The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, September 24, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. I. iU.U'i,'tt'l JL.llOC'lt?. By AV. M. JEFFERSON & CO. The ** e m i - •’/ eek 1 y Is issn * 1 mi Tivs lay an I Friday mornings at $2 53 a year S rictly in Advance. The M eekly Adv cate Is published evety Friday Evening at $1 50 a in Advance, Blanks ! Blanks F Blanks I I>'< KX.CS in any q;i rifity in I of every vn > riety kept on Inn I or printed to order, at the low‘st iiossib’ • price, -it this ofli :e. Also—ll),'} WO'IK, of every varie ty m l style, executed in the neatest an I most approve I style of the art. -m | at prices iv'iioh cinnaf !» ■ -mnrmnre-l -it" bv the '•c’>>sest fise‘ I" : n or out, of this section of the 3<>'i Hrv. Giv ■ns a. tri il. Alvt t’s m uts- C'< SO LG-IA. M. ton. Cou-otr. -Two J" nunriis il't-.-r 4 ite ipplieition wHibemide to lhe Co'irt of Ordinary of sai l emm'y for ie ive t> ■ -I: "• 'a ils 11 In * ‘-.o h•;>nf ng to the “st ite of An. bins n >re. Lite of said county, deceased. J'MIX G. CAXFRMLL ) , , s St :VI I), b[) t : I Aimi August sth IS I. TOR3-EA.. 7 rsyt i J a.i y. ?•» > \TT rn intiis ifter late I s rill appiy io the lion orab e Ilibirl Hirer Or lin ary oi sail con i tv. for leive to se I the lands b.eongi'ig to the Estate of Samuel Edmondson, lite of said conn ty. decaise 1 far the purpose of distribution among th“ h drs an 1 creditors of said deceased. This 2nd d iv of \ngnst. 1811. ’WILL' VI I>. BBXTLY. A 1 n’r. A of ice* rp VO MOXTIIB after late anolic ition w’ ' b> I made to tli * Court of Ordmnrv of I’mi'd nr conx y. for h*iV“ to sell the lands li -long’iig to th? estate of A. G. B an'l ' deee w 1 (). F. Blf WfL Adm r. July 24th 18’1 -'.’in <<’1 < »T T «IA C<»’in?v. ‘ITT J’HIE A', loti i H Cook. Eveeiitor on the \V IVtat“ of I-r mr ih <'o ,k. dece ised, ap p'ies for Letters <>'' Itis n ssion : These are th‘refire to c’t“ in I admnn’-di aH persons coaeerned to !>■ ml ipp-ir at the Court of Or lin try of sml county. on or b dore (he first 'lon I tv in ' hpob ••• next, to show »• tn (if nuv they have) wbt said letters should not then be granted. Glv-hi n l“rmv'itnl it office in Alpharetta Ga., March 1 Sth, is d o. I’ <!<':!,TO\- O-Yn No t io". ALL persons Iriv’ng d“m tn b a i'tn-1 the os tite of Robert M. 'I" l' H TV. I‘‘ , is'l ar ■ reipi ‘st.e Ito t>:‘ 's.‘u' th er prop ‘ly a*' ‘ e! to the'in lersi rn • 1 -.v'!'i -i *'i •'Ln ■ b e l bv I iw • tn I all »h >*'• ’"i 1 bte I to .<: I -s'.ite are require I ’o ,i •!• • : m v n- it HIJZ \ M lilt V. A lm'\-. August ‘dt'di 1 -tl 1. . . . " w A<l tti ,i ‘ra or's S le. "T> V v’r'u •of in 'i d ■ fro it tii • o >! of O ■ .1 > .lin try o f Cobb itn ; wi 1 . lie late resi I • ie.‘ o ' t'Tirlo . ■ 'ler de ■“ s ■ I in Msi rietta, on <r n I ■ v the ' w "it t Sept mitt '!• i all the personal proper iof said I >se I e<m listing of llo'isehold anl Kitchen Furniture Sb >e m r>er's'lCi's. Ve Terms c ULIZ iBUTII CL UL Admr x. August 29th. Is I. ?