Houston home journal. (Perry, GA) 2007-current, November 28, 2007, Image 43

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1 jgi jmp*! I Better than Botox ?-** “The Stretch-Mark Cream Turned Anti-Wrinkle Phenomenon!' 1 ” In .» remarkable turn ol events, arguably one of the strangest in the history til cosmetics, women across the country arc putting a stretch-mark cream called StriVcctin-SD’ on their face to dim-inish the appearance ol fine lines, wrinkles, and crows' feet. And. if consumer sales are any indication of a product's effectiveness, StriVcctin-SD is nothing short of a miracle. Women (as well as a growing number of "Boomer" men) are buying so much StriVcctin-Sl) that finding a tube at your local cosmetic counter has become just about impossible. Has everyone gone mad: We 11... not really. Scientific Breakthrough or Dumb Luck? Although SiriVcctin-SDs functional components were already backed by clinical trials documenting their ability to visibly reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks (prominent because of their depth, length, discoloration, and texture)... the success of StriYectin-Sl) as an anti-wrinkle cream was "dumb luck." says Cima Ciav. spokesperson for Klein-Becker. maker of StriVcctin-SD. "When we first handed out samples of tlx StriXectin’ formula to employees and customers as part of our market research, the sample mix's were simply marked topical cream' with the lot number underneath." Ms. Gay explains. "As tltc samples were passed to friends and family, the message became a little muddled and souk people list'd this ’topical cream’ as a facial moisturizer. As we began to receive feedback from users, like I kx>k 10 years lounger’ and ‘My crows’ feet have visibly disappeared.’ we knew we had something more than Americas most effective stretch-mark cream. Ilx point was driven honx as store owners began reporting that almost as many people were purchasing StnVcctin as an anti-wrinkle cream .is were Ixivmg it to reduce stretch marks." All tr.klt'niark* aw ihr property >•( ihrir iY>pcct»vc i',M»ip.»tttiv * lUm i' a rfjiMiinl tiuhtmrk of Allergan, Inc., .wul neithet kliin-IVvkn nnr StiiVcrtin air in .uty wav with Allet\l.ui or ROPOX* pn»«fiK't.v I lx- only indication approved In the l l>\ Kir IKnor ('.oMiKlic iiw is as follows: "RO TON' ( 'OSMI IK in iiklk.iiol K>r the tempi >t.iry impn'Veineni in tin - appearance of modit.iit to *vni jjljlvlbr lines associated witli airrugjfor and/or procerus muscle activity in .kluli patients 5 <>s years ol -hj\" Sludy Rrlitvnces: 1 1*04.W "Rclin.mcr of .miiu tinkle irr.Mnimt ol .1 peptide: 4 months cliinc.il donMe blind study vs excipient." 2(Xh Woild l impress of I VriiMiolovfv Milijeets. 4 inos. 1*017*) "IVnlajvpude offets intptvnenu'iil in Ituiam plioto.ivMif facial skin.’ 20th World Congress of IVrin.ilolisyv 2tV4 sulsjects. 14 necks Dr. Daniel B. Mowrey. PhD. Klein-Becker’s Director of Scientific Affairs, savs. “Clearly, people were seeing results, hut we didn't have a scientific explanation as to why this wrinkle reduction was occurring. However, based on the incredibly positive reports. I started using it myself - applying StriXectin to my face after shaving.” Dr. Mowrey adds. "On a personal note, my wife tells me i haven’t looked this gix»d in wars." Dumb Luck Strikes Again! I lion. on Tuesday, July 2. 21H)2. at a meeting of the 20th World Congress of Dermatology m Paris. I'lance, a series of studies detailing the superior ivrinkle-rcducing properties of a patented oligo-peptidc (called IXil-KTTKS) versus retinol, vitamin C, and placebo on "photo-aged skin" was presented. 1 "As luck would have it," Dr. Mowrey states, “the anti-wrinkle oligo-peptidc tested in the breakthrough clinical trials turned out to be a kev ingredient in the StriXectin cream.” In the trials, subjects applied tlx' patented peptide solution to the crows' feet area on one side of the face, and a cream containing either retinol, vitamin C. or a placebo to tlx* other side. Subjects in the Pal-KTTKS/retinol study applied the cream once a day for 2 months and il>en twice a day for the next 2 months. Using special image analysis, the study's authors reported "significant improvement" in the appearance of both overall skin tone and unsightly wrinkles for those women using the peptide solution. Better yet, at tlx 2-month halfway point, tlx peptide solution worked nearly 1.5 times faster than retinol (in measured parameters), and without tlx inflammation retinol often causes in sensitive skin. As was expected, the results of the remaining studies confirmed that the Pal- KTTKS solution's effectiveness at reducing tlx appearance of fine lines and wrinkles far exceeded both vitamin ( and placebo. A smoother. younger complexion, with less irritation and faster results all without expensive (and painful peels, implants, or injections. Better than Retinol and Vitamin C, But Is StriVectin-SD Better THAN BOTULINUM TOXIN? Dr. Nathalie Chevreau, PhD. RD, Director of Women’s Health at Salt Like City based Basic Research,* exclusive distributor for Klein-Becker. explains, "Leading dermatologists agree that Botulinum Toxin is the preferred treatment for glabellar lines, that tiny little space of moderate to severe lines between the eyebrows. But ever since it was discovered that StriXectin could reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and crows’ feet... the kind of fine lines, wrinkles, and crows’ feet that can add 10-15 years to your appearance and which costly medical treatments often leave behind... skin-care professionals have been tvcom-mcnding, and using. StriXVctin." In fact, researchers believe non-invasivc alternatives arc better, because. Dr. Chevreau continues. “Topical creams and gels offer gradual, continual results, while the effects of injections, facial peels, and dermabrasions are rougher on the skin and wear off." In other words, Stri\Vctin-SD helps give you a youthful, healthy, glowing complexion faster than retinol, far superior to vitamin C, and without irritation, needles, or surgery'. Even better, many dermatologists and plastic surgeons recommend StriVcctin in conjunction with cosmetic procedures, including Botulinum Toxin. So. if you sec someone applying an anti stretch mark cream to rheir face, don’t think they’ve gone off the deep end... they may be smarter than you think. to Having a hard time finding StriVectin-SD 9 ? If votive been searching fix StnXectm-SI). von already know it’s become almost impossible to find. 1 Wt both er with Nrttnan Marcus, thev don’t have it... Your best bet> an Ddbtdk S E p h o r a shops. Lord AcTsylor btarlnodote* or Saks sth Avenue they always try to keep it in stock . or. believe it «x not. rlx pregnancy section of your local CiN( or higlt-cnd supplement retailer. To lx absolutely sure, you can order StnVectin-SD directly from Klein-Becker at: 1-800-580-9331 or order online at www.StriVectin.fom. Since StriXVctm-SD was desigix’d as a stretch-mark cream, it comes in a large. 6-ounce tube. At $135.00. StriVectin-SD is mu cheap... Ihii when used as a wrinkle cream, one tube will last approxi mately six months. By the way, StnVcctin-SD is backed In - Klein-Beckers money-back guarantee. It Seri Wet in-Sf) doesn't make your skin look younger, healthier, and more vibrant, simply return the unused portion w'iilun 50 days for a full refiuxf... no questions asked. •meMO || SWVocten-SO p£ ft § Ca\\ 1-800-580-9331 or order online at www.SlriVectin.com. 02007 All Right # Rnuwii HK11404