The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, September 06, 1861, Image 1

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VOI.. I. <The By VV. M. JBFFKRSON & CO. Tlb c We kb i- W eekl y Is issued on Tuesday and Friday mornings at fp2 50 a year Strictly in Advance. The Weekly Advocate Is published eveiy r’ridny Evening* at fpl 50 a year, in Advance, Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! ~Ij>LANKS in any quantity and of every va JL J riety kept on hand or printed to order, at the lowest possible price, at this office. Also—.JOß WORK, of every varie ty and style, executed in the neatest and most approved style of the art. ami at prices which cannot be "imirmured at" by the '‘clo?est-fisted” in or out of this section of the country. Give us a trial. Tqyu sUvcitijsntrnte- (■< EORGIA. Milton County.—Two \ K months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands and negroes belonging to the estate of Win. Dinsmore, late of said county, deceased. J Oil NEL CANTRELL. 1 V(lini .. s> SARAH DINSMORE, f * August sth. 18(11. G< EORGI A. F<irsyth C mnty. Two I months after date I shall apply to the Hon orable Hubard Barker, Ordinary of said coun ty, for leave to sell the lauds belonging io the Estate of Samuel Edmondson, late ot said coun ty. deceased, for the purpose of distribution among thd heirs and creditors of said deceased. This 2nd day of August, 1861. - WILLIAM D. BENTLY, Adm’r. Notice. 11WO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Paulding cottx'y, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of A. G. Brintl >. deceased. O. F. BRINTLE, Adm’r. July 24th 18(11-2m GFORWIA. Milton County. A VJOIEREAS, John IL Cook, Executor on 11c V V Estate of Jeremiah Cook, deceased, ap_ plies for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all pej-sons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on or before the first Monday in October next, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not t hen be granted. Given u h-r my Irin I it offi-e in Alpharetta, Ga., March 16th, 18(11. (). I’ SKELTON. Ordinary. Not ice. A LL persons having demands ir ainst the cs -21. (ate of Robert M. Montgomery, deceased, are requested to pr.-sent their, properly attest ed. to the undersigned, within the time prescrib ed by law; ami all those indebted to said estate are required Io make immediate payment. ELIZ V MON I'GOMERV, Adm’.x. August‘2oth. 18(11. . . 7t’-w. Administrator's Sale. I> Y virtue of an order from the Co irt of Or } dinary of Cobb county, will be soil at the late residence of Charles (Ter. deceased, in Ma rietta. on Sa' ti rd ay. the Seventh September next, •all the personal property of said deceased, con sisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Shoemaker’s Tools, Ac. Terms cash. ELIZABE'I II CI.ER. Admr’x. Align I 29th. DM I. N< »l !(*(*. 4 LL persons haling demands against the es- J.l tale of Benjamin Green, deceased, are re quested to pro-cut them, pro] crly aitested, to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law : ami all tho e inlebted to said estate art required to make immediate payment. S. I. WHENCE. Adm’r. M \R 1 11 A E. GREEN, Admr’x. August 20th. 18616vv. GEORGIA, Cobb County. Ti 11 ER EAS. Parks Hardeman. Admr. of ▼ ▼ Martha I’. Ilirdm n. deceased, applies to mo for Letters ot’ Dismis ion from said Admin istration. The-e are therefore to cite ami adimmi-h all ami singular those concerned to tile