The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, October 29, 1861, Image 1

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VOL, I. She Marietta Advrt.ih'. By VV. M. JEFFERSON & CO. The semi- " V eeki y la issued on Tues lay and Friday mornings at $2 50 a year Strictly in Advance. The Weekly Advocate Is published every Friday Evenin ’; at $1 50 a year in Advance, Blanks ! Blanks ! Blanks! BLANKS in any quantity and of every vu riety kept on hand or printed to order, at the lowest possible price, at this office. Also—JOß WORK, of every varie ty and style, executed in the neatest and most, approved style of the art, and at prices whb-h cannot be ••murmured at" by the ‘closest listed” in or out of this section of the country. Give ns a trial. 2UlueXs m nb- G-eorgia Cobb County: al 2 -S. Rash wry Eason Admin : s rator ▼ ▼ oi f >e de of Elias S. Norion dec d late of sn G cniiy. applies to me for leliers of dismission rs n said Administration. Tae-e are t lerefore to cite an I admonish all and singular those concerned to flic their obji'e tions. if any they have, in my olli :e on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will be grana* I the applicant at that term of the Court oi Ordinary of Cobb County. G v >n under my hand, at office, in M irietta. this iiOth September. 1861. JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Oct. 1. —Cm. Georgia" Cobb County: ■> nr HERE A.S, Elizibethi ,; er. Administratrix v * ot Charles Cier. deceased, late of said Couulv. applies to in • for letters of dismission fro ns lid Administr ti > 1 Tliev are therefore t > cite an 1 Admonish ill and singular those concerned to file their o'riec tions if my they have, in my olfi in on orb • ore the fir t Al >n liy in Viril next, nth-rw!-m letters ofdisin'ssion will b•gr in e I the applcuit it that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. Given unler my hand, at offne, in Marietta, this 30di September. l c>l. .ISO. (i. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Oct. I.—Cm. Georgia C muty*. WIEIEArt II G. Jtek-on. Um’T-' -1 *<-r of J oiln Hull,, late ol sai<i i oun tv. applies to m * lor letters ol dismission from said /Administration. These are th •refor’ to cite and Admonish all and singnl ir those cinci-rne 1 t > life their oh;e ■- tions. if any they h ive in my otfi 'eon or be o e the li st M'nid iv in pri! text otherwise let e of di'iu ssioa will Im grail -1 the applic int it th it term of the CpuyL ol Grim try yf Cobb County. Giv niinb-r my Ivin 1 it ofli • •. in Marietta, this .Will Sept.-nib • ’. iSCI. .IN'), G.CAMPDEI L Ordinary. Oct. 1. 'm. (: . , J ■.) > J in t ./ ■ ■’STT lEIIEAS 'Layton V.uighn. Administrator ' >f Moses Itu—t-ui. th-Ce i-ed. la <• oi slid t’o'in'y applies to me for letters ot dis mission from s ial A iministrntion. These are therefore io cite and Vim >ni-b ill and singular those concerned to file their • >biec i lions, if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otlieru • letter of dismission will be granted the upplie mt at tint, term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. Given unler mv h m I. at offi e. in M irietta. this 30th September, isfil. .1 N<). G. CAMPBELL. <lrdinary. (>cU 1. Gm. Milton CountY. Two I months after d ite application wul be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave t > sell the lan B m l negroes b-longing to the estate of Wm. Dinsmore, late of said county, deceased. JMIIXG. CAXTIIELL. ( ( . SAI AH IHNS4 Li •]. f I August sth. 18‘iL GEORGIA, Cobb County. WHEREAS. Parks Harden! m. Admr. of. M irtha P. IT ird hi n. deceased, applies to ni<’ for Letters of Dismission from said Admin istration. The<e nre therefore to rite nn-l adm midi all and ' concerned to file their objec tions. if anv they have, in my office on or bet -re the first Monday in March next, otherwise Let ters of Dismission will he gr.mte 1 the applicant at tn at term of the Court ot Ordinary tor sail county, (liven nn-l-r mv hand at office. in .Marietta. , this August 29th. > s 1. .JOHN G. ('AMPBELL. Orly. Notice. 