<<>■ ice. A LI, perso's h iving I-m mils ng iinst th ■es tut •of Benjamin <«re‘ti dovt-ased are re qu<‘st«*d to pre ent them pro, erly a tested to the un lersign ■ I within th • tim “ prescr b*d b\ law; and ill those in debted to said estate are required to in d;e turn ■ I tte pi v ment. S. L \’Vll iXi'rl. Vlm’r. M \KTII \ II GREEV. A Imr'x. August 20th. is 1 ,: w. QEOB HA* Cobb Jouiity. “ggrf i,.j|j4. Purks ll irdetn in. Admr. of ▼ ▼ Martha P. II tr im ti deceased applies t > me for Letters of Dism'sdoij fi'ttlO ■'•lid Admin istration. The e are therefore to cite and adm mish all and singular those concerned to tile their ob;ec tions if anv th -v htiein mv nth on or Ir-t n-e the first Mon lav in M treh next ntherw se Let (ers of l>isin's<ion wi’’ b ■ <_»;• mte ! th • ip >lic or at tn it term of the Court ot ()> li t try for sai I count v. Given tinder mv han 1 at oftl e. in Marietta this 2!Hh ' s | .l-lllix G C WtIT.ELL OrFv. (J’dO’iG A, Cobb Con ity. 1/ II "t 'IA ' Mi t“ i > l’> I'Zbee an ime'e u! ’ iteceised applies to ni ‘ in writing, to letters of ad ninistr ition on 'he estate of Wil li im L. Summerlin bite of said conn \ dee'd. These are tlwref tre to cite m l rl u epsh a” and singular the kin red and creditors of sii <b*eeused, to ti e’ ;!i ir ob cctnms, i: mv li ive in mv ■ • a before the d s Monday in i -tub -r n xt. o ti • n’s •. letter- of alm •< • tritton will lie gran'ed the app'icmt at 'hi term of the i'on o' tbd ;i tv of s»»; | e«m >tv <J.x m'lll t mv h md. at odi in Marietta this 2,uli Au<iis' I s | ft MIX G. CAMPBELL Orl y. GEORGI 1. Cobb < on ty. II I.{E \S, Park' U rlm m is t e f .i’n" ’ ▼ ol deee isc 1 ipn! <stome in w tng foi Ic'tevs of \lm aistr.ition on the <*'t I'e n John J. il mini n. Ido of -ii I county deee iso |. Thes ■ r ■ theres we *o cite ind i m i fish a" and sing Jar the kin Ire I nl er<‘;ito ; s ot s v,t decease I to ti e their • b ectio s fam th -v h ive in mv odi.'c. on or b e wo the ti -t Mond <\ in Oet-I' T'• x - oth ■' w '<•. let i' of alm m tr it ion " th‘ gr nte I the top ov it th r. tern of thei'oif t ot Ordinary of >ii I e “iiV\. Given under mv hin 1. at ofti.-e in M inett i thin \ ■ 1 J MIX G. C \MPBML’. Gi l l GEORGI c. bb < outily. \CIIEIL VS, Mary G Mi’che'L •' de widow M oldoe is‘d (’op'ies to m • in writiu . 1 tors of \ hniuistr iti<»’» on the “st I'e * My ly II Mi'-hell. late of s ii.! county dm- • i*e L Tlhim’a.v therefore to cite an I adm m-h a’ and singu’ ir the kindred in I c i I tors ot sii decease I to ti e their <l> ectio s it a \ ’hey have, in im office, on <> b.con' th • !i "st Men I • in tk'tob ■!■ next o herw » • letters o’ idmm - tritjon wilt l»e granted the ai p’tcr t at t a term ot tin t'ou t of t>nl nary ot siil- onti’v tiiven under my han 1. at office in Marietta ahi' AHL AtgU't ! ' I JOHM G. CAMPBELL «»r l y (i • | \ . \ I or just recent* i hv >'ov9o ’ GROVES 4 Bl TNFK Ito Murietta tarfckij Advocaie. Ad iiiuis i ator's Sa e. EORGI \. Milt >< Cocvrv. By virtue of VZF an Order front the Court of OHmarv of Milton county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Vovembey next, at 'he Court II iii'C door at Alpharetta, betw en the : ega| hours of sale, the tract of Land whereon S'r.ih Spence resided at the time of her death. Lots of Lm l Xo. Hid -1"5 and in the first District and first Section of orig’nilly Forsyth, now Milton eopoty. Sold for the benefit of the heirs 'in 1 ere I'for.s of s lid deceased. Terms on lav of sale. JAMES S.’EXCE. ) . S\ .M EL P. SPEXCE f Allinr 3 ' Fep'emb ‘r Ith. 1 sf)i. GE HI 11. 1‘i </ e'xintn. 