their objec tions. if any they my office, on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise Let tors of Dismission will be grant-- I the applicant at tnat term of the Court ot Ordinary for said county. Given under mv ban 1 at olli e. in Marietta, this August 2911 i. ISill. JOHN G. CAMPBELL. Or l’y . GPOIU»i.L Cobb County* Milton J Bagbee an uncle of (teeeased. applies to ini' in writing, for letters of administration on the estate of W il liam 11. Summerlin late of >aid county . dec'd. Tln-s--aie therefore to cite and admonish all nnd singular the kin red ami creditors of said <leeea cd, to file' their objections, if any they have, m my office. on or before the first Monday in October next, otherwise, letters of adminis tration will be granted tin 1 applicant at that t rm of the Court of Ordinary of said county . Given under my hand, at otlice in Marietta, this 2 >th August, iNiiL John G. C \MPBEI L. Ord’y. GI’ORGI Cobb < ouuty. % 1/ 11 EKEAS, Parks H irdman. as t e fattier ’ v ot deceased, applies to me in writing for letters of \ l hninistration on the estate ot John J. Hardman, late of said county , deceased. Thes ■ an> therefore to cite ami admonish all and sing Jar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if anv they have, in my otli -e. on or before the first Mond ty in (•< t< bcr n--\ . otherwise, letters of a lnrnis tration wi'.i begran'el the apple.intnt that term ot ll.el nt ~f Ordinarv et >ai 1 coimtv. Given lindei lip h md. at otlice in Marietta, this 20>.h Vag i't. Is | J 'UN G. C \MPRKLL. Ord’y. V. < ( bb < ounty. w let: is ot All, m - r.ition on ’he .-sta‘e t Wv’.v 11. Mi ‘hell, late of said c anty deceased. These ate therefore to eiie and m’-m-r ~h all an I 'in ahir the ki me I aid c<d.’ors , - soi . - ised to ti e t.:> r eb e>.-tio -s if a- \ thex hll e. in m . tile or . p . ■ \i,j ,I. inUci.'lh- r«\t .iili rww- Ictu s <■:’ adr-m. - ,ration w ill be granted the ai-pl:ei< ’ a« j; .it term of tin <• -i tof Ord uari < -aid,. . i • .< u i. . n haw l a’ • . i V . • , thj< .o; \ . : I s | J »Td G -’ \M ’ ■ > i . V i N " , !» ;*s a fftnek. The Mariella Seini-We ily Advocate. GEORGIA, Paulding county. ■WTOTTCE is hereby given to all persons concern- Xxl ed, that IL-inry Mitchell, late of said comi ty, departed this life intestate, and no person has applied for Administration on the estate of said Henry Mitchell, and that in terms of the law ad ministration will be vested in the Clerk of the Su perior Court, or some other fit and proper person, thirty days after the publication of this citation, unless some valid objection is made to his appoint ment. Given under my hand and official signature, July 15, ISjJL ’ MILES KDWAIIDS, Onlimiry.’ NOTICE. rjCA’vVO MONTHS after date, application will be M made to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb coun ty, for leave to sell the LAND and NEGROES, be longing to the estate of Mary Tinsley, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. June 27. 171. A. M. NORTHCUTT, ( A(lnforq __2'»-9t W. J- TINSLEY. 1 A 1! “ 01 ’ Paulding- Sheriff’s Sale. W r ILL be sold before the Court-House door in the town of Dallas, Paulding county. Georgia, on the first Tuesday In October next, during the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Two lots of land Nos. 820. 83n, in the 3d Dis trict of the 3d Section. Levied on as the prop erly of 11. A. McCollum to satisfy two fi fas in favor of J. B. Oneal. