The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, November 15, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. I. We By W. 31. JEFFERSON & C£. T Ii e S e m i - W eek 1 y * (s issued on Tuesday and Friday $2 50 a year Strictly in Advance. •' * * Tlie Weekly Advocate Ii published every Friday Evening at $1.50 a year in Advance, Blanks ’ Blanks ! I BLANK-S in tiny quantity and of every vb riety or printed to order, at the lowest price, at this office. Also—JOß WORK, of every varie ty and style, executed in the neatest and most approved style of the art. and at prices which cannot be •‘murmured at’’ by the • ‘closest-fisted” in or out of this section of the country. Give ns a trial. |Etgal nb- Georgia C urity: WTRHIEBEsS. Rasberry Eason Administrator ▼ v o.: rhe etde of Elias S. Norton, deceased lite of sd i o inly, applies to me for letters of dismission rum said Administration. These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and singular those concerned to file their objec tions. if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. Given under my hand; at office, in Marietta, this 30th September. 1861. JNO. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Oct. 1. -Gm. G-sorgia Cobb County: WHEREAS, ElizabethCler, Administratrix of Charles Cler, deceased, bate of said County, applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all and singular those concerned to file their objec tions. if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. Given under my hand, at office, in Marietta, this 30th September. 1861. JNO. G.CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Oct. 1 .—Gin. Georgia Cobb County: WlI EREAS, 11. C. Jackson. Administrator of John I lull, deceased, late of said Coun ty. applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration. The-ie are therefore to cite and Admonish all and singul tr those concerned to file their objec tions, if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in \pril next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb County. Given under my office, in Marietta, this 30111 September. 1861. JNO, G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. O<d. 1. Gm. G )orgi:i. Cobb County : ‘N tT i EREAS. ('layton Vaughn, Admini Orator of Moses Russeau. deceased, late of said Coun’y. applies to motor letters of dis mis. ion from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all ami singular those concerned to tile their ob ee lions, if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in April next, otherwise letters of dismission will he granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary of Cobb (Jounty, Given under my hand, nt office, in Marietta, this 30th September. 1861. .1 NO. G. CAMPBELL, Ordinary. Oct. 1. Gin. GEORGIA, Paulding County. ATT 11 EREAS. Isaac Osbond Administrator of V V the Estate of John Osbond. deceased, ap plies to me for Letters of dismissson from said A dministratioit. These are therefore to cite and Admonish all persons concerned to he and appear at my of fice on or before the first Monday in March next to show c.uise (if anv they have) why said Let ters should not then be granted the applicant. Given under mv hand at office thia September 2nd, 1861. ‘ MILLS EDWARDS. Or’dy. GEORGIA. Cobb County. 