The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, September 10, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. I. ®lic allinictta gwlratntc. By W. 31. JEFFIMISON & CO. The S e na i - W eek 1 y Is issued on Tuesday and Friday mornings at $2 50 a year Strictly in Advance. The Weekly Adv u cate Is published evety Friday Evening at Si 59 a year, in Advance, Blanks I Blanks ! Blanks I IJLAX KS in any quantity and of every va 1 riety kept on hand or printed to order, at the lowest possible price, at this office. Also—-JOB WORK, of every varie ty and style, executed in the. neatest and most approved style of the art, and at prices which cannot be ‘•murmured at” by the ■ closeit-iisted” in or out of this section of the Country. Give ns a tri >l. ■ »j»mTr .m-v- . I>W ■ ■ HI I U~T~IT> |£egal Milton County.—Two VT months after date application will be in ide to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands and negroes belonging to the estate of Win. Dinsmore, late ol said county, deceased. JOHN G. CANTRELL. ) A dmr » a SAll XII DINS TORE, f Admr3 ’ August sth, 1801. G< EORG-IA, Forsyth County.—T'™ r months after (lute I shall apply to lac Hon orable Hub nd Barker. Ordinary of slid conn tv. for leave to sell the Linds belonging to the Estate of Samuel Edmondson, late ot said coun ty, deceased, for the purpose of di.-t ibution among the heirs and creditors ol said deceased. This 2nd day of Anti nst, 1861. WILLIAM D. BENTLV, Adm’r. Not ice. rnwo MONTHS after date application will be | made to the Court of Ordinary ot Paulding coux'y, for leave to sell the lands to the estate of A. G. Briutl >. de ise 1. 0. F. BRINTL;:, Adm’r. July 24th 18Gl-2m GF.OKLiIA, Milton County. "YTTHEREAS, John 11. Cook. Executor on the VV Estate of Jeremiah Cook, deceased, ap' plies for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on or before the first Mon lay in October next, to show c ome (if any they have) why said letters should not 1 hen be granted. Given u der inv han 1 nt office in Alpharetta, Ga., March 16th, 18(11. O. I’ SKIT.TON. Ordinary. Not i c . A LT, persons having demands acainsf, the es fate of Robert M. Montgomery, deceased, are requested to present then', properly attest e I, ti' the undersigned, within file tim • oreserib ed by law ; ami al) those ini bted to - aid estate are required to mike immediate payment. ELIZ X MON i'GOMEItV. Adm’x. August 20th. 1861“(>'V. A»lmini.l rator's Sale. Y virtue of an order from the <’•> rt of < >r ' tin iry of Cobb county, will lie s i I nt the late residence of < 'harles ((ler. deco is’d. i.i Mu riel! i, on S.i unlay. the Seventh September next, all the personal property of said deceased, con sisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Shoe maker's Tools, Ac. Terms cash. ELIZABE'I 11 CLER. Adnir'x. August 20:1;. ' •I. Notice. A LL persons having demands against the es tale of Benjamin Green, deceased, are re qiic,and to pre ent them, pro] erly attested, to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law: and all those imlebted to said esuite are required to m ike immediate payment. S. L X’VRENCE. Xdm'r. MARTHA E. GREEN, Admr'x. August 20th. I sei6w. GEORGIA, Cobb County. >% r HEREAS, Parks Hardeman. Admr. of » » Mariha P. Hardin n. deceas 'd, rippli •< I > me for Letters of Dismi -ion from said Admin istration. These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and singular those concerned to tile their objee tions. if any they have, in my oili-e.on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise Let ters of Dismiseon will be grante I the applicant nt term of the Court ot Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand at office, in Marietta, this August 29th. I s .