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. J. C. N. FOOTE, Sh’lf. August 26th, 1861. GEORGI 1 . CHEROKEE County—Where as Joseph M’Connell, administrator of tin estate of Win. Beavers, deceased, applies to me for dismission from s<id administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all tier sons that, they fi'e their objections, if any they h ive, within the time prescri -ed by law why said letters of dismission should hot be granted the ap piicant JAMES JORDAN, 0 l’y. Apiil 11, 1861. dyse’nte > ry cordial, O/i Compomid Flixer of Rhubarb. A PLEASANT, safe, and effectual remedy for Dysentery, Cholera Mnrbus. Pain or Sickness at the stomach, and for all Bowell aj sections, Prepared and sold by HAMMETT A- GROVES. Feb. 17, ’6o—tf. Cherokee Baptist College. <’rtssvillo, Chiss County, CS-eoro ia, (Ht 132 5(1 TO $ 162 50 paysfoi 40 weeks Tuition Board. Lodging. Washing, Fuel and School incidentals for a young man. There are six Classes (two Academic and four Collegiate). Students are received at any state of ]»re]niration and for any studies they may select. Tuition payable in advance. Boarding in private families. Provisions for 200 students. For further p irticulars address Rev. THOMAS RA.MBAI’T. L. L. D. Pres’t. or Pro!-. J. D. COLLINS. A. M.. Dean of Fa'lty. /!?-N. B. Spring session opens Thursday. January 17th. 18(11, - jan. I 1861. ly. ’M, AlblbTTL RES! DE N T y *’ *' NTI ST ’ Z I RATEFI’L to the citizens of Mariett 1 ami vT vicinity for a liberal patronage during the past ten years, is still prej»ared to perform all operations eiihei for preserving the natural, or •iserting artiliicial teeth in the most approved manner. He solicits calls from those who have very had tc'fk. as he is using a preparation for filling the most, delicate teeth no nmiter how badly de c.iyod. if not. otherwise diseased and rendering them serviceable for yi-ars. I( is about the same color as the teeth and will never chang or discolor the teeth. 7*G - Refers to citizens of Marietta for whom lie has operated during the past ten years. Cash, unh-s-by special contract. Otlice south side of public square, over the Post Office Oct sth 1860. TO OUR CUSTOMERS. On and after this date, we will sell Goods for CAS FT OXI.V Those wishing goods in ou v line will find it to their advantage to give ns a call, as we can ofi’i-r inducements to buyers. ’I hose indebted are requested to come forward ami Sottl? Up either by note ar Cash. 11 \MMETT A GROVES. August Ist IS ‘I. WM. A FBAZER. HAS A S I’ L E N DID S TOC K-OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, CIvT JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS. Silver and Plated Ware, Which he offers at prices to -nit the tlm-s. FOK CASH DMA. At his store one dmr above Connell's Hall. June Ist. IStll ts. WILL I UI8& MCLEAN, Manutacturers .rid Dvv’.ci - in all kin I- ot’ FURNITURE, MOSS AXI> ll \Ut MATTKHSSES, LOOK!JGGLiSS. PLATES, r<.»ech-Tu-e StiM . Atlanta, Ga. I? ' HmVl S A Bl TNbi:. MARIETTA, «A., FRIDAY MORNING. SEPT. 6, SWSENESS t’AItDN. Churches in Marietta. M. E. Church,Rev. Alex. Graham. Pastor. Presbyterianßev. E. P. Palmer. Pastor Episcopal (St. James') Rev. S. Benedict. Rector Baptistfilled 2nd and 4th Sabbath in each month by the Rev. Mr. Rambau. Two Churches for the Blacks, Methodist and Baptist. N. SIMPSON Attorney and Councellor at Law ?Jatuetta Georgia. October 6. ly. a’ jTiTa nsell, Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery. Marietta Georgia. October 6, ly. JOHN O. GARTRELIT Attorney and Councellor at Law Marietta G eorgia. July 29. ,yl c. d. phTllTps; Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Marietta Georgia. june 15iy G. V. lesterl ATTORNEY AT LAW Marietta, Georgia, practice in the Blue Ridge Circuit VV the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District Court, at Mrrietta. February 29. 