The Marietta semi-weekly advocate. ($3 March 15, 1861-) 1861-????, December 03, 1861, Image 4

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HARDWARE, F urnishing Goo d r tSiC., Wes-" side of Public Square. The largest stock ever brougnt to rietta. w. L WADSWORTH ANNOUNCES that he has just re eiued th largest and most complete assortment of terms than ever beion Iron, Steel, Nt Is, Pots, Latch es, Locks, Hinges, Caroenter’s Tools, Axes, Hatchet#, Ovens. Parlor, Kitchen, Bo and Wood Stoves. Every va riety of Blacksmith's Tools, Anvils. Vices. Bellows. Cross Cut. Tenon. Mil: and Wood Saws. Hollow. Wooden, and Mu low Ware, Pocket and I able Cutltry, Jsincr-p ted Ware, Corn Shellers. Scythes, Forks, Shovels, Spodes t PAINTS, OILS, and GLASS. GUNS and PISTOLS BUILDERS’ and CAB TENTERS' Manufacturers of every variety ot Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. 10,000 Kegs of Nails. (more or less.) Job Work of all kinds done on short notice Call and examine my stock. Accounts due Ist January and July. I bind myself to sell at Atlanta prices for cash, and no mistake. W. L. WADSWORTH. Oct. 5, 1860. joux n. haxoes. M - T * nrusT. Harness SUop. AND S A I>D I. F* RY. SANGES <£• GRIST. (Kz.sf side Public Square, near Decatur Street.} ! rpilE undersigned would most respectfully , I call the attention of the public to the above. A business which we intend carrying on in all its Various Departments, with neatness and dispatch, surpassed by few establishments in the South. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended .to. A tine lot of Horse Collars made ot Native Material kept on hand arid made to order. Accounts will be due and collectable twic< a year—say the first of July and January of each year. ACCOUNTS not' settled promptly a* those times, will draw interest for all the time they remain unsettled. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited. -mar 8. ’6O-tf ST JAMES’ INSTITUTE v or Young Ladies. THE Third Session will open August 19th. and close December 2()tb. Tuition from $2.50 to $5.00 per month. Bills for tuition, from time of entrance to end of session payable in October. Circulars containing particulars obtain ed on application to nvvrnmr Rev. S. BENEDICT. August 2d. 1862. "V*UTS.—A large lot of Alinodns. Walnuts Pecan and Brazil nuts iu-t received bv Nov. 30. ROVES i BUTNER NEW PAINTSHOP. Tt| E umiorsigned having permanently located in Marietta with a view of carrying on the PAINTING BUSINESS in all Sts various departments, ha* taken the Room over the Workshop *f W K. .McCown, on Doeuttir Street. He would re-peel fully call th* attention • f citi iacns and others to the same, and cnrnently solicit a liberal share of patronage. ®W"AII work done with promptness and dispatch. Jan. 18, ly. I. N. II iVS. GOVERNMENT O GEORGIA. ICxecutive I lepnrtinent E. Brown - Governor. B- CAMfHKt.t, | Secretnri ,.„ nf Executive H. H. " ateks, Depart uent. H. J. G. U (I.LIAMS, ' E I’ Watkins Sei rotary of State. John Jones -Treasurer. I’etkiison Tiiweatt -Comptroller General. A. J. Boggess Surveyor do. ive I lepnrtinent. ThKODOhe L Gt ekrv President ot Senate. F H West Secretary do do C J Wu 11 iMs Speaker of House of Repre. George llyi.i.iek Clerk “ “ ** I’eiiitentbiry. 1j t cConnki.i. Principal Keeper I’euiteut'ary <"h*s G. TaIHIKP Assistant “ W \ Williams Book Keeper of Chas W Lane—Chaplain “ “ Dk I* G Case Physician L.tiiiiitiv A.siyl inn. Du T Greek Superintendent Lunatic Asylum Dr S G White, | f) G Camiwixl. n Trustees do do Mni.r.n Ontrre. I judisciary department SVI’REMR COURT JUDGES. Joseph Hemiy Lt MPKtx. of Athens. KtcHARn ll I.YoN. of \tlanta. Charles J Jenkins, of Augusta, REPORTER. George N Lister, of Marietta. CLERK. Cu arlvs WTh Bos* of Sparta. dwtihct!