The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, October 22, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. I. She illarictta Advocate. By VV. M. JEFFERSON & CO. The •seml-Teekly Is issued on Tues lay an 1 Friday mornings at $2 50 a year Strictly in Alvance. Tl»e Weekly Advocate Is published evei.v Friday Evening at $1.50 a year in Advance, Blanks! Blanks! Blanks! ]>b \N <S in any q*i -intity in 1 of every vn ) riety kept on han ! or pr'nted to ord '-r. at the lowest po ■■ ib’e price, at tnis Also JOB WOR v, of every varie- ty an 1 style, executed in the neatest ini most approve I “tyle of the art. ml at prices whi'di c mnot be ; murnvire I af’by the ‘closest-fisted” in or out of this section of the country. Give us a trill. glcfliil m nt 5- Gaorgia Cobb County: WHERE \S, Rasberry Eison Adni’n's rator on the edate of Elias S. Norton. decea-> <1 late of said County, applies to me for letters ot dismission from said Administration. _ _ These are therefore to cite and admonish ail an I singular those c mcerned to file their objec tions, if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will b * grante I the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordin try of Cobb Conntv. Giv m under my hind, at offije, in Marietta, this 3Jtli September 1861. JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Oct. 1. —fmi. Georgia Cobb County: WHEREAS, ElizibethCler, Administratr'x ot Charles Cler. deceived, late of said County, applies to in • for le t rs of dismission from slid A lministr ti > i. These are therefore t > cite and Admonish all and singular those concerned to file their objec tions. if any they have, in my offi ••• on or before the first Mond tv ’ll April next, otherwise letters of dismission will be gr.inte I the apple mt it tint term of the Court ol Ordinary of Cobb County. . Given under my han I at office, in Marietta, this 30th September. 1861. JNO. G.CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Oct. I.—tini. Georgia C >bb C >u ity: WIEREAS. 11. C. Jacksmi. A Iminlslr t'or of John Hull, deceised. late of s lid Coun ty. applies to me tor letters ol dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish a!! and singular those concerned to file their o’>??c tion«.jl anv they have, in my office on or before the first Mondiy in \pril next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant at th it term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. Given under my hau office, in Mariella, this 3dth September, is it. JNO, G. CAMPBELL. Ordinary. Oct. 1. --tin. Gaorgia Cobb County: WiIEREAS.I EREAS. (’layton Vaughn. Administrator of Moses Russeau, deceased, la e of snd Coun'y. applies to me lor letters ol dis mission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all and singul ir those concerned to file their objec tions. if any they have, in my offi eon or before the first Mondiy in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the anplieint >t that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. Given under mv han I. at offire, in M irietta, this 3t>lh September, JNO. G. C AMPBELL, <)rdinury. Oct. I. fmi. / 1 EO *GIA. Mt ton County. Two VX months after d ite applic tt ion will be m vic to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the lan Is an I negroes b-d ,uig to the estate id' Win. Dinsmore. Lite of said comity, deceased. JOHN G. C \NTRELL. ) ~ . SV I Nil DIN' [ UN f AUinr .. August sth. 18t>l. Cobb Cm.i'y. ’tt UH! EREAS. Parks Hardeman \dmr. of ▼ ▼ M irtha P. liar bn n I. ippli-t<> mo for Letters of Di-m's-iou ft mi lid Admai istr it io i. These are therefore to ci* > m.l ilm :ii-h all j and singul U* those etmccrucd !.■■ th ■•' .>!> tions if mv th ho •'a my • -ii . r I the first Mon lav in M ir-h next e w !.