|. JOHN G. C XMI’BELL. Ord’y. G ,i >H n i v. < tobb ( ton nt j. WHERE XS, Milton I Bagbee an uncle of uecease I, applies to me in writing, for letters of .administration on the e<. I'e < f Wil liam L. Summerlin late of -aid county, dec'd. I liese are there! >re to cite an I ad u mi-h all and singular the kin red and creditors < t s lid deceased, to ti'e’ their objections, il any they have, in my office. on or before the lir- Mon I iv in October next, otherwise, letters of a Iminis (ration will be granted the applicant at that t rm of the Court of Ordinary of said eon tty. Given under my hand, at office in .Marietta, tl.i- 2 th August. Is. i. JOHN G. CAMPBELL. Ord'y. <JKO!»(I lA. Cobb Con ty. \W/ 1 1 ER I AS. Parks U ox! mm. ;i- f e fii'ier ▼ v ot dece ised. applies io me in w . iting tor letters of Administration on the estate of John J. Hardman, late of -ud county, deceased. Th-sc ate therefore to cite and a dimmish all and -ing Jar the kindred an I ereditois of said deceased, to tile their < b'eetions. if any they have, in my otliee. on or before the first Moral t\ in October next, otherwlse. letters of admlni trati m will begrantc I the applcmt at that term »f t e Court of Ordiua; \ of slid conutv. Given under my hand, at office in .Marietta, this goth August. Is J 'UN G..C \MPBEL! . Ord'y. I, < < bb County. iI.R .\S. MaiyG Mi'chell. as the widow II of d<‘c 'is.- ; app! es to me in writing for let; a- of Admin ‘. i.ioii on the estate i ! Wy ly 11. Mit> hell. late of s iid county dee s,>d. these are therefore to cite and a intoiikli all an I sihgu ar the ki i ire lan 1 crcd.' w- of sii I u.s. a'v ! tofde their, it' v they have, in mv office, on or be!ore the ii Mond iv in October next otherwise letters . ad.nails (ration will be granted the npplievit at that term of tin Court of Ord ri' y >• -aid ■•ivitth (,Aen under m\ hand, at office in M.. i< t:a thi' At gii’t. I' I JOB I G. CAMPBEL! . c l y. (AUEi'SL mst receive a. a la -e It Ec.-l h I'airv and other Che 'se bv Nov. 9 • GKo\ iS XDI TN .R. Be fcrittto tai-fcMy Mwate. GEORGIA, Paulding counit/. TNTOTICE is hereby given to all persons concern- XNi cd, that II :xnv Mitcbkll, Lite of said comi ty, departed this life intestate, and no person has applied for Administration on the estate of said. Henry Mitchell, and that i;i terms of the law ad ministration will be vested in the Clerk of the Su perior Court, or some other fit and proper person, thirty days after the publication of this citation, unless some valid objection is made to his appoint ment. Given under my hand and official signature. July 15, I[S6L MILES EDWARDS, Ordinary. NO l ie id. HgAWO MONTHS after date, application will be M made to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb coun ty, f ir leave to sell tae L AND and NEGROES, be longing to the estate of Mary Tixslxy, late of said comity, dec msed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. June 27, IJgl. A. M. NORTHCUTT, I . 2!)-9t W. J- TINSLEY.( Paulding Sli rill’s Sale. ‘ILS7TLL be sold before the Court-House door V V in the town of Dallas, Paulding county. Georgia, on the first Tues Ity In October nexi. during the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Two lots of land Nos. 820. B.TI. in the 3d Dis trict of the fid Section. Levied on as the prop erty of IL A, McCollum to satisfy two fi fas in favor of J. B. Oneal. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. J. 0. N. FGOTE, Sb’ff. August 26th, 1861. G< BORG I t . CHEROK EE County—Where T as J ,-ieph M’Conneil, administrator of the estate of Win. Beavers, decease 1, applies to mo for dismission from s id administration. These are therefore to cite an I adin mi-h all p -r sor.s than >h y fie their <J j •<:’ions, if any they h ive, within the time pre ß cri ed by Ja.v way said letters of dism.ssion shoul I hot be granted the ap p ieant JaMES JORDAN, Od’y. Ap> il 1!. 1861. JVC AT TO DYSENTERY CORDIAL, () a Compound Flixer of Hliubarb. A J’LEAN.INT. safe, and effeetiml remedy for Dysentery, Cholera Marbus. Pain or .Sickness at tile stomach, and for all Bowell aj sections, Prepared and sold by HAMMETT & GROVES. Feb. 17, ’6O -ts. 01 icn>kce Baptist College. (Lassville. Gass County, Oeorgiia, dh 1 fid 50 TO 8162 50 pays foi 10 weeks Tuition Hoard, Lodging. Washing, Fuel ami School incidentals for a young man. There are six Classes (two Academic ami four Collegiate). Students are received at any state of preparation and for any studies they may select. Tuition p lyable in advance. Boarding in private families. Provisions tor 200 students. Eor further particulars address Rev. THOM AS RAMBAUT. L. L. D. Pres't. or Plum. J. D. Ct»LL! NS. A. M.. Dean of Fa'lty. rC~N. Il Suring session opens Thursday. Janimr’,’ 17th. I - I. jan. 4-1861. iv. . AL A R E S 1 D EN T A.J A DE N T IST. (H HATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta and L vicinity for a liberal patronage during the [last ten years, is siill prepared i i pi r.'m .a all operations eiihei tor preservin'; the natural, or •iserting artiliicial teeth in the most approved manner. IL- . .Melts calls from those who have venibnd Ic. 'h. ns l:e is using a prep irailon for tilling the most delicate teeth no matter how badly de cayed. if not otherwise (iiscased and rendering them serviceable for years, ft is about the same color as the teeth and will never clmng or discolor the teeth. Refers to citizen- ot' Muriel! i for whom he h is operated during the past ten years. 'lA’l'ilSs. C i sh. unless l>y special contract. Office smith side of public square, over the Post OfficeOct sth IsiiO. TO £ CL?. AAG. On and after till.; date, we will sell Goods for CASH ONiA Those wishing goods in our line will find it to their advantage to give us a call, as we can oiler inducements to buyers. Those indebted are requested to come forward and SsttlO Up either by note or Cash. HAMMETT & GROVES, Angnst Ist IStH. /A. A FBAZER, HAS A SPLENDID STOCK OF GOLD ALID SILVER WATCHES, JEAVELRY OF ALL KINDS. Silver and Biatcd Ware, Which he offers at price- to suit the times. FOS: C ASH ONIA. At his store one J 'or al’ovc Connell's Hall. June Ist. 18 1 ts. WILLIAMS & McLEAN, Manntaeiurers and Deelers in all kin ’s ct FURNITURE, MOSS AND HAHI MATTRESSES, LOOKINGGLASS. PLiTES, Peech-Tree Street . Atlanta, Ga. FIGS \ fre Le o ; ‘iv. -l t>v . T ’ ’ ‘ ROVES A BI TNER. MARIETTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 10, IS6I. BUSaNES** f A R OS. Churches in Marietta, M. E. Churchßev. Alex. Giluiam. Pastor. Presbyterianßev. E. P. Pai Atm:. Pastor Episcopal (St. James'! Rev. S. Bexedict. Rector Baptist. filled 2nd and 4th Sabbath in each month by the Rev. Mr. Rambav. Two Churches lor the Blacks. Methodist and Baptist. aTnTsiaipson Attornsy and Counsellor at Law As arietta Georgia. October 6. A. J. HANSELL, Attorney at Law c 2 Solicitor in Chancery. ''lariettv Georgia. October 6, ly- GARTRELL, Attorney and Councellor at Law Marietta Georgia. Joly 29. .yl C. D. PHILLIPS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Marietta Georgia. june 15 ty ’ gT N. iTesteis. ATTORNEY AT LAW Marietta, Georgia, AA’TILTj practice in the Blue Ridge Circuit W the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District Court at Mrrietta. February 29, 1861ly. ~cfcEßO 7T~\VT NN, ~~ ATORNEY AT LAW Marietta Georgia. Will attend promptly to all claims entrusted to his care. Oct. 12 ly. JAMES’ mTdISHOP, Attorney and Counselor at Law, DaWSOXVILLE ( ; EORGIA. WILL give prompt attention to any bu dness co’.ifl led to his care in the Bine Ridge circuit. Sept. 21. 