*. Ist District.—Brunswick. Eastern and Middle Ju dial C'reuits. Time ot Session 2nd Monday in January and June, it Savannah. Snp District. Fata, la Macon. South-western and Chattahoochee. Judicial circuits Time of Session 4th moud.iy in January and 3rd njomlay in June at Macon. 30. District Talli*po<w«*. Flint. (oweta. Blue Ridge and Cherokee circuit » Timk ot sessions; 4th monday in March and Stvl monday in August at Atlanta. «• District Western ano Northern circuit?* A ;wi of s> ssi,in (th mondav in May and No vrrnb. r at .Athens. sth Oi-mt iiemulee-' and Southern circni’s Tl'ir «>» j n ,j m „ n j A v ir May N. vvtsWr at VUCv h. vil'.c THE MARIETTA SEMI-W EEK L Y ADVOCATE IHRDW&RE ANO Ilouse F'lrnAiinij Goods over brought to tlii , market, which will bi sold on more favorabh CO UR T CA L END A R FOR 1861. REVISED BY THE SOUTHERN RECORDER. SUPERIOR COURTS. JANUARY. 2d Monday. Chatham Ith Mouday*Floyd Richmond Lumpkin* FEBRUARY. Ist Monday, Clark 2d Monday, Campbell Dawson 3d Monday, Forsyth fPolk Glascock ?deriwether Walton 4th Monday, Baldwin Jackson Monroe Paulding Taliaferro Walker MARCH. Ist Th'rsd’y, Pierce Ist Monday, Appling Chattooga Cherokee Coweta Columbia Crawford Gwinnnett Madison ’ Marion Morgan 2d monday, Butts Cass Coffee Elbert Fayett Greene Pickens Wash'n ton Webster 3d monday, Cobb Calhoun Hall Hart Heard Macon Newton Putnam Talbot Tatnall Ware Friday after, Bulloch 4th monday. < ’linch Emanuel Lee Twiggs White Wilkes ■I th Thr’sd'y. Montgo’n mond’y after ) Echols 4th monday, f Effing ham APRIL. Ist mnnday, Carroll ! Dooly Earley | Fulton j Gordon Pike Raban Taylor )V' arren Wilkinson d monday, Habersham Hancock Harris , Laurens Miller j Scriven ■*Sumter Thur, after Mclntosh ' Jmonday, Franlin JGlynu Haralson ■ >■ Henry Jefferson j Jones Liberty M array Oglethorpe Pulaski Stewart *n c nd 'y aft. Worth Bryan 4th monday,AVayne Banks Deca hire DeKalb Houston Jasper Lincoln Schley Whitfield Wilcox Th’rsd’y aft’r. Irwin Friday alter. Telfair Camden Mond’y after Beniien Charlton ' MAY. Ist monday. Clayton Gilmer Randolph Upson 2d m< nd ay. Bnrke Catoosa Chatham Fannin Mitchell Muscogee 3d mondya, Bibb Quitman Spalding ; Troup j Union Baker j 4tb mondav. Dade Terrel) Towns I Last mond'v. Colquitt j JUNE. Ist monday, Lowndes I Dougherty Milton 2d monday. Brooks j Johnson I ♦Clay 3d monday, Thomas 4th niond.iy. Richmond. 3d monday Thomas. •May holds three w.eks, if each fThis change not to take effect till after the next regular term of the Court. {All courts in Clay county, which, under the old law. would sit between now ami the is fixed by his act. must stand over till the times fixed as above. ||The county of Chattahoochee, by ac, ot tm sessi.ui. is tc be idded to. and become a part of the Chattai*oc't Judical District, alter first I 11nnary If r ‘ ZXot i<*o. VLL persons indebted, by account, to the m dersigned are earnestly requested to set'le the same bv Note. 1 have sold ont my ent’.ie stock of Goodsand quit the business. I then*- i fore desire to clo€»e np niv I \vo»ib* PREFER THE MONEY, | bat I cannot expect that, these times, certainly I evervbedv c m settle their accounts, it n >t by ! monev t ey can at least do so by Note. Please I friends, call in and see me. DILLARD M. YOUNG. Au just 2?th IS6I -tf\ Soti<sieY ifFMIEC ty Tax Book of 1-1 will be closed 1 on the'fifteenth day of November