7 ITKIE hereby ? : v'm to all persons enneern -1 M el.thit II miv Mwm i.l. Lite of s.d 1 oua ty. departed this fife inte-Lite. and :i.a person has appli" I for \ 1 ninisir i f ioa mi the estate of said 11-nry .Mitchel!, and in terms of the law ml ministratio i will be vested in the : lerk of the u- P'wi-ir Court, or some oth w tit and proper person, thirty days after the publication of this citation, n ides.s .some valid obje tion is made to his appoint ment. Gi'rn;) under mv hnnl ml offi dal - : gia*"re Ju’v 15, 1S;I. ' M LES ED’.Vrliniry." XO i'JCG. MOXTil'' after la*', nun-matin > w:l be S ma 1• to tile Court of 0-- linnrv of Cobb cou i y. f>rlelV ■'n 1' la L\ M> ,-n l X IGi! ids. b- - I ngo'g t ■ th • e. i: are of M \ v l;xsl v. late of ai l "Olin V. 1 C l- , f -r the of ill • h"i:S .Hid creditors of -uid i -d. fins 27. I'-|. A. M. X HtT'l. 'UTT. I , . IV ■ TIVS LEV. 1 'amors. Pu ild n ; *ll ri i’s Sale. W r iLL be so il tie C'-ur House ioor in the town of Dali,is. ’’im’ding county Georgi ion the li st Tues Ity In ()c >b w n“.x dir in th? leva' h mr.s of sale, the foilowin proporty to vvil : Two I ds of I m 1 X >s. 8 0. 83 i. in the 3 1 Dis trict ofthe 3d Section. Levied on as the prop erty of 11. A. Me 'ollum to sjisfy ;wo li Lis in favor o I. B. Gnoil. Levy mile ami returned to m • by a Const ib e. J. C. X. FGOTE, Sh'ir. August 26th. 18dL SORG! t .CHBRttKEE County—When vJC is J 'ph rl’ 'oniiH'i, a 'luinistr>t'«r ot to • i" -,f W n li avers, <'e,“ use-up isio m f r (is o’-s on fom s id •o’lirnistr• ion. These a e ’her '<> et > rite a > a•n " i h all n<-r ris th a li v > e t'• ir o'j i m-, if ny th y h ie. vi’ in 'he time on- rri •d 0 law wnv sai let r- i I di.sin smoii s <> .1 i ho he ■ noted t' e >p p icnnt J iMEr JO It DaN O 'v. 11. is'il. G-E0 IGIA. Pml lin? Cju. ic/. X Y7" il alt a y'. Enoch i‘inkant. \I ni iistrator VV of die Estate of J mi“s X I’m.-: in', de 0“a-ed npp'b’s to m ■ for Let'ers of Dism's-loii. from s ii 1 Adm 'dstr dioii 'I hose are tner ‘‘ore io c’te an I A Imonish a! persons concerned t i ba an I nppeir at mv o li. e <m or b uore the first Mon lay in March next n s'.ow “'itse .if ,in v they have whv s lid L“! ter.- Ifismlssory should n it then b ■ Granted th. ipp'ic inf. Giv "a under mv hin I it oil this Septemb * nl is |. ' MIL ISEDiVAiIDS, Or'ly. t OR GIA. Pau", liak C >Gnty. A 1 T i 1 ” A' V im’nist r itor o \ r Hi ■ ate <>'' iolm ) bon I lece ise I. ap p i - t i me .or Leiter.* of dis.niss-uu from said . !'"j|' e .ti . fuese ire therefore 'o c'te an 1 Ain mish a' ii ops co ic redtob 1 m I ipp 'ira' my o li eoior bd' >r“ 'ho 'i st M >.i 11, in M ireh n>x to show e ,ns> Jfany they have way s iid Le e s Dis n It y sh mid nut then be gr.mte I tin Ippiicillt Giv nun lermvhin l it dli • • ties'*cp , emb<‘ '.nd is |. ‘ XilL IS Ei>A \ItDS Or'di. A/v” Tile’S s, H O U id ANO 5 I J J PAINTER •i ml Imitator of Woo l and "Marbl?. Aliop m the East Basement id' Marieit.i Hole on Di'eatur street. sri- ise leave orders in Messrs. '' .rt-’ei A Joyner's store. Il W \f: IV B» il \ r su >s». SWA ' E ut.lL rsigned having perm l entl v located 1. in Mare tin with avi wof .-arming o < the BUSINESS in all its v ri ms dep rfm- nt.-, has 'aketi th" 800 • ov< r the Workshop -f W K. Decatur He w.-nhl re p c r ullv call the at.'ei ti.