■ t >rs of Distnismm wi b• gr m‘o 'th ■ ipnl cer IV tn it term of the 'oart ot O. din try far sti l county. Given nmWmv hand at office, in Marietta, fir. kngast 2mh ” I JOHN G. C VMPBELL Or Fy. N <'t ire. VLL persons h iv.'ivr dem mds a- ain t the es lite of Robert M. Montgo nery. <1 I nr « re.pi ste-l to pr W their, nr merly attest ed to the nn lersigne I wth n the tim • • resc> > ed by 1 iw : an 1 all those in I- hted tn s nd estate lire required '<> m ike im a* li ite n iv neat ELIZ \ M • iNI'GOME Gt. Ad'!' ' August *.’oth. Isiil. .... ~ ' Not toe. A LI. persons hiving demands against the (>s tale of Reni imin G re.m deceased, are re ipiested to pre ent them pm, erly n'tes'ed to <he uu lersigned within the time prvscrd»ed bv )aw : and all those in bdited to su'd es! ite are required to mike im n d ite niynvmt. S I. \’V R N<'\dtn r. M \R VH V E. GREEN. V lin-'x. August 20th. 18t 1 ,; w id etuis rator*’ *•« *’• (~l'y>RGl\ Mil's Coisrv Bv virtue e" T an Onler from the Court of 'b ltnirv of Mi|o»n county, will be sold on t! e first I'le- lay in N >vemb •*• neV. at he 'o ut H i-' I '*’ ‘ r Alpharetta, bvtw en the leg d hom -of sPe the trad of Land whereon S'rah ice resi le 1 it the time of her de Hh Lots of Lm 1 No I I 1 and I l '’' in ,! ’e fi-st DisTiet m l firs' ’ ’ of origin ilh Forsyth, mm Mi*’<m -m ‘ 1 for the benefit -»t the heirs m lered to’s of said dixtxised. Terms on div of -i’". J \ME< C’F.NCI-., > . SIM EL P. SPENCE i September 4th. IB9L V* t months after 'lete .i“?' ’ition w L milo i-» the Court of «>r I iv v of i\»bb cmntv. fnr le ire to sell th- lin !’ r-jm :'ng to the er'ote offs iic Howcil. Lite of s i.d emin’v. demas-’l '"or the b«*n fi‘ of thy heirs and ere I of said decanse I *, bis 'p’emhc ml. <!. H. p. HOWELL. Aiiiu .’. The Mariella Semi-Weeklj Idioeate. jCcpl gldrcrtisifHKnfe GFORGIA, Paulding County. 'YTT HERE AS. Enoch Pinkant. Administrator V V of the Estate of James N. Pink mt., de ’ cmi.-ed. applies to m -for Letters of Dismission, from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at my of fice on or before the first Mond iy in March next, , Io show cause : f any they have why said Let : ters Dismissory should not then be Granted the applic mt. Given under my h ind at offi-’e this September 2nd. 18fll. MILES ED WARDS, Or’dy. GEORGIA, Paulding County. A TTIIERE VS. Isaac O-bond Administrator of V V th ? Estate of John Osbond. deceased, ap plies to me for Letters of dismissson from said A dministrntion. These are therefore to cite an 1 Admonish all persons concur:.ed to be and appear at my of fice on or before the first Mondiyin March next to show c mse (if any they have l why said Let ters Dismissory should not then be grunted the applicant Given under my hand at office this September 2nd ISfil. MILES EDWARDS. Or'dy. Admiiiistraaor’s S ite. IJY virtue of art Order from the Court of Or- > din iry of Milton county, will be sold be fore the Court II >use door in Alphiretta. be tween the legal hours of sale, on the first Tues day in November next, the Lind and Negroes belonging to the estate of William Dinsmore, late of Slid cour.ty deceased, subject to the Widow’s Dower: JOHN G. CANTRELL. ) , . . SA RAH DINSMORE, f re * September 21st. 1861. Kxecutor’s Sale. A GREEABLE to the last Will and Testament /V of Eli McConnell, late of Milton county, de ceased we will offer for sa c in the Town of Al pharetta within the leg il hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following lots of Land, to w.t: No. 78-1. 797, 798. 799. Bi)J. 801. BJ2. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. B>B. B*9, B.;t> 8-;l. 819. 871): 871. 872. 873. 874, 875. 9.5, 926. 9 7. and 9. 