4 LT, persons having dem m is a ain-t the es- ; a*. t ite nf Robert M. Montgomery, dec -a- -4 i are requ -su-d to pr -sent their, pr >p • ly attest j cd to Hie undersigned within *'ue titne r-s-r b e 1 by law : an I ill those indebte I to said -state ■ are required tn mike ini m-linte inviiii-tit. ELIZA M iXfC.OAIE IY. Adm'x. August 20th. 18i.l. .. 7 i‘w. N ot too. i LI, persons having dem inds ag-ainst th -es tale of Benjamin Grecii. deceased, are re quested tn prv ent them. pn»p-rly ate-n-d tn the undersign -d within (he tune prescribe I I>\ law ; an I *U those in b-b'.e I to said e>tau- are required to m i\<- imm -d ite p ivm-nt. S. L A‘A It 'l' Adiu r. M ARTHA K. GREEN. A-lmt x. Augnst 20th. 18fl 1 w. Ad iiiuls'rater’s Sa e. fX ’’ >RGI A. Mir >x CovxiY. Bv virtue of r an Order from (ho Co irt of OrFnirv of Mil'-’ii co in’v. will be -old on the t:-st 1 .<•-1 iv in X na-nibe'’ivx'. at ill ■ * o-irt li -i-- d ■ i‘ Alpharet l betw e l the leg d h-- i - •>! si’,- the trar’ of Li-i : whee. i >< a. ■■ re-i mi i. the tinb- o' her <h-s , 'i ot Lml Xo, I t ICO and ifi'L in t'le fi st Di-’rict .an I tirs« 8 -etiyn of origi'ii’ilv Atiit-m c-n >t-. >•>',! for the benefit (he feed' m I erodi’m -of said dOCt'asiil. *’*“ ’G'-ms on Iy ot si'e. .tAME-S"’X'r I . s M ’ LP. SP, .X Ei September *th 18'JI. ril VO months after d. e i ■» : »' m eounTr. for le’ive to sMI th- lui is ivdong ng b the ert-t of l-W H ’Meo. I c-' i m decei-isi. ’oi the ben iu 'fl. P II Mill.. A-’.x Narictty taiHta&b 1 Advocate. MJcgn! gutorrtbmcnU GEORGIA, Paulding County. XTyiIEREAS. Enoch Pinkant. Administrator V I of the Estate of J imes N. de ceased. applies to me for Letters of Dismission, from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all persons concerned to be an 1 appe ir at my of li g- on or before the first Monday in .March next, to show cause ;yf any they have why said Let ters Dismissory should not then be Granted the applicant. Given under my hand at office this September 2nd. 18(11. “ MIL ES EDWARDS, Orhly. GEORGIA. Paulding County. “IX/"*! iREAS. Isaac Osbond Administrator of V V th- Estate of John Osbond, deceased, ap plies to me for Letters of dismisssoil from said Administration. These are therefore to cite an 1 Admonish all persons conca-ied to be and appear at my of fice on or before the first Mon lay in March n;-xt to show c .use (if any they have why said Let ters Dismissory should not then be granted the applicant Giv n under mv hand at office this September 2nd, 1861. * MILES EDWARDS. Or'dy. Administrator’s Sale. y > Y virtue of an Order from the Court of Or -1 $ diiitry of Milton comity, will be sohpb?- t’ore the Court House door in Ai;> > iretti b - ’ween t le legal h Hit’s of sal -. on the first Tues div in November next, the Lind and Negroes belonging to the estate of William Dinsmore, late of siid cour.ty deceased, subject to the Widow’s Dower: .THING. CANTRELL,) V(l , n . is SAB AH DINSMORE, ) September 21st. 1861. Executor’s ."ale. 4 GREEABLE to tin.- last Will and Testam -nt •’A. of EH Mcvon’iell. late of Milton county, de cea-ed. we will offer for sa’e in the Town of Al phtiretta. within the legal hours of sale, on th ■ first Tuesday in Decemb--r next, tin- following lots of Land, to wit: No. 78i. 797. 