-n f < iti i»a n< and th <- t ■ th? s «'■•«', and c rn -tl> solicit a liberal • of : atr-m-ige all wo k d me with promptness and di.-n-iteh Jan I', ly. I < H 'V' MEAL AND HOMINY. M il. i\p 11 iviiXV. "I excellent (pill’ll' from white corn, fresh gr-mn I nt J irmn , Go’s Excelsior m 11. J- Sil’.-'.I'A ID i\( f.i if/ n ?/) 0/7 .v(.£ia UitJj g.t.dui-> Ihuuilt'in, Markley tV Joyner, At 1 Mid. <; l i. A X I» Hamilton, M irk ley vC -I >yr.c/ July Is'.. Is I D I J >UX L. I! VMILT tX. o'' At'.int i. n"d f. th M viiKi v aid IL W. -L.vxm: of M . I et i. hereby g*ve iv ice to tile publ.v th i I ie\ wT. eu- yon the i) /.* /' <; i: u ' I.' !■: s.s n :>!l il- b• in -li(‘s n \t 1 int i in I M irie't i. \ B ' J.'HX K. M. T. tIKIST. II A N I> s \ 1 > I > ’ . I . It Y . SANO I s <• < ; H • st. Lbs-' < h r • • >/ :• ■ s'rr- ‘. ('HE uulcrsguvl would n:o't wpeetlully < c i I •. e (''en ii>n of the pulric '■> the Uwe bti-iae— w 'i'ch wein’m I<• irrvingon ui.tll i s \ at i.-* s W|» 'r: ui.-i»ts wthnei’rc— inlJl-piTh. surp.i-sed by few >l. ■- .vmt- in the 8 -H'd. R 'pi'r: tg c .(’1 sin I- iv 'mpt’v it'en Ie I to. I A fill" (Ho H T-V “'LI - 'll id ‘o’ X l-ive i daterial kept >n inn 1 a i-l mob* to order. Arcmin!- w ' ! ' be di? -'id colhv’able twi ■ .• i,■ , a r s>v e Hrs? ->f Ju’y ami Jmu try of ea»-h ve.r. V ’ TXT* t> t'seH'el ir. mt.-iy at tpose t.t’.ies wdl draw intervtd for a.l the time t:,e. remain nt -ett ed. A liberal share of patrenage is respectfully | eolirted nar TA t* MAeiF/FTA, «A., TUESDAY MG.RKONG. SEPT. 18GJ. ISUiaAES 1 * CAfCDS, Cliurchea in Marietta. M. E. Church Rev. Ai.ex. Guaiiam. Pastor. Presbyterian Rev. E. P. Palmer, Pastor Episcopal K St. James) Rev. S. Bexeiuct, Rector Baptist filled 2nd and 4th Sabbath in each month by the Rev. Mr. Rambav. Two Churches for the Blacks, Methodist and Baptist. Tn. simpso T Attornay and Counsellor at Law M iRTETTA Georgia. Oetob *r (>. ly. A. J. IIAXSELL, Attorney at Lavr & Solicitor in Chancery ’artett* Georgi',. October G, Jy. ~J OIIX OGA R TIIE T Attorney and Counsellor at Law Marietta Georgia. fu'v-9 .vi C. I). PHILLIT Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Marietta Georgia. june yiiy’ G. V. LESTE3S. ATTOIIN RY AT I. A W Marietta, Geo-gtk, YXyiLL nrac’ice in the Bin* Rilge CkcTi the Eu'irem ■ Court of Georgia, and the lis’rict Co'T’ it Mrrietta. Feb"tt >ry 29, 1861 Iv. CIUE’IO C. W IXX, AT) tV. if AT LVV Marietta Georgia. W 11 atten 1 promptly to all claims entru-te I o his cure. Oct. 1 ’ 1“. JAMES '!. m<|l(tp. Attorney and Counse or at Law, Pawsoxville < 1 eorgi \. WILL give prompt atten'ion to anv Ludne-- coufi led to bis care in the B.ue Ri Ige ■ireiiit.--Sept. 21 1860 —ly. J- 0./X.KTT - ’ Attorney and Counsellor at Law. \“wo im. Cobb Corxrv. Geo. XT" r . 1 Lpr in Cobb < 'ass. I’lierokee. Mil t i !• , I'-bn-.j- un ] Fu't'in. • -r. Hon. J. \V. Lew’s. ll‘>n. L. J I ir i--'l. AH int.i. X. <V. G. 8. \v '|-y. Xew->rth. r \>iv ini “ 'u ition as to resn-“!