next. : Bv order ot Council JOHN M. WALKER. C. T. C. October 14th. 1861. (~I’>SHFN BUTTER. Another lot of super T or q air jusCrvceivet! bv ’ Nov Sf. ' GROVsII A BITNER JULY. Ist Monday, Floyd *th •• Lumpkin AUGTST. xk Monday, Clark Campbell Dawson 3d Monday, Foruyth fPolk Glascock Meriwether Walton 4th monday'Baldwin Jackson M< nroe Paulding Taliaferro Walker Thursday after. Pierce SEPTEMBER. Ist monday. Appling Chattooga Cherokee Columbia Coweta Crawford Madison Marion Morgan 2d monday, Butts Cass Coffee Elbert Fayette Greeno Gwinnett Pickens Washin'ton Webster 3c moB f, av, Cobb Calhoun Hall Hart Heard Macon Newton Putnam Taibot Ware ' Bulloch 4th monday .Clinch Chatttahoochee Emanuel Lee Twi JZgR White IV i Ikes Monday after ) , 4th mnnday [ OCTOBER. Ist monday, Carroll Dooly Early Fulton Gilmer Gordon Taylor Win'ins "Wilkinson Pike Wedn’d’y “ Rabun moiviay, Fannin m Miller Scriven Sumter j 3d monday, Frankli Glynn, Haralso Henry, Jefferson Jones Murray Oglethorpe Pulaski Stewart Union "Worth Th’rsd’y aft’r.Montgoin ery 4th tconday.Wayne Banks Decatur DeKalb Houston Jasper Lincoln Schlev Tatnall Towns Whitfield* Wilcox Th'rsd’y aft’r. Irwin Frid'y after, Telfair Camden mond’y aft'rCharlton* NOVEMBER. Ist monday. Berrien Clayton Ilffingham M i 1 ton Randolph Upson 2d monday. Bnrke Catooso Mitchell Muscogoo 3dmonday, Bibb Quitman Spalding Troup Baker ! Ith mond’y. Dade Terrell ' Th’rsd’y aft. Mclntosh ‘ mond'v a' f t Colquitt j do ' Liberty I V , as t Brvan. ter Lib rty | DECEMBER. ' Ist monday.Dough'rty Lowndes I 2d monday, Johnson Brooks {Clay DR. J. H. McLEAN’S Cordial and Blood l-’ uLri±’ier, tTHE GREATEST , Remedy in the World, and the most Delicious Wf WirW AND DELIGHTFUL V’-W Cordial ever taken. WM* The thousands up- |||| ? on thousands vh c T~ Before taki” are daily using Me .After taking. Lean's Strengthening Cordial, certify that it is absolutely an infallible remedy for renovating and Invigorating the shattered and diseased system, purifying and enriching the Blood—re storing the sick snllering invalid to lira til and St THERE is no mistake about it. It will cure liver complaint, dyspepsia, Diar rhoea. disentery. headache, depression of spirits, fever and ague, inward feve. bad breath, or any disease of the liver, stomach, or bowels. Gentlemen do you wish to be healthy, strong and vigorous ? Ladies, do you want the bloom of health to mount to your cheeks again? —then go and get JfcLeun’s Strengthening Cordial <£ - Blood Purifier, Delay not a moment; it is warranted to give satisfaction. It will cure any disease of the kidneys, womb, or bladder; fainting, obstruct ed menstrual ion. falling of the womb, barren ness. or any disease arising from chronic or nervous debility, it is an infalible remedy. For Children. Do you want your delicate, sickly, puny chil dren, to be Healthy, strong and robust?—then give them McLean's Strengthening Cordial. (See the directions on each bottle) it is delicious to take One table spoonful, taken every morn ing fasting, is a sure preventive against chills and fever, Yellow ’-'ever, cholera or any pre vailing diseases. Caution. —Beware of Druggists or Deal ers who may try to palm upon yon a bottle of Bitters or Sarsaparilla (which ih‘*y car. buy cheap, by saying it is just as good. There are even men Base enough to steal part of my name to dub their vile decoctions. Avoid sudi infa mous pirates and their villainous compounds! Aik for Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cor- • • 1 Purifier. Take nothing else. It is tne omy ieu.t „y that