1860—ly. J. OWN.TL’ Attorney and Counsellor at Lav.’’, Acworth, Cobb County. Geo. ’TjY’T’ii.i. practice in Cobb. Cass, Cherokee, ?Jil ' t ton. Paulding and Fulton. -Hon. J. W. Eevvis, lion. F. •' Garfrell. Atlanta. N. A. G. S. Avery. .Acworth. Any information as to responsiliilitv of parties, promptly given. Feb. 29-’GI WM. I’HII.I.II’S. J. T. BUB.KII ALTEK PHILLIPS & BURKHALTER, nut Xirvuv. AT a riet t :i. Georgia. Will practice in Fulton. Paulding and all the enemies of the Blue Ridire Circuit, in tiie Su preme court, and District court. April 5. ’6O ... .-ly. DAVID IBWIN. <;i:EKM.!'E butler. IRWIN & BI TLER, ATIOTINEYS AT LAW, UVEcXTiettot., G-a. {JUSTNESS confided to their professional I m in urement in the following counties will lie tr uwicteil. viz: Campbell. Panldim;. Pol I '. Uobb. Cherokee. Forsvfli. Lnimikin. Fulton ami Milton. Also, in the District Court at Marietta, mil at the Snnreme ('ourt at Atl inta. ffifl'The District Court sits at M iric'ti on the econd Mond iv in March ami Sen'emlcr. Re turn 20 d ivs before Court. - foti'.’O 'GI-l v. W. T. PAY. J. W. HEATH. P,lformei/'n al Lau\ Jvsper, Pickens County. Georgia. V v Gilni’T. Fannin. Lmnnkin. Dawson, ?4il ton t'herokee. Mmriv and Whitfield. The utmost vigilance g?,-<-n to collections, an 1 monevs nromptlv paid over. ent’ 1 Ith -y. 3NT. T 3. CT-TTTGTZDSr, Attoi’ncv ami Counsellor nt Las’» • Marietta, Cobb county Ga. Will practice, and give prompt attention to ill business confided to his profession il care, in die District Court of the U. S at Marietta. Tile Supreme Court of Georgia, at Atlanta, and rhe ■-uperior and lufe’ior C ourts of the Blue Ridge Circuit, ami the counties adjoining C obb of oth er circuits. Especial attention given to the collection of b'bts. n;i I the securing of all m inner o ’ claims Pminpt and -ffieient attention will be elven t<- ill m inner <>t busimsshi the c. nrts of OriPn.a rv in the eomttv of C'obband ad'oiuing 'o inties. Feb. 1.) ■ one y la imlmn. Markley X Jovner. D R UG G ! STS. HAV E jusf received from the West, and of . fer for sale for C >>nly : 200 Gallons Pure L nil O'! ; Ist) “ Prime Alc<R >1 ; It'».'> “ T idpoi s Oil : 0) “ Burnii.g- Flui ; 120 Kerosene Oil ; 2 Barrels Lins-?. <1 (» I ; 150 Pounds Pure Sulphur : 1 Keg Salt Pet< r ; 2-i0 LI s. S. 't ; For Sale for CASH Only. N. D. -l et no one take ffi nse. we rive mi amii • we will urn ~w ,i an> ;• ; _ .- m credit. Csu-b demanded < n delivers m al; roods N J* May 31st, 1861. Mrs. A. ISAACS, FASHIONABLE MILLINER, Connelly’s Iron Front Store, White ITu’l. near Alabama Street ATL/IXTA, GEOKG LI. ,A LA.HGTL assortment of Bonnets, Read Vfi. t’re-ses. Bertha Capes. Embroideries. Dr<ss Trimmings and Fancy Goo s constantly on hand. Baimets xnacle to tsrder at sliort notice. Oct 5. ly. TTAVING returned to Marietta again, ray old _L £. home, I offer my services to the citizens of Marietta and the public generally, who I have -erved for nearly twenty years in repairing WatcliCS. &c- lam now prepared to serve you again. In addition I have in Store, an as sortment of C'onfectionaries, consisting of ANDIES, NUTS, R AISIN S .nd fancy articles. Also. Tobacco Cigars of the Best Brands SO A 7’5, TOMATOES in Cans, Fresh OVO Oysters, SARDIS n:s AND CLAMS. and :> variety of Articles usually kept in a Ccn fectionary Store. Thankful for past patronage so liberally bes towed. I hope to merit a continuance of