9. in the Second District of the -econd Section of origin illy Cherokee coun ty. now the counties of Cherokee and Milton, containing 1120 acres. The pl ce is one of the best farms in upper Georgia well improved, with good dwelling and .ill o’her necessary out bail lings, and a ine merchant Mid. situated upon a never failing stream of water, an I in a healthy locution. A so. upon the premises re attache.l several M ichine Shops so situated that the machinery is propelled by w ter. JOSHUA ROBERTS. ) .. . il b. McConnell, f W“ will also sell on Wednesd ly the fib day of Decemb-T next, upon the 'premises describe 1. a qu intity of Wh“ it. Corn. Fod Lt. ! Mii'-e. 2 Sets Bl icksmith's Tools. I s x horse Wagon and Harness Farming too’s of a'] descriptions and arious o } her articb'S belonging to a farm and too tedious to mention. J ’SIH’ \ ROBERTS. ) r • ii. b. McConnell, f xs ‘ September 19th. 18 1. G?org’a Paulding Uou il r: IL likin’EAS. Micha-'l Austin applies to me for ’’ letters of zl Lninis'ration on the estate of Thomas Mullin’s late ofstid C>untv deceased. These, are therefore to cite an I requ’re all > er sous coneiTiied to. be and app 'ar it mv. offi e on t>e firs; monday i ) N'>vember next show cause, if any the - have'whv said letters should not l> • gr iniml the applicant Wirine-s mv Iriml and official signature this Semptember 30th 1861. M. EDW \RDS Ord'v. I’r. S.L. STRICL \ND. STATS OF GEORGIA, Forsyth County. MAHALA V. HUbI’JIRY ] Libel for Divorce vs. s in For-vth Stineri- D\VID R. HUMPHRY. )or Court. August Term 18! I. It appearing to the Conrt that the defendant, in s >i<! case does not reside in sa'd counsy. ami il tiir her appearing to the Court l>y the affi la vit of 'he plaintilT that said efendanl does not reside n Georgia. It is therefore or ler-'d by the Cou?' th it service of the writ in said case be perfected mi slid defendant by the public i tion of this or er in the Mariet'.i Advoca’e. a public jnti n il published in the city of Marietta. G i.. and it is lurt. er m'dered that said defend ant be and timear at the next term of this Cour and answer said case or it w II proeee I a- bv -let mlt. ISA \c S. CLEMENT. Aug list 1891. Atty pro Libl't. Grmt.ed. GEL D. RICE. Ju Igc I. C. A tin • extract from *h * >v m'of t'i > Court WILLIAM D. BENTLEY. Sept. 3 'th. I’6l. Adm mis’rator’s Sale. /' .‘>RGI V Mu.r<ix oi xty By virtue of an il Order from the Court of Ordinary of -aid <• i.mty will lie sold on the first I'lt 'sday in No vember next b -tore the Court House door at \ ,p'i iret'a. within the ieg.i hours of sale, the L nds belonging to the Estate of liriieilki \\ al ker deceised. JA\l ES W V LKER. Sent. Ift'h L’iH. Adm ni’tratnr. MARIETTA female <•< <> i> i. i: <4 i:. f | HS Institution eomm?n Is i’s.. ftoth • pat I r mage of the pe->p e of 'I iriett i by its iindisg'lised Southern character, its thorough i .strueii' lt. *O exemplary dse pline. its perm ment design, its iilmirtbv l-icuitv tot conveuienee. study an 1 exercise, at) I its moder ute charges. P it tienlar information should b? obtain ed. not from Rumor but by direct app'ie.ition to T. B. c< u), ER. v M.. Principal. Sept. 3 ”1.1 A. ISA ICS, Wh >|«saie and tota l Dedcrin Millinery and Fancy Goods, KIBB >\S, FEAI’IIEKS. FLOWERS, Ilea I Dr.’ss-s. Ear r nd tom, Laces. Lt on les, Ruches I’vrtti i cry. Ac.. Xe. >•> ’’ li- *i F out lluitillng. White Hall Street, ATLANTA GEGBGII F’r?T’lT TRZE NURSERY. A fine as-ort lent of the most p-mu. ir Treaa! For sale by N. R. HARDEN Marietta. Ga.. Oct '2> I’ t) Corn ShellorN Ox ia I. a lot if th* ; ' otn S’:- Ilers Nov W. L. WADSWORTH. MARIETTA, GA.. FRIDAY MORNING, OCT. @5, 1861. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT . FIRST BISIRICT. Appling. Giynn, Bnlioeh, Liberty, Bryan, Mc’iito-h, (Chatham, Montgomery, Camden, Pirce, Chirlloi, Scriven, Clinch, Teltair, Coffee. Tatnall, Eitingnam, Ware, Emanuel, avne, SECOND DISTRICT. Baker, Irwin, Berrien, L wndes, Brooks, Lee, Calhoun, Miller, Clav, Mitchell, Colquitt, Rand dph, Doily, Terrell, < Decatur, Ttr-mis, D mgherty, Wdcox. Early, Worth. Echols, THIRD DISTRICT. Chattahoochee. Stewart, Muscogee, Sumter, Manon, Schley 4 Marion, t’ayior, Harris, Talbot, Quitman, WeHster. FOURTH DISTRICT. Jasper, Wilkinson, J oies, H mston, Putnam, Twiggs, Baldwin, Laurens, Bibb. Pulaski. Crawford, FIFTH DISTRICT. Burke, Lincoln,, Warren, C-4umbia, Washington, II t uj ck, Wilkes, Jefferson, Richmond, Johnson, SIXTH DI-TUICT. Clarke, Hurt, Elbert, Newton; Franklin, Tabafetro, Greene, Walton, M rgan, Oglethrope, Madis m, SEVENTH DI TRICT. Butts, Henry, Clayton, . Pike, Fa vet p t Troup, Meriwether, Spalding, 31 mroe, Up’O i. EIGHTH DISTRICT. Canipbeil, Fulton, obl>, ILumison, Carroll, Heard, (hrneta, Paulding, D Kalb,, NINTH DISTRICT. Bmks, Lumpkin, D iwson, Milton, Ctief okee, Pickens, Forsyth, Towns, Gwinnett, ILil.un, H iLershatn, Union, Hall, White, Jackson, TENTH DISTRICT. Cas«, Gordon, Chattooga, Gilmer, Ca t »osa, Murray, Hide, Walker. Fl >yd, Wliitfield Fannin. senatorial DISTRICTS 1. Chatham, Bryan. Effingham. 2. Libertv. la’nal 1 , Mdat-'sh. 3. Wayne. Pierce. Appling. 4. Glynn. Camden, 1 'harlton. 5. ('nffee. Wine. Clinch. (1. Eelmls, L-wtides, Berrien. 7. B "uks, Tliotn is. C Lpiitt- 8. Decatur, M tchell. Mill- r. 9. Early. Calhoun. B iker. 10 D I'tglierty. Lee. Wor'h. 11. Clav. Hi dolph. Terrell, 12. Stewart. Webster. Q lit min, 13. Sumter. Schh y. M icon. 11. Do ‘lv, Wdcox. Pulaski. 15 M 'ntgomery. Telfair. Irwin. l i. Laurens. J >hnsoa. E uanUel. 17. B i.loch. Seri ven, Burke. 18. Ri.-lmiond. Gbiseo k Jefferson, 14. Taii iletr<». \\ arren. Gt eene. 2 , 1. Baldwin. Il iiicnck, ashington, 21. Twiggs. Wilkins 'ii, Jones, 22. B bh. Mmiroe. Lhke. 2’i. H u-ton. Crawford. lavL>r. *2 4 Mario . C mua iommee, Mnscoge >. *2> 11 arri’. I':i I fi’t. I ..son, 2'l Spa! i g. Butts, Favetfp. 27 Newton. Walton. < latke, 28 J-’spcr. Putnam, M rgan, 29Wilkes. Lincoln, Coluni'iia. 30 Oglethorpe, M id-son. I'Jbert, 31 Harr, Franklin, ll.i’ier-ham, 32 White. Lmn ikin. Dawson, 33 H dl. Banks, .l icks m. 3 1 Gwinnett. DeK ilb. Henry, 3:5 Clavtmi, F.ilt -n. * 'd>b. 36 Meriwether. C weta. Cunphell, 37 l’r tip. Heard, (’urr. 11. 38 H ral*on, P'lk. P nildmg; 39 <' ierokee, M Iron. For’Vth. 40 Union. T w s. R bun. 41 Fannm. < • liner. P ekens. 42 f’.ss. Fl V'l. C'mt'o -gn. 43 Murrav, Whitfie' l. G -rdon, 44 W dl- "• 'a le. Cim -’a. AT THE PASSES- G E R DFP ° 1 Mxristta. Georgia. I'HfS House, well arr-ing-'l and convenient I Iv Incite! h'.s recently p.i-sed into th* . m HU le.<n:ed. an I b Open fOT th< »<-e *mm-’d.Hi<.»u o* pcrtn inent and transiei bo.irders. They are determined to spare no p tins or v tention to make their guests comf«»rt iL’e. Po* Leis always in ittendanee it the trains. tt. DOBBS <V HUDSON PLATED CINSHfING of Te.i--”s. Cas'ors. I' r-.- Spoon’. Holders. Cups Cake and Pie Kniv■-.« A.- Ac., plated on the very best White Meta with full weightof silver at FRAZERS C a tsnFN BUTTER. Another I't of super T r q.. .litv just receive Ibv .\..v:; ( '' GR WES £ BUTNER 'V" UT' I .—A large L>t of Airnmln?. W Lv.its A Pee m and 8.. ail :tn*s t--rec- v-d ’ v Nov. sa ROVES A- BUTNER ’□E’O XTO'OPJSJEt.S W HIE sill niltßESJliil li. IIISIRICT. Camp Ne.xr '"\irfax 11. [ Virginia, 3, 1861. j -L’t/ Fell -w-Citizens of the Sih C >ng ee sional District of Georg'a: I trust ytm will not deem it improper in my address ing you briefly upon the subject of my candidacy to represent you in the next Confederate Congress A short time since, after mature ■ deliberation, and upon the request of many of your fel low-citizens, I consented to the use ol my name for that high and important trust I had previous'y received many assurances, inducing me to believe that if I would become a candidate there would be no opposition to my election My friends insisted that, as my course upon the great question of