798. 799 <B.O, H 8)2, 853. 854. B*>s. 856, 857. 878. 879 80.8 ■l. 8 !), 87 1 871. 872. 873. 874. 875. 87i> 9 .7 926. 9 7. an l S) .9. in the Second District of the • econ I Section of origin. illy Cherokee conn ty. now I ><• comi’b-s of Cherokee and Milton cent lining 11 _d a-m-s. The p! ce iso.i - i.j' t’i'- best firms in upper Georgia, well imm’ v-l wilh gaol dwelling and all other nece-s urt out-buildings, and a lin ■ n-rclrint Mi I. situated upon a never failing stie.;in-4’ water, an I in a healthy location. — Also, upon the premises re attached severs. M chine Shops so situated that the machinery is propelled bv w Oer. ’ JOSHUA R(.BERTS. ) „ . ii. b. McConnell, j x,s ’ W-- will also sell on Wedne- l ty Hie Illi day of D’-cemb -r next, upon the premises described, n qiimiii.v of W.i-' it. Cor i. Fo l ler. I Mule. 2 Sets Blacksmith’s Tools. 1 six horse Wagon an I Harness Farming fools of u'l descriptions and arious other artic! s belonging to a farm and too tedious to mention. J 'SIIF A ROBERTS, I p H 11. M’CONNELL, f v ft ’ September 19 .h 18 1. G jr ! . r j Paulding <’ouuty: i V 11.. ’E AS Michael Austin applies t • me for ’’ 1 t’-i’rs of A I ii'n’ -’ra'i -'! on tile es'.l'.e of Thom is Mu Bin's 'ate of said C -unt v dece ised.- - ill -s-' are therefore to ci'e an I reqn’re all i er s >ns coiie -rn-d to be and ;pp -ar .it my. ofiice on the first, mqnd iy in November next -how c.ius.- J:’anv the/have why -aid letters should not Im gr ar ■ ! the applicant. Witim-s mv ha i l nid ofli na! signature this Semptember 3 ) h 18 11. M. ED\A r ARDS Ord’y. Pr. S. L. STRICT, ANI). STATE OF GEORGIA, Forsyth County. MAH AL A V. Hl’ UI’HRYJ Lib.-I for Pivm-m --vs • in For yth Superi D AVID R. lIL’MPIIiIY. )or Court. August Term 18< 1 It appearing to the Court that the defendant in said case does not reside in said counsy. an I it fnr'her appearing to the Court by the affi hi xit of the ph'iinfif!' that slid efend int doesnot reside in Geora : a. It is therefore or lef--d b\ 'he Court that service of the writ in said ■m-e lie pei-fect,-1 on said ib-fen l int bv the publica tion o l ' this or er in the M.iriet’ i Advnca ea public io b',i-u<-d in tin- city ot M iri-'tti. Ga..and ii is liirtt er ordered that said d-dend mit be and aptn’ar at the next term ot th - uml answer said ca-e or it w II prom-el as If v detanl t. ISA AC >. ( 1. E I ■ N I . Aug i’l-t 1891. A't'v pro I ibl't. G r mted. GEV. |). R|( !■. .1 u tge I. < . A tine extract from 'he niiun f e- of t’’.- ' 'o-irt. WILLIAM D. BENTLEY. Sept. 39th. 1861. Administrator’s Sale. /GEORGIA M i.rox ('otxrv. Bv virtue of an *1 Order fr-un the Court of Ordinary of sa ; d cmintv will be s ,ld on the ti st 1 ue-div in No \ ember next, b -tore the Court House door a’ ; A ph.irett i. wit bin the lego hours ot sale, the Lmd- helonafing to the Estate ot Druei! a AAal- Ker. i i co i-e I. JAM L.'' A A Al. -x ; ■!». Sept. loth. ls(-l. Adui ii’-trit-w. BExRY IIOI.I'.iR ) ' i --I f-r Div >re<- in I’au -I- . vs vj n , -up ri -r Court. August ItHOOA tl-H.DF.d i 'eita. H6l. It ipp ’-rit > t e ('ou t 1-y t ie ret rn of the -di riff that th •<b fe <ll tis not t- I- f uml in -aid fount ,n<i it further app ari g that she r ■ s witho it the imit-of t’.is <t:ii It ioi sh red (>.v t-e ('• mt. th- t service be per fis-t "i (>y pub i- ’ition according t > Law. in su li c t.-e.- tn idea. d provi ’ed. D. E. H A MOND. J. B.c, 1 certify th-- above to be a true copv tmen from the iiiiniit ’S of Court. • M 14th. <6. S L. STRICT!, AND. C”-. MARIETTA FEMALE <’ < > i: <5 . rp I- 1 u -a CO a u-a L i-'.- ft. th- pat i 2. ronage of th-- pe--p e o Marietta bv its I miH-gu’s - I Soiither-i ch ira< :er. its thorough I i...