1861ly. CICERO (’. WIXN, ATOIIXET AT- LAW Marietta G eorgia. Will attend promptly to all claims entrusted to his care. Oct, 12 ly. JAMES M. BISHOP” Attorney and Counselor at Law, Dawsonville Georgi \. ’YYT’ILI, -live prompt attention to anv Lii'im-ss W confided to his care in the Blue Ridge circuit. —Sept. 21. 1860—ly. CT_ C?A_MP Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Acworth. Cobb Colni y. Geo. Y YT"ill practice in Cobb. Cass, Cherokee. Mil- V y ton, Paulding ami Fulton. 7?-'/p/vnec.s-.—Hon. J. W. Lewis. II<»n L J. G irtrell. Atlanta. N. A. G. S. z\very. Acworth. ;Z'’B~Any information as to responsibiliiy of parties, ]>rom]>tly given. Feb. 29 '6l wm. i-iiii.i.ii-s. .1. r. r.ritKiialter PHILLIPS & BURKHALTER, M-.iricl 1 :i, Georgia. •Will practice in Fulton. Paulding and all the counties of the Blue Hidge Circuit , in the Su preme court, and District court, April 5. ‘(it)-ly. dav in irwin. <; ri IRWIN & Bl TLE’?, ATJOTINEYS A T LA IT 7 ; KJoirletteu, Cd c'i - IjJI’SINFsS confided to their professional J management in the fellowin.-- ---muties will be transacted, viz: Campbell. Panldin-r. Polk. Cobb. Cherokee. Forsvth. Lnmnkin. Fulton ami Milton. Alsu, in the District Court at, Marietta, and at, (he Snnreme < 'ourt at At! mta. ;*f*'Th-' District Court sits at Marietta on the second Mondav in March and Sepb-mbi-r. Re turn 20 -lavs before Court. feh29-'(H-l v. VV. T. PAY. J. VV. HEATH. v ZOZorrtlx, .'.florrtey'y: a s Jasreil Pickens Cot nty. Ge-irgia. ■YTTILL jir.u tiei' in the counties of Piel-on--. VV Gilim-r. I ’ innin. I.i’.mnkin. Dawson. Mi lton. Cherokee. Murray an 1 Whitfield. Tin- utmost vigilance gi /ento collections, am! monevs nromptlv paid over. ept’ I Ith - y.‘ .\ 11 <»»•’!«• v nii<l < ’<» ti 11 -'<•ll< >r :it IzsiW. Marietta, Cobb county G-a. YY ill practice, and give prompt attention 10 all business confided to his profession il can-, in the District Court of the I’. S at Marietta. The Supreme Court ■ Georgia, at Atlanta, and die Superior ami Inte'ior < ourts ot the Bine Bidire Circuit, an.l the counties adjoining Cobb of oth er circuits. Especial attention given to the collects :i ot d'-bts. and the s.-curing all nmurn-;- o’ < '. dm-. Prompt nnd -fli -ient attention will be viven to all manner of business in the (‘< - t’ Grdlmi rv in tho county of Cobban! adjoining ■<> mties. Feb. HI one y llaiiiiltmi.Markley x Joym-r, D R U:G (FISTS. H’.W'E just received front the West, nnd < f- ter for sale tor c ;s /, () <'y: •Jib) (I all.ns Pure Ln! OH : 1 -0 •* 1 ‘rime Ale->!i<>! ; Iti.Y “ Tuenei s < >ii : !> > ‘‘ Burning’ I'ltii*! ; !•?•» Ke‘.<>s--nc Oil ; 2 i’> irt'-ls Litis-- <1 <)- :1 ; ’ '-0 P hiixls Bun- ''Hi; ittr : I Keg - Salt Peter ; *250 L’ns. (’• - -ki:, g s :n : Eor Sale lor CASH Only. ! • 1.- :1 . . •J e • vv • e .ai. . • ill it we vv i'd 11.1: n■ -vv sc.: tay l> ■.y g- -••• . It. C.,.-.. tleiu.