The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. (Marietta, Georgia) 1861-????, September 13, 1861, Image 3

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uhc gulvmft MARIETTA, GEORGIA, Tu<*’dnT Mnrning Sept. JO, 1861. Printing Establishment JEII- -r-rTE offer for sale ample and new surpals \ V material for a co nplete PRINTING ES TABLISHMENT. N ws and Job. including Two Presses—one II ie's Washington and one large Tavlor’s. Most of the Type has never been U3(?( l__none injured—ample in quantity and well assorted Apply at this office. August 23d. iSfil. The Advocate OUce, Wi li an abundance <»f the best materi al an ! igood workmen is prepared tn do all kinds of Book and Job Printing on reasonable terms. To Correspondents. AH correspondence for the papei should be ndlressel to the “Advocate Offi.-c” or to the Publishers to secure early attention. Notice to Post OTice Subscirbers. Those of our subscribers who have hereto fore received their papers through the Post Of fice at this place, can hereafter be supplied with them at our office if they wish tn save postage. Those who prefer getting them at this office can do so by giving us notice. To Subscribers. If among those erased, from the Advo cate or Statesman list, there are any who desire a continuance, it will of course, give ns pleasure, to send them the Semi-Weekly or Weekly Advocate as preferred. If any recieving the Weekly Advo cate desire the-Semi Weekly the chans" will be made npon the payment of the difference in OUR POST MAST Git. We are pleased to learn that, our wor thy Post Master Win. F. Groves, has been aopointe.d by President Davis to the post he has so well filled. to Bartow. A neatly exe> cu ed column, about, six feet high ami a foot in diameter, has been erected as a cenotaph on the field of Manassas, on the spot where the hero fell. It bears sirnplv his name ami dying wor<ls: “FRANCIS S. BARTOW. 0 “They have killed me, bovs. But never g v • up the fight.” It was executed and erected at the exn-nse of the Bth Regiment of Gem gia Volunteers. [Savannah News. Salt -We are happy to State this artic* c is m>w being m inufaelured among us, ami large supplies will soon be plac ed in the markets. We h ive ox unim'd specimens of this hmie ii) ule salami find it exceeds in st i eng Ji the article heretofore used by us. We arc always glad to rest) d in stance of enterprise on the part of our pe »plo as th *y in lie. it.e a disp »si ion to <?’U|»l»V the m my res mrces which h ive been bestowed upon us, ami which wer * d *s.giied to make us a tree and independent people. [ Norfolk Day Book. Arrest of Preachers ix Sr. Louis. — We learn, ?ays the Lonisv'lle Courier, th it the reign of terror and despotism in St. I. mis is daily on the inure ise.— The arsenal is e >verted into a B istile in which have already been incarcera ted three Baptist preachers. Not a word of these outrages appear in t’’e sul» >imed am! Government papers. All the honest, free papers are silenced and our o.’ly sources of informft’ion arc from travellers, who detail the fact. Shoe pkgs. A Florid i corresp in dent writes to us to know it there is any sh >e peg manufactory in the South ern Confederacy. The following p ira graph, which we find in an exeliangi’, is all the inform ri-m 'hat we h ive up on the subject: Conx.'itnfioiiulisf. Shor Pegs.