~ : i> "i 1 v of i irties, promptly given. --Feb. 29 '6l VM. I’IHLLTI'S. J. T. Bl lIKIIAf.TEB ’Hill 1/I’B & rrifKTT \T,TE'\ t nl; TjU'W- X r :i t- ’• <* I 1 1 1. < » eor-rin. IVj'l nr-’et'ee in Fulton •’.hi l ling tn l 'll th' l "uin'ies “f the I’luc Rid"e Circuit , in the Su •u-,“U“ “ours un i District court, April 5. ’6O -ly. R. F t W. ATTORNEY AT LAW, H'M'telt:!, Georgia. LL li i -entl v ntfend tn anv bu-incss co»- ' * fie! t<> his circ in the counties of C“bb. ‘Mi >“lti-p. "iltmiind Paubling. • L'l'lß c<dl“<-t“d ‘s soon as it can be done by I iw, -in I the n-oney promptly paid over. fn ♦» *?0 1 H • irwx. gref.mae butler. IK WIN & BUTEER, ATIOH\EYS Al LA IT, G-fi. c“nfi 1“ 1 to their pro r < i ssiona’ I ) m in rfwi!’ in the f-dlowin-r connties w : l> !».. transacted, viz • C.ininbell. I’anlding I’o'k 'oLb Cherokee Fo>-svth Lnui”kin Fulton m l M''*nn \'<o. in the l>l-H-’“t Court at Marietta, md '♦ 'he B.ini-ouie ('our' a* \tl >nt-t. ji-«tt"ct t’-iiir* sits -it M o-'e't i on *b“ ocon 1 Mo" 11 v>n M >re’> an l S'n’i"ti>'“r. Re •urn d 'VS 11 -sere t'n'irf. fell "9 '6l IV. V. T. f» tV. -L DEATH. n' Ao’.", JtsrF.B I’h'r rv< <'n: XTY. Gl-'‘»BGTt. YTr'LL nr letice in ’’•<• c<mn''“' o f I’ cke- '» v G’l'n“r. F-mnin Lumjikin Dtwson. Mil • >n Cheroko ' s'u-riv an I WbitfieM. The n‘"i’s* v : -r : l me ■ "’■•■•l to collections, an 1 ; >n vs nr miti'v paid over. • . I I'h -y. \ttdfvv 11 l I'nno-ellor* 111 ''l Cobb countv GH. Wil! nr n I g ? ve prunin’ H’e i'iiin to im- n-‘« “on ’ led »o h - rrot'e-ib-n d e-tre in he ]'istri“T Coil' tof the I . ' it '! ir ettl T! e 'unretne < onrt of Geoigi-i it Xt’ int i. -in 1 the < in.-r’.ir .ml lufe-ior tour's o’’ tl.-e B'ue Rd /•f.- vt aa I the counties adjoining tbbbof otii yr -u’ts. T ’-p - ; d attention given I •> the coV“-tinn of l--b’s. in 1 the —•“uriug of ill tn inner o ‘ < 1 : m- Prnmnt an 1 *ffi “ent attention wI" In* giv-m to i’l m inner of hnsh’iss : n the <> nrt- «>t Ord'na •v in •! eviinty "f Cobb an I adjoining ’>• pi* : e-. Feb.ld one y ii .e 'iw I-lou- \r riu.rxssi x- ger dfpgi -o G?orgia. I'llH j| Xi-,., w,.!] arranged ati i convenient ly Incited. Ins recmtly pi-sei into th» !ain!< nt the undersigm‘l.-ni li- pen f<>r 'h« ; ~ce 'iiinio latiun of permanent and trausiei b >a tiers. I’iiev are de’ernrne l to sp ire no n ’.as or t ten’ en to tntketh-ir gii“-r-c cn’err .b’v. I’o» i.-:- tlwi' s tn itt n lance c th • ' - >. pt - KBS A Ht’DS X’ I'TB. - A large lot of An'll'. '>b i < Pecm .and Brazil cts : ust receir -4 be I Xr” 30. ROVES £BI TXER Mrs. A. ISAACS, FASHIONABLE MILLINER, (‘onneDy’s Iron Front Moir, hi’c Ila 1. near Alabama Street A T la 1 XT A, GEO RGIA. VLARG as-i-r ment •-f Bonnets. Head ’•re ses Berth i Capes. 1- in broideries, Dia-ss li, innings and raney Goo s constantly on hand. ii. Mu t; v.iacle to i u t siiurt noilce. Oct 5. Iv o l-s_ 1 n. HAN IXG returned to Marietta again, my old home. I oiler mv services to the citizens ot il.irietta and the pub ic generally, who 1 have -'■rved for n.'arly twenty years in repairing Wntclies, Ac lam now ji epared to serve yen again, in ad lition I have in Store, an as sortment of (.’onfectiomiries. consis'ing of AXDIES. NUTS, R VISIN S hi I fancy articles. Also Tobacco & Cigars of the 1 est Brauds 877.17'8. TOMATOES in Cans. Fresh ©VC O ZStei’S, XJ !ID/? i’s \d ,V/> ('LA J/,S’, :nd a variety ol Articles usually kept in a Con iectionary Stor-* Thankful so. past patronage so liberally lies owed. I hope Io merit a continuance of '.lie same. The Ladies .ire e-pecially solicited to call. West side of the I’ubiic Bqu;tre. next dom to Pbicnix Building. A. D. RUEDE Sept, Ifth -1£ EItESH Garden Seeds. IIAVJ just received n 10.03 b Papers F esli G-a - dan Sa ids COJ lbs. Garden Seeds in Bulk. 2's BsisZnv’.s Eaily Peas a d Bean . A few BLls. Oiii hi Setts. All of which will lie sold ce ip by. lIAMMK IT & GIIOVES. J.inu-irv IS'l. ~ w aTchuesT : ,3 AX'n IVM. A. FRAZER has m-t returned from Nev i • ) ork with the best s<‘:c.:ted stock oi Watch Cioeks. -lew.