will purify your Blood thoroughly, and. at the same time. Strengthen and Invigorate the whole organization. It is put up in Large Bottles—sl per bottle, or six bottles $5. Dl.’, J. H. McLEAN. Proprietor. Corner of Third and Pine Sts., St. Louis, JZb. DR. McLEAN S UNIVERSAL PILLS for Liver Complaint Biliousness. Headache. Ac. There has never been a Cathartic medicine, offered to the public, that has given such entire satis’-iction as McLean's Universal Pills. Being entirely vegetable, they are perfectly innocent and can be taken by the most tender infant ; yet prompt and powerful in removing all Bilious secretions, acid or impure feted matter from the stem ich. In fact, they are the only pills that should be used in malaiious dis tricts. They produce no griping sickness or pain at the stomach or bowels, though very active and searching in their operation promoting healthy secretions of the Liver and Kidneys. Mho will suffer from biliousness, headache and foul stom ach, when so cheap a remedy can be obtained? Keep them constantly on hand ; a single dose, taken in season, may prevent hours, days and months of sickness. Ask for Dr. J. 11. McLean s I niversal Pills. Take mother. Beirg coated they are tasteless. Price only 25 cents per box, can be sent by in til to inv part of the country. J. 11. McLEA N, Sole Proprietor. Dr J H. McLean s Volcan’C Oil Linim-uit. lhe Best Erternal in the tUorld for Man or Beast Thousands of human beings have been saved a life of decrepitu le and misery by the use of this invaluable Liniment. It will relieve pain almos* 'nstantaneously. and it will cleans, purify and heal the foulest sore in an incredi ble short time. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment will relieve the most inveterf'e cases of rhnmatism. goute. or Neuralgia. Foi paralysis contracted muscles, stiffness or weakness in the Joints, muscles oi ligaments, it will never fail. Two applications will cure sore throat, head ache or earache. For burns or scalds, or any piin it is an infallib'e remedy. Try it. and yon will find it an indispensable remedy. Keep it always on hand. Pt,inters. Farmers, or any one having charge of horses will save money by using McLean s Volcanic / >il Liniment. It is a speedy and in fallible cur** for Galls, sprains, chafes, swellings, sweeney. sores, won ds. scratches, or any exter nal disease. Try it and yn w ; U b<* convinced. DB.J, 11. 3IcL»U.AX Prop’ ie»«r SAINT LOL is. mo. .ffspr- WiLt'EiAM Root. Agents. Marietta. May 17th. «861 wly. MARIETTA PAPER COMPANY Mnn ulsAct urer-* of BOOK, NEWS, MANILLA AND WRAJTIXG PXPEK, Letter, Cap, Note and Envelope Paper Fur nished to Order. Our News and Bonk PAPER is as good a any manuf.* 'lured and at reasonable terms. Cash Paid For Cot*on and Linen Rags, Old Rone. BAGGING AND COTTON WA.NIE Alldress A. S. EDM( INSTON A' CO. Oct. 19th. 1860-ly. Marietta. Ga New Book Bindery. Ruling and Book-Binding. HEsubs Tiber- re-pectfully inform the "’lb I lie that they have commencec. . • the city of Atlanta, a New Book-Bindery— I Blank Books. Ledgers. Journals. Day Books Blotters. Hotel and Stable, Registers. Dockets Record Books. Ac., with or without Printed Headings. t »nd Ruled to any pattern desired 1 manufactured in the neatest and most durable manner without delay. Magazines. Music. News papers. Ac., neatly bound at short from any part of the Mate will meet with prompt attention, and Books required to be sent by mail. hand, w igon or railroad, carefullv enveloped so as tn avoid the possibility of injurv bv transportation. J ' J. P. MASON ± CO. Ang. 31 —1 vear. 7TEHLI N-j SILVER WAR-. CJ OLID stiver (sterling) spoons, forks, napkin cups and wei’ ling present* ot all kinds jsut received at raztrr FOUR IIORSF COACH LINE ..rf) _— From Marietta to Cumming. ■ ■rfX> riIHE -unseriber b is in the above one a -plendid 1 Four Here*- Coach with exeellent st« a»i i careful wni-h p»«semr*r« a-e put thr.mirh in shorter time "ano with far greater -on vcnien-e than formerly. Er rv at ention w.ll ’e >«**■* « Lei eotnfort. and no net i. ns spared to matte tris ! line equal t‘> any South- , This •i iee.inne t- w th ha W. J A. R idroaJ at Mari-tt*.on Mondays, and for <'u mini ng : and return Tuesdays Tuur-ds v? and *atur »v*: also .• •nne<-*i’ £ same days witt the Hack to *u4 fruin Dahlonega. I N- HESOIF HOME INI) USTRY A TTHE OLD STAND. Ml 9MNH i MM All kinds of Blacksmithing and Repairing. HARNESS MAKING AND Plantation ind Mill-work, Horse-shoe ing, etc. A good stock olways on hank - Also the Right to manufacture Peeler’s Celebrated. Plow. Oot. 13th. 186 C, ts, Lewis Servatues’ tT the Tucker Building, near (he Court House where he has constantly on band the follow ing variety of articles and would be pleased lo have the citizens of Marietta and the public gene rally io call on him before purchasing elsewhere. Bread, Cakes, and Pies. Yeast. Hops and Malt. Different kinds of Crackers, by Wholesale and Retail, Common Candy. Gum Drops. Chocolate and Licorice, &c. Domestic and Foreign Fruits. Pickles, Pepper Sauce, Catsup. Mustard and Sardines. RRA ND Y PEA CHES And Ginger Preserves. Lemon. Raspberry. Blackberry‘and Pineapple Syrup, in quait bot tles. A fine and pure article of Rhine W ine. A good article of Beer. Also, most any article in the Grocery Line, such as Coffee. Sugar. N. 0. Syrup. Rice. Lard. Wes tern Preserves. Butter. Eggs. Lumburger Cheese, Candles. Starch. Brooms. Soap. &c.. Ac.. Ac. Different kinds of M atches. Fine and Common Cigars, by Wholesale and Retail. Different Brands of i ine Tobacco and Snuff. A Fine assortment of China, German and American Toys. Terms Cash ! Dec. 1C.’59. 6m. [PI L SERVATUES AIM, RESI DE N T DEN TIS T G< RATEFUL to the citizens of Marietta and r vicinity for a liberal patronage during the past ten years, is still prepared to perform all operations either for preserving the natural, or nserting artificial teeth in the most approved manner. He solicits calls from those who have veryba teeth, as he is using a preparation for filling the most delicate teeth no ma!ter how badly de cayed. if not otherwise diseased and renderin them serviceable for years It is about the same color as the teeth and will never chain or discolor the teeth. Refers to citizens of Marietta for whom he has operated during the past ten years. Terms. Cash, unless by special contract. Office south side of public square, over the Post Office Oct sth 1860. (AT .1. H. MCCLINTOCK'S OLD STAND. Has now on hand a large and well selected astortment of F X M I Ij Y SITPPI. IE S To which he invites the attention of the citizens of Marietta and the oounty. The one price system will be strictly adhered to. His i-rms are cash, or erpiivolent. th it is country p> educe at cash pr ces. or short time, to prompt paying customers. Bills due on pre sen tat ion. His deer nination is to sell good articles U low prices, and will expect prompt payments. (P tc' FAMILY STORE. GROVES & BLTXER, AVE< ] • 'i ( n ci Bun.ding • • VAIETY FAMILY STORE, in which will be found E\ LR) ARllCLEinthe GHOCEHY LINE. Liquors excepted besides a great variety of other articles. All