-..; ion <1- aver. <-t a> Is M A J. M ;v 31st. 1-bl. Mrs. A. ISAACS, FASHIONABLE MILLINER, .Connelly’s Iron Store, White Iln'l. near Alabama Street AT L A NT A, («’ EO I? G JA. < LARGE assortment of Bonnet o , Head 2 bl Droses. Bertha Capes, Embroideries. Dr-ss Irimmings and Fancy Goo is constantly on hand. I'annets vaatle’to order at short notice. Oct 5- ly- HAN ING returned to Marietta again, my old home. I offer my services to the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, who I have served for nearly twenty years in repairing Wntclies, &C- lam now prepared to serve you again. Tn addition I have in Store, an as sortment of Confectionaries, consisting of ANDIES, NUTS, RAISIN’ S and fancy articles. Also. Tobacco & Cigais of (lie Best, Brands S7LI7LS’. TOMA TOPS in CanJLFr-'sh ove Ovstei'S, ’ J A hJS AND CLAMS, and a variety of Articles usually kept in a Con fectionary jjtore. Thankful for past patronage so liberally bes towed, I hbpe to merit a continuance of the same. The Ladies are especially solicited to call. West side of the Public Square, next door to Phoenix Building. A. D. RUEDE Sept. 14th-ts. ~JUST ’rECEIYING !! GROCERIES IXCLT.7J)IXCJ- Sug’ar, Molasses, Collee, Salt, FLOOR, 00R, For sale at the lowest cash prices by L. C. JJcLJ LLAND, February 26th 18(11. ILLUEStr Garden Seeds. A• T E IIAVE JUST 11 Et’ 1 ’IVED V I 10.003 Tapers Fresh G-a”den Seeds (MJ lbs. Garden Seeds in Bulk. 2 5 Br.uhebi EaGy Peas :v:<! Bean A few Bbls. Oni m Setts. All of which will be s-il-l reap by. HAMMETT & GPROVES. Janmirv 1861. WATCHES; ■LOC KS. J" eweir v \VM. A. Fi.’ AZEIx ha- jr. t returned from New 1 I York with the best selected stock of \v al-.-h os. Clocks. Jewelry. Sti-iling Silver and plated ware, ever in this market, and will sell cheapei than ever before oili-red. A splendid assortment of Jewelry, coa.-i'iin-' -if Etrinc in. Lav .1. Coral. Jets, am) plain Gold Set's. Rings, Pencils, Keys and everything <d the latest style at. FRAZEIIb 1831. 1361 MEDICINES. HAMILTON, MARKLEY tkJOYXL!?. 4 NN‘ >!'\( 'E to the public that they have con.- A im-nced the New Yea-- with a full stock of Drugs & Medicines. They are also fully prepared to sell on terms ilm* will -nit tin- times. K.-r i-t-ne Oil. Kerusehe j.-imps : Flu: 1. Turpentine. Alcohol : Linseed Oil. Lar i at; I Sperm ; <L.s for macliim-ry. Will' - la-ad : Ground ( ’<'!■ >rs. in lew (. ro- ; Patty -Druggists ( il-u* Ware : and every -ler si ccie-1,: Drngg .'toe ~ Frascriptions Carefully Fre p i’" ~cl . 'Wci 11 -1 oe, HOUSE AND SIGN PAI ’ 7 T E R .-1 •1- i __ Imitator of Wood an l -hop in the EP.asenmntof MaU-ita Hoti-' m I> -eatur street. Die .se leave orders in M-. --rs. A NEW PA I NT SHOP. TIE ui.dersigne l having j-rm v-.-ntty I•••:•?•• •! ii> M.i.uf, 1 with a vi- « "f --rr; 1 •> . th-.- PAIN I ING BUSINESS in a’.i ;-s v i-; > s r • . n■ -. 1:.1 - '.-s n lb- >-n - IF. 11. McCown, on D He »• ..’.*, r p ally cn the a:vrti-n..f<Li- -ii . . e -t - :i,■ lull-, ai:,l e..rn -tlj - mil Vll-.i k .l ine with :r.e -a:: I mh. Jan IS. !y. 1. N. I! vV -. MEAL AND HO2IINY. . ? i . C-s Ex ■ . m.ii. J. .-If . CO N (111 ESS ION A L I) ISTnI CT s. — FIRST DISTRICT. Appling. Glynn, Bulloch, IJberty, Bryan, Mclntosh, Chatham, AI on t gonrer J-, Camden, Pirce,' Charlton, Scriven, Clinch. Telfair, Coffee. d'atnall, Eilingnnm, Ware, Emanuel, . Wayne, SECOND DISTRICT. Baker, Irwin, Berrien, Lowndes, Brooks, Loe, Calhoun, Miller, Clav, Mitchell, Colquitt, Randolph, Dooly, Terrell, Decatur, Thomas, Dougherty, Wilcox. Early, Worth. Echols, THIRD DISTRICT. Chattahoochee. Stewart, Muscogee, Sumter, Macon, Schley 4 