- ry. Sier’.ing -i!ver and plate I ware, ever in ti>is market, and will sell che.ipei .-4m;i evi.-i* b.d'..rc otfci*. -I. A splendid assortment of Jewelry, consisiin ■•f Etru-e in. Liv t. (’oral. Jets, mi I pl: in Golu 'efts. Rings. I’encils, Keys and everything oi the in'.est si vie at. FRAZER'S. . .'n/.fjzn/””” li i;s 11> i: x t sTI sT - / < ’’ NTEFI'L to the eitiz-'iis of Marietta an l VT vicinity for a liberal p itronage during tlu past ten years, is still prepared to perform a! 1 operations enhoi for preserving the natural, oi is -rting artifiicial teeth in the most approved iianner. lie solicits calls from those wholmve vcri/lxfl 'ft' 1 ! as he is using a prep iratimi for filling the tiusf deiie-ife teeth no ma ter how badly de caved, if not otherwise diseased and renderin', them serviceable for years It is about the same color as the teeth and will never chang or discolor the tee h. ,'rt~ Refers to citizens of Marietta for whom be h is operated during the past ten years. Terms Cash unless by sj»eci:il contract < >fli -e smith side of jutblic square, over the Dost Office Oct sth 1860, TO OJd CJSTOTERS. On and after this d ate, we will sell Goods for CASH O?<ILY Those wishing goods in oil' - line will find it to their advantage to give ns a call, as we cm: offer in Isicements to buyers. Those indebted are requested to come forwar.l and Settle Up eitlii rby note >r i 'ash. HAMMETT & GRGVEB. Angn-t Ist IP*’l. WM. A FJRAZER, HAS A > r LEX DID STOCK 0E GOLD AND SIEVEN WATCHES, J EAV E L R Y OF A L L I-IIN D S, Silver and Plated are, Which he offers at prices to suit the titne- FOIt < ASH OXEY, At Lis store one <1 r ab >vc ConncH's Hall. ' June l't. is'l _-_M JUS'U KE< T.IVINf i GROCERIES i NcraUibiNCx Sil"’". ); iL'' S. ' VEI--. ’’"it '’. Sill’. FLOUH.C33. BA£O3;&C., For sale at the lowest cash uric-*- by E. C. MrIJIbUXI). ?*tb i CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT . FIRST DISTRICT. Appling. Glynn, Bulloch, Liberty, Bryan, Mc'nto.-h, < ’hatham, Montgomery, Camden, I’irce, Charlton, Scriven, < lini.h. Telfair, Uoft’ee. Tatnall, Elliiigtiam, Ware, Emanuel, Wayne, SECOND DISTRICT. Baker, Irwin, Berrien, Lowndes, Brooks, Lee, Calhoun, Mi ler, UiaV, Mitchell. Colquitt, R-indolph, Do-dy, ’j errell, D Catur, Tilein IS, Dmgheriy, Wilcox. E'rly, Worth. Echols, THIRD DISTRICT. < ’hattahoueliee. Stewart, Mii'cogee, Sumter, Ma. mti, Schley* Marion, Taylor, Harris, Talbot, Quitman, Webster. FOURTH DISTRICT. Jasper, N\ ilkiusop, Jones, Houston, Putnam, Twiggs, Baldwin, Laurens, Bitd), Pula.-ki. Crawford, FIFTH DISTRICT. Burke, Liicoln, G’asc-ck, Warren, C. lumhia, Washington, Hiueek. Wilkes, J effer s< hi. Rich mond, J dlllSoll, SIXTH DI TRICT. Dlarke, Hurt, Elbert, Newton; Franklin, Taliafeiro, < L ecoe, N) aium, .'I rgan, O„lethrope, Madis m, SEVENTH PI TRICT. B'ifts ; Henry, Clayton, I’ ke, Fayetie, Troup, M er' wether, Spalding, M nroe, Upso i. EIGHTH DISTRICT. Campbell, Fn ton, obb. Haralson, t'arroll. Heard, <’• .wi>!a, Paulding, D Kait>, P-'lk, NINTH DISTRICT. Banks, Lumpkin, Dawson, M lion, <', Pa-kens, Forsyth, Towns, < iwiiiiH it, Rabun, Habersham, luiuti, lla’l, White, Jackson, TENTH I ISTRTCT. Cass, G rdon, < hattooga, Gilni'T, <'at >• sa, Murray, Dale, Walker, Fl iyd, Whitfield Fannin. SENATORIAL districts 1. Chatham. B yan. Effingham. 