117HEREAS, Parks Hardeman, Admr. of ▼ * Martha P. Hardin n. deceased, applies t > me for Letters vs Dismission from said Admin istration. These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and singular those concerned to tile their objec tions. if any they have, in my office, on or before (he first Monday in March next, otherwise Let ters <>f Dismission will be granted the applicant at tnat term of the Court ot Ordinary for said county. Given under mv hand at office, in Marietta, this August _!»lli. IBI.L JOHN G. C \MPBELL. Only. Gf'orqia County: % A tl ""Hi,-.. >.. . | s the son of do- • v ceased, applies io me in writing tor let ters ot administration on the estate of Elijah Sneed. late of slid county deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish a’l and singular the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to tie their objections, if any they have, in my office on or before the lirst Mond.u in December next, otherwise letters of adm’nis (ration will be granted the appliemt at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said counts Given under my hand, at Marietta, this _6th.. dav of i 'etobei. ISul Oct .9 3i»d JNO G C AMPBELL <»rl*y. Georgia Cobb County: WHERKKS George M. thehro’b er of deceased, has applied to me. in writ ing for letters of adininistraiion on the •*- late of William 11. Daniell, late of said <- an v .leeeased : i'hese are therefore to cite ami mlm mi«h ami singular the kindred and etvdi a* of -aid deceased, to file the!’-objections. if any they have in my office on or t»--t ■ the li st M m L*x i:;D. comber m xt. otberwhe letter* •>! uhumLtr.i . -. will be granted the applicant a! that term o! the Court ot Ordinary of said eon' ty. Given under mv hand, at J/.irietta. this dax of < h'lober Isitl. i, • _>!» tod J\ ’GCAMPBELL ' ‘r ,‘y . \ot ice. ' p " \ 1 mole to the Court of Ordinary of Cobb e. antx to c ve to sell the undivided ha ’ in ter.--’ of K V l/on'gom •: v. deecisel. in tow n b«t in I :«• citv o! V .iietta. tor the ben ,»* their h ir* .m l cred t«>r* of said •IvC’-a-.ed. Th:- N ' ember 3 I'6! H 1Z.4 WOATGO WEK’I. .4d.n x The 1 tta Semi-Weekly Advocate. Georgia Cobb Comity : WHEREAS. F M Megarity. as the decease 1. has applied to ..■;-. of John W Megarity. late These are therefore admonish all and singular the kindvtmaml creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office on or before t .e first Monday in December next, otherwise letters of adminis tration will be granted the applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary for said county. Given under my hand, at Marietta, this 2Cth day of October. 1861. <let. 2ST—3Od. JNO G CAMPBELL. Ord'y. Georgia Comicy: Nathan W Smith, as the friend Vw of deceased, has applied to mein writing. for lelters of on the Mate of Samuel S or said county, de ceased : These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise letters of adminis tration will be granted the applicant at that term of the C’eur: of Ordinary for said countv Given under iny hand, at Marietta, ims 2'jf.ii dav of October 1831. 0ct.29 30d. JNO G CAMPBELL Ord’y. Georgia C»b! County : ’.1711 EREAS, Enoch Faw. as a friend of de ll .ceased, applies tome in writing for letters of administration on the c.-tate of Isham B H ir low. late of said county. de(r a-md. These are therefore to cite an I mlmon'sh all and singular the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to tile their objeciions. if any tbw have, in my Office on or be ore the first . toil lay in Decemb“r next—ot’m-rwi.-e le'ters of admin istration will be granted Lie applicant .it that term of the 1 hmrt of Ordinary of said county. Given under my h ind at Marietta, this 26th dav of’f'globe:-. I s Oct. 29-3Dd. JNO. G CAMPB.Ef.L, Ordy Kxecutor’s f'ale. A GREE kBLE to the 1 i-i. Will and Testam-nt ,/jL "f Eli McConnell, latcol Milton county, de ceased. we will oiler for- ale in tlm Town ofAl jiharetti. within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in i'i-eeaiber m-xt, the tallowing lots of Land, to-wit: No. / 1. “97, 7:) '. 