bills payable on presentation. If von want good ('OFFEE. TEA SUGAR. R.CE. SALT. MOLASSES. LARD FISH SYRUP YARN. CORN. MEAL. GRIST. FLOUR. Ac. I or anything in that line, give us a call, ami we warrant satisfaction. i We will also keep Foolscap Letter Pa- Pens. Ink, i,n( l Other articles of sta j tionery. Country Produce of all kinds, taken in barter on liberal terms. ALSO, ON’ HAND igars. Tobacco, Snnff, Soaps, Indigo. Powder Sho.. Lead. Candles. Oranges Lemons. Candies. Starch. Nails. Ac. Ae. Marietta. Georgia, Oct., 27th. 18bv-tf. HO W AK D A *»S<>CI ATIO W, PHil.ADiriPHi*. Pa. I zl Benev-tlenf Institution established by special *>n dmrr for the Relief of the Sick and Dis tress- I. afiieted -rith Virulent and Epidemic and especially for the Cure of Diseas es of the Sexual f/rgans. M -ZDIC.AL advise given gratis by the Acting Snr«re*»n. to all who apply bv letter, with I a de.-criptien of their condition, (age. occup.i : tion. habit* of life. Ac.? and in case of extreme ' poverty, medicines furnished free of charge. V.iuibi.e kepokts on Spermiti'irlxea. ami | other Di-exse* <•< the **‘xn d < >rg ins. and on th- Ntw Remedies employe<l in the Di-p**nsary. sent to the afflicted in *eiled letter envelopes. ; free of charge. Two or three for pos. s tage will b»‘ acceptable. ‘ Ad Ires* DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Act ing Surgeon. Howard Association. No. 2 South , Ninth street. Philadelphia. Pa. Bv order of the Directors. EZRA D. HARTU ELL, i GEO. FAIRCHILD. Sec. President. I Jannarv 4th, 1860 — W IT- W .ITCHES! J" cnvoluv AVM. A. FRAZER has just returned from New 11 York with the best selected stock of Watch es, Clocks. Jewelry. Sterling Silver and plated ware, ever in this market, and will sell cheaper than ever before offered. A splendid assortment of Jewelry, consisting of Etruscan. Lava, Coral. Jets, and plain Gold Setts. Rings, Pencils, Keys and everything ot the latest style at, FRAZER’S. 1861. 15617 MEDICINES. HAMILTON, MARKLEY & JOYNER. I NNOUNCE to the public that they have com -2l menced the New Year with a full stock of Drugs & Medicines. They are also fully prepared to sell on terms that will suit the times. Kerosene Oil, Kerosene Lamps ; f luid, Turpentine, Alcohol : Linseed Oil, Lard and Sperm (H.s for machinery, MTiiteLead ; Ground Colors, Window-Glass; Putty —Druggists Glass Ware ; and every other species of Druggists’ Stock. jz®* - Prescriptions Carefully Pre pared. —January 1861. NOW IS YOUR TIME ’ Wm. A. Frazer is selling his entire stock c Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Sterling Silver an Plated Ware, at unusually low prices, (to make room for a fall stoek). Look at the prices, then call and see the goods, and we are sure yoi will buy. Silver Watches from $5 to SSO. Gold “ 15 to 20. 30 hour clocks, from $3 to $lO. «day u “ $4 to £l2. Setts Jewelry (Pin & Ear-rings) $2 to SSO. Ear-rings from 50 cts to $25. Pins, from 25 cts to $25. Sleeve Buttons. Studs, Rings. Gold Pencils, Gold and Jet Crosses. Lava Pins. Gold Buckles, Lockets. Keys. Bracelets. Gold Chatelains Gold Vest and Fob Chains, Charms. Gold and Silver Thimbles. Sterling Silver 'Ware, Consisting of Spoons. Forks. Cake and Pie Knives. Napkin Rings. Bouquet Holders, Cups, Sugar. Cream and Salt Spoons. Card Cases. Chil dren’s Knife and Fork. Beside a large variety of Wedding presents. All warranted genuine silver. Plated Ware, r t Os the best quality, plated on White Metal, war ranted. Full weight of silver, consisting f Spoons Forks. Cake and Pie Knives. C> ns. Cake and Card BasKets, Butter dishex Spoon Holders Napkin rings Syrup cups ami plates. Tea sets 6 pieces from $25 to SSO. and warran ted of the best quality. 