The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, October 01, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. I. ®he Advocate. By VV.M JEFFERSON & CO. Tlie Seiui-Weekly Is issued on Tuesday and Friday mornings at $2 50 a year Strictly in Advance. Tlie Weekly Advocate Is published every Friday Evening' at $1 50 a year, in Advance, Blanks! Blanks ! Blanks I BLANKS in any quantity and of every vi: riety kept on hand or printed to order, at the lowest possible price, at this office. Also—JOß WORK, of every varie ty and style, executed in the neatest an l most approved style of the art.. and at prices which cannot be “murmured at by the •closest-fisted” in or out of this section of the country. Give us a trial. •SEnjal gfetoertijrmrtttp- GEORG-I A. Milton County.— Two months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lands and negroes belonging to the estate of Win. Dinsmore, late of said county, deceased. JOHN G. CANTRELL I vimr’s SARAH DINSMORE, 8 ' August sth, 1861. GEORGIA., Forsyth County.-{"'o m,..lths after date I shall apply to the Hon orable Hubard Barker, Ordinary of said coun ty. for leave to sell the lands belonging to the Estate of Samuel Edmondson, late of said coun ty, deceased, for the purpose of distribution among the heirs and creditors of said deceased. This 2nd flay of August, 1861. ‘WILLIAM D. BENTLY, Adtn’r. Notice. TWO MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Paulding coux’ty, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of A. G. Brinll i. deceased. O. F. BRINTLE, Adin'r. July 24th 1861-2 m I GEORGIA, Milton County. ■VTTHEREAS, John IL Cook. Executor on the VV Estate of Jeremiah Cook, deceased, ap plies for Letters of Dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on or before the first Monday in October next, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not then be granted. Given u dermv hand 'it office in Alpharetta, Ga., March 16th, 1861. (). P SKELTON, Ordinary. N otice. ALL persons having demands against the es tate of Robert M. Montgomery, deceased, arc requested to present their, properly attest ed. to the undersigned, within the time prescrib ed by law ; and all those indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, ELIZA MONTGOMERY, Adm'x. August 20th, 1861 7 tlw. Administrator’s Sale. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Or dinary of Cobb county, will be sold at the late residence of t 'harles t ier, deceased, in Ma rietta, on Saturday, the Seventh September next, all the personal property of said deceased, con sisting of Household and Kitehen Furniture. Shoemaker's Tools. <tc. Terms cash. ELIZABETH CLEIL Admr’x. August 29rh, 1861. Notice. 4 LL persons having demands against the es- J. V tale of Benjamin Green, deceased, are re quested to present them. pr<q erly attested, to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law; and all those indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. S. L kWRENCE, Adm'r. MARTHA E. GREEN. Admr'x. August. 20th, 1861 6w. GEORGIA, Cobb County. WHEREAS, Parks Hardeman, Admr. of Martha P. Hardm n, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said Admin istration, 'l'hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular those concerned to tile their objec tions. if any they have, in my office, on or before the first Monday in March next, otherwise Let ters of Dismission will be granted the applicant at tnat term of the Court ot Ordinary for said county. Given under my liaml at ofli-e. in Marietta, this August 29th. 1861. JOHN G. CAMPBELL. Ord'y. GEORGIA, <’ol>b County. WHEREAS. Milton J uncle of deceased, applies to me in writing, for letters of Administration on the estate of Wil liam L. Summerlin latent said county, dee'd. These are therefore to cite and admonish all ami singular the kin ‘red ami creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they hare, in my office, on or before the first Monday in October next, otherwise, letters of adminis tration will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Given under my hand, at office in Marietta, this 20th August. 