—-Mr. A. U. Tomlinson, of Bloomington, N. (’ , has put up a ma chine, to rim by ste ini, t i make shoe pegs, which the South has always here tofore been content to buy from the Yankees. Hon. J 'hn Forsyth, writing from Montgomery to (he Mobile Advertiser and Regisrer. says ; There is a story all >at that some of the roops a riving at Riehm md were furnished with flint muskets, an I they %vcr<* gre.itlv disgusted at the nielli "leu cv of their arms Jeff I) ivis met one of them an 1 s »id: “You com. lain of your arms. All the great battles of m>d t.i times werof-mjit with such arms Our own revel an I the rev ibl’ion of were aec miplished wi h flint an ’ steel. and in the Mexican wir, wnh one regiment out of ten had pervtus >n inusk-Us. It they don like this arm, I can tell you h»w o get bet ter. The firs’ time y- u get into a fight k II a Tanker s ddier and t ike his gun. This is tlu' N'st we can >. ><e you, and that is the lu st way to get wh it you like” Ihe argument was iinanswera* Lie. and the s ddier went on Irs way i*e -1 icing, dele’mim d to win ft pet c ession gun THE MARIETTA SEMI-WEEKLY ADVOCATE. Atlanta September 4, 1861. To she people of Georgia: We now hare in the service of the Con federate Sta'es twenty-five Regiments and three Battallions who have gone under State authority and six or seven I idependent or Confederate Regiments who have gone under direct tender to and orders from the Secretary of War making together al>oir 30,000 gallant Georgia troops. Over *20.000 of this number arc now in Virginia. They are our fellow citiz ms our neigh bors our fiends our relatives. They are enduring l all the hardships and toils of a soldier’s life indolence of our wives our children ami our common country. A in ter will soon be upon us ami it will be impossible for 'hem to get especial}’ in Virginia with the money allowed them for that purpose by the Corfederate Government such supplies of clothing shoes and blankets as are absolutely necessary in that severe climate io their health ai.d comfi’it. Shall we per. mil them to suffer lor necessaries of life while we have plenty at home? Never To prevent this I propose at public ex pense to purchase for them such artic e’es as are most essent al. Some ufour in mu fact ares are making a good article of pl tin wollen cloth: <) Il ers are m iking leather an I shoes while oar ladies who h ive acted so noble a part are in different parts of the State m.iking quan ities of woken jeans cloth. The soluiers need all we can spare. I wish to purchase for them 30,- 000 pair of good plain serviceable shoes and wolien cloth including country jeans enough to make 30,000 su.ts of clothing: together with all the good blankets that can be found in the mar ket. I therefore invite all manufactures of shoes or wollen cloth who can assist in supplying the demand and all persons having good blankets for sale, to inform me of the supply which each can hirn* ish an! the price at which the article c m be aft' >rd< d. 1 als > request the request the C ork of the .Superior Court in each county to act as ag.-nt for he purchase of woollen jeans from the ladies ami to inform meat an early day o! the price of that aricle in liis coni t\. It is hoped that the ladies will use every reason aide exertion to make a supply of this very desirable ami useful article ami will furnish de livered at the ofii :es of the Superior Courts at reason the prices all they can spare. Prompt action is respectfully solicited. Th a supplies above mentioned are intended alike for all Georgians in the service wherever they may be (unbra ced as well 'hose who belong to Inde pendent or C mfederate Rcg-iments as those who belong to regularly org’ani ed Stat,:: Regiments. Assistance t• be afforded first io those found to be m >sl nee ly. ( opies of this address will be forwarded to the Secretary'J A a with request that he semi them to llie Colo nels comm Hiding- regiments from Geor gia who are respect fully requested to report to me a the earliest day p >ssK Lie, such necessities of those miler their