799, SifO. .‘-(IL 81)2. IB’.'>, 876. W)7. > V B'.'9 860, 861, 869. 87 1; 871. 87..'. 8,3. 8, I. 87.’>. 87l’>. 925. 926. 9 17. an 1 9 9. in tim S -.-oa I Di. trict of the Second Section ot’ originally ( h.-rokoo coun ty, now the counties of Cherokee and .Milton, cont lining 1 120 acres. The pl ce is one of the be-d firms in upper Georgia, well improve:!, with '.-nod dwelling and all other n --e- ‘iry <>ut buildh)/s. .tml a tine merchant Mill, situated np m a m-ver failing stream of water, an I in a hc.dthy 10.-.ition. Also, upon the prime i'-- n't' : I -em-r il M ic-him* Shops s > aitcal -d that the m.ii-.hin-ry is propelled by w .'or. • J( \ RCBERTS. ) . 11. B. in ri.,\ELL. | W- will also sell on Wedr ■ 1 -v the ftb <lay ot December next, upon the p i ipi.mtil v of Vv heat. 1 or.). I- > 1 I -r. 1 B tile. 2 So.s Blacksmith's Tools. 1 *L\ ho.--,. Wn .on ami Harness Fanning toob >f a I 1 ' lariou* oilier aria b. ..m.; a., to a farm an I too tedious Io mention. JG.SIH'A ROBERTS. I r ... 11. I’. McCONNfJ.L, ) jA '’ Seiilemn -i- I'.'-'- i I. COBB SR : o' be sold b -so ■ - lit ‘ mt bell'- do-H’. ■ V in the city of M.irie'i -. Lobb e> , >ty. (<a. within the legal hour; of silo, iir-a lues my in December next, the following property, to-wit : One Negro boy nani -d Jim. :d > :t 29 years old ami of dark enmph vion ; Jack, a negro b >y of dark complexion ami about 5 ye,ns old ; George, a negro man ot' <i irk complexion ami about 65 vears old ; .'-ele.i. a negro woman id dark complexion ami about 39 ye u -old ; !’>et sev. n negro woman ot dark complexion ami about 20 years old. ni l her boy child. \\ esh y. about ’’ years o] I. all levied on a- ‘ e property ot' Henrv G. Dunn, t > - i i -ly a ti fa > and trom t'obb Superior Court in favor of i\ .-h.m-ton Crawford vs Henrv G. Dunn. Ira.l. Royers ami L. M. Rogers. At.-ai. one negro worn in ot' dm k e imulexie.n. named Harrieit. about 3.1 yeirs old. and levied on as the proper » ot Ira Armd I. to satisfy a if fa issued from «'obl> Superior Court in favor < t John G. 11iihert \ < Ir.i Krno'd. an 1a! > :<» -.’.‘i fv sundry Justices ( ouri ti in iai .u-of J. !>■ ( hieill and others vs Ira Arnold. Ai dark complexion and about '.'it year- 0'..1. Lev ied on as the property o r A. J.<- to -aii-ty stimlri ti fas from the Ja-tiee’s <’onrt o!' the spsth distriet G. M. in f vor ot' I. N. IL- :e and A. B. Mc Afee ami other- v - -a:d \ .1. Jo. ce J AS. F. Mi 'LIHKY. Slmrift’. (o' ngin. t'aii'il l y C HENRA 11 )LDER ) 1 1 for Divorce vs ■ imr Sup ri. r (X.iul, August RUDD \ IIOLDEK .1 Term. i'6l. It appearing to t v I'eii : H ’be ret -rn t' e Sill-rill' that the dele d.i'-t I- II t a. ■ iu | countV. a dit further iri >g that she r<-ii .« the Emits <d ’’.us st its. It is oiil rcd by the C urt. that service he per fected by pith ieati >W nei >t ling t.' l.iut. in -a-h rises made uml provi Rd. D. I'. II A MOND..L S.i'. I certify the above to b. ,i true caps t.i>..-n -n the minutes of C.mrt. Oct. I Sth. 186'. S L. S t’R!'.’TL VXD. CTb. \<!<ni • i*lra or’s Sale. A TT|LL be -ml I b -tor ■ ■ ie (' \ > i:i the '-n ) I' ,O . o.l\ . Georgia, on tin-ti —’ iu — ; L c ia i'ecm-xt the land* b.ilom.hig tm e to- : Simtid Elm >-i*.>n. la’e '* ; I eon ■ I ing of te- ovi .a i“ , : N i I. 73 -iti i half oi' Lm tin L. I I I- No I'7 ■ v.' !.>w'- puri' *e ot >ti ■ T • a; mi'., known in I i of -n'e. W ... t>. |l X I LEY. <»<-.< bn- 2l*t. I>. I. .1 mr : -trit r. A ’.’.Hill.-Mr. 1. vg; ,; \v d ■' ■’ ' ■ .ti xt !■ ■ •• . i' ;i ;[J .... <j. r io -' c e.ty of Marietta, '■ « y-. ,- , c. ty .<i M.irict' sit it it.-d i t R - ■<, r iv "!i y i-.l by Th..