Houston home journal. (Perry, GA) 2007-current, November 28, 2007, Page 10C, Image 26

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♦ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2007 10C ri <1 Cairo 42 Georgia High School Football State Playoffs *1 Carrolllon Cairo 21 22 Carrollton an 5! /TttTZWZh 48 Weslminster ns #2 W 2 02 Shaw -in H 46 Carver, Col R 2 #1 Rs#l Carver, All 20 — ’■ ——— —~~ Carver, All 21 Class 45 Carver, Col Rt m White Co 13 ““ 1 A/VA | 6 Mary Person, mm Carver, Atl Carver, Col „ H 14 Monroe Rt #2 ns *2 Haralson Co 13 n i Apalachee 7 lli Monroe 0 , 7 Croas Creek R 3 #3 R 8 o Apalachee 23j _ . _ 41 41 Stephens Co R8»1 R3#l Burke Co 12 l Worth Co 6 57 Stephens Co »,« Worth Co 43 lli Cadartown R»4 p err y Chamblee na #2 Perry 27 [» £ Ftowery Br nr .a Perry 28 * |SB Chamblee ■to LaOrang. III Chamblee na» R7#t North Ha.l 41 H H » H ”» C P„S4»L “ North Hall 21 21 Henry Co .. , , n 200 V 24 Harris Co R2#4 R5«4 McNair 20] / North Hall Westover „ _ Q u 13 Thomson R3#2 R 8 #2 Hsrt Co 8 n GaSPORTS.COM ~ Georgia High school Snorts Network In First Round Second Round Quarterfinals, and Finals, the higher seeded team will host. If higher seeded team does nol meel standards, or schools are the same seed, see GHSA Constitution, Football Section, for procedures R 1 at Thomas Co Cent 44 Georgia High School Football State Playoffs 24 Tucker R««i Thomas Co Cent 35 „ C l kCe t R2«2 Whitewater 23 rt n ■ f Id * R 4« Loyeloy 21 38 NWWhlttleld R7«3 _ _ ... .. * 21 Fayette Co R2*t RS»I E Paulding 40 t Paulding 21 Class 24 FajWtteCo R7#4 Rldqeland 211 AAAA ll! Baldwlhßs* E Paulding Bainbridge 28 Bainbrktqe Ri n 86«2 Mays 40 2 Mays 3 |2B Bainbridge .j 14 Statesboro R3«3 rb«3 Cedar Shoals 14) R3#i WBrcCounty 27 . ° Salemmm | Wars County 29 4® „ S 1 P|UB X . _ . „ " 24 St Plus XBB #4 RI <4 Amer-Sumter 12J Ware County ome R 4 92 omtln 7 [2 ***”£. Banneker 7 [l4 ?925. „ . A a 10 Pebblebrook rs#3 R2*3 Banneker 4TJ R74n Dalton 19 « H U North.Mft.Wßmg. Cherokee 35 26 NorthaldMTO 8544 Cherokee 21| 2007 Li Hab Central Northside, WR re« 2 Hab Central 24 « * Bmmmm GaSPORTS.COM M. i^ Georgia High scliool Snorts Network In First Round Second Round Quarterfinals and Finals, the higher seeded team will host. If higher seeded team does not meet alendarde, or'schools are lire same seed, see OHSA Constitution. Football Sec So. for procedures. ROBBINS From page yA my famous kinfolk? I don’t know. I failed to mention the guy related to me that was the weight-guesser at the carnival or the distant cousin who collected massive amounts of Play-Doh, then ate it all. We all have famous relatives - we may just not know it. For instance, recently, it was revealed that current Vice-President Dick Cheney and presidential candidate, Get The Scoop On Local News & Sports f i | ( (The journal hhjnews.com Check It Out & Email Vs Your Feedback! 1 (real Deals Free AD for items under SSO Call 987-1823 1-866-873-2172 for details Senator Barack Obama, are distant cousins. According to research by Ancestry.com, reported on CBS News, Cheney is also President George W. Bush’s ninth cousin once removed. Obama is also Bush’s 11th cousin, and they are both related to actor Brad Pitt. John Kerry, who ran for president against Bush in 2004, is W’s ninth cousin, and Princess Diana was Bush’s 11th cousin, twice removed (whatever that means). Other Bush distant rela tives, according to the "Have Cameras, Will Travel" yX . lllMi \V4 IH I(UAII> Aerial Phctesrapliy J 'X l r<Kl liiuh‘l • 4ZB- \iJ-H 13 ts 4/S-4M-(M 1 Seven o'clock in the evening ‘ Jospeh O'Kerry, Organm'" : jrnt Members of he Macon Orchestra * MM ™ Featuring Mozart Church for Organ and Orchestra <X^X>XXK^><X><>.K V y/y^OffKf'yyrF Reception to S 7. Christopher's Episcopal Church 1207 Macon Road, Perry, GA 31069 story, are Marilyn Monroe, Abraham Lincoln, Hugh Hefner, Pocahontas, Madonna, Celine Dion, and Tom Hanks. That family reunion must be a hoot, and lightly attend ed, since Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe, Abraham Lincoln and Pocahontas are all dead, and Cheney is as well - legally. “Robbins... any relation to author Harold Robbins?” “No,” 1 said. But, if George W Bush can be related to Hugh Hefner - why not? FIRST 3 MONTHS FREE WIRELESS * 9j| H 543 .