resp clive comm tn Is as e .:.u >t be supplied with the ipean.s at their dis posal. I mn informed that la i- gc numbers of soldiers trim this State, are now sick in Virginia, far away from their hoim-s and friends. They must have prompt attention. A patriotic and humane as sociation of Georgians at Richmond h ive taken steps to establish a Hospit al then , for our sick and wounded. - They have informed me of the f.ic s, ami appealed to me lor assistance, an I I have promptly ordered the hinds which are neces i iry to establish the Hospital to be p'aced at their disposal I hey will need s’l'ip ii.'S of sheets, bl ink .‘is, Coverle s, an I su h oth-rr atiiel s as miv be i.ecess try to alleviate th • sut f'-rings, and mil to the comfort ol the sick an I woun led. I app a' to the I dies of Georgia t J take from their own household supply, and send enough, at • nice, to relieve the sick ami wounded. Let the donations from each locality, be boxed and sent, with the names of the, and the use for which they are Contributed, to Quai tcr-Master General Ira R Foster, at Atlanta, who will fot wnd them to Virginia at public ex popse, together with any e< utrilmtioiis which mi v be made to the soldiers by tin ir friends. Citizens o| Georgia, our cause is the cause <>f religion and hum mity. The s’niggle in wh eh we are engaged, is the struggle of a great and free people, to m.iin’ain the heritage of Liberty ami l'd pendenee, transmit ted to us by < ur Revoluli m-iry fithers ol 1776. The e’etofthe Lincoln G ivernni ent is ai efl’ort to subj .gate us to tvr.mny ami oppression. I’he cause of the Co fed n ate States is th • eii s ■ ofevery p i i i >t ie citiz hi of the Sm h. We believe G i l . is with us aii l presi es in our c iiincils. L”t us try to live near to H m an 1 implore lbs c mtinuv 1 favor.— A e h ive at the h Im of State, the dis tingu slu'd >'atesman and invinci Ic warrior, Jcffers m Davis. By his sitle i we have Georgi i’s own grea' Sfates !in in. Alexander 11 Stephens 'Thcv are wo.-tliy ol‘onr fullest coulidcnce. * Let us all with one heart and mind, by ti livers il aeelama ion, continue la m in the prop I possitiop they pow occu py. Tlu'ir success is our success, their defeat would be our defeat! At the call of the Prestdent, onr tro ips li «ve ralii< d t » t ic'.r c >u iti v’s st in i nd. an 1 ate ready to shed llitlr Lio d if med be. in their country’s caine. They now call up m us f>r m cessrry supplies The sick an 1 wotiii L<l appeal to us far assistance. Shall the appeal be maJo in vain? I know it will not. I am verv rc>p •ettnllv, ' JOSEPH E.' BROWN. THE FORWARD MOVEMENT. l aving the utmost confidence in the military knowledge ami extreme prudence of our Generals, we feel little or no impatience in the apparent tard iness of their movements. Ac wish tiiat this feeling of confidence and pa fence could be experienced Lyall of our readers as well as by the pi ess generally. But this seems to be impossible. In the general ignoran e a' - official plans and designs tbe public mind is kept continually in a state of excitement frequently I e gli‘eiie.l by extravagant rumors and r diculotis f por s. This should by all means, be avoided We should obse ve a sufficient degree of pa ience "and calmly awa.t the coming important events. It should be remembered that the cry of “Forward to Richmond ! ‘ was raised by the press ami people of the United States ami persisted in until the mouths of the Northern yelpers were bushed by the defeat of tlmir army at Bull Run ami Manassas Plains. Let us learn wisdom from the follies ol our enemies and leave to hose who understand their business ami who have shown them selves competent in the highest degree for