1861. JOHN G. CAMPBELL. Ord'y. GEORGI V. Cobb County. %W'!l rl ’F. \S, irks Hardman, as t':e father ▼ V ot dece ised, applies to me in writing for letters of A I nit'.stratton on the estate of John J. Hardman, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and sing dar the kindred ami creditors <>f said deceased, to tile their objections, if any they have, in mv office, on or bel.nv the first Monday in October next, otherwise, letters of adminis tration wili bo granted the applcant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Given under my hand, at office in Marietta, this 20th \ugust. 1861. JOHN G. C \MPBELL. Ord'y. GEORGI Cobb County. U' HER EAS. Mary G Mitchell, as the widow H ot deceased, applies to me in writing, for letters of Administration on the ••state t Myly 11. Mi’ehell. late of said county deceased These aiv then-fore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to fib* their ob'cctions. if any they have, in nn office, on or before the first Monday pt vktolwr next otherwise letters of admiuis (ration will be granted the applicant at that term of th, Cort nf Ordinary of said county. Given under my hand, at office in Marietta, this 20th At gust is 1 JOHM G. CAMPBELL. Onl y. A Pecan and Braiil nut* ;u*t receive I bv Nov. 30 ROVES Jt BUTNER. The Marietta Scmi-Meeklj Allocate. gkgal gulvcrtistmcnts. Administrator’s Sale. G< EORGLA, Miltox County.—By virtue of Uan Order from the Court of Ordinary of Milton county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, at the Court House door at Alpharetta, between the legal hours of sale, the tract of Land whereon Sarah Spence resided at the time of her death. Lots of Land No. 164* 165 and 166. in the first District and first Section of originally Forsyth, now Milton couoty. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on dav of sale. JAMES SPENCE. ) d . SAMUEL P. SPENCE j Aunu "' September 4th. 1891. GEORGIA, Paulding county. TfcrOTfCE is hereby given to all persons concern- JJnI ed, that Henry Mitchell, late of said coun ty, departed this life intestate, and no person has applied for Administration on the estate of said Henry Mitchell, and that in terms of the law ad ministration will be vested in the Clerk of the Su perior Court, or some other fit and proper person, thirty days after the publication of this citation, unless some valid objection is made to his appoint ment. Given under my hand and official signature, July 15, IS6I. ‘ MILES EDWARDS, Ordinary. NOTICE. TWO MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb coun ty, for leave to sell the LAND and .NEGROES, be longing to the estate of Mary Tinsley, late of said comity, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. June 27, lyl. A. M. NORTHCUTT, j i . , 29-9 t W. U »>»• Paulding Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be sold before the Court-House door in the town of Dallas, Paulding county, Georgia, on tlie first Tuesday In October next, during the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: Two lots of land Nos. 820. 836, in the 3d Dis trict of the 3d Section. Levied on as the prop erty of 11. A, McCollum to satisfy two fi fas in favor of J. B. Oneal. Levy made ami returned to me by a Constable. J. C. N. FOOTE, Sh’ff. August 26th. 1861. EJORG I i • CHEROKEE County—Where vJC as Joseph M’Connell, administrator of the estate of Win. Beavers, deceased, applies to me for dismission from s<id administration. These are therefore to cite ami admonish all per sons that ihsy file their objections, if any they have, within the time ptescri ted by law why said letters of dismission shoul 1 hot be granted the ip plicant JAMES JORDAN. Oi’y. Api