the same. The Ladies are solicited to call. West side of the Public Square, next door to Phoenix Building. A. D. RUEDE Sept. 11th—ts. JUST RBCLIVING ! ! groceries INCLUDUSTOF Sugar, Molasses, Syrup. Coffee, Salt, Fioyn, caw’:; ls., For sale at the lowest cash prices by e. c. McClelland, February 26th 1861. FIxKSTT Garden Seeds. ■vvyi-’ HAVE JUST RECEIVED U 10.000 Fapers Fresh G-arden Seeds COO lbs. Gard m Seeds in Bulk. CT Buslicls Ilaily Feas and Bean?. A few Bbls. Oiti'Hi Setts. All of which will be sold ccap by. ’ HAMMETT & GROVES. January 1861. A LA f ; '• ’■ . 1 F.‘ V \ J 21 A V 11 XU kJ « ' ? A CI. OCKS y J ■V-’. - y ..?j As n 1 --- -- \Y r .M. A. FBAZER has just returned from New i i York with the !>•■ -t selected stock of W.i’.-eh es. Clocks. Jewelry. Steiling Silver and pl;.ted ware, ever in this market, and will sell cheaper !.h.,n ever ottered. A splendid assortment of Jewelry, consisting of Efru in. Lava. (’oral. Jets, and plain Gold 5 t:. Rings. Pencils, Keys ami everything of the latest >('. le at. : ' : ' IR’S, ’lO3l 1361. MEDICINES. 11AM11 .TON, MA RK I.EY A JOYN ER. 1 NNOUNCE to the public that thev hav-coin- A menced the New Year with a full stock of Drugs ch lUdieines. They are also fully prepared to sell on terms that will .-nit the times. Kerosene Oil, Kerosene ..amps ; Fluid, Turpentine. Alcohol ; Linseed Oil. Lard and Sperm ; Ol;s for machinery, White Lea 1 ; Ground Colors. M’indoW-Glass : Putty —Druggists Glass \\ are : and every other species of Druggists .--tocn.. Carefully Pre- L _____: I J 'V. '■• -■ ■ ■ ' - H OUSE AND SIGN PA IN TE R ! '”' l a -nr 11 I mitator of Wood and caarble. b, the East Basement of Marietta Hotel pi ■ ;.-e leave orders in .Je.-u-. ..Ln ...» x 6 Tinner's-tore. K " XE W PAIXT SHOP. T ! E ill l.Tsirne 1 bavin : ] -:n I' rnt’.y located iu Marietta with a view <•: carrying »a tae PAINTING BUSINESS in all i-- v-i>i >us <ien ritnent-. ha' taken the Room v. r tl. \V >rkr:i:q. -■! M.K. M C' Decatur I; «- YI - -p- - tfuily call the a:-’, r.tffin of citi ,- n q . ;; -■ - to the - tn:'-, au i earn -.-tlx .‘••licit a 1 ’ .Til .-bar patr 'iiage. ■ A.,« k .Boe with - and •iiTw.teh. Jan. IS, ly. I- N- H.O NEAL AND HOMINY. Miiai. and Hominy, of oxeeileut quality . from white corn, fresh ground at Jarmn A Co’s Excelsior mill. J. SIIETARD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT . FIRST DISTRICT. Appling. Glynn, Bulloch, Liberty, Bryan, Mclntosh, ('hatham, Montgomery, Camden, Pirce, Charlton, Scriven, Clinch, Telfair, Coffee, Tatnall, Effingnam, Ware, Emanuel, AVayne, SECOND DISTRICT. Baker, Irwin, Berrien, Loxvndes, Brooks, Lee, Calhoun, Miller, Clav, Alitchell. Colquitt, Randolph, Dooly, Terrell, D.-eatur, Thomas, Dougherty, Wilcox. Early, Worth. Echols, THIRD DISTRICT. Chattahoochee. Stewart, Muscogee, Sumter, Macon, Schley' Marion, Taylor, Harris, Talbot, Quitman, Webster. FOURTH DISTRICT. Jasper, M ilkinson, Jones, Houston, Putnam, Twiggs, Baldwin, Laurens, Bibb. Pulaski. Crawford, FIFTH DISTRICT. Burke, Lincoln, Glascock, AVarren, Columbia, Washington, II inc ck, Wilkes, J efferson, Richmond, Johnson, , SIXTH DISTRICT. Clarke, Hart, Elbert, Newton; Franklin, Taliaferro, Greene, Walton, Mrrgan, Oglethrope, Madison, SEVENTH DISTRICT. Butts, Henry, Clayton, Pike, Fayette, Troup, Meriwether, Spalding, Monroe, Epson. EIGHTH DISTRICT. Campbell, Fulton, Cobb, Haralson, Carroll, Heard, Coweta, Paulding, DeKalb, Polk, NINTH DISTRICT. Banks, Lumpkin, Dawson, Milton, Cherokee, Pickens, Forsvth, Towns, Gwinnett, Rabun, Habersham, Union, Hall, White, Jackson, TENTH DISTRICT. Cass, Gordon, Chattooga, Gilmer, Catoosa, Murray, 1 hide V alker. Fi,.yd, Whitfield Fannin. SENATORIAL DISTRICTS. 