the positions which they hold the design and execution cf military move men s. We may also remember that when Gc:i. Johnston evacuated Harper’s ber ry the movement was denounced in many on‘.rters as unwise ami impru dent But the result proved it to be jmst the reverse When the forward movement of the Federalists was made Johns tin was in a position which ena bled him to CO op‘rate wi h Beauregard and thus to ai h;eve for the Confederate army the glorious victory of Manassas Plains These are bn two of many examples which the reader may cull to miml urging us to lie patient ami confi dent. Ac m*y rest assured that it it be necessary to seize ami hold the city of Washington, the Uonfeder ate Gener als will m ike the attack only when they have the strongi'St ami most selfevideiit teasons o believe that they will be suc cessful. It is evident that a desire to save tke lives 'of the r men as much as possible ami to strike their blows where they can fall most rapidly and most effectually has actuated those gallant officers. Now and henceforth they are to have the and assis am-eofan >ther experienced officer-one who stands upon the highest pinnacle of fame in his profession Gen. Albert Sydney J hnstoii. 1 hen with Davis, Beauregard Josesli L. Johnston, and Albert's. Johnston—with their able aids and subordinates —and with the thousands of brave devoted men who ar • rallying, from every Southern Mate beneath 'he banner of our Confederacy will any one reluse to be pi'iviit ? refuse to continue ilie hid measure of confidence to oui civil and military leaders ? A dl any one prefer to carp ami cavil, ami find fault ? io dt-c.'--1r 1 that this or the other move ment is injudicious and impropei? We hope not. "No; Jet us strengthen the arms rml hearts of our gallant officers aHI brave men by giving L 1^1 " t!1 ' ,liuat ample evidence that they lia'e om en tire confidence and most ardent co-op era t ion Let us avoid all undue excitement ami ill hasty ami iinnec' san credencein reports ami rumors let us commend the Govermn >.t on 1 our commanders I>r that reticence in regard to military mov ements which they have so wisely con tinuously ami so effectually observed ami t hen placing our I rust in Providence and our confidence in the justice of our cause and the bravery and determina tion of onr officers ami men let us ’ <>pe fully, but calmly ami patiently await the f'i wa' il m’vement of onr army which we.-in’ rely Lope to r< suit not onl\’ in the capture ol \\ ashiiigtoii city not only in aimth r great and glorious victory to our cause not only in tne red mption ol Maryland ami Kentucky ftom Federal thraldom but in‘the im mediate conquest o an lion >r tide and a lasting peace. C’ot'xfilutionalixt. —- The Biltim >re /f.r-Aj/iy • publishes the fallowing extracts from a private letter from New II impshire ; “ den are m-t so anxious t > cn’ist now as they were previous to the tight. friend of ours assured ns Last Friday, th it the recruitin'- sergeant had been ten days cid's ing ten men in Concord, and a young man ir Concord told me lie h id been offered $ >ll Ixmuty. A Meteor.— We le iru that about elev en o’clo kon Satnrd ty night a mo-t mag nificent meteor was seen to sail ra’livr th in shoot a hw.irt tne heavens, shed ding a brilliant li lit in its passage, w rich s i fir as we can learn wis li m the n irthe ist to the s mthwest (Inc g.'iiilcmui informs us th it it lit up M irket-s’teet almost equal to the d >y. From the accounts given th ■ im-fei r uh mged colurs.presenting nearly all the hues of (hi* r >inbow. One of our infor mants illnst r it ■>! the glare ■ >f it - app- ar .nice or disapp arance by s tying (list it looked like the bursting of a cam phene lamp. A e h ive u ver seen a C imphene lamp bur-t but we supp sc it m ikes a show- iff.