il 11,1861. GEORGIA, Paulding County. WHEREAS. Enoch Pinkant. Administrator of the Estate of James N. Pinkant. de ceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission, from said Administration, These are therefore to cite and Admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice, on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause (if any they have) why said Let ters Dismissory should not then be Granted the applicant. Given under mv h ind at office this September 2nd. 1861. ‘ Ml LES EDWARDS, Or’dy. GEORGIA, Paulding County. W r JIEREAS, Isaac Osbond Administrator of th? Estate of John Osbond. deceased, ap plies to me for Letters of dismissson from said A ilministration. These are therefore to cite an I Admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice on or before the first Monday in March next to show Cause (if any they have) why said Let ters Dismissory should not then be granted the applicant. Given under mv hand at office this September 2nd. 1861. ' MILES EDWARDS, Or'dy. T3_ "Wallace, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER and Imitator of Wood and Marble. Shop in the East Basement of Marietta Hotel on Decatur street. r-a'i- Please leave orders in Messrs. Markley Joyner's store. R W NEW PAINTSHOP. Ffl l E undersigned having pel inancntly located ’ I in Marietta with a view of carrying oa the PAINTING BUSINESS | in al! its various deportments, has taken the Room j over the Workshop of W. H. McCown, on Decatur i Street. He would respectfully call the attention of citi ' izens and others to the same, and earnestly solicit a liberal share of patronage. ■ All work done with promptness an I dispatch. Jan. IS, ly. L N. II WS. LIE AL AND HOMINY. M’t'.xi. and Homixy. of excellent qttalih .from white corn, fresh ground at .larmu . A Go's Excelsior mill. J. SHEPARD | mi v u X-UUIU Hamilton, Markley A Joyner, Atlanta, < w eopjxijv. A N D Hamilton, Markley Joyner, it;i<!, July Ist. 1861. TAR. JOHN L. HAMILTON, of Atlanta, and JL J T. C. Markley and R. W. Joyxei:. of Ma rietta. hereby give notice to the public that they will carry on the I) H l> G B US 1 A /; aS aS In all its branches in Atlanta and Marietta. N B. I> ' 8*,,;-, ■ l/1.-i, ' I c. ,'L I, JOIIX It. SAXUES. M. T. GRIST. Harness JStlxoio. AND SA DDL I'. It Y . 0 SANCIES a- RIST. ' (A.<:s/ .</•/■ Z’. b.'tc S/.'-AFf, »»e-tr Preu??;- S'rect) 'pHK undersigned would most respectfully I call the attention of the public to the above, business which weintend carrying on in al! its Varitttis Departments. with neatf.e-s and dispatch, surpassed by few establishments in the South. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. A tine lot of Hot'-e Collars made of Na“ve Material kept «»n hand and made to order. SA; i Accounts w be due and collectable twict a I year—say the firs: of July and Janu try of each year. A'COUNTS not settled promptly at ihose times, will draw interest for all the time they remain unsettled. A liberal share of patronage is respectful!v t solicite ’ - tnsr 8, TO-ts ‘ MARIETTA, GA., MORNING, OCT. 1, 1861. BUSINESS CARDS, Churches in Marietta. M. E. Church Rev. Alex. Graham, Pastor. Presbyterian Rev. E. P. Palmer, Pastor Episcopal (St. Janies) Rev. S. Benedict, Rector Baptist, filled 2nd and 4th Sabbath in each month by the Rev. Mr. Rambau. Two Churches for the Blacks, Methodist and Baptist. A. N. SIMPSON Attorney and Councellor at Law Marietta Georgia. October 6. ly. A. J. HANSELL, Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery. Marietta Georgia. October 6, ]y. Jo hnTcl gaptrell, Attorney and Councellor at Law Marietta Georgia. July 29. ,yl Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Marietta Georgia. june 15iy G. N. LESTER. ATTORNEY AT RAW Marietta, Georgia, practice in the Blue Ridge Circuit VV the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District Court at Mrriotta. February 29, 1861 ly. CICERO (’. WINN, ATOUVEY AT LAW Marietta Georgia. Will attend promptly to all claims entrusted to his care. 12 _ _ Lv. JAMES M. BISHOP, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Dawsonville G eorgia. WILL give prompt attention to any business confided to his care in the Blue Ridge circuit.