-t i<<*lif>ii. it- c-xe -.i >' irv il se'p'ine. it i perm ia--nt de-’g i. it- Imlrab e l -vrity for ouveiv -nee. .-tn ly .»a I exerc -e, and it- uu -1.-r --i ite < b irges. I 7 0- i’o lien’ir inf-rm itimi-hould be obtain ei o ■ 1 n■■'■ :■ • direct application I t • T. i>. COOI’F. I. A. M.. Prinvlpal. Sept. 3. A. ISA *' ..S, AVli -le-a e i’. ! ■ - .i i I' ■ 'er in LTIUa-jry and Fancy Coeds, RIB 3 Fs'. \thers. I FL.OWERS, At. . I Dre-.- - E. a hr-it Ties. Laces, Denies, Racbo Piriu cry 4c. Ac. « n.i •■. » Twi F--»nt Building. White H ill Street, IaI'I.AaTA GEORGIA MARIETTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, OCT. 20, 1881. BUSINESS CARDS. Churches in Marietta. M. E. Church, Rev. Alex. Graham. Pastor. Presbyterian Rev. E. P. Palmer. Pastor Episcopal (St. James A Rev. S. Bexeptct. Rector Baptist filled 2nd and 4th Sabbath in each month by the Rev. Mr. Raubau. Two Churches for the Blacks, Methodist and Baptist. A. N. SIMPSON ’ Attorney and Counsellor at Law Marietta Georgia. October 6. Ty. A. J. HANSELL, Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery. V artettv Georgia. October 6, ly. ~JOTTN OGAPvTRE Attorney and Councellor at Law Marietta Georgia. J’lly *’9. ,vl c. i). Pini/ufks -- Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Marietta Georgia. june 151 y G. LESTEiE” ATTORNEY AT LAW Marietta, Geo- gia, nractice in the B'n- Rilge Circuit » V the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District Court at Mrrietta. Feb ’ii tv 29. 1861.. Iv. CICERO (’. WINN/ 7 ATVlVtir AT TA TV Marietta Georgia. Will attend promptly to all cla-ins entruste 1 to his care. O - . ly. JAMES M. BISHOP, ’ Attorney and xCounselor at Law, Dawsonville (I eorgt \. prompt attention to any Lu-iness W confided to bis care in the Blue Ridge •irc-iit. —Sept. 21. 1860 Iy. J. O-ZkTvTF 3 ” Attorney a id Counsellor at Law. Acworth. Cobb Cot xrr. Geo. TTT’LL pracHeein Cobb Cass. Cherokee, ’3lll - v ton. Pan’ding an I Fulton. BetPrences. Hon. J. W. Lewis. Hon. L. J. Gartrel] Atlant i. N. <V. G. S. Avery. Acworth. T'f-Anv information as to responsibility of parties, promptly given. - Feb. 29-'6l WM. PHfLLirS. J. T. BIRK HALTER PHILLIPS & ITRKHALTER, AT h viet (a, < < eor<»t:i. WiH practice in Fulton Paulding mid all the cornifies of the Blue Ridge Circuit , in the Su preme court, and District court, April 5. '6O -ly. E. F 4 W. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 11 arietta, Georgia. MVT ILL diligently attend to anv bu-ines’enn- » v tide Ito his care in the counties of Cobb, Chf-iokee. Milton and Paulding. (’LA IMS collected as soon as it can be done by law. an 1 the money promptly paid over. J-in 20. I -6 1 . DAVID IKWfV. G'IEKM.EE BUTLER. ItnVIN S. BI’TLE«, ATiOnXKYS .4 1 LA IR Marietta, C3-a. ~f)I'SiNESS confided to their professional * i management in the following comities will be t’- m-ncted. viz: Campbell. Paulding. Polk. Cfibb Cherokee. Forsyth. Lumpkin. Fulton and Milton. Also, in the Di-trict <’mirt at Marietta and a' 'he Supreme (’ourt at Atl tnta. T| l( > District Court sits at M irie’fa on the second Mond iv in Mma-h and Sen’ember. Re turn 20 days before Court. —felc. 9 Tl-1 y. W. T. DAY. -L W. HEATH. ZDct'v "EXoEVtLi., '.tfornvii''' La><\ Ja-per. Pickexs Coi xrv. Georgia. TXTILL pr.ietiee in the counties of Picket)--. ' > Gilmer. F innin. Liimnkin Diw-on. Mil ton Cherokee. Mn - rav an l W' i’fleld. T’-.<- -itni'-.-t vigilance g’vento collections.and mon- v- nroinptlv paid over. ep IHi y.’ JXT. T 3. O I AZEIZnST, Attorney and foinwellor sit L.siAA , Marietta. Cobb county G-a. Will practice, an l five prompt attention to ill bu-me-s eonfi led to iti- profe—<mii care, in :he Di-tri-t Court of the F. 8 M i The Supreme fourt of Georgia al > ■ an 1 the •Superior .an I Infe* <»r ' ourt- ot t .<• hie Ridge Crcuit. an-1 the counties adjoining (.t Idiot oth er circuits. li-[H‘v : . tl attention given to the collection ot ielft-. in I the -eenring of all minner o’ claims Proimit and *ffirient attention wil , be given to <‘l m inner->! im-’m-s.- m tbe '• arte --t onl n.i rv in the county of (AibL ind a«L<>::iin,g m in'.ies. Feb. It) ORe v TO MY CJSTOJIoJS. lOn and alter this date, 1 w’.'.l sell Good- for . Those wishing go in my Rae will find it to I their advantage to give me a call. WILLIAM R33T. Augnsr’lts IS'i. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT . — FIRST DISTRICT. Anpling. Glynn, Bulloch, Liberty, Bryan, Mc'uto-h, Chat Imm, Montgomery, Camden, Pirce, Chariton, Scriven, Clinch, Telfair, Coffee. Tatnall, Etlingnam, Ware, Emanuel, Wayne, SECOND DISTRICT. Baker, Irwin, Berrien, L-wndes,- Brooks, Lee, Calhoun, Miller, Clav, Mitchell, Colquitt, Randolph, Dooly, Terrell, Decatur, Thomas, D fiigherty, Wdcox. Early, Worth. Ecliols, THIRD DISTRICT. Chattahoochee. Stewart, Muscogee, Summer, Macon, Schley* Marion, I'uyior, Harris, Ta loot, Quitman, Webster. FOURTH DISTRICT. Jasper, \V dxins -n, Jones, ILm.-ton, Putnam, Twiggs, Baldwin, Laurens, Bibb. Pulaski. Crawford, FIFTH DISTRICT. Burke, Lincoln, Glascock, Warren, C- hinibia, a-hiagtul), H i-m ck, Wilkes, J effer soi i, 11 i chm o n d, J dinsun, SIXTH DI y'ICT. Clarke, Hut, Elbert, Newton; Fra >k! n, Tai afetro, Greene, Waitoil, M rgati, Ogiethrope, Madison, SEVENTH DI TRICT. Butts, Henry, <’!ayr n, Pike, Favet e, Troup, Meriwether, Spalding, M iiiroC, Up-O’i. EIGHTH DISI’RICT. Campbell, Fulton, • ’ohb. Haralson, Carroll, Heard, t’oweta, Paulding, DeKalb, Polk, NINTH DISTRICT. Banks, Lmnpkin, D.iwson, Milton, (';mr -l-ee, Pickens, For-vth, Towns, Gwinnett, Rabun, I label sham, Union, Hall, White, Jackson, TENTH DISTRICT. Ca-s, Gordon, Chattooga, Gilmer. Cat >osa, Murray, Dade, Walker, Fi ivd, Whitfield Fannin. SENATORIAL DISTRICTS 1. Chatham, Bryan. Effingham. ‘2. Liberty, Tatnall, 31 Intosli. 3. Wavne. Pierce. Appling. 4. Glvnn, Cmnden. Clmrlton. 5. Coffee. Wme. Clinch. 6 Echols, L -wiide-, Berrien. 7. Brooks, Thomas, C -Iqnitt. H. Decatur, Mitchell. Miller. 9. Early, Calhoun, Baker. 10 Dougherty. Lee. Worth. IL Clay, Ra jolph. Terrell. I*2. Stewart. Webster. Q iitman, 13. Sumter. S-'til-'V. Macon, 14. Dooly, Wileox. Pulaski, 15 Montgomery. Telfair. Irwin. 10. Laurens, John-on, E nauilel. 17. B i.loch. Ser'ven. Burl-e. 18. Richmond. Glasco.-k Jeff rson, Id. Taliaferro. Warren. Greene. *2O. Baldwin. ILim-ock, Washington, 21. Twiggs Wilkinson. Jones, 22. Bibb. Monroe. Pike. 2 I. H u-ton. Crawford. Baylor, 24 Mario . C lattah'-oehee, Muscogee. 25 Harris, T ill»->t. I oson, 26 S])al*iug. Butts. Faveite, 27 Newton. W altoii. ' laike, 28 Jn-per. Putnam. M rgan, *29sVil;<es. Lincoln. Colund-ia, 30 Oge'iimme. M i I’s n. Elbert, 31 Hart. Franklin. llaOer-ham, 32 W’iiitc. Lmn- ki". Daws m, 33 H ill, Bank-. J icksmi. 34 Gwinnett. Ih-Ki’b. Henry, 35 (’’avton. Fait ai. 1 ' 'bl>. 3G Meriwether. C wefa. Catnpbell, 37 Treun, Heard. Correll. 38 II •rd-m. 1’ Ik. Pudding; 39 fber -ken. M.!»on. For-yth, 40 U >ion. T -w s. R Imn. 11 Fannin. Gilin--r. I' ckens, 42 f’is-. Fl v I. f ’hat'o-ga. 43 Murray, WhitfmM. G -rd >n, 41 Walk -r Dade. Ci'o ’-a. Mt. AIRY VINEYARD. FBUJE tin b r-rt ied. -<)!■■ ! ■—»■<■ for a period of g V. ir- <>! Mount Giv Aim \ ard. off:- for -ale. an 1 wi! kn.-v on hand rooted vi-o - ami cutting- ot ,th If. -• V w etL- of • «>•.-. Daring th- (’.rape I .• f-.ei I v. H i.iv-- t.