— JUAnAy oiJ k - nal "ff" An Hhvi ti over li.i< been nipped in the bn Iby the tiniiin'ley "frost of Ih'.itb anoth er ten ter infant, too pure for earth, bn* been tr’e.l trem tsdreiry-d- ri ui-:e* to bum in pireiu’.it b'.is< ’in a tan I whose be city no m >rt i! eye ti ttli *.vn ” J nix J\ a .*. iu an* s m. an I only child of G. W an iitiie L 'ldler, de 1 on 1 a *1 »y ninht. .7:h Knzitu. 11. a,- 11 >in iitt.* an 117 <i i\s. Pare . * look up. ; s yon - only .*< ’ >, to It tn who st ;eth tie ina y r.ijlnj* of the sea. wuen the wav < there'*! a.i There. Father an I '! ■•> her in tby Saviour'* arms. Forever nndefiled Amid the ancetic cherub ban h I« vonr beloved child. V a . *V TELEGRAPHIC. Richmond, Sept. 8-—AVm. 11. Byrd, formerly of Augusta, Ga.. and recently a clerk in one ot the departments at Washington, was arrested and lodged in jail h ‘re yesterday as a spy. Richmond, Sept. 9.—Advices from Wilming ton state that four Federal vessels were anchor ed off Fort Macon at 7 o’clock Saturday after ; noon. Their object is undeveloped. Washington, Sept 9.—The Postmaster Gener ' al has ordered the renewal of the mails to I’u- ■ dacha, Ky., that plate being in possession of i the Federalists. I New York, Sept. 9.—The “Commercial’s” ! Washington correspondent reports heavy can nonading in the vicinity of the lines. : It is rumored that the contest has commenced Nothing reliable has been received. Cairo, 111.. Sept. 9.—lt is rumored here that ; Gen. Polk’s force at Columbus, Ky., had been increased to 13 regiments, with 6 field batteries, and a seige battery, with 13 battaillions of cav '■ airy. He has also a gun-boat and three steamers. New York, Sept. 9—The’Washington corres pondent of the "Post,” says the Government i Attorney at Baltimore is under suspicion of dis i loalty. he having taken no steps to confiscate i the property belonging to Marylanders, who . are in the Confederate army. His Majesty, Abraham 1., has prohibited the , wearing of secession costumes in Baltimore. Washington, Sept. 9.—Dispatches from Mont ! gomery county, Md.. to the 7th, state that the | Confederates are continually firing on the Fed eralists at the ferries, and making occasional , demonstrations to cross. The Confederate fortifications on Munson’s Hill appear to be completed. Everything was quiet there on Sunday. On Monday morning, however, the Confederates opened a concealed battery, which threw shell into the encampment of the Federal pickets. The Federal Sharp shooters thereupon advanced, and killed two ( Confederate pickets. Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 10.- Tbe State Senate has reconsidered the vote sending Commission ers to the camps at Paducah and Columbus, and the Commissioners have been recalled. Syracuse, N Y., Sept 10—The People's Union Convention is in session. Thomas G. Alverd is the temporary Chairman. I Frankfort, Ky.. Sept. 10.—Tho States Rights Convention is in session in the chamber of the House of Representatives. The Semite is not in session. Richmond, Va„ Sept. 10.—The “Enquirer" of to-morrow will publish a letter from Gen. Wise's camp detailing a sharp engagement between ti e Confederates and Federalists, on the 2d inst.. near the Hawk’s Nest, in tbe Kanawha Valley. Tbe Federalists were routed an t run. Their loss is unreported : but when they fled they left a number of knapsacks on the field. Th<* Confederates had one slightly wounded. 