—Sept. 21. 1860—ly. J- Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Acworth, Cobb Cot xty, Geo. TIT ILL practice in Cobb, Cass, Cherokee, Mil- V v ton, Paulding and Fulton. Hefcrenees.— Hon. -I \v. Lewis, lion. 1,. J. Gartrell. Atlanta. N. Ar. G. S. Avery. Aow-orlli. Xs“Any information as to responsibility of parties, promptly given. - Feb. 29-’6l WM. I'HILLII’.:. .1. T. BCRKIIILTER PHILLIPS & BURKHALTER, Attorneys rvt Laxv, Cw-eorfguv. Will practice in Fulton. Paulding and all the counties of the Blue Ridge Circuit , in the Su preme court, and District court, April 5, ’6O -ly. E. FAW. ATTORNEY AT LAJ, Marietta, Georgia. WILL diligently attend to any business con fided to his care in the counties of Cobb, Cherokee, Milton and Paulding. CL VIMS collected as soon as it can be done by law. and the money promptly paid over. Jan 20. isc,i. DAVID IRWIN. GREEXLEK HI TLER. IRMIN & BVTEER, ATIORNEYS A T LA TFJ NlcXT'iettcL, CAIL_ BUSINKSS confided to their professional management in the following counties will be transacted, viz; Campbell. Paulding. Polk. Cobb. Cherokee. Forsyth. Lumpkin. Fulton and Milton. Also, in the District Court at Marietta, and at the Supreme Court at Atlanta. ?f*'The District Court sits at Marietta on the second Monday in March and September. He turn 20 days before Court. —feb29-‘6l-lv. W. T. DAY. J. W. HEATH. ZOrty c<3 IToatli, .'.ttorioo/'s at Lan', Jasper, Pickens Cot nty. Georgia. j "I VTILL practice in the counties of Pickens. ' » Gilmer. Fannin. Lumpkin. Dawson,“Mil ton. CheroktH-. Murray and Whitfield. The utmost vigilance given to collections, and monevs promptly paid over. ept’ 1 fth y.‘ ZbT. TB. GREEN, .Vttorney mid <'oimssellor nt Marietta. Cobb county G-a. Will practice, and give prompt attention to all business confided to hi< professional care, in the District Court of the U. S at Marietta. The ' Supreme t onrt of Georgia, at Atlanta, and the Superior and Infe nor c ourts of the Blue Ridge ' Circuit, and the conntie' adjoining Cobb of oth ‘ er eireuits. Esp<-<-i:il attention given tn the colbs'lion ot debt*, ami the securing of all manner o ' claim*. Prompt and -flicient attention w ill be given to all manner of business in the Court* of Ordina ry in the county of Cobband adjoining m tnties. Feb.lo one v IT O-hC-A-TTO DYSENTERY CORDIAL OH Compound I'lixer of Rltiibnrb. V/’LEA S.INT. safe, and effectual remedy . for Dysentery. Cholera Marbns. Pain or Sicknes- at the stomach, and for ;«H Howell aj i sections. Prepared and sold bv HAMMETT A GROVES. Feb. 17, ’6O ts. CRIIEESE just received, a large lot Englisq > Dairy and other Cheese bv Nov. 9 GROVES A BUTNER. VT or q,...',itv iu.'t received bv I Noy?o ' ' ’ GROVES A RUTNFTi CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT . FIRST DISTRICT. Appling. Glynn, Bulloch, Liberty, Bryan, Mclntosh, Chatham, Montgomery, Camden, Pirec, Charlton, Scriven, Clinch. Telfair, Coffee, Tatnall, Eftingnam, Ware, Emanuel, Wayne, SECOND DISTRICT. Baker, Irwin, * Berrien, Lowndes, Brooks, Lee, Calhoun, Miller, Clav, Mitchell, Colquitt, Randolph, Dooly, Terrell, D.