1. ('hatlmm, Bryan. Effingham. 2. Liberty, I’atual!, Mclntosh. 3. W.'.vne. Pierce, Appling. ■I. G Ivlin, Camden, (,'barllon. 5. Coffee, Ware. Clinch. (>. Echols, L 'Wiides, Berrien. 7. Brooks, Thomas. C Iquitt. 8. Decatur, Mitchell. Miller. 9. Early. Utnhoiin, Baker. 10. Dougherlv, I.'"’. l\’orth. 11. ('lay, Randolph, Terrell. 12. Stewart. Webster. Quitman, 13. Sumter. Schley. M.icon, 11. Dooly, Wileox, Pulaski. 15. Montgomery,'Teliair, Irwin. 16. Laurens, Johnson, Emanuel. 17. B I'.loeh, Scriven, Burke. 18. 1 ?i• I,mond. GluKcoi-k. J<• (Fortson, 1.1, Taliaferro, Warren, Greene, git. Baldwin, iiaiicocii, Wasiiiiigton, 21. Twiirgs, Wilkinson, Jones, 22. B;!>b, Monroe, Pike, 23. H iii-don. Crawford. Taylor, 21 Marion, Chattahoochee, Mus -ogce. 25 Harris, Talbot, Upson, 2 ’> Spalding. Butts. Fayette, 27 Newton. Walton, < latke, 28 Jnspir, Putnam, Morgan, 29Wi!ki s, LUcoln, Columbia, 30 Oglethorpe, Madison, Elbert, 31 Hart, Franklin. Habersham, 32 White. Lumukin, Dawson, 33 II ill, Bank-,' -L.cks m, 31 G winnett. DeKalb, Henry, 35 Clax ton, Fult -n. < "bb, 36 Meri-.xtoller, C wct:i. Campbell, 37 'Troup, Heard. Carrmll. 38 II ifal-on, I’olk, I’.iubLng; 39 C.ier >k»*e, Mdton, l or.-ytb, i -10 Unit It. T"W's, I: limn, I -11 Fannin, Giltner, Pickens, i 42 f as-;. FI xd. Cimtto- ga. ' 43 Mm i n’.', Wbitfi dd, G >rdon, 4 1 Waif r Dade, (’atoosa. 'i- T. ui;:.' i. TTnz'xiOiSJS JSpl3.oio, AND SADDDIE II Y . SANG ES ?;• G RIST. ■ • - ■ / Public 8 . near D-ea/ur -SZre< • 'I’HE tin ler-igu'-d would rn • t respectfully | c.dl at . ;i:jon of the public to the above. ! 4 b-j-iu'-s vx itich weint.-H<l carrying on inall its V ai iotts Departments, I with n<- 'ami di-]>;t:ch. surpas.“-d by few i!>.: - m-'itt.- ia the South. Rapairing of all kinds promptly attended to. j 7 <' A fine lot of Hor-e 1 i;‘ nt ch- ot ?<ative Material kept on band and ma le to order. "fC. A c >un:- will !<•• due an 1 collc'-t.ible twice a year !•0 <• fir-t of July and January of each voir. A I'ttl N'lS not settled promptly at time.-, will draw interest f-.>r ail the time i they remain unsettled. A liberal share of patronage i.s respectfully - .lici '-d. ■ —mar 8, ’6O-tf ZlSj" Ot j 4 FTER the first day of January Is'il. we <l. will - ’J f u Cash or Barter at ca.-it prices. i hankfui tor past favors we still solicit a coh tinuance of the sane Def 28, 186 A GREENE <t c WAR ON THE BANKS. The Constitutionalist gives a telling article on the subject of Gov. Brown’s war on the Banks, recently renewed, through the Milledgeville Union, front which we make the following extract :■ “Aii ! these wicked banks, and olfier monied corporations ! \\ hat have they done, and what are they now doing to provoke the ire of the Southern people ? Os what offences have they of late been guilty, that a vindictixe wir should bo declared against them, and new and “repeated conflict” should be waged against them by the State authorities ? Look, for instance, at the great Rail read Convention, assembled a lew short months ag-o, at the invitation of the Confederate States Government Did these soulless corporations seek to take advantage of their position, to extort our infant Government, and dictate hard terms upon which alone they would coin seal, to transport the mails, and troops, and munitions of war, and army sup plies ? Far from it. With a patriotic liberality, which might well be imita ted by individuals who have dealings wi h the Government, they left it to the Government to fix the rates of compen sation, and instead of exacting the hard cash even at the reduced rates, agreed to take the paper of Hie Government. — In that Convention was represented about