2. Li I ie>ty, lat mil I, M. Intosh. 3. Wayne, Pierce, Ap] ling. 4. G!\un, Camden. Charlton. 5. Coffee, Ware. Clinch. (i. Echols, L ‘Wndes, Berrien. 7. Brooks, I’homas, Colquitt. <s. Decatur, ALtcliell. Miller. U. ICarly, t'allioun. B iker. 10. Diuglicrty, Lee. Worth. 11. Clay, Ra dolph, Terri 11. 12. Stewart, Webster. Quitman, 13. Sum'er. Sehl> y. Maeon. 1 l. Do ly, Wikmx. Pulaski. 15. M-mtgomeiy, T< liair. Irwin. 13. Laureii', J .lirison, Emanuel, 17. i> lil-icii. Seri ven. Burke. 18. Richmond, fJlascock. Jefferson, PJ, Tahafeiio, Warren, Greene, 2»i. Baldwin, Hancock, Wa?iimgton, 21. ’1 wi •“■- Wilki -n, Jones, 22. B b“. M-nnoe. Pike. 2 L II 11-Inn. Crawford. I'avb»r, 21 d.irio . C a’ta'X’Ociiee, Muscogee. '2') H ir' Talk >t. Vosoil, 2'i Sp;d ling. Butts. Fave'te, 2 7 N< wt“H. Wall mi, < 'lm ke, 28 J.i-pi r Putnam, M 'Tgnn, lOWilkis. L.m-’il'i, InuiLia, :;0 < iglei horpe, Mi'lsin. Elbert, 31 I! ■■.!•'. F auklin. 11 ‘.'lei 'b im, 3'2 Whit . Lmu kin. Dawson, 3.1 H ill, B ink-. J H.-ks -I', 34 Gwinnett, DeKi'b. Henry, 3.5 <'! >\ f hi, Fult u. I '■ bh. '(i Meri-.vether, C wetit, Cmiqibell, 37 I’r up. He nd. irrr IL H ' .1. in,, I n'’-. 3;) (’ “F- kee. M l’"". Fi'l-iytll. 1 i I aii-tt. T w< s, R ‘bun, 41 I'aiitii'i. G.'m -r. Ptckens, 12 < ‘‘S-. Fi .y-l. rn' - " -ga, IM >riav, Wbitfi“ L G r-lon, 4 4 W ,1!.- w .bole. <’i o -a. t OOD V OR MILCItf COWS. /’ E. 1 J/ E AL. \ SUPPLY of Pei tti“ >1 the best food i" m trket -kept cons'.antlv on hand, at 81 ■ ; ’• A. ISAACS, Wh<‘l‘ sale and ii-tail De ler in Millinery and Fancy Goods, RIBB >V>, FEATHERS. FLOWERS, Ilea! I'r En • r a-l -r:e<, Lae.-.-. B.on les, Ruebes Per ii-«-ery. Ac.. Ac. ■ on- llv- Jr,-i, F.ont Building, vVhitc Hall Street, Vi’I.AVTA GEORGI I SHOES. ♦A/ - -,/A TLi'r MeT- Lu c 1 ami i!< n -1 Shoes /xj 1 P 4 Leather Miuca. 1 > P-’r Lox - Utt Pa r Uh.ldren • Bji<x,-s. F t -ile cheap by JYx. R r 'oT ’ON. TO MBs. Rf. , ot’’ Hf Anr ETTA, GA - - (i — PUBLISHED BY REQUEST. o Ah ! how much beauty from I he house departed, And how much light passed out with her young life— So young, so beautiful, so gentle hearted Too pure to battle with the world’s cold strife. I saw her when no darksome shade of sadness Had swept across her sweetly childish brow —- Uow sweet to think that her • elesfial gladness, Earth hath uo power to mar or hinder now. How brtghtly beautiful her form -and features, But oh ! how pure the soui that gave them light. Methinks of God’s most fair and perfect creatures She was most perfect, and most purely bright. My fond heart wanders back to those sweet hours, When bound by love that only childhood knows We walk’d life's path and cull’d the sunny flowers With which life's morning so resplendent glows. Why do I weep? that she so pure and holy Hath passed from earth to setmes of heavenly bliss— So beautiiul, and yet, so meek and lowly, How could I wish be- back to scenes like this. Two years 'his day the flowers have blootnod