Southern Rights had been approved and endorsed by the whole people of Georgia, and as mv term in the old Congress had beer, tui sh-Tt by the prompt secession of our State, an elec ion to the new Con gross waj due me. Acting upon thest representations, and bel.eving tint a majority of the people of the ihstrict desired my services again as their Rep resentutive, 1 agreed io become a can didate, with the distinct avow 1 of my determ.nation not to hold the place lon ger than one term, as there v’ere other gentlemen in the Di-trict whose friends desir 'd to honor them, and who were equally as well, or perhaps better qu di fled than myself. It seems, however, hat 1 now hive opposition —to which I enter no complaint. One of mv o| - ponen’s, Mr. Herbert Fielder, of the county of Polk, has issue I a long ad dress to the people of llie D.strict, ami, without at'acking my public course heretofore, endeavors t" show that I am not eligible to a seat in Congress, and that he people would Ite violating eitli <-r the letter or spirit of our ' 'onstii at ion to vote for me. Ihe gen leman arrives 4 this conclusion by a strange mts.ip pii'hei.sion of facts, lie quotes a d relies up >n the foil iwing | revision <»! the Co federate Constitution, viz : “And no person holding any ollie, under the Confederate Sites shall be a member of ci het II ms 1 during his con inuance in office ” And then he makes the following as toun ing declaration: 14 e (moaning nvself) is ii tiding ofli *o under the Con ('derate States, to con inne tw. iv" nontlis from the time he was mustered -inlu suivice ” How, or f rom wli un, the genjlemen learned I w is“li »l ling oiii -B" under the Confederate States’’ is cor t.iinly a mystery. I hold no ofi -e >/n l> r •he Confed’ 'it'. >ti'e<J)ii an c>m>n : ';- io ird b>/ G"V. Il'Otcn ot >rgia is (?d --oih lof the 7th (Jeorgia Regim mt. lii - lac! von will sec, entirely destroys his v lii'le iirzument. Upon the subject of nv eligibility, an I propriety of m v c m didaev, 1 beg y"iir ittentioii to th" foil owin : correspondence with tii»* Hon. Robi'rt Idombs and (?01. I. \\ I horn is, d ate T u Ige of the ■'Ujiremi 1 Court,) two 'gentlemen distinguish'd alike f>r their great abilities as Jurists, ami their devotion to our C institution d rights. Upon the reception of Mr. Fiel der’s address I wrote them the follow ing letter, to which th *irs is a reply: HeaDQCTERS. ) 7th Regim mt Gi. Votin'eers - October 1. 1861 ' Mg Dar N/'-s: I have anth-irized the use of mv name as a c in li l ite to r-'pre sent tlb- Bth 0 strict of in the next C-m feiler ite Cmgress. '•o n ■ m.* »p i >- nents are in listing before the people ol that District, th it I am not eligi le to. i so it in ’ ’ogress under an I by virtue if the 6*h S cti m an I Is* \rti<*le <4 the Confederate C >ns itution Knowing he great confid' l.ce the people have in v<rtir npiui ms and y 'in* grci* a ! ul,rit-s ari l no wishing t<> “vi late eilhej the letter or spirit” of that C >ns:irn*i-m, which, with yourselv s. 1 am ready to i defend upon lhe Lattl<-fi- ld, I ask y>n ■ to uriilsh me with y »nr v ews as t >my eliginilty an I the pr >pi b’ yof my can ;d dauy. ; ith lhe highest esteem, I am very trnlv y.>ur friend and obedient ser j vant. LUCIF' J. GARTRELL G n. R. Toombs at.d C >!. 