-catur, Thomas, Dougherty, Wileox. Early, Worth. Echols, THIRD DISTRICT. Chattahoochee. Stewart, Muscogee, Sumter, Macon, Schley 1 Marion, Taylor, Harris, Talbot, Quitman, Webster. FOURTH DISTRICT. Jasper, Wilkinson, Jones, Houston, Putnam, Twiggs, Baldwin, Laurens, Bibb,' Pulaski. Crawford, FIFTH DISTRICT. Burke, Lincoln, Glascock, Warren, Columbia, Washington, Hancock, Wilkes, Jefferson, Richmond, Johnson, SIXTH DISTRICT. Clarke, Hart, Elbert, Newton; Franklin, Taliafet ro, Greene, Walton, Morgan, Oglethrope, Madison, SEVENTH DISTRICT. Butts ; Henry, Clayton, Pike, Fayette, Troup, Meriwether, Spalding, Monroe, Upson. EIGHTH DISTRICT. Campbell, Fulton, Cobb, Haralson, Carroll, Heart!, Coweta, I’ttiilding, DeKalb, Polk, NINTH DISTRICT. Banks, Lumpkin, Dawson, Milton, Cherokee, Pickens, Forsyth, Towns, Gwinnett, Rabun, Habersham, Union, J UH, White. Jackson, TENTH DISTRICT. Cass, Gordon, Chattooga, Gilmer.j Cattosa, Murray, Dade, Walker, Floyd, Whitfield Fannin. SENATORIAL DISTi.'HTS 1. < iiatliam, Bryan. Effingham. 2. Liberty, Tatnall, Mclntosh. 3. Wayne, Pierce, Appling. 4. Glynn, Camden, Charlton. 5. Coffee, Ware. Clinch. G. Echols, Lowndes, Berrien. 7. Brooks, Thomas, Colquitt. 8. Decatur, Mitchell. Mtiler. 9. Early, Calhoun, Baker. 10. Dougherty, Lee. Worth. 11. Clay, Randolph. Terrell. 12. Stewart, Webster. Quitman, 13. Sumter. Schley, Macon, I I. Dooly, Wilcox. Pulaski, 15. Montgomery, Telfair, Irwin. IG. Laurens, Johnson, Emanuel. 17. Bulloch, Scriven, Burke. 18. Richmond, Glascock. Jefferson, 19. Taliaferro, Warren, Greene, 20. Baldwin, Hancock, Washington, 21. Twiggs. Wilkinson, Jones, 22. Bibb, Monroe, Pike, 23. Houston. Crawford, Taylor, 24 Marion, f’nattaliooehee, Muscogee. 25 Harris, Tallmt, I pson, *26 Spal-ling, Butts, Fayette, 27 Newton. W alton, Claike, 28 Jasper, Putnam, Morgan, 2’JW’ilkes, Lincoln, Columbia. 30 Oglethorpe, Madison, Elbert, 31 Hart, Franklin, Ilaber.'ham, 32 White. Lumpkin, Dawson, 33 Hall, Bank*, Jackson, 3 4 Gwinnett, DeKalb, Henry, 3.5 Clayton, Fulton, Cobb, 3G Meriwether. C'.oveta, Campbell, 37 Troup. TlOaiit, <Arrrr»4L 38 Haralson, Polk, Paulding: 39 C’nerokee, Milton, Forsyth, 40 Union, Towns, R ibun, 41 Fannin, Gilmer, Pickens, 42 Cass. Floyd, Chattooga, 43 Murray. Whitfield. Gordon, 44 Walk ••• Dade. Catoosa. A. ISAACS, Wholesale and retail Dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, RIBBONS, FEATHERS. FLOWERS, IIe:i I Dresses, Embroideries, Luces, Blondes, Ruebe* Perfumery, Ac., <te. CniiiiellrN Iren Front Building. White Hall Street, ATLANTA GEORG IA MARIETTA PAPER COMPANY Nlaimf'nctixroix of BO OK. NEW. MANILLA AND WRAPPING PAPER, L:'.'er, Gq». .V&'e awl Enxtlopt Payer Fnr to Order. Our New* and Book PAPER is as good as anv manufactured and at reasonable terms. Cash Paid For Cot* on and Linen Rags. Old Rope. BAGGIXU AXD COTTOy WAS7L. Address A. S. EDMONSTON & CO. Oct r-tl. I-tO-ly Mv-i-tu G- Mt. AIRY VINEYARD. rgSHIE undersigned, sole lessee for a period of JL years of Mount Airy Vineyard, oilers for sale, and will keep on hand rooted vines and cuttings of the best varieties of Urapes. During the Grape season 1 will have grapes for sale to supply the or ders of customers in large or small quantities. Application may be made to me at this Vmegard or through the Post Office, Marietta, Ga. Jul.t g. 186L-st-3I E. L. MASON. New Book Bindery. Ruling and Book-Binding. THE subscribers respectfully inform the ’“’lb lie that they have commenced. :u the city of Atlanta, a New Book-Bindery-- Blank Books. Ledgers, Journals, Day Books Blotters, Hotel and Stable, Registers, Dockets. Record Books. Ac., with or without Printed Headings, and Ruled to any pattern desired, manufactured in the neatest and moat durable manner without delay. Magazines, Music, News papers, &c.. neatly bound at short notice. from any part of the State will meet with prompt attention, and Books required to be sent by mail, hand, wagon or railroad,i carefully enveloped so as to avoid the possibility ’ of injury bv transportation. J. P. MASON X- CO. Au". 311 vear. Corn Shcllers. ON hand, a lot of tie* best Coin Shelters. Nov. 2. W. L. WADSWORTH IST otioe.. I7ROMand after the first day of January 1861, 1 my business will change from an everlasting credit, to a strictly Cash business. 