The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, October 04, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. I. Fhe SUhwatf. By VV. M. .FEFFKRSON & CO. TSa e Se in i- W e eki y Is issued on Tuesday and Friday mornings at $2 50 a year Strictly in Advance. TSie Weekly Advocate Is published every Friday Evening at $1 50 a year, in Advance, Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! BLANKS in any quantity and of every vu riety kept on hand or printed to order, at the lowest possible price, at this office. Also —JOB WORK, of every varie ty and style, executed in the neatest an 1 most appiovcd style of the art. and at prices which cannot be “murmured at by the ‘closest-fisted” in or out of this section of the country. Give 'is a trial. sSrijal Ailvevtisfmcntsi- Georgia Cobb County: WHEREAS, Rasberry Eason Administrator on the estate of Ellas S. Norton, deceased late of said County, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular those concerned to file their objec tions, if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant at that term of ‘the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. . Given under my hand, at office, m Marietta, this 30th September. 1861. JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Oct. 1.-Gm. Georgia Cobb County: WHEREAS, Elizabeth Cler, Administratrix of Charles Cler, deceased, late of said County, applies to me for letters of dismission from sai'l Administration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all ami singular those concerned to file their objec tions, if any they have, in my office on or before ♦he first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. , . . Given under my hand at office, in Marietta, this 30th September. 1861. JNO. G.CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Oct. I.—Gm. Georgia Cobb County: "TTTTII FAS, H. C. Ad ’ ’ ~i j(i:m Hull, deceased, late of s tid ♦ mr;- tv. applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administra'ion. The«e are therefore to cite and Admonish all and singular those concerned to tile their objec tions, if anv they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant al tha* term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. . ... Given under my hand,at office, in Marietta, this 30th September, 18G1. JN(), <I. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Oct. 1. Gm. Georgia Cobb County: WHEREAS. Clayton Vaughn, Administrator of Moses R’tisseau. deceased, late of said Coun'y. applies to me for letters us dis mission from said Administration. 'I hese are therefore to cite ami Admonish all and singular those concerned to tile their objec tions. if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County, Given under my hand, at office, in M irietta, this 30th September, I SGI. JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Get. 1.- -Gm. GEORGIA. Milton County, i \IT months after date application wdl made to the Court of Ordinary of said county tor leave to sell the lands an I negroes belonging to tin* estate of Wm. Dinsmore, late ot said county, deceased. JOHN G. CANTRELL. ) v] • SARMI DINSMORE, j All “ August sth, 1861. GEOIWI A. .Hilton County. t YT'HEREAS. John If Cook. Executor on the VV Estate ot Jeremiah'look, deceased, ap plies for Letters of Dismission : These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned.’to be and appear at. the Court of Ordinary of said county, on or before the first Monday in October next, to show cause (if anv they have) win said letters should not then lie granted. Given u dermv hand at office in Alpharetta. Gm, March Kith, 1861. O. 1’ SKELTON, tfl'dinary. GEORGIA, Cobb County. ’>> r IIEREAS Parks Hardeman. Adnir. of *▼ Martha P. Hardin n. deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said Admin istration. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singul <r those concerned to flic their objec tions. if anv they have, in mv office.on or before the fust Monday in March next, otherwise Let ters of Dismission will be granted the applicant at tnat term of the Court ot OrdinarT for said county. Given nnder my hand at office, in Marietta, this August 2!>tti, I > ,i. JOHN G. C vMPBEI.I . Ord’v. • GEOK<«>.\. Cobb County. 11 HIEREAS. Milton J Magbee an w ’e . t VV deceased, applies to me in wriiing. for letters of Administration on the estate of liam L. Summerlin late of said county, dec’ll. These are there! >re incite and admonish ail and singular the kin red and visitor- of -li I deceased, to tile" their objections, it any thev have, in mv office, on or before .Mon ; n in October next, otherwise, letters of admmis tration «ill be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Given nnder my band, at office in Marietta, this 20th August. Is I. JOHN G. C VMI’BEI.L. Ord’y. (ir.ORGI V, Cobb County. VW’HERl*\> Parks Hai lmtn as t e fattier V V id derevsed. applies to me in w .ting t< r letters if Vlministtvti aon th--estate e John J. Hardman, late of <od count) deceased. Thes • are therefore to cite a 1 a monish all an I sing Jar (he kin ire I and er * Hit ~ v t said deceased, t > tile t' el • olnei tior.s t anv the, have, in my office, on or bet re the first 'land o in October -e‘X'. Otho-a e. . tt—s <t i!' (ration m , be• • . .< „.-o. lit ... .<,-iii of !i.c t'-'itrt <»f Onlina: ■■ of- 1 c ;:;ty. Given tin ler myh tn at office in Main -.ti this k’Otij Augu*’ ' 1 JOHN G AMPRELL. Or l y The Mariella Semi-Weekly Advocate. GEORGIA, Cobb County. YUHEREAS, Mary G Mitchell, as the widow 17 of deceased, applies to me in writing, for letters of Administration on the estate of Wyly H. Mitchell, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, on or before the first Monday in October next, otherwise letters of adminis tration will be granted the applicant at that etrm of the Court of Ordinary of said county. Given under my hand, at office in Marietta, this 20th August. 1861. JOHM G. CAMPBELL Ovd’v. IM otice. a LL persons having demands against the es xA tate of Robert M. Montgomery, deceased, are requested to present their, properly attest ed. to the undersigned, within the time prescrib ed by law : and all those indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, ELIZA MONTGOMERY, Adm’x. August 20th, 1861. ~- Gw. ALL persons having demands against the es tate of Benjamin Green, deceased, are re quested to present them, properly attested, to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law ; and all those indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment. S. L VVRENCE. AdmTo MARTHA E. GREEN, Admr'x. August 20th, 18616 w. Administrator’s SalCi C't EORGIA, Miltox County.—By virtue of T an Order from the Court of Ordinary of Milton county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, at the Court House door at Alpharetta, between the legal hours of sale, the tract of Land whereon Sarah Spence resided at the time of her death. Lots of Land No. 164‘ 165 and IGG, in the first District and first Section of originally Forsyth, now Milton couoty. Sold for the benefit of the heirs arid creditors of said deceased. Terms oil day cf sale. JAMES SPENCE. ) , SAMUELP. SPENCE f A 11111 September 4th, 1891. GEORGIA, Paulding County. WHEREAS. Enoch Pinkant. Administrator of the Estate of James N. Pinkant. de ceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission, from said Administration, These are therefore to cite and Admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice, on or before the first .Monday in March next, w c.uise (if any they have) why said Let ters Dismissory should not then be Granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office this September 2nd. 1861. MILES EDWARDS, Or’dy. GEORGIA, Paulding County. UTTIIEREAS, Isaac Osbond Administrator of V V th? Estate of John Osbond, deceased, ap plies to me for Letters of dismissson from said Administration. These Sre therefore to cite an 1 Admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice on or before the first Monday in March next to show c uise (if any they have) why said Let ters Dismissory should not then be granted the applicant. Given tin ler mv hand at office this September 2nd. 1861. ' MILES EDWARI><. < >r’dy. Adm: uistrator’s Sale. Y virtue of an Order from the Court of Or dinary of Milton county, will be sold be fore the Court House door in Alpharetta, b*- tween the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in November next, the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of William Din-more, late of siid com ty deceased, subject to the Widow’s Do ver: JOHN G. CANTRELL. ) . , . SARAH DINSMORE, ( A ' llU 118 - September 21st. 1861. "b. ’Wollace, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER Imitator of Wood and Marble. Shop in the East Basement of Marietta Hotel on Decatur street. Please leave orders in Messrs. Markley A. Joyner's store. R W MEAT, AND HOMINY. A I vt. wo Hominy, of excellent quality L▼ 1 from white corn, fresh ground at Jarinn A Co's Excelsior mill. J. SHEPARD iw im; Ilamilton, Markley Ar Joyner, .Vtl:lllt;l, < reorgill. A N ri Hamilton, Markley & Joyner,, .fiiiLit. July 1.-t. IS 1 OR. JOHN L. HAMILTON, of Atlanta, ami T. C. Markley and R. ML Joyner, of Ma rietta. hereby give notice to the public that they will carry on the /) /? U G B U S I A E8 8 In i'll its b:"in'he< in Atlanta and Marietta. N. B. />.>. ?.' 8' . i :■ I. JOHN R. S.WGES. m. t. GRIST. Ilariioss tsliop. AND SADDL 11 HY . SAND KS A DRIS'F. !■: W s.- S . f I 'HE undersigaed would most ivspectfnll v call the attemion of the public to the above, business which we intend carrying inall its Various l>epa i t inviil | with neatness and dispatch, surpassed by few i establishments in the Smith. Repairing of all kin N <-.mipth ittemled to. A tine lot ol Horse Collars made of Native M a i:a’ 1 t m -■ A ce.tuts will bedtie an 1 collectable twic< a year say the first of July and January of each y<*.ir. A 't'oi'NTS not settled promptly at those times, will draw interest for ail the time ! they remain unsettled. A liberal share ot pationage is respectfully solicited. —mar 8. 'tffi-tf ER I'IT TRFE NURSERY A tine ass rtnn nt of the most popular ZFM' Alt Trees 1 . Far • le, N. B. HARDEN M rietm Ga.. Oct. 2S l>.’ffi V”C TS. -A large ’. >t of A mod: s. W limits, i’e' 1 •and Bragil out' :u-t rece*' ■* by i Nov a EOVES A’ 11 i NElv MARIETTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, OCT. 4, 1861. v DUSK NESS CAIiDS. Churches in Marietta. M. E. Church,Rev. Alex. Graham, Pastor. Presbyterian. Rev. E. P. Palmer, Pastor Episcopal (St. James) Rev. S. Benedict. Rector Baptist,filled 2nd and 4th Sabbath in each month by the Rev. Mr. Rambau. Two Churches for the Blacks, Methodist and Baptist. o ST Attorney and Councellor at Lavr Marietta Georgia. October G, ly. A. J. HANSELL7 Attorney at Lav/ & Solicitor in Chancery. Marietta. .. Georgia. October 6, ly. johSTc)' gartrell; Attorney and Councellor at Law Marietta Georgia. July 29. .yl C. I). phillipsT - Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Marietta Georgia. _june 15iy d/ N. LESTER. ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW Marietta, Georgia, TTyiLL practice in the Blue Ridge Circuit V V the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District Court at Mrrietta. February 29, 1861.. ly. ~CICERO~g’ WINN, ATORXEY at law Marietta. Georgia. Will attend promptly to all claims entrusted to his care. Oct. 12 ly. JAMES M. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Dawsonville Georgt TXTfLLgive prompt attention to any business VV confided to his care in the Blue Ridge circuit.—Sept. 21, 1860—ly. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Acworth, Corr County, Geo. TTrill practice in Cobb. Cass, Cherokee. Mil v t ton, Paulding and Fulton. References. — Hon. J. W. Lewis, Hon. L. J. Gartrell. Atlanta. N. A. G. S. Avery, Acworth. information as to responsibility of parties, promptly given. Feb. 29-’6l WM. PHILLIPS. J. T. Bl RKIIILI ER PHILLIPS & BURKHALTER, Attorneys rut Xmzxnjv, Aln-riettri, eorgia. Will practice in Fulton. Paulding and till the counties of the Bine Ridge Circuit , in the Sil preme court, and District court, April 5, ’6O ... .-ly. E. FA W. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Marietta, Georgia. MWrILL diligently attend to any business con- W sided to his care in the counties of Cobb, Cherokee, Milton and Paulding. 1 CLAIMS collected as soon as it can be done by law, and the money promptly paid over. Jan 20'. i. DAVID IRWIN. GREENLEE BUTLER. IKVVIN & BUTLEB. AT LA IK, Nlcxriettn, O-cl_ BFSINESS confided to their professional management in the following counties will be transacted, viz: Campbell, Paulding. Polk, Cobb. Cherokee. Forsyth. Lumpkin. Fulton and Milton. Also, in the District Court at Marietta, and at the Supreme Court at Atlanta. ;~3?- 'fhe District Court sits at Marietta on the second Monday in March and September. Re turn 20 days before Court. —f'eb*29-’GI-Jy. W. T. DAY. J. W. HEATH. TJnyr Ucatli, Attorney's at Law, Jasper. Pickens County. Georgia. ■YTTILL practice in the counties of Pickens. Vv Gilmer, Fannin. Lumpkin. Dawson. Mil ton. Cherokee. Murray and Whitfield. The utmost vigilance given to collections, and moneys promptly paid over. ept 1 Ith —y. Attorney nticl (.'’oiiii-xellor sat r.aW . Marietta. Cobb county G-a. W ill practice, an 1 give prompt attention to all business confided to his professional care, in the District Court of the V. S at Marietia. The I Supreme Court of Georgia, at Atlanta, and th ■ , Superior and Infe-ior Court' of the Blue Ridye I’lrcuit. an I the connties adjoining ('•1,1, of ~tb I er circuits. Especial attention given to the collection of debts, and the securing of all manner o' claim'. Prompt and 'fficient attention will he uiven to all manner of business in the Courts of Ordimi ry in the county of Cobband adjoining to lUties. , Feb.lo one y LA.” ~o NI JCtTEcS ~ DYSENTERY CORDIAL on Compound Elixer of Rhubarb. V PLEASANT, safe, and effectual remedy for Dysentery. Cholera Marbus. Pain or Sickness at the stomach, and for all Bowel! aj sections. Prepared and sold by HAMMETT A GROVES. Feb. 17. ’6o—tf. CHEESE just received, a large lot Englisq Dairy and other Cheese by Nov. 9 GROVES A BUTNER. GTiSHEN'TUTI ER.—An uher lot ot super T or <r.._.iitv receive I bv Novffi) ‘ * GROVES £ BITNER CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT . FIRST DISTRICT. Appling. Glynn, Bulloch, Liberty, Bryan, ' Mclntosh, Chat li am, Mon tgomery, Camden, Piree, Charlton, Scriven, Clinch,- Telfair, Coffee, Tatnall, EiHrigriarU, Ware, Emanuel, Wayne, SECOND DISTRICT. Baker, Irwin, Berrien, Lowndes, Brooks, Lee, Calhoun, Miller, Cluv, Mitchell, Colquitt, Randolph, Dooly, Terrell, Decatur, Thomas, Dougherty, Wileox. Early, Worth. Echols, TfilßD DISTRICT. Chattahoochee. Stewart, Muscogee, Sumter, Macon, Schley 1 Marion, Taylor, Harris. Talbot, Quitman, Webster. FOURTH DISTRICT. Jasper, Wilkinson, Jones, Houston, Putnam, Twiggs, Baldwin, Laurens, Bibb. Pulaski. Crawford, Fifth district. Burke, Lincoln, Glascock, Warren, Columbia, Washington, Hancock, Wilkes, Jefferson, Richmond, Johnson, SIXTH DI TRiCT. Clarke, Hart, Elbert, Newton; Franklin, Taliaferro, Greene, M’altori, M< rgan, Oglcthrope, Madison, SEVENTH