>7 ComScmtihi Neigh bo /1 .s>/• // ng Neigh bo rs PI.RUYCI SrOMI RS: 1357-DSam Nunn Blvd. • Pern,C\ :Mo6‘) Perry Customers: 224-4001 • \ Jnadiila And Pinehurst < '.usumici* 627-3002 WWW.COMSOUTH.NET • Ql ESTIONS<fr>COMSOt7m.NET *V« ms*-»*:«•!■• irtuM nimi 11 iv» «nr *m <• < ai/ft-iim-m I lutr iia.mU her (ir-wma-naJ < uMii • w-tiK N wkk •! i»«« « • u~i-••»■>-:•- ... 1 0 ami 'hin<V •!>. liinr {inmartHifud ...(K.j Vk •cisi-.iiK-rMniiM-.tav iHMli<«m<|4wi<-rai.i:i»l« lux »M‘»nU(iil«juif;:li( Koran if tlx 11 <lll.o,hi. Kiiliotiitii M.’.M s.-rvi.x KMaKiHx-favDr<<rnla'i .M.2lH)7..owliliistmww«iflrr*»ill<M’iu nolK<iolk-i :H.2IK>7 < m.lmtuO wav K rojinu-'t Ls6S»3l DOBSON From page jA with their grandfather, etc., can be treasures to your grandchildren. Unless you share those experiences with them, that part of their his tory will be gone forever. Take the time to make “yes terday” come alive for the kids in your family, and by RICH From page jA times were hard, money was non-existent and there was nothing for Christmas. He hadn’t worked in a long time though he had constantly looked for work. “If there’s any way you could help me....” His voice trailed off. Dadcfy nodded sympa thetically. He hated to turn anyone in need away but he just didn’t have any extra money. “Son, I’m sorry but I can’t. Taxes are due day after tomorrow and that’s all the money I’ve got.” The young man’s face fell. Quietly, he dropped his head, swallowed hard and nodded. “I understand. Thank you anyway.” He turned to go, taking a few steps before he stopped and looked back. “You know, the sad thing’s the kids. Md and my wife, we can make do. But if we just had a little somethin’ for them.” It took the young man a few seconds to make it to the door, which is exactly how long it took Daddy to make his decision. “Son, wait a minute, ” daddy called, standing up, reaching into his pocket and touching WANT NEWS? hhinews.com HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL all means, pass your faith along to the next genera tion. Dr Dobson is founder and chairman of the board of the nonprofit organization Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO 80995(www. family.org). Questions and answers are excerpted from Solid Answers and Bringing Up Boys, both published .by Tyndale House. the precious bills that had taken a lot of hard work to accumulate. He pulled out the small wad and peeled off a few bills. “Would a hundred dollars help?” Grateful happiness flashed across his face. “Yes sir! It’d help mightily.” Neither daddy nor the boy ever forgot that moment. Daddy would often recall that by that afternoon, miracu lously, enough car repairs came in to more than make up the money he had given away. The young man, now turned into a grandfather by the passage of years, never fails to remember that des perate Christmas when he humbly depended upon the kindness of a stranger. Every Christmas, we hear tales of some hapless soul who finds a splendid gift - a new pair of work boots, a warm coat or rent money - that has been mysteriously delivered. And we know from where it came. It all started from one man who borrowed tempo rarily from Caesar to render unto the Lord that which was his. Ronda Rich is the best-sell ing author of What Southern Women Know (That Every Woman Should) and The Town That Came A-Courtin’. Com South now offers unlimited, nationwide M2M w ireless service with the best coverage in the entire nation, including middle Georgia. Sign up now for our most popular plan with lf>oanytinic/3000 night weekend minutes and the first 3 months arc free, plus unlimited M2M (sll9.97savings) -then only $39.99 per month* Our new unlimited M2M allows you to talk with millions of other wireless customers nationwide. 56671