-r-pe- for -ale ”> supply tie- or ], r- <• . : -flier- in large or .-a.all <;n tni! , '-;s. Apuli-ni' nm-y be i-i uh to : at .a- A ineganl ' or thr -ugli the Po-t Office, Marie' a, (* i. Ja1.;,., i !.-•< :;! . iI.L. MASON. ’V ’UT.S. A large lot of Almo-lns. AA' lom -A I’ecin ami Bt..zil nut- :t--t received by ' Xov. > UoA’Es.V BI TNER Corn Shelters. OX ban !, a lot of th'? best Coin Shellers Nov AA’. L. AVADSAVORTH. War! War! War!! | iel after this day there will p ,-itive.* Ox-ocHt; | for good- or work at my st.nt* All notes ana accounts aue me am! not p i-1 ' bv the l«t of Augti.-t will be placed iu the ! hand- of an attorney for coll<*eiiou. AV. A. FRAZER. July 22d. 1861 KENTUCKY. BY WM. PROCTOR HUGHEY. Hurrah, hurrah for’ old Keutuck—’and of true hearts and brave, Full well I knew she’d never bow, t» be a ty rant s slave, A vigor thrills within her soil will rend the oppres sor’s chain As the lightning rends the sturdy oak —proud monarch of the plain. Long time I watched with anxious heart, to see her legions move To sweep disgrace from off the name of the old laud o my love, Hurrah, hurrah for old Kentuok, she never brook’d disgrace, Her mothers never gave the milk, to nurse a coward race The glorious tomes of history, with d eds of valour AVLe e her mark was made on British soil and the steeps of Mexico, And agaiu for that old chivalry, I hear her tocsin sound Calling where fainr and glory are; on the “dark and b oody grou> d.” Hurrah, hurrah for old Kentuck, —w th rapture and w ith tears My heart is fil ed with, that I’ve not felt for years, Hurrah for. old Kentucky—l knew she would be right, And where men fight for Freedom—be foremost io the tight. A- proudly to the battle field, her glorious legions pour. I mai k their names, whom Glory crowned on fields ot fame, of yoie, A d fondly now recalled are they from the' page of memory, Those noble names—those gi 'ted names, all ‘-house ho d w rds” to me, Behold where Marshall leads his host, o’er-topping u’i the rest, A Lou-and battles slumber yet within his gallant breast! And mark that “uob’est Spartan,” where bravo Buckner meets the ken, .'One b’ast upon his bugle horn, is worth a thou sand men.” But whilst these tread the field o: Mars, the fatejjf others pains, AA’ho rad.y ti 1 the dungeon cell, bound fast by ty r<nt chains, In vain, in vain your dungeon walls, the soul of Freedom sighs, Undaunl. d and linconquered yet where the martyr Durett lies. Ye base and wanton hirelings who aid the oppres s r’» cause, Ye bought and sold for deeds of crime against all human laws. In vain ye seek to bind the chain, or force to bend the knee, Kentucky is a giant yet —her children Will be free. Yc proud invaders, whoso impious feet, now dese crate her soil Ihn/atb you. siuinbe ing iu taoir wrath, a thousand 2Etn is boil, And thefti’e which sure will whelm you, in terror a .d in dread, AViil be ti e fate of “fools who rush where Angels fear to tread.” Hurrah, hurrah for old Kentuck—land of true hearts and brave, Full well 1 knew she'd never bow, to be. a tyrant slave, A vigor thrills within her soil will rend the opprc»- sor’s chain, As the ligbiouing rends the sturdy oak—prous monarch of the I laius. COL. G AU fRELI.. CAMP 7ruG l . IIEGIMEMT. I Fairfax, Va., Oct. Bth, 1861 | Mrrsrs. Editors: R-ports hytve retchc l the Regiment from Athv ta and other points in Gei rgia detracting in a high degree from the manliness courage and dignity of Col.'rell. To those who have been under his command, and who know well what has l>cn hi- cour-e, and are willing t > gi e justice to the a-sailed, as well as praise to the merit >- rion-, these report have c