1 nomas 'A . Ramp Near Pine Cr-ek, 1 Fairfax County, Va > Oct. 2d. 1861.) f’oZ. L J. Gortrell-. Dear Sir:-—Your n )‘e, dated yest< r day, has been handed to us. In that note yon in substance ask us >ur opinion, your holding a seat in 'ongress while I’olonel of your Regi ment wonLl be a violation of the letter >r spirit of til 1 Cotife 1 crate States Con stitution. Upon reference to that Sec tion we find ihe portion in question to be as follows. “And no person holding any office under the <’onfederate States shall tie a member of either House during his con tinuance in office.” The facts in your case are these: You hold the office of Colonel of a por Hon of the Volunteer Militia of the State >f Georgia, commissioned thereto by her Governor to serve in the defense of die Confederate S ates for 12 months from Miy last. Your Regiment (the 7di) was raised in Georgia, from among the militia that State arine I and equipped Ly Geo-gia, and all its offi cers, field and company, commissioned by Gov. Brown. In what sense it cm l>c reason ably contended tha’ you hold an office l 'ande<- the Co 'federate S'a’e.if' we a e unable to see. We are clearly of opinion, therefore, th it if the people of your district elect you to Congress, you will n't violate the letter of the •’institution by accepting the trust and taking your scat on 22 1 next February. Would you, by so d >ing, violate th” spirit of the Constitution? Let us in-' • jaire briefly in o the history of .this (Titise. We borrowed it (as we did mos’ of the others) from the old United states Constitution. Why did our an cestors pul it into the old! Ir. was to gu ird . igains a great evil that prevail ed in the British Govei nmei.t from wh ch we had so recently separated.— i'he King there was the lonntlin of ; h m >r; he app lintea all officers, and | many were rem ivable at. his pleasure.— ! our ancestors believed th it the repre- I son tat ve of a p'ople might be subser i - i n to Executive power, and not in j d.']>en lent on Executive pleasure. But I if what sens * are you d 'pendent on the : Ii nt o| the ■'onfederate States? ' .le wml I not app tint yoir* successor i w re y m removed, lie cann -t remove -y m at. pie isure, n>r even f>r iniscon • bi :*t, rxri'pfby i+»u of y.iHh l peers and lhe laws of the I tnd. We ■ are clear, therefore, that your accop'ing . a seat in Congress, while < oloiicl (rs the ! 7 h R 'gimont. would not be a violation of thespiritof the Constitution. These are our views; but suppose we are wrong -the d Hi iilty presented :is very s:n ill. The language is prohib j tory of “holding any office under the • Confederate States” while a member of s either House. If the I lotise itsel f shod Id | (L'tormim* (and it is the sole ju Ige) tin? i you eorld n >t h 'I 1 the two offi -es, you could on the 22 I FeLrn uy, resign y-mr c-mimissi n as Colonel, and then the ol - joctioti would certainly disappear. The j Constitution d ies not prohibit a person from beingto 'Mu gross, even if • In* ho].l a c.iiii riiss'on in the regular armv, and lie could take his s >at if he I ‘ . i*'vs gned. We see hi'ref.ire, n > illegality in your name being run and vo’ed f>r as a member of Congress of the Bth District of Georgia, nor d-> we see any impro priety whatever If the free .on of the Bth District, see proper to confer upon v-m this trust, we hiak y m ought to accept it. Yoiir ir.iliiary experience ■er'aia'v does add t > y mr qu difications t-> represent th-' people in the N itional C> : •il-’. Y'U >’ ttcr aC pi t n’CC .■; c mini!,<»f ityvith the wauls an 1 con -1 r mos -iie armv, an i it in iy be well '•> r :;.)<)')■) v i.iinfe,' s in *he service fr >m G • n-gia o have one more rn mi bi i of tii ir own cl is< in Congress.— If the freemen of the Bth District choose ! to give us one of these, th tc is nothing in th ' Constitution or the proprieties ot ; the case o hin b r them. Very respectfully y mrs &c., T. W. THOMAS. R TOOMBS. Having shown the utter fallacy of Mr. Fielder’s objection to my eligibility I shall not stop to discuss with him ’ho* ‘ enormities of Phillip 11, and Charles v,” nor what circumstances “give to Europe the Dutch Republic.” I have neither the time nor the inclination to consider those past events. My busi ness now is to help whip the Yankees and maintain against our infamous foes the rights, honor, and liberties