DISTRICT. Butts, Henry, Clayton, Pike, Fayetie, Troup, Meriwether, Spalding, Monroe, ( p>on. . EIGHTH DISI RICT. Campbell, Fulton, Cobb, Haralson, Carroll, Heard, Coweta, Paulding, DeKalb, Polk, NINTH DI TIUCT. Banks, Lumpkin, Dawson, Milton, Cherokee, Pickens, Forsyth, Towns, Gwinnett, Ralmn, Habersham, Union, Hall, White, Jackson, TENTH DISTRICT. Cass, Gordon, Chattooga, Gilmer, . Catoosa, Murray, Dade, Walkr, Floyd, Whitfield Fannin. SENATt >RIAL DISTRICTS I. Chatham, Bryan, Efi; n ham. ‘2. Liberty, Tatnall, 5L : tosh. 3. Wayne, Pierce, Appbug. 4. Glynn, Camden, Cha. hon. 5. Coffee, Ware. Clinch. 6. Echols, L iwndes, Berrien. 7. Brooks, Thomas Cob uitt. 8. Decatur, Mitchell. Mio r. 9. Early, Calhoun, Bak 1 ??. 10. Dougherty, Lee. A’o- ?.. 11. Clay, Randolph, Teri 11. 12. Stewart, Webster, Qui: . :;m, 13. Sumter, Schley, Mad n, 14. Dooly, Wilcox. Hulas!:< 15. Montgomery, Telfair, frwin. 16. Laurens, Johnson, Emanuel. 17. Bulloch, Scriven, Burl 18. Richmond, Glascock, •n fferson, 19. Taliaferro, Warren, Greene, 20. Baldwin, Hancock, W i-iiington, 21. Twiggs. Wilkinson, Jones, 22. Bibb, Monroe, Pike, 23. Houston. Crawford. T? lor, 24 Marion, (.'nattalioociid , Muscogee. 2"> Harris, Talbot, Upson, 2 : i Spalding, Butts, Fayette. 27 Newt.m. Waltmi, Claik<- 28 Jasper, Putimni, Morga", 29Wilkes, Lincoln, Colunil 30 tjglethorpe. Ma Itson. 1.- rt, 31 Hart, Franklin. 1 labels’,.un, 32 White, Lumpkin, Daws m, 33 Hall, Banks, Jackson, 3 1 Gwinnett, DeKalb, Henry, 35 Clayton, Fulton, ♦ obb, 36 Meriwether, C >wcta, Campbell, 37 Troup, Heard, Carrroll. 38 lUral'on, Polk, Pauldinu; 39 Cherokee, Mdton, Forsyth, 40 Union, Towns, Rabun, 41 Fannin, Gilmer, Pickens, 42 Cass. Floyd, Chattooga, 13 Murrav, Whitfield, G >rd c, 44 Wall- :• Dale. Catoosa. A. ISAACS, W’. ; b sale and retail '.■■■ der in Millinery and Fancy Goods, RIBBONS, I I’ \ THE RS. FLOWERS, Heal Dresses, Embroideries, L . ■ s, Blondes, I’.a .. Perfumery, A c., Ac. Connelly's Ir< >i Front Ettildlng, White Hall Street, ATLANTA GM OR(»JA TToiAse. ATTHE PASSES- G L n DFPOI Marietta, Georgia. 'I'HIS Jlouse, well arranged and convenient 1 lv'located, has recently, pm-- d into Mb# i. imis of the undersigned, and is "pen for the of permanent and transiei; boarders.’ Thev arei determined to spare n■■ pains or a tentt to make their guests comfortable. I’o» t: - r . . "U ' tTSM -■ >-pt, 28—ts. DOBBS A HUDSON I'MgL Ffre U t •- -e •• ved bv ’ : ROVES A BUTNER. STOUR HORSE COACH LINE From Marietta to Cumming. THE subscriber has in the above lino a splendid Four Horse Coach, with excellent stuck an I careful drivers,by which passengers are put through in shorter time and with far greater convenience than formerly. Ev ry at ention will be paid t their comfort, and no exerdons spared to make this line equal to any South. This line connects w th the W. & A. Railroad at Marietta, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Frdays for Cumming ; and return Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur lays; also connecting same days wilt the Hack to and from Dahlonea-a. I. N. HE CGI “ vy"iTgault~ Grocer and Produce Merchant, Cherokee St., Marietta, Ga. Keeps constantly on hand every article in the Grocery Line Such as; SUGARS, COFFEE, ■ MOLASES, SYRUP SALT LARD and BACON, Cheese. Mackerel and White fish, Tobacco, Sc gars, Iron and farmers Hardware, Buckets &c Tubs Candles, Soap. Powder Shot, & Lead, Yarns, Starch, and a choice lot/bie old Whiskies & Brandy. All persons indebted to me by not<* or open account will save cost by coming forward and make a Settlement. lam determined to have prompt paying customers or not have any. Oct. 12. ‘ Cm. IF YOU WANT Any i jFL eliatole FAMILY OR PATENT MEDICINES Or Your Presold ptions Prepared WITH CAUL