Houston home journal. (Perry, GA) 2007-current, December 01, 2007, Page Page 4, Image 60

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Hometown 1 Spotlight i Hunting the Yule Lorn by MARTI ATTOUN Contributing Editor With red and green capes flying, hundreds of children and adults dash into the snowy woods near Palmer Lake, Colo. (pop. 2,179), scrambling up and down slippery slopes and laughing as they search beneath evergreen boughs and bushes for the town’s hidden yule log. Within 15 minutes, whoops and shouts of “over here" rise from a ravine where three boys stand victoriously over the treasure —an 8-foot-long pine log that has been notched and tied with a red ribbon. "They 'd covered up the ribbon with twigs and stuff," says John Clewe, 14. "I was about to turn away, but saw footprints in the snow." Amid cheers and high-fives, Clewe and his hunting companions, Collin Rue, 14, and Owen Braley, 11, all from nearby Monument (pop. 1,971), straddle the yule log for their victory ride into town. Other members of the hunting party attach two long ropes to the log and drag it a quarter-mile back to Town Hall, stopping frequently so other riders can hop aboard. The December tradition is cherished in Palmer Like, where the same two-man saw that cut the town's first yule log in 1933 is used today. Hunters saw the log in two and save half to start the fol lowing year's ceremonial fire. Tile oilier carried 7. av: IL3 v • Saifcb 1 - 'WfL&ilI or; • ' Sjr.i.c .c’.cT:..- Vjfcj K m K Y - \ ■- . has stocxl in the Town Hall kitchen, stirring a large vat of wassail—hot spicy cider with bits of orange, lemon and baked apple— i with a wooden paddle. The warm drink is | served first to the person or persons who find 1 the yule log, then to the townspeople and visitors, who toast one another and wish each other good health. A tradition originating in ancient Europe, the yule log ceremony began in Palmer Lake |ggy£%; IV I 1 m Wgft » II ■ B&EmMBzSK Mi S* - UgHF *x * f llfi' ( .. tit John Clewe (left) and Tim i Watkins cut the yule log with a two-man saw in Palmer Lake, Colo. Harry Krueger and Dan Jones carry The log to the fireplace in Town Hall. after resident Lucretia Vaile attended a yule log hunt in Lake Placid, N.Y. (pop. 2,638). Vaile brought a splinter from that town’s yule log to start the celebration in Palmer Like, where participants parade across the wooden plank stage at Town Hall at the start of the event while onlookers sing Christmas carols and wish them a merry and success ful hunt. Those who stay behind visit with their neighbors, enjoy musical entertainment and listen to the Christmas story read from the Bible. “It’s part of the community, part of liv ing here,” says Gan- Atkins, 55. “People invite their family and friends and enjoy walking in the woods." A week before the yule log hunt, residents gather for a potluck dinner and make sou- venir lapel pins from willow twigs, rib bon and pine boughs, and stamp them with the year. Many people use them 7 for Christmas tree decorations. 'We've had people come up and ■Ho] vty. I haven't been here in 30 sears. but nothing has changed,’" says Es<;’. Patricia Atkins, 57 who emcees the yule log ceremony. The festival is in good hands for another generation, too. Kurt Wm Voelker, 30, president of the Yule Log Committee, has photographs of Km himself as a young boy helping his dad stir the wassail. Now his two daughters, Kyah, 6, and Ayla. 4, carry the silver wassail cup and ladle that has been used since the town's original ceremony in 1933. Likewise, Heather Krueger, 3L has attended every’ celebration since she was born. “I've sung, hunted, carried the wassail pitcher and found the log,” Krue ger says. "It makes you feel like it s Christmas.” This Palmer Lake Yule Log Hunt is scheduled Dec. 9. Visit www.ci.palmer~lake.co.us or call (719) 481-2953 for more information. Hf§s .Aft ■>* J Bm£gr. :: Gary Atkins serves himself a cup of warm, spicy wassail. Page 4 • www.americanprofile.com Photos by Bryan Kelsen