of the people of the Conf'derate States and I call upon Mr. Fielder toconicand assist me. He would then be proving 1 his f.ith by bis works.” My competitor seems to have a great horror for “men in high military commission,” and in timates that to elect them to high civil station might greatly endanger the Constitution, Is the gentleman afraid to trust men who are now risking thier live on the tented field in defense of that i sa r.e Constitution, while he is enjoying i ease and pleasure at home? Surely ho eminent be so ungenerous. But, my Fellow-Citizens, I deem it unnecessary to say more. My name is before you. ly p-si ion heretofore and now, as i my < ft’ >rts to defend your liberties upon lhe battle-field, are known to the coun try, I claim only to have done my duty I shall not neglect the duty I owe the brave and gallant men under my e nrnaiid to ( go borne and canvass for ffiee, but am content to trust my com* m Hid i<) go home and canvass for office But am content to trust my interests in the keeping of the intelligent, brave and generous people of the District.— If it be your pleasure to elect me as your next Representative, I shsll ever be grateful and shall strife to you faith fully and efficiently. For your past uniform kindness, confidence and stip oort, please accept iny heart-felt t.tanks Hoping and believing that, under tho guidance of a kind and protect Provi dence, mir efforts for Independence will soon be crowned with a glorious success. 1 ain your friend and ob’t serv’t. I; J. GARTRELL. From the Intelligencer. i Mjssrs. Gaui.dixg and Whitaker: I never was the ;x>Zt77eaZ friend of Col, Gartrell ; 1 mv t voted for him. But, ; il his name continues before tho voters I of the Eight Coi)gj-e.«<j(;i;;>J-R;sUict of | ilid*~'»Ure, 1 shall vote for him ; and whether he can hold heo offices at one tim-' or should make no difference wi h any of those whose friends, or re latives are under his command, know ing how nobly he had sustained himself in tim B ittie of Man issas, and how liu* ' inmely he treated soldiers under his command >n their match from Harper’s Ferry to Winches er; and when his men were fainting with heat and fatigue, by pulling such on his horse and himself inking the march on f)ot, until another sob 1 ier, being overtaken fainting by the way-side, was put upon his horse after i the other had been rested. Why should not such a man bo honored with the vote of this District, AMO-s W. HAMMOND. GOOD FOR im: lIIIRSTY HOJ.DIFR. Extreme tbi'*st is one of the -most se— v re trials the active soldier has to en counter. During a long march andon lhe field of a long and hotly contested Bat le he is often almost overcome with f itigng • ami thirst. An old frontirs m m who has had much experience on the W estcrii borders and on the ! plains suggests t o us the fol lowing a s tli e best remedy tnd pr ventive of (hi st that has ever been discovered: After a meal take the i-otfee grounds boil them over again and pour it off into your canteen and let it cool for your next march. It is not only mi ritive and stimulating, but it will I i- ii 'li the thirst more effectually than water. It will go two or three times is far as water. Also, take the Cofle gr uin-ls, as er b- i.ig thus used dry them ■ aiei put them in your pocket ami chew it interval-, on the march, or during any ardu in.' s ‘rvi'.'e, and they will likewise r< ir s■ thirst ami satiate greatly the cr-ivrags of hunger. This course has been ’.i-'(' witii the most gratifying re sults and is worthy of a trial by every s•! iier in the service. Nashville Pat- riot. In response to the call of Gen. A. Sid ney ,J . , i<i ’i, Gov. Peitus of Mississip pi, ■'.ri-1 lis-Dsb pi u s to enlist “for the de fence ot th" M ssissippi river, and tho S ates included in M ilil *irv Department ‘ N-. 2 ” NO. 25.