0.(11 and be convinced tint I'razers is the plaC'' fn bn-.- ang 3. ly THE MAIHETII. BOOK JiTORE. CALL AND SEE The Household of Bouverie, Bv a Kentucky Ladv.i u ind-book of Literature Mrs. Botta. NEMESIS, -M. HARLAND. Lut !!’> ~A"T : ERM AT S'l. MARYS. The Literary Women o f the South. A splendid Edition of th< BRITISH CLASSICS oo All the fresh, new ind des. able Books received by II \MILT< >N, MARKLY & JOINER as so j,) as issued from the press. OO Our fall stock of Paper, Envelope*, lilanlcbook*, Mueillage, Ink* ( Quill*, Po-1 Monies, Gold Pen*, Writing Desk*, (tc. has just been opened in great variety. We are specially prepared to sell good Letter, Cap and Note PAPERS much cheaper and better than ever, as we buy from the Mills DIRECT -15© Agents for Firth L Ponds Popular Music. HAMILTON, MARKLEY A JOYNER. June 2d. 1861. For Sale. THE undersigned being desirous of going West, offers for sale, his stock of Horses. Carriages. Buggies, and everything appertaining to the keeping of a first rate Livery Stable. He will. also, sell on accommodating terms, his large and well constructe*L stables, located in the”city of Marietta. Cobb county. Georgia, on the great W. A A. Railroad. The income from the above property is some $9 cr slo.oo° per vear. Also, for sale, a Line of Hacks, from here to Cumming, in the county of horsytl.. lhe ah<>ve line leaves Marietta at 8 o'clock, in th» morning, on Monday. Wednesday and Friday* regularly. Passengers going up should leave *♦> mta in the night train, or at (■ <> clock in the morning. L HEGGIE. Jan. 27. 1860. ly. ID r y G-oodts, Ready-Made Clothing, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, &C. riiHE subscriber at the North corner of the 1 square in Marietta keeps constantly on hand a well se'ected stock of Goods in theahove line of trade, and respectfully invites the inspec tion of his friends and the public both with re gard to their QUALITIES and PRICES. as my customers can buy from me as low as from anv house in Georgia. TPOrt CASH! An<l I only ask that the public in Cobb and th** adjacent counties will satisfy themselves ol the fact. L. BENNETT. N. B.—My customers indebted to me are re quested to come forward and settle their ae counts. L. B. All persons indebted are expected to come forward and settle at once. Persons wanting Goods can get them at cheap for cash at my Store as any where. L. BENNETT. Oct. 5, 1860 ... 6m j TRAVELLERS’ DIRECTORY. West* rn Atlantic (Sti»t« ) Kail itoaii. - _jr Atlanta to Chattanooga. ’3B Miles, Fare $5. John W. Lewis, Superintendent. Day Passenger Train. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 10 2D. a Maiietta at 11 30 Arrives at Chattanooga at 7 08 p. k Leaves Chattanooga at 1 45 Arrives at Marietta • - 851 Atlanta - - 10 a. k Night Passenger Train. Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 7 30 pm Marietta, - • 8 40 Arrives at Chattanooga, - 4 06 a.m Leaves Chattanooga, - -630 p. m 1 Arrives at Marietta, - - 2 16 a.m Atlanta, * - - 325 Express Freight Train. Leaves Atlanta - - 3 00 p. m Marietta, - - 4 35 Arrives at Cl attano< ga, - 3OG a., m Leaves Chattanooga, - - 4 30 p. m. Maritta, - - 2 16 a. m Arrives at Atlanta at .. .3 25 a W a i t —- Atlanta «& 'West Point It ,11 ltoa<L Morning Passenger Train. Leaves Atlanta at - 10 10 a. m. Arrives at West Point - 3 10 p. m. Evening Passenger Train Leaves Atlanta at • - 0 30 a. m. Ar.ives at West Point. - 5 46 