one with great in •rtilication and surprise. Col. Gartrel] lays no claim '<> -uteri >r military excellence —nev- er entercl the army f->r military hoii'-rs or reward; but, like thousan Is of n' blebornami n bleb ' d Southerners, ha-left a home of ease, honor and happiness for the dangers, hardship-and privations of the camp and !h 11—fi-r di c defense of a e-uin try which ought to be I arer to the patriot than any country <-n earth. A- C"I. Gartrcll announced shortly after his arrival in Virginia,he has 10--ked to the duties dev-Iving upon those under his c >m nuvid. and exercised a vigilant di.-cipliiie in caring for the execution of those dut c>. whetln-r by officer <>r priva'e, but as he aii’i u c d further, lie has .-h -wn l y ac- ; tion- th.i' In* regards his men, not a-inferiors ■ to be Jri'en by a capricious wi.l, but fellow | citizen- <>f the same glorious C info lera 'V, deserving from him, as they nave receive 1. I kin 1. j ar*-ut:J w itclifulnesb., I > the heavy ■ uiarclie- m vl .* prece ling the b itlleol .'*- -a-, Co . G .<• roll was sympathetic and watch’ j lul, nrovi 1; ;g. t» ti i extent -if bis power. • reliefiot’ic metii-st privrte. 0 :en wlien see- j ing a w«*a ie4 sd-lier ready to faint and fall Ly the wav he w -ul 1 dis o >unt fr -mhish-irse | and walk, g: vi-ig the wearied man hi- seat. — ; I'he wants of the -oi lier have ever ■ received his special attention. Noe -mplaini brought by h : s men of want has ever oeeu refused.— I’ll - sick have t>■•♦»:» an object >i in- sneci il care. Lie ti is -f it privis ons Iroui L s ow i i table to taeD he hid . j rc-r kn ' w.i. only by ■ j their wants which bad reached his ears. ?»o commander was ever more popular or belov ed universally. He is unpopular, it is true, with some id his staff and other officers <>f commission; but only for the reason, that with the former he has been strict in making them procure provisions sufficient and suitable for his men, and render aid to the sick; and with the latter only f-r the reas on that he has been vigilant in suppressing a spirit of n, which opp ressiotoo often manifests itself in men tha> have been raised to a command to which hea l and heart have not elevated them. Men educate !to be s ildiers, taught from their youth when the spirit bounds high, and daring to regard dan ger as lovely, and death by the. liu'let as sweet, are expected on the field to show to the world deeds of da-hing bravery; but meu brought up in the walks of peaceful an 1 pri vate life are nit expected to c m.Li -t them selves in this way. But Col. Gartrcll, in the batt'e, when shell- were Hying, ami hissing, and bursting all the day arour.d his regiment was c-i-'l, self possessed at the head of his sol diers; and when the 7di Goergiawa- ordered to the charge., ami stood on the field strug gling and falling and bleeding, he was in our midst, cheering us on to drive the invader back. And when the inva ler had been driv en back, but had left many of Georgia’s no ble sons dead an l w lum.lel, the wants oi his men, imw greater than ever, called lor ami received greater attention from tlrcii’ com mander. The aboveis not written in a spirit of euh-gy but. injustice to one who meri's the soldier's highest esteem. G. W. I’. Private Copany G. Atlanta, Ge -rg'a. I'J, 1861. Messrs. Editors: Frmi a strong seiiso of duty, I beg leave t > call the atten’ion oi the voters of tne Bth Congressional I) strict to a few of the claims that C >l. L. J. Gartr. 