-' Hr ••■k. Also. ' t- : ::■ i \ - s .5* }|,]f „f N .'.mi -.1 - i C.m'tty. w -h ~ in. I Lt ■;> a : . <•--i-\ .--..t ia; , n g- 4 i” T :-'.-U 1',.-* p’.iee m.I .erv- I ■»: I »• I m. x <• : e t fiiiit <re ,a-<t. So i s th- |r o ;y ..f K e . T J .1 »! Octo, er 2 ‘til I'i L Ld». JOHN O. HAYS, Altar. MARIETTA, GA., FRIDAA MORNING, NOV. 15, 1861, gCt-gal gulrfcisivniftito, Notice. 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of John M i. J. Hardman, latent’Cobb county decea ed. are hereby required to make immediale pay ment ; and -ill persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them, pro perly attested, to the undersigned, Withili the time prescribed bv law. PARKS HARDMAN, Adm’r. Nov. 9. 1861—6 w. GEORGIA, Paulding County! 11,7 HERE A 3 Jane Cooper and Nathan Cooper ’ v applies to me. for letters of A< min’stration on the estate of .Moses Cooper deceased. 'These are therefore to cite and require ail persons concerned to bo and appear at my of fice on the first Monday in January next, to show cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted the applicants. Witness my hand and official signature this Nov, 6th 1861. YULES EDW.4RDS, Oid’y.S. L. S. GEORGIA, Paulding County; 'ly I IE’I MAS Enoch I’inkard Administrator * » on tlie estate ot James N. i’inkard de ceased applies to me for letters of dismission from said Administration. These are tlierefore to cite end require all and singular all persons concered t > be and appear at my office in Dal las on tiie first Monday in June next to show cause (if any they have) why said letters of di < mi*' ; ion should not be granted the applicant. Witness my hand ami official signature, this November Gte, 1861. MI LES EDW’A RDS. Ordy. Nov. 12. ISTii. per S. L. Strickland. Administrator’s Sale. virtue of an order from the co rt of Or is 5 Binary of Cobb county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the court house door in tlie city of Marietta between the legal hours of sale. Seventy-five (75) acres of Land excepting Widow's dower) being a part of Lots Nos. 62 and 87. in the 19th district atid •?m1 section. C-mb county. Sold as the proper tv of John Pharr, deceased, for the benefit of tiie heirs an 1 creditor.--; of said deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. Nov. 11, Til-td*. A. N. Dl'PRIg Admr. GE'MI GIA, Milton County. 'XyYy’it'U't-tas AVil'inm Morris of the county of Milton. claiming to lie an e.vcutor of tlie nnnciipalive will of Shadraek Morris. Ims filed said nnncipa’ive will in mv office for pro bate at the reguLii- term of the court of Ordina i v to be held for the county of Milton the first Monday in December, 1861. Y<»n, R. N. Flem mimg. J.-iinos Morris ami the heirs -at Lu? of Jo seph Morris, ami all others, next of kin, are hereby cite I ami summoned to be ami appear at the Ordinary s office in the c-mrt house of sai<l county, on the first Monday in December. 1 *'< I; then and there to attest the probate of said will, and to contest the same if yon please. In witness whereof, we have hereto set our h ind and seal of office, this fth d iv of Novem- I. ,-. iS6’. O. P. SKELTON, ’[L. M | Nov. 12. ' >;■ linary-. •' STAT 3 OF GEORGIA, Forsyth County. MAIIALA V. HU al llitl . / labci ier Ihvon-i- v.s. - in For-yth Superi- DAVID R. IIEMPHRY. )or Court. Atigu-d Term I st; I It -appearing to the Court that th-- defendant in s iid ca*e dm-s not reside in said counsy. ami it further appearing to the Court by the affida vit of the p'lintill’ that s ii-1 uefendant doo* not re-ide in Georgia. It is therefore ordered by the Ooiirt that service of the writ in said ea-e Ii - perfected on said defen l:int by the public t ;i"U of this or er in the Marietta Advocate, a i iibl’i- jmirnal ptib’Lin'd in the city ol M iri'-tt i. G-t.. nml it is furtl er ordered that said d.