1 prefer the cash if the profits are not so good. ‘ 1 have bought goods on time and sold them on time, and the censequence is, I cant collect enough to meet my liabilities. I am very thankful to my old friends and cus tomers for past patronage, and hope they will continue to call at the same old stand with the ready cash, where they will always find a com plete stock of Groceries and Pitovisßdjk. 1 will sell goods lower tha r ‘iny house in the city who sell on time. Respectfully. Marietta, Dec. 27 0. W. L. GAULT TVot A LI. persons indebted, by account, to the un dersigned are earnestly requested to settle the same by Note. 1 have sold out my entire stock of Goodsand quit the business. I there fore, desire to close up my Books. I would PREFER THE MONEY, bat I cannot expect that, these times, ceriainly everybody can settle their accounts, if not by money tuey can at least, do so by Note. Please friends, call in and see me. DILLARD M. YOUNG. August 27th. 1861.-ts. the marietta” BOOK STOKE. CALL AND SEE The Household of Bouverie, ( By a Kentucky Ladv.) II IND-BOOK OF LITERATURE Mrs. Botta. NEMESIS, -M. HARLAND. LOUIES LAST I'ERM AT S'l. MARYS. The Literary Women o f the South. A splendid Edition of tb< BRITISH CLASSICS oo All the fresh, new and des. able Books received by 11A Mi 1 /IT) X, MARK LY & J 01X Ell as as issued from the press. oo < )ur fall stock of Paper, Envelopes, Jflankbool's, Alucillage, /nks l Ouills, Pint Monies, Hold Pens, \\ r>llng iJesk's, d:<‘, has just been opened in great variety. We are specially prepared to sell good Letter. Cap and i Note PAPERS much cheaper ami better than ! ever, as we buy from the Mills DIRECT. Agents for Firth I’ Ponds Popular Music. HAMILTON. MARKLEY A JOYNER. ’ June 2d. 1861. C CONSISTING of 'feasetts. Castors. Forks ) Spoons. Holders. Cups. Cake and Pie Knives Ae,.Ac.. plated on the very best White Metal i with full weight of silver at 1 FRAZER S. C, J. .) (AT J. H. MCCI.IM'OCK S OLD STAND. Has now on hand a large ami well selected as tort me nt of FAMILY SUPPFIBS i To which he invites the attention oi the citizen* 1 of Marietta and the ooimty. 1 The one price system will be strictly adhered to. His terms are cash, or equivolent, th it is. [ country pi educe at cash pr ces. or short time. ! to prompt paying ctistomei’s. Bills due on pre I sentation. His de,er nination is to sell good articles il low prices, and will expect prompt payments. G> tc' Cherokee Baptist College. < Ti'—iville. Cns* t’ountv. < « eorgia, Ci 132 50 TO BDI2 si» payafoi 4o weeks Tuition Board. Lodging. Washing. Fuel and Selioul incidentals for a young man. I There are six Classes (two Academic and four j Collegiate). Students are received at any state of preparation and for any stndiei '.ey may i select. Tuition payable in advance. Boarding in private families. Provision* for 2<M>students. i For further p.irtb nlar- address Rev. THOMAS KAMBAUT. L. !..!). Pre-’t. |or Prof. J. D.f 'OLLINS. A.M.. Deanof Fa Ity. ; N. fi.—Spring session open* Thursday January 17th. I*6l. - jan. 4-I*6!. ly. TO "OUR CUSTOMERS. !On and titer this date, w • v>ill 'ell Goods for CASH ONLY Tbo-e v.i'Ling good- iu our line will find it to I their advantage to gin- us a call, as we can offer iadacetiM-nts to buyers. Those indebted are requested tu Colne forward aud Settlj Up cither by uute at Cast. HAMMETT i GROVES, Paper, GOD Wild. DEFEND THE RIGHT. 0 Sons of the South, arise ! » Rise in your matchless might ; Your war cry echo to the skies, W “God will defend the right!” A Let haughty tyrants know Our sunny land shall be, * * z In spite of every foe, . Home of the brave and free. Sons of the South arise ! Rise in your matchless might ; Your war cry echoes to the skies, •■God wil.k.defend the right!” Our flag shall proudly stream, I)eh:rtit of : Bars from the rainbow's brightest beam, • And Stars from Heaven’s blue vault, Thousands of true and brave, Their lives may end ; C‘e? thousands that flag shall wave. its folds defend. Sons of the South arise ! Rise in your matchless might; Yom war cry-echoes to the skies, ••God will defend the right!” No wsong our breasts alarm, No fears our hearts’ appal ; Unswerving Justice nerves our arm, We cannot conquered fall, Think on our noble sires, Immortal in renown ; Think on our altar tires, And strike the oppressor dowi»< Sous of the South, arise ! Rise in your matchless might; Youl: war cry echoes to the skies, “God will defeud the right!” With thats ofhor ors dire, Tlicfierce invader comes ; ■ -.