11 .ns t.i their snp -rt in the coming election. Asiue from his previous p> litical career being with out a blemish, Li is patriotic zeal in tlm pin-sens struggle ol the South f -r hfirrty miiln ::i imce [dace him far al)'Ye ■ibuve a” mher c nnpetitor for the office. As his dig.bib:y to the iHico lias been settled bey >nd lispiite by wiser hfcuds than mine, I will atone [>ms on and giveufew of the, many brave ami solf-saciiiciiig deeds he has perf mi -1 during the present camp tigiL Being an hmnble member of the Regiment of which he is commander I have ba 1 achanco to know what Ims been hi - 'Course thr- ugh the entire contest. Almost every week from the time wo arrived at Harper’s Ferry until the memorable battle of 21st July we were com pelled to make a forced march and it was in these trying times that he proved him -ell the gallant soldier and humane comma.’ tier. He was ever at his post ofduty, never shirking any danger or responsibility ever f-irern >st in be lanks encouraging his mon f-i endure their privations by precept and example and on every march giving up im- horse to some tired soldier and walking himsdl for miles" And when wo were face to face with tae en emy in deadly conflict on Maim.-sas Plains he was all that a brave and noble sol tier should have been. 1 heard Gen. Beauregard tell him to take a certain position wilh bis regiment and hold it until reinforcement came t - h's relief, which he thm.ght would he in forty minutes; (but they never camo.) his gallant reply was it s/inll l e held as l >ng as there is a man left in the Seventh Regi ment An-1 truthfulß and bra <ly did Lo carrv out his pledge as past records will ait cst; an-1 ever was seen Uol. (lartreH at the bend of his Regiment. An-1 when be was so much siut-ned by the bursting of a bomb shell that be was unable to continue on horse back. he still kept <m f-i.-t with bis men until the fixing foe was 10.-t in thedistanee. V hen told by one ->• his men that his son was mortally wounded and be wanted him (dm (!■ loncl) to assist in getting him in the shade of a tree close by, his reply was. “Do the l-est. you can with him. I cannot leave my pos'.” Ami this is but a true counterpart ol his bearing throughout. And when a man wlm ha- perriled his life in the -erviceof li.siamn try, and is still defeii ling h r rights, <iem e a an office, ami that office is in the gift of dm people he is defending. I think justice ami gratitude should, by ae fianration, bestoxv it upon him in prifereuce to one who stays at home settled upon hi- leu, picking mote- out of the eyes of others while beams ol preju dice are obscuring his own vision, iam irn effi e seeker, nor do I ever expect to be; n->r do 1 O'er expect any favors at Uol. Gartreli’s han 1; but I cannot be a ’‘looker mi in \ en tee” ar.d keep silent, when 1 was an eye-wit nesis to the truth of liis conduct ae l see tn s ti utii constantly di.-lortc-i f< r political purpo- ses. EYE WITNESS. — -jfCS ♦»- BATTLE OF J.EKJNGTOV. The II- i'ol'l published at I’iu L Smith • fives a cnrrccl st a 'eim-nt <4 tin? hu»s suslaiiied bv the \ ankees at th'- batt e of Li xingTon ' issiniri. I ’be p tpt i's tell-- us th it one hundred and seventy toiii’ Line.'lm m- were killed and two hundred and thirty wounded On onr sid*’ I >r y two weie killed and tiii. ty sevi-n xv.'iindcd. We captured thiee thoiisiiid live liu'tlid d muskets &■ rifles J twlelve hud la d pistols; seventy-eight Sirarpe’s eartiiiics; five cannoli; two twelve-poun i li >-vi zers; one hun dred and twenty-six wagons and H u - ness ; eigiit hti.idi ( d .and thirteen hor ses* hundred and S‘-ven!y ei ,-ht tents ii ty live tLoiis.m ! >ii i,uis from stoiini boils; n.uc Imiilim! ami fifty th-m.- iixl d .liars cash obtained fr in men in batUe; also too!. ♦l:i'< & til »US<»nd I 'Ur ‘‘Utt L'u l aud nevsuty eight pri. . NO.