above her, And shed their fragrance o'er l er lowly bed, Put I shall never, never, cease to lore her, Who hath from earth in angel beauty fled. SALLiE. Goliad, Texas, June 28th, 1861. From the Fort Smith Tim's. THE CHEKOK.EEW-r,T»*E’ - tt REGI ME ST. We Ifve been favored with the folK owing letter which we take pleasure in laying before our readers. It is grati fying to see the whole South united in sen iinriit regardless of race. The herokees are a warlike people, and Kansas JayhavvLers and Abuliiio ists will be made to teel their vengeance for aggressions, which tiny have been committing for a series ot years under the protection of the Federal Govern ment : Executive Department, ] I’A- K‘llitJ., C. X., Aug. 24, 1861. ) Maj G. w. Clarke, A.Q. M., C. S. A. : Si::; I herewith forward to your hands dispaH lies for Gen McCulloch t.L S. A., which 1 have to request you 'vill cause to be forwarded to him by the earliest express. At a, miss meeting of about four thousand Cherokees at Tahlequah on iLe 21't just, t* e (.'her-kees, with mark' d uminimily, declared their ad herence to tho Confederate States, and h ive given their authorities power to negotiate an alliance with them In view of this ae ion, a regiment of mt’Un'ed men will be itninedia oly rais ed and placed under command of Coi. John Drew, to meet any eim-rgi'ncy that may arise. The despatches for Gen. McCulloch rela e to th'>se 01-jei fs, and contain a tender from Cob m-l Dr< w of his regiment,for service on onr North ern border. ILiving espoused the cause of the Confederate Slates, we hope to render eflii'ient service in protracted war which now threatens the country, and t<> be rented with a liberali’y ami eoi.fitlence becoming the Confederate States. 1 have the honor to be, sir, Very respeetfully, Your ob’t humble Rorvt, John Ib sb, Principal Chief I heerokee Nation. - Sfcritary Walker aboutto Resign’.— T'he Richmond correspondent <>f the Moiitg'omeiy Adrerfiser annouitces posi tively tlrat Hot.. L I’. Walker Secret iry of War of the ’ ’oi federate State, intends to resign that position about flic Ist Novembi i nex’. The c..use of this step is failing health. CoX'rt-.nEHAie Appoinimixts.—Dr. Win. C. Daniell. < f DeKaly, lias county been ipjdinted Receiver tin ler the Seqnos ratio" Act of ihc ('onfeib’rate Stales I >r lb" Son’hct ii Ditrict of Georgi i and Dim-4 T. Nisbet of Bib'', Receiver for ihe Xorthcru I list rict. lion. J.’’ ’ ic'll of S.,vannali, his teen an <• inted C. S. Attorney pro P rn. Wm. il. Hunt of Cobb county lias been appointed ' lerk of th.! North'Tn Disti' -ct. C. S. Henry, Ci.u k t»f theSjuth rn Distric . —.S’wu. IVpv.'. During the l ist four months the wai has cost the Line dn Government over two li- iidred millions of do 1 irs. John M. Dowley, Robert Miner (a. I lack l»oy . ami Henry Lewis w< ie a-, rested ui» \\ ci’nesday exeningami an, now cot.fined in the pri- >u. John Lor entz a member of Srigci's regiment ami Charles Derby, of the I’i-st .Missouri, Wei" a restml Thursday foienoou and eoifitied in ’he prison. Robert < T .rk a steamboat p'.l t has been sen: »o headquarters. J- ’ 1 .min!-- . ".-'ly R'o-iJcnt < f the Xotih .Misssm.ii K.tilru. d I’ut irk Barry and Charles Dt-tias'k were arrest ed yesterday afternoon and locked in tbj> military piixon.. NO.