Houston home journal. (Perry, GA) 2007-current, December 29, 2007, Page 6, Image 28

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JENNIFER JASON LEIGH The actress had just come from a high-end fashion shoot, and she walked in wearing very heavy makeup and ripped jeans. “We shot at my house, so it was a very casual vibe," says photographer Joshua Kessler, who met her in the '9os, when he was Annie Leibovitz's assistant. They chatted about her early career and how they both got married, a day apart two years ago. “She’s kind of quirky and quiet, and a little shy,” Kessler says. “There is almost kind of an absent minded professor thing about her. She picked up the makeup artist’s tea and drank it at one point. We thought it was sweet that she didn't even notice that it wasn’t her tea.” ■ 6 USA WEEKEND • Dec 28-30,2007 Jr./ f mHHH m W Hi fe ■ wk ZACHARY LEVI When it came to providing energy, Levi, of NBC’s Chuck, was the pump-it-up guy during our shoot with male TV stars. “He came ready and excited about this shoot,” says photographer Robert Sebree. “And he’s funny, which surprised me. Most people who are funny on TV aren’t that way in real life. But there he was, lively and accommodating. He came up with his own ideas, too. When I put him in that blue box, he just took command of the scene and did all of these great poses—things you really couldn’t direct someone to do. After the shoot, he hung out with me and the hair and makeup people and just had a nice time talking. He even got one of my assistants coffee that day that’s something you don’t see too often with celebrities.” KELLY CLARKSON Clarkson proved herself to be a total pro, although the singer had an unusual request. “I told her to do something, and she said, ‘As long as you don’t ask me to act like a dragon,’ ” Sebree says. “She said she was at a photo shoot the day before, and she thought the shooter asked her to act like a dragon.” - ipr^m mump 2 V?;,- wL ~~ HR |»SRIp JB