-Afc scorn his boast, we scorn his ire, Striking for hearths and homes, Strike for our mothers now— For sisters, daughters, wives - Freely would each bestow, Were il ten thousand lives. Sons of the South, arise ! Rise in your matchless might ; Your war cry echoes to the skies, ••God will defend the right!” (lottox Shipments.--We have heard it intimated that, tempted by the prospect •>f a handsome speculation, parties in this city and elsewhere are preparing' shipments i-f Cotton with the hope of being able successfully to run the block ade. We allude to the subject now simply to express the hope that no Southern man will embark in such au enterprise at a lime like the present.— Shipm nts of Cotton to Europe during the existence of this blockade, are in di rect contravention of the, proclaimed policy of the Confederate Government, and well calculated to thwart its plans ■ind impair the strength of i'S position as regards nations abroad. True it has not expressly prohibited the exporta ioii of Cotton except through ports out side of the Confederacy, still exporta tions tl rough onr own ports come with in the spirit an I policy of the law, and ought, not to be tolerated. However great may be the temptation in a pecu niary point of view—and the risks des 'ioy everything like certainty in the transaction—wo hope that due reflection will convince every one of th : impro priety of the trade. We would not en vy the feelings of the Southerner whose vessel, captured at sea, should furnish several thousand bags oi Cotton to set Yankee spindle in motion once more. [Savannah Republican.] Go' n Advi 'k Too-Late.—The Macon Teleip‘<j])h advises tlia'“if there are arms in Savannah, they had better be kept IhertP' There’s the rub, friend Tele' graph. We arms, and in abund ance, but they weie all taken to the in terior, against the solemn protest of our Mayor and citizens, and now, in case of Hi attack, the latter (private citizens, not volunteers) will have either to trust to slmt guns, pocket pistols and dubs, or take to their heels. So much fm having a “matchless Governor!” Carolina, with an appropriation of a ‘lalf million, is bristling with bayonets, has an abundance of heavy artillery all along he'- coast, and among them from eigh'ecn to twenty ri/b; cannon. She i h t > had somebody to look after the safe ty and welfare of her people. Georgia made a million appropriation, and looked to the t 'oijfetlcra t e St ales to defend her I (t ed n re’h Itcpvbl ico ft. Yankee Entekpiiise —A Cheap Bar* gain. A short time since vve called at tention io an < llei made to Government by the New England fishermen of the services of themselves and vessels agiinst the Southern privateers. That off r was declined by Secretary Welles We understand that the same patriotic ! and cm erprising class of men have an : other proposal to make of a still more I adx a itagous character, but are deterred ; trot!) send ng it in to the Navy Depart ment from a ret ugnance to encounter a second refusal They are ready, it is stated, to enter into a contract with the ■ Government to sweep the ocean of pn- , vutui-rs and to close all the inlets of thcr j Southern coast, tor a million of dollars ' —they d. fraying all their own expen ses. The country would save many I millions by this arrangement. We ’ should like to bear the objections to its* acceptance.— V v llcezld Nt). i£>.