIGHTH DISTRICT. Campbell, Fulton, Cobh. Haralson, Carr oil. Heard, Coweta, Paulding, DeKalb, Polk, NINTH DISTRICT. Banks, Lumpkin, Dawson, Milton, Cherokee, Pickens, Forsyth, Towns, Gwinnett, Rabun, Habersham, Union, Hall, White, Jackson, TENTH DISTRICT. Cas«, Gordon, Chattooga, Gilmer, Catoosa, Murray, Dade, Walker, Floyd, Whitfield Fannin, SENATOR! A L DISTR ICTS. 1. Chatham, Bryan, Effingham. 2. Liberty, Tatnall, Mclntosh. 3. Wayne, Pierce, Appling. 4. Glvnn, Camden, Charlton. 5. Coffee, Ware, Clinch. (>. Echols, L 'Wndes, Berrien. 7. Brooks, Thomas, Colquitt. 8. Decatur, .Mitchell, Mfiler. '.). Early, Calhoun, Baker. 10. Dougherty, Lee. Worth. 11. Clay, Randolph, Terrell. 12. Stewart, Webster, Quitman, ’ 13. Sumter, Schley, Macon, 14. Dooly, Wilco.x, Pulaski, ' 15. Montgomery, Telfair, Irwin. • 16. Laurens, Johnson, Emanuel. 17. Bulloch, Scriven, Burke, 18. Richmond, Glascock. Jefferson, 19. Taliaferro, Warren, Greene, 20. Baldwin, Hancock, Washington, 21. Twiggs. Wilkinson, Jones, 22. Bibb, Monroe, Pike, 23. Houston. Crawford, Taylor, 24 Marion, C’iiattah<,ochee, Muscogee, 25 Hanis, Talbot, Upson, 26 Spal ling, Butts, Fayette, 27 Newton. Walton, (’laiko, 28 Jasper, Putnam, Morgan, 2’JWilkes, Lincoln, Columbia, 30 Oglethorpe, Madison, Libert, 31 Hart, Franklin, Habersham, 32 White, Lumpkin. Dawson, 33 Hall, Bank-',-Jacksiui, 31 Gwinnett, DeKalb, Henry, 35 Clayton, Fulton, Cobb, 36 Meriwether, C >weta. Campbell, 37 Troup, Heard, C’arrroll. 38 ILiral-on, Polk, Paulding; 39 C’nerokee, Milton, For-yth, 40 I iiioii, Towns, R »!»un, 41 Fannin, Gilmer, Pickens, 42 Cas-c Floyd, C’iaitto 'ga. 43 Murrav, Whitfield, G-,rdon, I I Walk . Catoosa. IDi-y 6oocls, Beady-Made Clothing, HATS, BOOTS,SHOES,&C< •TTMIE -üb-cribi-r at the North corner of tin* JL square in Marietta keep- constantly on hand -a well selected stock ofGoodsin the above line of trade, and respectfully in vites the inspec tion of his friends an I the public both with re gard to their QU A LITIES and PRICES. as iny l-ii-’hihits can buy from me us low as from any house in Georgia, VV* o> 3TL C2Y 311 ! And I only ask that the public in Cobb and the adjacent counties will satisfy themselves of the fact. L. BENNETT. N. B. -My customers indebted to me are re quested to come forward and settle their ac counts. L. B. All ’ -on- in'l'-b’ed are expected to come forward and settle at once. Persons wanting Goods can get thorn as cheap for cash at mv .Store as any where. L. BENNETT. ' 1860 ('m Seal and ho.miny. _ yT: -L and llomixy. of excellent qu il’fiy L f m white corn, fresh ground at jrrrmn A Co's Exc-lsior milL J. SHEPARD o. 6. Georgia Volunteers. The State of Georgia has the follow ing Regiments in the service of the Con federate States : 1. Col. Ramsey, of Muscogee County r in Virginia. 2. Col. Semmcs, of Muscogee County r in Virginia. 3. Col. Doles, of Baldwin County, in Virginia. 4. Col. Wright of Richmond Countys in Virginia. 5. Col. Jackson, of Richmond County, in Pensacola Florida. 6. Col Colquitt, of Baker County, in Virginia. L Col. Gartrell, of Fulton County, in Virginia. 8. Col. Mercer, of Chatham County,, in Virginia. 9. Col. Goulding, of Talbot County, in Virginia. 10. Col. Anderson, of Newton County, in Virginia. 11. Col. Brumby, of Cobb County, in Virginia. 12. Col. Thomas, of Elbert County, Virginia. 13. Col. Wofford, of Cass County, in Virginia. 14. Col. Boyd, of Fulton County, nr Virginia. 