-feml ant be ami appear at the next term of t!i - (ffinrt and answer said case or it will pr..i- ed as bv del an It. 18A At ’ S. <' LEM EN I. Ati ’• i-lst 1891. Att'v pro Libl’t. Grmted. GEO. D. RICE. Judge J. C. A trite extract from the minutes of the Court. WILLIAM D. BENTLEY. Sept. 30th. 1861. RULE NISI. GEORGIA. Conn Coi xri: In the'Superior- Court. I’resenl the Honorable Jmi :e ot said ('ourt. CA<rLEBERY AR< >GE-RS. j Mortgage. Ac. vs - Ni-pteinbcr Term BEN iAMN E. I.HH »P. ) 18<>I. I T appearing to the Court by the petition of Meirill T. Castleberry and John Rogers us ing the firm n'ame an 1 style of Castleberry A Rogers, (accompanied by the fa ir proaiis'C-y notes and Mortgage deed.) that on the-:x< h das of April. Eighteen Hundred ami '•dxty-one. the defend ant made ami delivered to the plantitl.s his tour promi- -ry note*, be.irinu date the <|n ami veir nforesai l. whereby the defend mt promised, thirty d iy* after the date of siid proniisorx noti-s. to pav your petitioner or er tin- -ed sum* in -aid promi- >ry note-, speci fic Ito wit: bv two of -ai 1 promisory notes the -mn ot Eifty dollars each, ami by the other two of said proinisory notes the sum ot thirty-five dolin’ * and .--9 cell's e ieh. m iking in the ag .re gate the sum of ()ne linn lied -and Seventy-one Dollars and sixty cent-, for value received. A d that afterwards mi the day ami year afore -aid. the defend ant, the better to secure :: • p ivmen’ of said lour proinisory notes exe. t o i and delivered to the plaiatifi’s his deed of Mort gage wherebv tin —aid detendan’ Mortgaged to the plaintiffs lot- of land Nos. 1268 and 1253. in the Ddh District ami '2nd Neeti >n of * aid comity, cunt lining sixty acre*, more or les*. Ami it : iii-tr appe . ■ ing 11, > • *.:i 1 t'oijf ; ’-omisery notes reiß-iin* unpaid, it i* that the efeivlant do pay im o Court on <>f before the ti--; dav <d the mxt i erm th .-eof th-■• principal i it-ti’sts and i nst.-dm-on -ail four promt* .ry notes, or show can* • to the i- mir try. it any be van. ;:n 1 that mi failure ot' the defendant * > to ihe e pihv of redemption in mi l to said "o rtg promt-•*. be t< er there < :.-r b ,r --i-.-ii an 1 fun <-!o.-ed. \ml ftis fm-tlmr ordme.l th. lids R.ile b<‘ published in th • Mi: iet’:i .1 l ; publie ; ■ ■’ is Si itc - ■ • m >-th for three imm-1;-. pri-vimi’ to th- uex? Tvim of thi-t’mirt or served on the DefemLv.t < : hi- i -.l agent or attornev at le i-t thr e month* pieviott- to the next term oft.'-i- Court. G i? >. D. RICE. Judge S i pei ior Court. !' 17. C- Iv - that th- ab ve is at: ■ \'r< IT ' I the mlmi’e* of thi-Court this < .mmiber 2'’b. I- i Dll.' \RD M. YOL NG. C’.erk. S. C. N. I ember Sth. 1' L G-EOlxG-IA. Paul-ims County. w < ea-ed. nppi’ms to me for Letters of Di-.-nD-ioti. ft in -aid *tratton. Tties,* :u-v therefore to cite and A limmi-h al. y r- :i-con erm -1 to b -and app--ir nt mv o'- ti e on or before the first .Mon I ty in Marc'- m-xt. to - .w • i-i-o f anv they hav<- who --.'ll • . . ' ■ * ■ api I. ant. i’-.i.-i nn l-rmy hnd ■h - ' ■ ' ! ’ MILES EDWARDS, < hr’dy si3 N ESB C %Rs> 4. Churches in Marietta. M. lx. < Intrcli Rev. Alex. Git iitaxt. Pastor. Presbyterian Rev. E. P. Palmer. Pastor Episcopal (St. James') Rev. S. Bexeihci'. Rector Baptist, filled 2nd and 4th Sabbath in eacn month by tlie Rev. Mr. Rambav. Two Churches for the Blacks. Methodist and Baptist. a. x. snlFsoN Attorney and Counsellor at Liaw Mariett \ Georgia. October 6. I v . a. lIuxsell; Attorney at Law & Solicitor in Chancery. Marietta Georgia. Ocf-iberG. jy. JOHN 0. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Marietta Georgia. Jtily 29. ,yl C. I). PHILLIPS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Marietta Georgia. jmie 15iy (LN. LESTER. ATTORNEY AT LzAW Marietta. (1 eo'-gia, ILL practice in the Blue Ridge Circuit W the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District Court at Mrrietta. February 29, 1861 ly. CICERO C. wFnN, ATOILVEV AT LAW Marietta Georgia. Will attend promptly- to all claims entrusted to his care. Oc . 1.1 ly. JAMES M. BISHOP, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Dawsoxvilli: < 1 eorgi ■VTITILL give prompt ittenfion to any business H confided t i his care in the Blue Ridge circuit. Sept. 21. 1860 ly. , Attorney and Counsellor at Law. A<h\ oil nt. Cm-:: Cm \ty. Guo. 5 TT ii.i, pi-:;c f ice in t ’obti <’.;**. Clieruke;’, Mil ' » ton. Paulding ami I’ulton. ;<..-, ... u I. XV. 1.. v> I! T,. i. ( . -’O. Atl i'it i. N. X'. G. S. Avery. Acworth. A i . i iformation os to responsibility of parties, promptly given. i-’i-b. 29 ‘6l WM. t’lllLLH-S. .). T. 11l liKIfALTEII PHILLIPS & BURKHALTER, A’uricl!:*, < icoroia. Will practice in Fulton Panhlingand all the couu'.i -s of the Blue Hi L-e Clr< lit , ia the Su preme court and District <-ourt. April 5. ■(;.') -ly. f'L FA W. ATTORNEY AT L AVZ , Mariella, C-ieos-sgia, ■ft <r I I.L <1 i'igeuf 1 v attend to n-iv bu-incs* <-<>n- » V ti Iv ILi hi* v,v-|. in -!.e coiiiitii.-s of C Cheiokee. Milt-m and Panl.ling. CL MMS eollei-tvd as soon a- it can be d im- by law. and the money promptly paid over. Jan 20. 1861. david utwtx. ii'-:: : ' ■ i<f i’i.eil IISWI.X & BI TLE ATIOKNEYS Al LA IF, NT sir letter CTa._ | ) I 'Si N! i-'8 (■ m*i led to their profession?.! I) m ungi-moe- in 'he followin'-: ■ <mntie- will lie tran*m-ted. viz: Cimpb.-11. Paulding. Polk, Cobli, Clmrokee. Forsyth. Lumpkin. Eniton ami Milton. Also, in the District Court at Mnrieffn. amt e tin* S ipn im*' 'our’ at Athm’n. -•' The I district < 'ourt - i's at M irie’t ion the se-mid Mon l.iv in March an I September. Re turn 2t) dv.vs before Court. - f’i-b l-Iy. W. T. HAY. .1. \V. HEATH. . </' I. O!\ J\sr;:.-L Picxia- Cm x rv. Gm-mi'i. TV T ' ' Gilm.*r. Ftnnin. Lii'it’*'in D .w- m Mil ton. Cherokee. Mii -rav an I 'A '.’field. Th.- utm ’ collectio . .an ’ mon v* uiviip-'v paid. * .ver. I t-’i - y.’ jST. T 3. OLLIBJBIXr, \t t i 4*13-1 < ’on 11-1 -11' >v nt I JSI \v . MicristtA. Cobb county G-a. Will ’!■ -'■■■:. to ’! -J; tto !; pl o|.'--mn:ll ■ 111 the I’i-’r! ■ ' th.- I". S at Marieff-t. Th<* S i;.',-Mi.- i u-irt «•:’ <Atlant i. an 1 the < . ,- u, I In-.e ■■■*- ' : ’m- I ; H’’ IL W" (• ■' ‘I a t-i the e-.eui'i' * ndjo'm’i'.g ' Lbb of oltl erS;.'-S'i au.mtmn given to the co!!-, ti n *4 !-'<•- a. < all m inner o cl. im*. ,<.,1 -;Tj.dent attention will be given to -‘.o i. -ii-- -•!’ • T'Ln.t- . : I 2 ... ■ -mi-*. ’ Feb. I > ’ O!1 ” V A. ISA v '. W, -I <• nr. 1 I '-’a.l 1 1 • dcr in Millinery ar.d Ti rty Cccds, K3BB >. FEATiIEBS. FLO v V £ R S ? Hc.l . n.-- - Em r. L-ric.s, LiE ..nie», Bu h-.-s I\T ry. .te.. Ae, • •><... ’lv-, Ir< 11 I-’ out 1.’.-i i ng, White Hall Street, A ILA AT A GEOKGLI CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT . FIRST DLSIItItT. Appling. Glynn, Bulloch, Liberty, Bryan, Mclntosh, Cliatiiani, Montgomery, Ciiinden, Pii-i-e, Charlton, Scriven, Clinch. Telfair, Coffee. Tatnall, Eilirigimnt, \\ are; Emanuel, Wayne, SECOND DISTRICT. Baker, Irwin, Berrien, Lowndes, Brooks, Lee, Calhoun, Miiler, Clav, Mitchell. Colquitt, Randolph, Dooly, Terrell, IL-i.