'I here is a rumor here which says that, proba bly. a severe battle was fought about Sunday last, between the Confederate forces under Gen era's Wise, Floyd, and Chapman and the Feder al forces under Gen. Cox. | Richmond, Sept 11. Passengers have arrived I to-day from all the important Confederate camps, bringing nothing of interest. | Great activity prevails in all the Depa-tinents here. The resources of the Government are apparently iinh'uited. F,-om the Foulhern Confederacy. State Convention. Milledgeville. Sept. 11. —lion. Ei.'geniu? A. Nisbet, of Bibb county, was nominated for Governor to day. unanimously, an I by acu’a m ition. An Electoral Ticket for President an I Vici? President was also nominated, lion Da vid Irwin, of Cobb, and Loyd, of Chat- ham. being the Electors for the State at large. Tbe convention has adjourned sine die. ANNOUNCEMENTS. g'V We are authorized to announce Dr. L. BANKSTON a candid ite to represent the coun- ■ ty of Cobb in the next Legislature. Jfr. ElUor Please announce J. M. DAN; ELL Sr. as a Candid ite to represent Cobb County in the next Legislature and oblige MANY VOTI’RS. Jfr. ElUor : Please announce General L HOLCOMBE as a candidate for Representative of Ch-Tokee county in the next General As sembly of Georgia, and oblige MANY VOTERS. Me. Elixir: Pie ise anmmnce N. i>. GREEN as a Candidate to represent Cobb County in the next Legislature and oblige. MANY VOTERS. Jfr Eli‘or: -You will oblige h’s mmy friends by ai.r 'incir.g SAMUEL LAWRENCE. Esq., as :i can lid ite to r pre a>nt tho 35th Senitoriil Dis’.rict in the next General Assembly of the ~«?g* We are authoriz'd to announce GEO N. LE-TER. as a suitable candidate to repre- ! sent the ?oanty of Cobb in the next General ' Assembly of the State. <>i 4 I.L persons in 1 ‘btel. by account, to the tin- : tie sone by Note. I have so! |out my entire stock of Goods an 1 quit the business. I ther;*- ' fore, desire tn close up my Books. I would | PREFER THE MONEY, bit I e inn<»t expin't that, these times, certainly I e*-eryb*4y e m settle their ace mu's, if n >t bv mhiey t ey cm at least do so by Note. Piea- • fi ien I*, call in a.n 1 see im*. DILLARD M. YOUNG, j August *7th. ISil.-tf. — j • j / A >• ’cli. ' lav. and 14 dav ("ocks. cheap 1 •>U at * ’ FRAZER’S I j 'V’I’TS. —A large lot of Ainion ls, Walnnra, i jA Pecan and Brazil rnts jiist received Lr ; Nor .V». KOVFS BUTNER i Marietta Markets. SEPT., 6. 1821, Cotton («;. Pork to . Beei'' 8 (ai 10. Bacon—Shoulders 19 Laud @ IC>. Flour (super fine)... 6JJ (d> 650 per bbl. Ext. Family 6.50 (d), 675 Corn (from wagon) 70 (d. 80, Meal “ “ 90 @IOO. Ryeßo @ 85. Wheat 75 @ 90 Sweet Potatoes @ Irish ” 2,50 Sugar 9 @ 16. Coffee 25 @ 30. Rice 5 @ 6. Iron (sweedes). ’. 6. Imitation sweedes on I’Eir- Iron. 5 @ SJ. Cass Co. and American Iron 3.1 @ 4. Band Iron 5 @ 6. Na ius oi ® (>. Crackers 12| @ls. Candy2o @ 25. Molasses 40 @. 50. N. O. syrupso @ 60. Golden “ “5. Candles (Adamantine)2B @ 30. “ (Sperm) 50 @ 60. Bagging 15 @ 16 Rope . 9 @ 10 p KAS 9O@IOO Salt per sack47s @ 500. Chickens 15 @ 20. ;O GGS @ 12J. Bi tter L> @ 20. Oats, 35 @ 40 SPECIAL NOTICES. Office Southern Telegraph Co. ( M arietta. G.v, Aug.. 20. 1861. I THE STOCKHOLDERS of the SOUTHERN TELEGRAPH CO., will receive their divi de ds by calling -at this office. By o’der of Treasury. Augnst 20,-2m. A. W. YORK, Manager. The mixim- of wises men are to preserve the body in perfect health, not to wait for the devel opment of disease. “Be wise in time;” check and guard against the first approach. Keep the stomach and bl od healthy and pure, and the plagues of a poisoned atmosphere fall harmless. The only remedy that will thoroughly purify the blood, and at the sainz time strengthen ami invigorate the system, is McLean’s Strengthen ing Cordial an l Blood Purifier. Try it, and you will be convinced. See advertisement. iiTr ~ THE FALL MALARIA. THE FEVER OF