a. m. Morning Passenger Train. Leaves "West Point - - 3 Cl Arrives at Atlanta - • 7 59 a. m. Evening Passenger Train. Leaves Wsst Point - -7 59 a. m. Arrives at Atlanta - -3 00 Fars to West Point. $3 50. GEORGE G. HULL, Eupermtendant. Georgia Kall Koad. Leaves Augusta at 0 30 p v Arrives at Atlanta at 9 45 A it. Leaves Augusta • - 2 30 p in Arrive at Atlanta - - 11 45 p m Leave Atlanta - * 8 45 p ir Arrive at Augusta - - f 56 a in , Leave Atlanta - - - 9 05 a n> Arrive at Augusta - - 620 p m At Heits 111 an. li. Leave Angusta - - 0 30 a m Arrive at Athens - - 8 10 anv Leave Atlanta - - 840 p m Arrive at Athens - - 8 10 u in Arrive at Augusta - - G2on in Leave Atheus - - 11 A 0 i m Arrive at Atlanta - - 11 45 | in No trains on Athens Branch on Sun day io connect with trains leaving Aut'U'ia at 12 3" Saturday night, and Atlanta al 8 40 Saturday evening. tVashb gton BrniKli. Leave at - 2 30 p ni Arrive ttt Washington at -7 25 i> m ■ Leave W...sitingto»: - . 1 30 p m Arrive at. Augusta at - • 6 20 p in Leave Washington - - I 3*• t< in Arrive at A'la* ta - - 11 45 pni Leave Atlanta - - 9 05 a ni Arrive at Washington -7 25 [ in ■ Tknovgh F i igiit *iai»*s \ugt» .In ’ ; ta. Leave Charleston - t ()( nr : Arrive at Augusta - - (> (•( j, in Leave Auuusta - 8 0 a in , Arrive nt Atlanta - - 3 17 a nr Leave Augusta - -1 <5 t> tn j Arrive at Atlanta - -549 itn : *1 iD'ottgli Ft- 1 lit truii s Atlanta to Leave Atlanta at - 6 ! .‘0 ain Arrive at Augusta - - 1116 pm ; Leave Atlanta - 5 1.5 p n». , Arrive at Augusta - -513 p nr Fitiglit T*alu Branvlits. , Leave Augu ta - - 8 AC a m Arrve nt Athens • - 8 10 a Arrive at Washington -7 25 p ui Leave Atlanta ... 6 (tu a n* Arrive at Athens - - - 8 10 a m Arrive at Washington -7 25 a ip Leave Atlanta - - - 515 p n Arrive at Athens - - 8 10 a n Arrive at Washington - -725 pi' GEORGE YON'GE. Gen Superintend ant. Augusta. July 1861 30 Battli-s of Hie Revolution—l.oss of I-if* . «&< British. Ante. Loss. Lorn Lexington, April 19, 1775 273 8 i Bunker Hill June 17. 1775.... 1054 454 Flatbush. August 12, 1776 400 208 White Plains, August 26, 1776.. 409 400 Trenron, Dec. 25, 1776 l<)00 9 Princeton. Jan. 5. 177 7 400 100’ Hubhardsti wn, Ang. 16-17, 1777 800 800 . Bennington. Aug. 16, 1777 800 100 Brandywine, Sept. 11, 1777 500 1100 S'iilwater, Sept. 17. 1777 600 350 Germantown, Oct. 4. 1777 600 1201* Saratoga, O* - t. 17,1777, Mirrend. 6.752 Red Hook, Oct. 22. 1777 500 32 Monmouth, Jure 25.1778 400 130 Rhode Maud. Aug. 27. 1778.... 260 21* Briar Creek, March 33; 1779 13 40(- Stoney Point, July 15. 1679 600 10< Camden, August 16, 1779 375 6h King’s M -untaii , Oct 1, 1780... 950 96 Cowpens. Jan. 17 1781 800 72 Guilford, C. IL, March 15. 1781 . 532 40( Hobkirk Hills, April 25. 1781... . 400 UH. Eutaw Springs, Sept. 1781 !<•<’ 550 Yorktown. Oct., 1781 surrend... 7,072 GIOIiGI J. GM IJ . T>HOTOC4K,Al > H AKTIKI*.. All the various Sizes and Style*. OF : PICTURES MADE AND WARRANTED ; SATISFACTORY. : j@rUaseßund Frames in great variety always on j Roons—West side of Public Square. Maretta Georgia. [April 20, 1860.] ts W. T. MOORE, IAH f iR Marietta. Georgia. WOULD respectfi By inform th** citizens of Marietta and vicinity that he is pern inent ly located in the city where he intern'- i v log on the Tailoring b.Biness. in all its'b paiTne im in the latest and most improved style >1 ii•• art. and earnestly solicit* a con’inmi’ion *•! ’ha’ pat ronage heretofore extended to him. .-attrac tion warranted. , Rooms up-steirs over \Vade U bite a Grocery store—North side o- public square. Nov- 9th, ly