one hundred millions of honest capital the slow’ accumulation of years ol patient industry of enterprising South ern citizens— capital now existing in a form to be of immense service to the cause of the South, and which is render ing it a service without which we would have been at the mercy of Yankee des po’ism. Had that great interest been lukewarm and callous to the appeal of patriotism, our defensive meant; would have been crippled—the expenses of our Government enormously increased and the struggles for Southern indepen dence painfully protracted, perhaps de feated. Again, look at the ac ion of the Con vention of Southern Banks at Richmond, in which fifty millions of capital was represented. Did those much abused Bank Presidents, and Directors, ami Stockholders, seek to drive a hard bar gain with the Government, and takead vantage of its necessities ? Did they show’ themselves regardless of the in terests of the dear people, and seek only to promote their own ? Far from it. —• They came forward nobly, and in a glow ol patriotic fervor, resolved io sustain the Government, ami to stand by the cause ol S( uthern Independence at the hazard of their last dollar. They gave the tinlimi ed u eof their corporate credits ■ind resources to the Govern', ment, and have supplied it with funds io the full extent, of its wants. Tiny have enabled it to conduct the war on a gigantic scab fully adequate to any emeigency, and have given it a stabili ty, a feeling ol security, a senseof pow er, a consciousness of certain, inevita bh , glorious triumph, which till the in— dividual, unassociated wealth of the t mill, though wielded by none but the most ardent, sell sacrilicing' patriots, could net possibly htixe given. What h ive the banks of Georgia done in this perilous hour of our coun try’s destiny ? In despite of the “re peated coiifficts” w hich Gov. Brown has waged against them, have they not ac ted a noble and generous part towards his administi ation, and saved it. from over .-, helming embarrassment ? hen I,; H wh' ily inadequate to meet the numer ous: calls on the Slate Trca-ury, and he had nothing but six per cent, bonds on whi htu raise money, for which indi vidual citizens would give only 65 to 70 cents or. the dollar nt current bank i. lies, the banks ot Georgia advanced eight hundred thousand dollars on. them. The Governor has repeatedly since called on different banks in the State for loans and accommodations and his wants have b on cheerfully sitppli* d in ever . - instance. Ihe Banks disdained to ruck upon the ‘ tate, struggling un (i u eml>afras.sinetlls, the indignation they had a right to feel towards Gov • ci nor Brown tor malignant aspersions of il.cir integrity and patriotism They have bchavml handsomely in this res pect, and they have borne and forborne much out ol regard lor the public wel fa re. After this, th ■ banks may well ex claim, when Governor Brown again raises hi'J iiati ls to strike them fl u, Jiru-a ’ ■ Heavy Seizure of Coin'. —On \\ ednes day afternoon, the. coin belonging to the Fayette (Howard county) Branch of the Bank of he State, was siezed and carried off by company of twenty ?e --c< s<ioiii- ‘s, I" ! by Capt. Poindexter, of Randoloh county. The Cashier, apprehensive of an at tempt to rob Li ■ Hank, had packed the specie in tiir- ■ flunks, and transposed it to 'he Allen d mot, f the North Mis souri Railroad for shipment to St Lou is. When he arrived at the depot ho found Coin lexter with his men wailing for him. 'i hey seized the trunks w ith th i - contents •ind made off, and have not been heard of since. 'The amount stolen is stated to have been SIOO,OOO. Sf. Louis N'lrs. NO. I3>