Call or send vonr orders to WILLIAM ROOT Oct. Ist. 1861—ts. 186L~ SPRING 1861. f AND Summer Goods!!!! Phoenix Building, ■• • • Marie tta. G-a (Opposite the I’ubllc Square) K . T-IIRSCI r. T7OR SPRING & SUMMER IJAS JU in Store, a splendid assortment ot STA PLE and FANCY Dry-Goods, suitable for City and Country Trade. Having made excellent arraagements for full supply of everything TVl£\V .VTND N’OVEL, at all times through the season, assure custom ers, and the public generallv. that he will sei any and all styles of GOODS As low as can be purchased iu tliis City Assorted Goods in Silks, Bareges, Muslins, Ma retzvs. Organdies, and Jackonets, Foulard Anglaise, and Grass Cloth Suits. Mantil las, in Silks. Laces, Grass('loth, Ac. Em broidered and Lace Setts. Linen and Lace Setts. U.S. L. C. and Superior Handkerchiefs. Parasols, Fans. Kid Gloves. Lace Mitt-'. Ac., Ac.. Ac. Also, a toil supply of Bleached AmQ Brown Sheetings and Shirtings. Cotton ndes. Jeane" and Stripes. HOOP SKIRTS of the latest styles. BOOTS, SHOES, Ac Also, a large stork of RE AT) Y-M AI)E CI.OTIIING, Which he will sell as low, for Cash, as they can be bought in this or any oilier market. Tt-C-C.dl and examine his Stock. None can excel him. April 12th, 18( 1-ly, FOOD FOR AIILCH COWS. P H A "e .1 L . * SUPi’IA' of Pea meal the best foo l in YV. market- kept constantly o:i hand, at SJ per bushel'. C. J. SHEI’ARD. Bacls. HAVING returned to Mariella again, my old home, J oiler my services to the citizens of Marietta ami the public generally, who J have served for irerirly twenty y.-, in repairing Watches, Ac lam now pre; uvd to ■ h-vc you again. In addition I have in ."tore, an a.- s irtment of rmi'ectioimries. consi.-'ing of AN DIBS, NUTS. R VISfNS an 1 fanev articles. Also, Tobacco & Cigais of the Best Brands, St)Al'S, TOMATOES in Cans, Frc-'h ove Oysters, SAHDINUS AND CLAMS, and a v.iriefv of Articles u-iia.iy kejd in a Coo fectionarv Store. . , Thankful for past patronage so liberally bes towed, I hope io merit a continuance of the same. The Ladies are v'peeiallv .-Mi ite i to call We-t side of the Public Square, next do u tol'ba-nixßuliamg. 1!UEDl? Sept, llth—tf. STEALING SILVER WARS. C < OLID silver -t* rlinz * spoor;-, forks, i./u':m r s. cups and wec’-tiug ■■• its ot all kinds jsit received at RAZIER NE WPA3 NT SH()P. THE nml rsigned having pormariently located in Marietta with a view of carrying on the PAINTING BUSINESS in all its vari >u.- department?, has taken the Room over tje Workshop es W. K. McCo wn, on Deeatnr Street. He would re-pectfully call th® attention of citi izens and other? to the same, and earnestly solicit a liberal share of patronage. Ail work done with promptuef? and dispatch. Jan Id. ly. I. N. TIASS. PLATED UdONSLS i ING of Tea.- ;::-. Ca-tors. J or. ' k_> Spoons. Holilers. Cups, < ake and Pie Kjnv« s V-.. A-.. plat-I on the very be-- M hue .-L'tal with full weight <->f-direr -tt P • ZTi• - Mt. AIIIY VINEYARD.- THE undersigned, sole lessee for'a period of years of ILntnt Airy A'ineyard. offers for sale, and will keen on hand rooted vines and cuttings of the best varieties of rirapc?. During the Grapif season I will have grapes for sale to-supply the or ders of customers in large or small quantities. Application may be made to mo at this Vinegard. or through the Post Office, Marietta. Go. Jul.f C, LS6I.