THE SEASON. ALL POTENT EFFECT OF EADAWAY’s REMEDIES. Radaavay's Ready Relief, a household requi site for all who would be forearmed against mortal d sense, is absolutely indispensible in the fall. Ma'k I One or two doses will break up chills and fevers, bilious remittent fever, d imb ague, or any other m ilarious complaint, at the commencement, as certainly as the dis order will break doicn the vtetim. if unchecked. The colics and other bowel complaints, so gen eral in autumn, are almost instantly checked by a single dose. It positively extinguishes pain, whet her sharp or acute, constant or spas modic, and its blessed effect in neuralgia, i hcumatism. tic doloreux, and tooth-ache, can only be conceived bv those who have experienc ed- KEFP IT IN YOUR HOUSE. It is important that every household should be furnished with Radway's Heady Relief—its use on all occasions where there is fever will, in a few minutes secure ease to the patient. In attacks of Croup. Sore Throat, Influenza. Radway’s Ready Relief will quickly eure the patient. radway’s regulating pills THE BEST PURGATIVE MEDICINE LX THE WORLD. Radaway’s Regulating Biles are never more urgently needed than in the fall. Tbe rich fruits and indigestible vegetables of autumn, ch Ils by which the circulation is thrown out of balance, anil tbe atom ich, liver and lungs par ti illy pardyzed. To restore these functions, and fit the bo ly to withst m I the inc emeney of winter, a course of this great aperient, altera tive ami tonic, is absolutely necessary. It is the only cathartic in the world which equalizes the circulation of the blood. All the mineral pur g itives h ive a deadly contrary effect, and hence the fearful mercurial diseases. Radway’s Regulating Bills are the only ve'etable subs itute for Calomel. Mercury, Qui nine—a dose ol from four to six will secure in the most urgent cases, where these drugs are used, all the good effects which the physician expects lo derive, without entailing upon the patient the horrid results of the presence of of these pisons one of Radway’s Regulating “ills possesses more of the elements of health —an‘l ten-fold tbe power over disease- -than ten of any o'her pills in use—3 ) pills in each box. Radway’s RENOVATING RESOLVENT Radaway’s Re\o7ATix’g Resolvent avests dec imposition of the fle.’’h. curing pruruientdis charges. al! ronniip'sores. oi the eye lids. nose a id an I eve.y type of scrof ulous, syphilitic, eruptive, and tubercular dii- Ridw.iy’s Remedies are sold bv Diu"?j4s everywhere. It VDWAY & CO. 23 John st.' N. Y. Sold by II unmett<fc Groves, Marietta, Ga Septemb ->r Ist-lm. w -,-r, 11, „ ~| ri|l |M| ||im j ij, _u_ - ILJ . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Paulding Superior Court. August Term 1361- l^ie Grand Jury of Pau! ling County chosen emparel'ed and sworn for tho Au gust term Ibt.f. resp -ctfnlly submit the follow ing report. Jn (lie hurry of business, hug for the want of time, we did" not examine into the d.Jerent offices of the County, nor di Iwe deem it, neces-ary to examine into the condition of the ( ounty I re isury. bat we have an abi-diug confi 1 ne<- in the ability and integrity of tht* di.ferea’ offim-rs filling the respectTve offi•!' th!