15. Col. Cobb’s Legion, in Virginia, 16. Col. Phillip’s Legion, in Virginia. 1. Col. Villipig’s Battalion, in Pensa cola, Florida. 2. Col. Hardeman’s Ba talion, in Vir ginia. '1 he foregoing Regiments, Legions and Battalions were armed by the State of Georgia. Regiments from Georgia armed by the Confederate States : 1. Col. Bartow’s Regiment, in Vir ginia. 2. Col. Johnson’s Regiment, in Vir ginia. 3. Col. Morris’ Regiment in Virginia. 4. Col. Howell Cobb’s Regiment, in Virginia. 5. Col. McLaws’ Regiment, in Vir ginia. 6. Col. Ector’s Regiment, in Virginia. One Regiment of Georgia Regulars commanded by Col Charles Williams, of Muscogee, in Virginia. J. Duncan Smith has also command of an Independent Battalion in Virginia. The following Regiments have been authorized to be raised in Georgia by President Davis. \V. 11. Stiles, IT. L. Benning, John W. IL Underwood, B F. McDonald, Robt. Trippe, Hammond of Athens, and Mc- Millen of Habersham. There is also a Regiment at Tybec and at Brunswick. Gov. Brown has ordered four Regiments to rendezvous at Camp McDonald, which will undergo a thorough course of training, subject to the order of the President. No Time for Criminations. While the enemy arc collecting their shattered columns for a new attempt upon our liberties, and new deeds of robbery, we, on our part, are strength ening our own invincible hosts to vis it upon them new cas'.igations. Inoue n spec' we must be careful to differ from them. They arc quarreling with each other about past responsibilities. God has sent almost a Babel confus ion among them. We on our part stand as a band of brothers, whose friendship and affection have been cemented by common hazards and mutual services and a common glory. Let us encour age tiiis sentiment. Forgotten be the differences and the feuds of the past.— At least let them be adjourned till th<* public peril is ‘> vpr None have had stronger or more honest convictions as to these than we, or have less repented of them. But when we see men of every hue < I politics and past opinions, locking shield, and rushing with g( ner ous rivalry to the battle’s Iron', in de fence ol (heir country, we have none but words of fellowship lor them all.— “If thy A- a< tbe right with my hea't give me thy hand”—this was an an cient. test ot friendship that suits well the communion proper for the times. Ilich. Enquirer. Further Particulars of Nelson’s Ar rest. —We learn from undoubted au thority, only a few moments before our paper goes to press, that there is no remaining doubt as to Nclfoli’h arrest. He was arrested in Virginia by Virgin ians under the authority of that State. Maps containing a careful and accur ate delineation of all the mountain pas ses in East 1 ennessee, from < hattam o ga to Bristol, were found in his posses sion. Th sis no sensation item; it is now known to be true. IT id he suc ceeded in passing through Virginia and reaching Washington, the authorities there would have been put in posses sion of a full and accurate statement of strong and weak points in East Tennes see, and every mountain pass in the Cumberland range would have become known to Scott and the Federal army. His arrest does seem like a timely in terposition of Divine Providence, as it may yet save East Tennessee from be ing drenched with the blood of our own citizens, an ! prevent our soil from be coming ihe arena of strife between the Northern and Southern armies.—Chat tanooga Gazette, 10//i..