-st-3I E. L. MASON. New Book Bindery. Ruling and Book-Binding'. Tfl~'HE subscribers respectfully inform the J lie that they have commenced, tn the city of Atlanta, a New Eook-'Aii'dery-- Blank Books, Ledgers, Journals, Day Books Blotters, Hotel and Stable, Registers, Dockets, Record Books. &c., with or without Printed Headings, and Ruled to any pattern desired, manufactured in the neatest and most durable manner without delay. Magazines, M vsie, News papers, &c., neatly bound at short notice. from any part of the State will meet with prompt attention, and Books required to be sent by mail, hand, wagon or railroad, carefully enveloped so as to avoid the'possibility of injury bv transportation. J. P. MASON CO. Aug. 31 —1 yea r. Corn SI idlers. ON hand, a lot of tin best Com ShelieA Nov. 2. AV. L. WADSWORTH IVoAiceJ I?ROMand alter the first day of January 1861, U my business will change from an everlasting credit, to a siricliy Cash business. 1 prefer the cash if the profits tire not so good. I have bought goods on time and sold them on tinie f and the consequence is, I cant collect meet my liabilities. I am Very thankftfl to my old friends and cus tomers for past patronage, and hope they will continue to call at the same old stand with the’ ready cash, where they will always find a com plete stock of Groceries and Provisions. 1 wilt sell goods lower tiiar any house in- the city who' sell on time. licspeetfullv. Marietta. Dec. 27 0. W. L. GAULT. TVotioo. A LL persons indebted, by account, to the un ,/Y dersigned are earnestly requested to settle the same by Note. I have sold out my entire stock of Goods and quit the business. 1 there fore, desire to close np my Books. I vtoulJ PREFER THE MONEY, bat T cannot expect that, these times, certainly everybedy can settle their accounts, if not by money t::ey c.'.ti at karst du so by Note. Please friends, call in and see me. DILLARD M. YOUNG. August 27th, 18Gl.-tf. THE MARIETTA BOOK STORE. CALL AND SEE The iJmischold of Bonverie, (By a Kentuekv Ladx.) H IND-BOOK OF LITKRATURi: Mrs. Botta. NUSI ESH’S.- HARLAND. LOUIES LAST TEIIM AT S/J MARYS, The Literary Women of the South. A splendid Edition of the BRITISH CLASSICS oO Hl the fresh, new amides. able Books received by IlAMll/roN, MA K’KI.Y & JOIN’EPv its soon as issued from the press. Our fall stock of Paper, Da retypes, Hlank'books, Mucillage, A leks i (juills, Port Montes, (iold Pens, Writing Desk's, (tc: has just been nponed in great variety. We are peemlly prepared to .sell good Letter. Cap and .X. te PAPERS much cheaper ami better than ever, as we buy from the Mills DIRECT- ■ , Ag<mt ■Lr Firth i I’omls Popular Music. I! YMILTON. MARKLEY A JOYNER. Juno 2d, i ' 1. CJ, <T- fekViLTIALN TA TA ( AT .1. 11. MCCLIXTOCK’s Ol.l> STA.Xri. n’as 011 a btrge and w-.-ll selected astortment of FA.MI.LY SUPPLIES To which he invites the* iiticiitiou ul the ciuZeDH of Marietta ari l the oounty. The one price '. tom xx ill lie strictly adhered to His i**rnis are cash, or <-q:ri\'ol<'i:t. th it is, <'ouiitry piodm e at c i h pr ees. or short time, to prompt p lying cu - turners. Bill due on pre sentation. , His on- i to sell good articles it low price--', ai.-I will <-xiu’ct prompt payments. (P te? (Jhun'kee Baptist College. i < ’sim-s < ’ountVi O 15 (| T') e’62sop i) .3 fhr -Io weeks Tuition |’t) Board, i.odgin.-. li’a.-hiiw. Fuel and School incidentals for a young man. There arc .■■ lx < he -es (two Ac:id< tnic and tour Collegiate). Simbmts are received at. any stalo of preiiaratiou ami tor any studici. V;ey may select.’ Tuition payable in advance. Boarding in private f unili' s. Prov..-ion- tor 200 studenrii. For further particulars address Ri.v, THOMAS RAMBAUT. L. L. D. Pres t. or l'i< >'.J- D. COLLINS. A. M., Dean of Fa’lty. N. L. Spring - ion opens Thursday F L ' ■ 1 : ' 1 ■ 1 v - Hamilton, Mai'kley & Joyner, nAVE jnO re •elve-l from the West, and of for for sale for (Jash Only ■’ 200 Gallons Pure LarJ Oil ; 180 “ Prime Alcohol ;■ 165 “ Tanners Oil ; 90 * Burning Fl mJ : 120 •' Kerosene Oil ; 2 Barrels Lin:.- d Ooil ; 150 Pounds Pure Sulphur . 1 Keg Salt Peter 250 Lbs. Cooking Soan ; For Sale for CASH Only. b —i, • - -■ 1 ' rill notn ■; “ ■- 'A 03 dciLver- of .ill on cred.: <• n cc.— - - «/ . i no. ao.