-utur, Thomas, Dougherty, Wilcox. Early, Worth. Echols, * THIRD DISTRICT. Chattahoochee. Stewart, Muscogee, Sumter, Ma. ton, Schley 1 Marion, Taylor, Harris. Tail.ot, Quitman. Webster. FOURTH DlSTiill’T. Jasper, Wilkins'-D, Jones, Houston, Putnam, Twiggs, Baldwin, Laurens, Bibb. Pulaski. Crawford, _FIFTII DISTRICT. Burke, Lincoln, Glascock, Warren, Columbia, Washington. ILinc ck, Wilke*, Jefferson, Richmond, Johnson, SIXTH DISTRII T. Clarke, Harr, Elbert. Newton; Franklin, Taliafeiro, Greene, M alton, M rgan, Oglethropp, Madison, SEVENTH DI-TRICT. Butts, Henry, Clayton, Pike, Fa yet e, Troup. Mei'i wither, Spalding. 3L>nri>e, Upson. EIGHTH DISTRICT. Campbell, Fulton, Cobb, J laralsoß', Carroll, Heard, Coweta, Paulding, DeKalb, Folk, NINTH DISTRICT. Banks, Lumpkin, Dawson, Milton, Clmr >kee, Pickens, Forsyth, Towns, Gwinnett, Rabun, I Li Im, Union. Hall, White, Jackson, TENTH DISTRICT. Ca*s, Gordon, Chattooga, Gilmer, Cat > >sa, Murray, Dade, Walk'-r, Fl .y I, Whitfield Fannin. o e SEKaTGiH A L DISTRICTS 1. i iiatiiam, liman. Elliiigliam. 2. L’berty. Tatnall, Mclntosh. 3. Wivne, Pierce, Appling. 4. I ilvnu, Cam len. Charlton. 5. ('oli’eo, Ware. Clinch. (>. Echo’s, L iwmles. Berrien. 7. Brooks, Tiionuis. (’ Iquitf. 8. Decatur, M-tidicll. Mdler. 9. Ix.irly, 1 :iil; ".iii. Biker. ID. D mgherty, Lee. W ■ irtli. 1 I. Clay. R i .dolph, Ti-it< 11. 12. Ste-.vart. Webstm-. < j'litman, 13. Sumter. S -hl- y. M icon, 11. Do iv, Wik- i.x. Pulaski, 15. M migomciy. l ei;atlrwin. ]ii. L luren*. J iliii-'m. E'liaiiiicl. 17. B dlor-h. Scriveii, Bu;-!:o, 111 l -liniond, (Hasi-oek. Je(T<-rsor:, 19, Taliaferro, Warren. Greene, git. Baldwin. ILmcock, Washington, 21. Twigg*. Wilkinson, Jones, 22. B 1.!., Monroe, Pike, 23. ii >n*ton. Crawford, T iylor, 21 Maiio'i. Giattahi.iA-hce, Muscogee. 25 Ilarris, Talbot, I pson, 2i> Spalling. Butts, l-'.-ive’te, 27 Newton. Walton, Clail-ie, 2'B Jasper. I’liHmiii, M rgan, 29Wi]k< s. Liiic-dn. Columbia, (Igtctiiorir.-, M.idison. Elbert, 31 II irr, Frankli’-. ILili-a, 32 White, Lunfpkii Uiv.’.sm, 33 11-dl. Bank*, J u-ks <n, 3 1 Gwinm-tr, D-'K ill*. Henry, (') \ to-, i' ' ’. '' bb. .' . Me> i'A ctiic-i. < -.■.•‘ I. Campbell, 37 Tr lip. He nd. Cairri.ll, I;- 11 ma’l- m. P lb, Pmi ling: 3*l Cmr- k- -. M Iton. l-or.-tth, 4*> Union. T 'W s, R ilmn, 41 Fannin. Gdtm'r. Pmkens, 42 Cm*. I-’I *yd. C'uaDoogn. 43 M irntv, \\’l.iffie’l. G idon, 4 I Walk- ■ • '»ade. L'co a. TO oi? CUSTOMERS i’n ami ait; r thF dat-. 1 wi. roll Go -:-I r i CAST I f,Y. TL !-.• wishing goods in m.x- line will find it to 1 tl.i ir A-lvaii’age to give . <• a C;'.i. WILLIAM 5307. A V gl- I’* I'll. ’ar! War! War!! ami after ihi- day there will positive ." Ox*ec3Lit; ■ ' *.>r woi,, at ;.:v -lor? no'r-s ami m . iiiiiir- urn? me ami mo >i : I '• t’.- 1-t of \ug i-t will be placed in th- t)amis of an attornev for collection. W. A. FRAZER July 2’2d. 18Gf :f- MEAL AND H )MINY. "I f • ii. AND H.'S V. of excellent quaiit’ Ai :< •• a w!.’’.- c' m. t e-h gr m:i 1 at J.i'am .-. ■ o', Ev-e.-ior mill. J. SHEPA RD 2Dt*3t C3-oog3js llcady-Madc Clothing, H&T S „ BO 01 S’,- :S K 818. fipilE subscriber at the North corner of the L square in .Marietta keeps constantly on ham! a well se'ected stock of Goods in lheabova line of trade, and respectfully invites the inspec tion of his friends and the public both with re gard to their QUALITIES and PRICES. as mv customers cun buy from me as low as from any hoi se in Georgia, _ TP O 3171 O H S Ami 1 only ask that the public in Cobb and the adjacent counties will satisfy th. cm selves of the fact. L. BENNETT. N. B.—My cuStoriiers indebted to me are re quested to come forward mid Settlh their ac counts. L. B. All persons indebted are expected to come forward and settle at once. Persons wanting Goods can get them a* cheap for cash at mv Store aiymy where. Wk. BENNETT.