* County. We recoinm-nd that th” inferior t. ouit .i*>< <<a tax of one bun Ired perc«*nt upon the State Tax tor a relief fund, and that the Jury tax of sixty per ten*, which was recom mended by the last Grand Jury b ■ not assessed, bn) teat the juries render ih ur services gratn itou-ly. We also rei-omtneml that instead of on • hundred percent, which was reccommen d<d '»y the last Grand Jury, that only fifey per cent b? as<e*s;’ 1 for caunty purposes. * We recom aemi that the recommend ition of the 1 ist ■ i Gran I Jury in reff-rence to the poop school and 1 p i.n -r fund r main as reccomniende I. I We think it p- per to*suggest th it ;he Inferu r i Coii.t appoint a Committee in each Mditiij I *e du’y jt ai i.l be to receive cun! j Wheat Meat or other provi ions, at the pric< s ' cutren in the Conn y. foe such artie’es which: e 1 •»s ■.much m . . . j,' w I receip wdl b • good to' t e holder in paving ! , then Lixe- so far as the relwf tax is concern* d ' * \\ c t'-nder to Demus I. H.iminond the Judge ' forth s C rent?, our kind st regard, for the m in- 1 j n t in which he dis harce 1 his du:v to us and , 'th ■ c »untry. And to the Solicitor’General, W. i j L. Ligon f<>r his attention t * this b ><fv. W e re<pie-t th it the foregoing pr<'scntments b ■ published in the M ui-tt i Ad «■ i'e. J'fils' <».< L()NI'S. For*‘tn*n. A true c py t ki n from ti e mitritc* of * 'onrt. S L. Str GaLaxd, i’! rk. I FH-IIIT TR EE ~N URSZR I A fine a-s-'ortmeiit of the most pop.i! tr cLl t Treoo! For sale bv N. B fIARDE'* ri-.. <%.* M I M A '? i E TW CJ < > L T.IIS lu-tiiiitioii romige of the people timlisguisej Southern instruction, its exemplary permanent design, its admirable locality convenience, stu ly and exercise, and its ate charges. ['articular information should Ir 1 ohtnen ed. not from Rumor, but bv direct application to T. B. COOPER, A. M„ BrineipiL Sept. 3. 1.861, JSTOtico. TWO months after <lete application Mill b • mado to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb county, for leave to sell the lands pelonging to the ertote of Isaac Howell, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and ere 1- itorsof said decaased 'ibis September 3d. ’6l. 11. B. HOWELL. Adm’r. W HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE AS LOW AS THE TIMES WILL ALLOAV FOR cisii mi Rio Coffee. Black'Tea, Choice, Green Tea, Crushed Sugar, White Coffee[Sugar, Yellow Coffee Sugar, Powdered Sugar, Brown Sugar, Soda Biscuit, Cream Biscuit. Butter Crackers, Macaroon Snap Bismr Pickles ond Mackerel, WL .eFish,‘ Syrup and Molasses, Yeast Powders, Cooking Soda, Soap & Starchs INDIGO AND MADDER, Coperas, Logwood, Venetian Red, Chrome Vo]low? Turkey 1 ?cd Yarn. Mine Stone. POWDER AND SHOT, Perfusion Caps, Lead. Flints, Cxun Tubes, <Scc. CCrookovY AVfii’o, MUSTARD AND VINEGAR, POTAf 11 IN TIN CANS. CO VC E VTR IT E D LYE. ADEM ANTI VE CAN DLES, PARAFFINE CANDLES, Chosolate and Coooa, Candies, liaisins, Prunes, 2\ u* x c». A’ e We will do our best to keep tir Stock a 9 complete as possible and will tr to suit ou r customers. Our terms are Cash. WILLI IM BOOT & SON. August sth Ls!)1, ~IB6L 18617 MEDICINES.’ HAMILTON; MARKLEY & JOYNER. ANNOUNCE to the public that they have com menced the New Year with a full stock of Drugs & Medicines. ! They arc also fully prepared to sell on terms that will suit the timos. Kerosene Oil, Kerosene Lamps ; Fluid. Turpentine, Alcohol rj Linseed Oil. Lard ami Fpcrm for machinery. White Lead ; Ground Colors, Window-Glass ; Butty Druggists Glass Ware ; and every other sp«*eics of Dnig.gists’ Stock - . Carefully Pro* p-vw!. —January U-Ts. • w Eli am sTcMcLeax, Manufacturers and Deelers in all kinds of FURNITURE, MOSS AND HAIR MATTRESSES lOOKINGCLASS, PLATES, Peech-Tr?e Street.A Cherokee Baptist College. C?a. <*«v : ne. C’ountv, C, : T-.-IW.-.‘l ~1. S I LoU'S- ‘"‘ ,l ■ i ici'h-ii’ if* for a ' l . in ,l four of and for any Mu-J.e- uuy p’v !■ ’ “’van..-. Bni-ding in . ‘ ■ -> v !w; .■ « for 2M .- tll.l* nv. 1..1V •■ ‘ .1:. 1-—t. ■ ' ' ■ - l-n - further Dirtictllars ■iuJr<'>.s r ■ TIB »M v- RAMBAUT. L. L. D. BrrVK or Fk"F-J DU 'M.LINS. A. M.. Deannf Fa’lty. X B- •*pring open* Thu’-iki*/ i't*: 'S'-f. • If