Marion, Taylor, Harris, Talbot, Quitman, Webster. FOURTH DISTRICT. Jasper, Wilkinson, Jones, Houston, Putnam, Twiggs, Baldwin, Laurens, Bibb. Pulaski. Crawford, FIFTH DISTRICT. Burke, Lincoln, Glascock, Warren, Columbia, Washington, llanc-ck, Milkes, Jefferson, Richmond, Johnson, SIXTH Dl-TRICT. Clarke, Halt, Elbert, Newton; Franklin, Taliaferro, Greene, AVnlton, M< rgan, Oglethropc, Madis m, SEV ENTH DISTRICT. Butts Henry, Clayton, Pike, Favetie, Troup, Meriwether, Spalding. Monroe, Upson. EIGHTH DISTRICT. Campbell, Fulton, Gibb, Haralson, Carroll, Heard, Coweta, Paulding, DeKalb, Polk, NINTH DISTRICT. Binks, Lumpkin, Dawson, Mil ton, Cherokee, Pickens, Forsyth, Towns, Gwinnett, Rabun, Habersham, J Union, ifall, NVliile, Jackson, TENTH DTSTItrCT. Ca««, Gurdon, Chattooga, Gilmer. Cat >osa, Murray, Dade, Walker, Floyd, AVliitfield Fannin. SENATORIAL DISTIHCTS. 1. I iialiiam, Bryan. Eilingham. ‘2. Liberty,'ratnall, AL Intish. .’’>. Wayne. Pierce, Appling. 4. (1 h im, Camden. Charlton. 5. Coffee, Ware. Clinch. 6. Echols, L >vvndes, Berrien. 7. Brooks, 1 lionin.s, Colquitt. 8. Decatur, Mitchell. Miller. ( J. Early, Calhoun, Baker. 10. Dougherty, Lee. (Vorth. 11. Clav, Randolph. Terrell. I*2. Stewart, Webster. Quitman, ! ’>. Sumter. ScliL v. .Macon, I I. Dooly, \\ dcox, Pulaski. 15. Montgonn-ry, Telfair, Irwin. Hi. Liureiis, Johnson. Emanuel. 17. B illoeh. Scriven, Burke. 18. Bi'-bmond. Glascock. Jefferson, I'J, Taliaferro, Warren, Greene, ’_((. Baldwin. Hancock, W ashington, ‘2l. Twiggs. Wiikii s.-ii. Jones, ‘2’2. B bb, Monroe, Pike, 2Houston. Crawford, Taylor, 21 Mario:), Giiattiili-oeiiee, Mus ogee. 2) Harris, Tailed, Epson, ‘Jo Spal ling. Butts. Fayette, 27 Newton. Walton. ( Luke, 28 .Lispcr, Putnam, Morgan, ‘_'.'\Vilk< s. Lincoln. Columbia. 30 ( )g'e:iiorpe. Mad son, Elbert, .’’>l Hart, Franklin, II ibcr.-ham, 32 W bite, Lunmkiu. Dawson, 33 Hall, Banks,'Jac kson, 3 1 Gwinnett. Delx ilb, Henry, 35 (llav ton. FulF-ii. < 'obb. 3f> Meriwether, f'.weta, Campbell, 37 Tri.-np, Hoard. C’.irrrnll. 3s II iraUmi, P--lk, Paulding; 3'J Ciierukco, Milton, Forsyth, •lO F’uicri, Towns, R ibun, II Fannin. Gilmer. Pickens, 12 C.>s-. FL yd. Cimt'o >ga, ■l3 Murrav, Whitfi Id. G udon, 41 Wiill- -r Dade, C’.uo >-:i. •i fix it. .<-.\<ie.-. '(■ T- m:isr. AND S A D D Lll It Y . SANG] S & GUI ST. C.'J i>- T 'h",/- S'/ 'Jhcalar Sired.) G'ilE unde-sigm-d w-mld nu>-t ii-speetfully I <• : I dll- a" • inion <>! tile ]>nbl:<- to the above, ba-'- io,. wb;c!i we intend earrv ing on in al! I s Y ariut-s iJcpurimi nts, v, itli !>e i‘i e- and dispatch. s : c p t.-se l by few <•-: i>!j'jments ia the South. Tl?pa-rin" of a’! kin 1- p- mriptly atien led t<>. "■ ■ A tin-- >‘ of Her-*- 1! -- - m uh- <>i Native M.i’erl.d ko- <-n li-.n l and mule to order.’sA A . ; - will il:--Lie -ml ci>l’eetabu- twice a ■ -i v t’-e tir-t i.t July 1J m i try ot e u-!i y...” A ■((H’NTS not sett:--1 promptly at ■ -e tim -s. will draw interest for ;ui the time t!.; y rem da unset tied. A -le-r-.l slmre of patronage is respectfully s •’•<• 1. —mar S. ’6(>-tf - - ■— J\j 1 C 3 4 ITER the first day of January isc.j. we 2 1 vi.l - tor Cash or Barter nt cash juices. ■ ■ n for p-.-J favors we still solicit a eou tiii'inace <3 e- m e I’o: 28. 