Houston home journal. (Perry, GA) 2007-current, September 26, 2007, Image 52

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AKA V A R“ BODY 1":.'.'." ' v Jf.-C:Ofo EAT ALL YOU WANT & (And we couldn’t say it in print if it wasn’t true!) AUTOMATIC CALORIC RESTRICTION! Study participants were specifically fold not to alter their eating habits and they still lost weight. Here at last is the news... that millions of men and women plagued by excess fat. flab and cellulite have been waiting for. If you need to lose weight... and every weight-loss scheme you've tried has failed... it's time to forget anything and everything anyone has ever told you about dieting before. This is not marketing fantasy, this is scientific fact, documented by published medical findings. But there's more! In recent months, thousands and thousands of men and women around this country who have been overweight for years... have used the Akavar : ,2o/50 formulation and have experienced a fantastic and incredible loss of weight without ever ''dieting"... not even for one day. Finally, automatic caloric restriction is a reality. So now you know, no matter how much weight you need to 105 e... whether it’s 10 pounds or 100 pounds... you have to start somewhere, and Akavar -20/50 is the fastest, easiest, * jj|9J3 unconditionally guaranteed way to start you on your lourney to a vMpl thinner, trimmer, slimmer (and much healthier) body. Note. . jr. t i.i i shed clinica trial .using the active AftavGt-2Q®O compound rpsulied in signiiiccr.t Weight iass.VVITHOy f tliel and exercise . sdding a sensible diet and exercise program to your woigtr oss :-n ;“ho shoe d only enhance Akdvar-20/50's incredible weight-loss power fh<:se.stntf-;iie- :■> have r-jitmt--: > fin l onu nrfi Drug Adn ; s:/ak:n ;Tt •. uiouud not intended to diagnose, treat. ■■ A rrademarks are the property ot their : aspeeiSStWlKi®. ' ’Op A ■ i-': , i.i '■ Rm'i mrl EUR OPF A N VI F IGHT - LOSS-BREAKTHROU6 H A major medical breakthrough... has shattered the weight-loss barrier and a new generation of fast-acting caloric restrictors has been born... but most significantly, this new generation of potent compounds has eliminated diet failure and replaced it with guaranteed success. Akavar-20/50 makes up for years of overeating, years without exercise, years without being able to push away the extra dessert or midnight snack and, most importantly, years of embarrassment and a lack of self-confidence. It's no wonder there’s been so much excitement about Akavar-20/50, as men and women around the world, just like you, have already discovered... there's no easier, more dramatic weight-loss compound available today. You will not fail this time because the only thing you have to do is remember to take your easy-to-swallow Akavar-20/50 capsules each and every day. That's it! There is nothing else to do. no other diet to buy. Akavar-20/50 will do everything else for you... automatically... and that's guaranteed. By this time, you've probably heard about Akavar-20/50 or seen promotional material in newspapers, magazines or on TV. If you've been unable to find Akavar-20/50 at your local pharmacy, it's because of the incredible worldwide demand for this patented, breakthrough formula. Your best bet is to order Akavar-20/50 directly from Dynakor Pharmacal at: 1-800-698-2135 or www.AKAVAR2OSO.com. A full 60-capsule supply is only $39.99. STOP: Read this before you order! When ordering any weight-loss formulation, know who you are dealing with. Dynakor Pharmacal . is a solid, established retail firm you can count on. We are members of the Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce and the prestigious Direct Marketing Association. When you dial 1-800-698-2135 (toll free), you will reach our own Customer Service Center, not some hired order-taking service. When you call for product information, you will speak to our trained customer service representatives who are eager to help you and are familiar with our fine family of products. (By the way, our customer service representatives work at our order # processing center, corporate offices and central retail outlet... not some rented mailing address.) We keep all your personal information strictly confidential, unlike many companies who sell "your'' name and address to strangers for profit (they call it “their" mailing list). We don’t. We respect your privacy and appreciate your business. Remember, any guarantee _ (including those tempting double- and triple-your-money-back promises) is fck only as good as the company behind it. Dynakor Pharmacal delivers exactly -■ what we promise, and we stand 100% behind our guarantee. We won't let : you down. (P.S. The next time you're in Salt Lake City, stop by our offices jMuHn&k and see what products are being planned for the future.)