Houston home journal. (Perry, GA) 2007-current, November 07, 2007, Image 48

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Weight-Loss Update EVERYBODY WANTS TO K JSH I I . weight t\' V 1 |gj|_ W II j These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cone, or prevent any disease. ...but which “diet pill” is right for you? There are two things we all know for sure... you can't be too nch or too thin (we 11... unless you're the Olsen twins). And if you're like most of us. you’re still looking for the perfect diet pill because your last diet (and the one before that) probably failed. The truth is, no single weight-loss program or diet pill works for everybody... that's why, according to the latest government figures, weight loss remains a S3O-billion-a-year business. Choosing the right diet plan, diet book, or diet pill can be very confusing. Just take a trip to your local Wal-Mart or GNC. There are literally dozens of brightly-labeled bottles lining the shelves. Open up your favorite magazine. You’ll see hundreds of before and after pictures, doctors In white coats. Hollywood celebrity endorsements, and outrageous promises like,"Lose 20 Pounds Overnight While You Sleep.” Want to know which diet pill is right for you? Here's a list of the most popular pills on the market today. Each is a little different... each addresses a specific weight-loss problem. One of these should help you get thin, stay thin, and put an end to diet failure. All featured products are available at smarter retailers nationwide. .. or you can order directly from their respective distributors... Happy Dieting! I tii, >'46 1 i more weight loss il.rmi is based sole Is on /.an tie's : y\ aclise weight los- i inpoiicnt However /..'into \ ; rtonepheilrmc yantliinc-based Super Stimulant' lias been shown to pn>ilui\'.nUlitiiuial su i: tit loss' in son., .Indies