- Oct. 5. 18 0 ....6m MESSRS? PAG-E & HALEY, s ) ESpE-'TFULLY call the attention es tho JLY public to their stock of Fall and Winter Soods! Just received from Charleston. Almost every' article usually kept in a DRY GOODS STORE, may be found. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, SZIO7?.S, 1300 TS, IIA TS, CA VS, BO NN ETS CLOTH I NG; Crockery, Glass Ware and Cutlery Ym'" Call and see our Stock before buying elsewhere, i'l'ice.- will be made to CbiTesp’c'rid with the hardness of the times. Store next door to D. M. s’oung. Oct. 19th, 186-0-tfi PAGE * HALEY. St URY undersigned, sole lessee for a period of Ja_ years of Mount Airy Vineyard, offers for sale, ami will keep on ham! rooted vines and cuttings of the be.--c varieties of «'•' -‘apes. Daring the Crape season i will have grapes for sale to supply the. or ders of customer., in large of small quantities. A pplicatimi may be made to me at this Vih'egard or through the Post Office, Marietta, Ga. JalA' g', lS6f.-st-3I E. L. MASON. (licrokce Baptist College. OitMsx-ille, (Jiiss {County. <jreorgi»v, I 132 s:i T()162 53 pax d lot 10 weeks Tuition Q;) Dom'd. Lodging. Washing, Fuel and School’ i.icidentals for a young man. There are six Classes (two Academic and four Collegiate). Students are received at any state' of preparation and for any studiei. ! ; ! :e.y may Selee:. Tuition payable in advance. Boarding in private families. Provisions for 200 students. For further particulars address Rev. THOMAS R A24BAUT, L. L. D. Pres’t.- n .J. t). COLLINS. A. M., Dean of Fa’lty.- . O”. Spring session opens Thursday Janiiarv 17th, JSiil, jan. 4-1861. ly. mmbWypbT GO GEORGE J. GABLE’S- A MBROTS'PE Gallery will be open inMuri- A i-Ti iifi.'-r the 13th inst., for about Forty Divs, 'th l - being, perhips, the last opportuni ty tb.d vi I be oll'ered t > the citizens of tills for soni" time, those wishing Ambrotypes would do well to call during the time above named. GEO. J. GABLE.- Marietta, Nov. sth. BdL iAZERf II AS .k SPLENDID STO C K OH GOLD A7-TD SILVER WATCHES, CLOOKS, JEW ELH YOFA L L KIN DS, Sib ci < nd Plated Ware; Which he offers at prices to suit the limeg.' FOR I ASI! ONLY, At his store one door above CbTfn-tJP’ff Hall. June ks‘, fßf>l '.tf .... Book Bindery. and Book-Binding, r | Hi: i',. iii respectfully inform the »”ib i • ii . the ho i' comim-nced. :n the city • .W-'iita, N-w Book-Bindery— [:', k ; (1 L" Igers. Journals, Day Books H . ', a. I St dde. Registers, Dockebq if. . 1’..,A,'., with or without Printed 1 r and Rul' dto any pattern desired, i , iin a ;i in the m-:i!'--t an-I most durable' liout-del y. Magazines, Music, News , bound a! hort notice. afi <i, > any part ol the State will fi. ; , n • iit<'iition. ami Books required a b I.) I. 1. :: 1. W :;:«1 Cl’ f lilroiwf,- '! -o ,i-•<>;. void the possibility of in ; ii',-v bv transportation. J- I*. MASON CO, Aug. 31 -1 year. STE-U-iiMG SILVER WARE. )' -i • cr'-t -poom, for', s napkin i ' ' ' p ill wci' ling presents of all k.ndS'. ' - it : -ived al RAZIER. I’iH It 513’1 SE COAC H LINE- 'l I I. » t'f() From Marietta to Cumming. rp n' -t.!.' rhi* in the abovt line a .qilemiiT j ,il. < wtb ex’-elleut Mt-.-k aril « ihp.i-onger.* no! put through i, , . I. lfc oi l wit " f*r greater convenience . . hr rv at entmn will l, e P alJ h..,. nd) *x<r im.r -pure ito tn»ke this w X. I: .iio.ui at V t r, ..a ? iv*. Xt. dne--tuya ” ,l 'i 1-r-'aye ; i r Il» T h i r ~ . ■ ,>i e ti- z saiue day* wilt " ■ iL■ -k t.. u.»i fra n U.num.e ■ i. I. N. HE DilE. ,- , ■ [; x ‘'il.l..' An »t:i<T lot of super ( x or q .ii.G *>y Ob-MVCS & BUTNER- KO.