Houston home journal. (Perry, GA) 2007-current, February 09, 2008, Image 1

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NEWS One man sentenced to 18 years, another for six for various offenses. BELOW THE FOLD; HAMBY CHEVROLET FORGES SI ASON LONG PARTNERSHIP WITH PERRY JUNIOR LEAGUE OMSIIfM £%HWt&. JJ JSUJMfIt iW Volume 138, Number 12 FRONT PORCH "Where neighbors meet" HHJ history 50 years ago: A deep freeze reportedly will cost the taxpayers of Georgia millions in repair to roads. Locally, Houston County is reportedly hit heaviest in a 12-mile section of road between Perry and Fort Valley this is “tear ing up" because of the freezing of the base beneath the asphalt. Also, in Perry, reportedly dozens of homeowners - the city reports 35 water meters have burst - are without water for several days due to pipes busting from the freeze. Also, 147 community members - including some from Macon - are given an orientation flight by Robins AFB flight personnel aboard a C-130 Hercules. (Editorial comment from this writer: “Hey, they were given parachutes. We were never given parachutes.”) 30 years ago: David Wilkerson, author of the popular The Cross and The Switchblade, speaks at the Warner Robins Civic Center (changing many lives this writer remembers). And, the city council responds vehemently to a letter to the edi tor from a firefighter critical of the department's equipment - spe cifically the beepers they carried at the time. He says they only work when in line of sight of the fire department. The council responds not that he was wrong but that they wished he would have come to them first. Reportedly they have already solved the problem by inspecting the beepers and send ing the defective ones back. 10 years ago: The Houston County Commission petitions the court for an injunction to stop the Macon- Bibb County Water Authority from disposing of its sludge on Houston County farm fields, a practice it is noted that has been ongoing for "several years.” The reason behind the petition it turns out is not “personal” but “business”. The Macon-Bibb authority has appar ently been ignoring an ordinance that requires they pay the county $1 per ton for the disposal. - Compiled by Don Moncrief Birthdays Fab. 8 ■ Keith Wood II ■ James Wimberly, Jr. m Joann Sanderlin Fab. 10 • Rhonda Lewis ■ Andrew Poboy Fab. 11 ■ Cynthia Harden Feb. 12 ■ Belinda Campbell Anniversary Feb. 8 ■ Felicia and Bruce Wright (Happy 12th!) Award-Winning Newspaper Better Newspaper Contest PERIODICAL 500 IlllliH 8 *55108 00001 111 4 CQQI Georgia Newspaper Project Main Library Universrty of Georgia ATHENS GA 30502-0002 ALL FOR ADC 301 February 9,2008 Isikviv, II.Hsi.ACd MV SimMS7() § LEGAL ORGAN FOR HOUSTON COUNTY, CITY OF PERRY, CITY OF WARNER ROBINS AND CITY OF CENTERVILLE Peppy committee: 'No' to impact fees By CHARLOTTE PERKINS Journal Staff Writer Perry’s Impact Fee Advisory Committee met on Wednesday and voted against having impact fees at all. 1 •’ * 'ff \At ■smmi: .4f,w*''' ..'i* \ wKKm, WMB mSHtmSa wL -mMrnmm, \-lgg JPW j§ M - v \ J ” Mr WSr WBBk TZ.: j \ % MR" " Wm ■ ENI/Gary Harmon Westfield School second graders perform at the opening of “Mr. Popper’s Performing Penguins” held Feb. 1 at Westfield. Hamby Chevrolet forges season-long partnership with PJL Special to the Journal In the spirit of community collaboration and team work taught through youth sports, Hamby Chevrolet, according to a release, has developed a partnership with Perry Junior League through the Chevy Youth Baseball program that will include both monetary and equipment donations during the 2008 little league baseball season. Now in its third year, Chevy Youth Baseball, according to the release, is an initiative that establishes a positive relationship between local dealers and the communities they serve. Hamby Chevrolet partnered with the Perry Junior League because of the league’s proximity to the dealership. Over the course of the season, Hamby Chevrolet will donate team equipment kits, which include: equipment bags, baseballs, ball buckets and t-shirts. They will also help donate a Chevy Tahoe SUV which will be raffled off by participating teams, including Perry Junior League. Team and leagues that participate in the Chevy Tahoe raffle keep 100 percent of the proceeds. The little league teams will also have unique experiences by participating in baseball clinics and other activities led by the Macon Music staff. “We are looking forward to a great season with Perry Junior League that will be filled with exciting games and an enhanced experience for the teams through the equipment donations, baseball clinics and other program components,” said Mark Hamby, of Hamby Chevrolet. “Chevy Youth Baseball is just one example of how com mitted our dealership is to supporting the youth and families in the Perry community.” During the 2007 little league baseball season, more than 70 Chevrolet dealers from the Metro-Atlanta and Tampa areas helped generate close to $300,000 in See HAMBY, page jA Huckabee, Obama lead in HC Primary BUSINESS County Commission awards bids for $16,000,000 investment. More. Saturday, February 9, 2008 That will be their advice to the City Council, which can take the advice or not. The Council named the committee, which includes rep resentatives of the building industry, in accordance with state require They’v got their ducks ... er ‘Penguins’ in a row ■ootTon comity 1 AWWM A • v ■ * - m ±HHnraf & i 'isiHK'- , .. * A -.’Sb- |r~~“ S 1 I ENI/Gary Harmon Joseph Scarboruough, Jim Glymph and Mark Hamby display their banner supporting youth baseball. Hamby Chevrolet recently forged a season-long partnership with Perry Junior League through the Chevy Youth Baseball program. By CHARLOTTE PERKINS Journal Staff Writer Houston County voters went with a state wide trend on Super Tuesday, giving top votes to U.S. Senator Barack Obama in the Democratic Presidential Preference Primary and to for mer Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee in the Republican race. SPORTS 19 ink scholarships during National Signing Day. Basketball wraps and more. ments. Those attending the meeting were J.W. Warren, Durand Cainion, Kevin Sullivan, Ed Beckham, Scott Free, Chuck Ramsdale and Bob Barnett. Ramsdale and Barnett were the HAMBY CHEVROUCT proudly SUPPORTS ywEi jur f i in-i • — J www.hhjnews.com only two who voted to have impact fees, which are being considered as a way to build essential fire sta tions and develop park space as the city annexes additional property See IMPACT, page 7A J fs i -$ if' * However, while Obama had a landslide of 8,105 votes over Sen. Hillary Clinton’s 3,609, the Republican vote came close to a three way tie between Huckabee, U.S. Sen. John McCain and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Countywide, Huckabee received 4,997 votes, to McCain’s 4,660 and Romney’s 4,070. All other See PRIMARY, page 7A an Evans Family Nhwspaphrl - - --- 1