1-6 a GREENE A- v MARIETTA PAPER COMPANY AEmiPn -tnrors of BOOK. NEW, MANILLA AND WRAPPING PAPER, Lc'.lcr, (.'in. Xo'e and Jyivdoyc Taper Fur idshed to Order* Our News and Book PAPER’ is as good an any manufactured ami at reasomwle terms. .. Cash Paid For Cot'on and Linen Rags, Old Rope r liAOGdXG AKD COTTON WASTE. Address A. S. EDMONSTON & CO/ * Oct. 19th. 1 BCO-Iy. Marietta, Ga O, J- SDTlldjD-A JFLD~ (AT 11. Vil-CLI MOCK’S OLD STAND. Hftg n >vv on hand a large and well selected astortment of FAM I L Y SITPPT. IE S To which he invites the attention of the citizens of Marietta and (lie oouuty. The one jirice system will be strictly adhered to. His terms are cash, or equivolent, th it is, comirry ptodiiee at cash pr.ces, or short time, to prompt paying customers. Bills due on pre sen tat ion. His de .er nination is to sell good articles it low prices, and will expect prompt payments. (P tc' W. L. GAULT, Grocer and Produce Merchant, Cherokeb Sr., Marietta, Ga. Txeejis constantly on hand every article in the Grocers- Line Such as; SUGARS, COFFEE, MOLASES, SYRUP, SALT LARD and BACON, Cheese, Mackerel and White fish, Tobacco. Su gars, Iron and farmers Hardware. Buckets &o Tubs Candles, Soap. Powder Shot, vt Lead, Y arns. Starch, and a choice lot Jine old ITkislcies & Brandy. All persons indebted to me by note or open account will save cost by corning forward and make a Settlement. lam determined to have prompt paying customers or not have any. Oct. 12. 6m. A. isaacsT - Wli ilesalc and retail Dealer in Millinery and. Fancy Goods, RIBBONS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, Ileal Dresses, Embroideries, Laces, Blondes, Ruches, Perfumery, Ac., &c. < on>>< Uy's Ire>« I-bout Building, White Hall Street, A T1 ° ANTA. GEORGIA 1!W HM. Hamilton, Markley & Joyner, A ( Lint :r, G eoi’gia. A X I) Hamilton, Markley & Joyner, Qi Zz r, A/'er.i'a l<l, July Ist. 18 1 Dlt. JOH.X L. HAMILTON, of Atlanta, nnd T. C. \!.\':i.'.i.v and R. IV. Joyner, of Ma rietta. hereby give notice to the public that they will earrv on- the !> /i U G B US IN ESS In i-.1l its bnn.-hes in Aflanti and Marietta. N. B. ll>'d, Store in Mirielta eonlinued. FALOIA STORE GROVES & BUTNER, 4 AVE opened m ilu- Posr Offic-i: Beildinh 1 VAIFTY FAMILY STORE, in -a !iii-h will beiniiml E\ I.If) R I’IC'LE in the GROCERY LINE. I.Lili".'- ex -i-pti- l bes Mes a great variety of other articles. AU bills payable on presentation. If you wantgund (’OFI-EE. TEA. SI JAR. RX’.l. SALT. MOLASSES. LARD. FISH. SYRI'P. YARN, c(h:n. meal.grist,floeb. Jc. or anything in th it line, give us a call, and we > iii.-'ac!i<m. w<- win a- 1 1,,-. •> Foolscap Letter Pa per Pens, Ink, :,! “l other articles of sta t ioiK-ry. Country Produce of r.'il kinds Liken : i harti-r on liberal terms. AL.-’i, ON HAND <’/ir-. Ti b. >o, Smiir, Soaps, Indigo. I'ow i Shot, Lead, < n-l' >, Or Lemons, Candies, St u i li. Nails. Ac. Ac. M.i'.ii'lt i. Ger-rgi i. 27th. 1860-ts. SHOES. \ / 11 ;r .Mi i - L’m* lan I Bound Shoes I 1i) i' iir W<ii-.i.-n’s Leather Shoes. 1 ; i Pair ! '.y‘- S-ioen In ) Pair ' !;:!dr--n s Slices. For s i'.<- eii:-.--> by Wm. ROOT & SON. STEH L. i '*m • a t>' LV E R W ARE. C< OLID .••ilvur—l- i '.ing) spoons, forks, napkiti i ji ings. cup a ■-i v. ■; ling presenta of all kinds s at recci w l at RAZIER. e i’j iio g• l yz-z Ho vr.THEi'A.-* .'A <;er di-’l’ot s Q-eorgia. THIS Hou w- I - -. v ge-l and convenient 1 iy |<><- .ti...- y p.i -.-d into the iri ’- • ; ... -il. i-.nd ..- (-pea for the i -1 i’ . . !'•>: - and transic* 1 a--y . ■ iL-l a-1 to -pare no p ii:is oi-a’ t<-;ii. ': !■> i.ii -.r ;• in *•• e-miforiable. l’o> t«-;. .d. . - in .i .> Lu; at th • trains. >»;>•. --A ti. dopes a iii’dson IVO. 12.