Houston home journal. (Perry, GA) 2007-current, December 27, 2008, Page 5A, Image 5

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HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL Modern technology changes the law profession Dear Readers, I have often maintained that modern tech nology has changed the law more than just about any profession, except maybe engineers. Want proof? A recent news story describes a remarkable legal development in Australia. It seems that a couple default ed on their mortgage and kept evading personal ser vice. That means that the law yers could not have them personally handed the com plaint, which is the first step in a lawsuit after it is filed. The attorneys knew where these scallywags were... they had a Facebook account. There on the website were their friends, their e mail addresses, and dates of birth. Everything needed to find them. New Year’s: Take time to reflect back before moving forward I don’t know about you, but now that I’ve achieved senior status myself, life seems to hurry by ever faster. Usually, we think of New Year’s as a time of Resolutions ... but this year let’s take time to feflect back before we look forward so we can make our resolutions count for the “super seniors” in our lives. The first thing I reflect back on is the great times of growing up and raising family. My first resolution is to help the seniors in my life reflect back on the good times in their lives. Take the time to relive and relish some of those spe- MONCRIEF From page 4A for me. Let me say that again. They die for you and me. And yet a person who stands on an assembly line with a rivet gun makes more than double - that’s probably an understate ment - what they do. (ES. Watch what happens if they really start talking about getting the federal deficit under control. Note who/ what will be at the top of the list: The military.) There is at least one out there who will counter that the auto industry laid the foundation for making our nation great. I really have nothing against the auto industry and I’ll concede there is a certain amount of truth to that. But, it’s not what made our nation great. Grit and determination made our nation great. Not giving up made our nation great. Those who founded the auto industry would not have taken a bailout - not without a fight. They have said: “No, we’re going to roll up our sleeves and get dirty. See if we can do this on our own first.” That’s the mindset that made our nation great. (They also knew that to rise to greatness meant to hum ble yourself before God.) In fact, I’ll give you a perfect example of it today. It comes from my father-in law (who I plan on writing Yvonne Edwards & Tracy Westmoreland announce . . . SHOW KicfsV music* drama • fun hurrti Limited Space JhowKlsfj Preschool (ages 3 to 5) Weekday Morning Classes Tues. orThurs., 9am-10:30am /10:30am-12N Live Community Productions * Focused Curriculum ShowKids’ mission is to inspire children to find their personal BEST through performing arts while cultivating imagination, creativity, and team-building. The Perry Arts Center • 1121 Macon Road, Perry, GA 31069 FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY: Yvonne Edward5i478.397.3716 Tracy Westmoreland, 478.542.2397 ♦ Email: perryshftwkids@aol.com The'Law'Man So, these enterprising attorneys went to the judge. They told the judge that their pictures and lives were laid out for all to see, yet just out reach of legal service. This particular judge, evidently one with a more modern view of the nexus between the law and technol ogy, signed an order autho rizing service by e-mail (pri vately, not publicly) on the Facebook site, and the deed was done in short order. "All About Seniors" *' ' ' Jlfir: rial memories with them ... while there is still time. But all was not rosy. I have to be honest when I reflect back; there were bad times as well. Some of those were caused by my own stubborn ness or selfishness. So my next resolution is to ask forgiveness of the about in great length one day God willing); from a generation that believed in, and lived by, the principles previously mentioned. On the night I became an ordained deacon, all of us who were being ordained - along with their wives - sat in chairs at the front of the sanctuary. Then, all of the deacons already ordained lined up and then one by one stood over and prayed for us. Only because of my father-in-law’s health - he has been battling degenera tive heart disease for some years - the pastor agreed I could get up and go to him. Well, who do you think was the first in line when the call went out? You bet ter know it. He stood there in his weakened state, oxy gen bottle in tow, and not only prayed for me but con tinued on down the line to ■ There’s nothing quite like walking outside and taking ;; a deep breath of fresh, clean air after a thunderstorm. Wouldn’t you like to be able to step back inside and ■: ■ j / 1 5 enjoy that same fresh air all the time? mSmlmmlt: We would like to introduce you to Fresh Air by Eco Quest: By duplicating the same processes nature uses to clean the air outside, Fresh Air by Eco Quest™ keeps indoor air fresh and clean-smelling day and night. Collectively known as SynAirG™, these processes work together synergistically to eliminate smoke and odors as well as kill bacteria, mold and mildew in unoccupied areas. Call NOW for a FREE trial offer! Independent Distributor Elton & Verneaze Tucker (478) 923-6187 888 (478)923-4111 ~T www.ecoquest.com/eltontucker Register Now For Spring Session Feb. 3 rd -May 21 st , 2009 Could this happen in Georgia? No. There are two ways to serve a defendant with a complaint, either per sonal service (handing the litigant or an adult resident relative a copy of the com plaint) or, in instances where personal service cannot be completed, by publication in a newspaper. No Facebook service in Georgia! Social networking web sites are changing the way trial attorneys practice law everywhere. On my client intake forms, I ask my client whether or not they have one of these websites. They are a handy place to look for dirt on the other party, particularly in a divorce or personal injury lawsuit. The information available on them is often (stupidly) open to the public and the Jim Rockefeller Attorney, Rockefeller Law Center America’s Choice in ffomemre» /''’“""'X ■l/«H%Antrels )■ /j I MHO ASSIS TANCE SERVICES Bill Milby Visiting Angels seniors in my life that I have wronged or mistreated in any way ... while there is still time. There is nothing like a clear conscience for a good night’s sleep! I also pine as I reflect on lost opportunities with my parents and in-law; yes, guys, you can have great times with your mother-in-law!). So I am resolving to make the most of every opportuni ty that comes my way in ’O9 with the seniors in my life ... pray for the others. My mother-in-law said it “wore him slap out. He was exhausted when he got home,” she said. But you would have never known it. In church he held his head high and proud. I’ll take that spirit over a bailout any day. ‘• • • On a lighter side. Have you noticed those cars around town with the big candy decals on the side? Three Musketeers. Snickers. M&Ms. I’m pretty sure they’re not candy sales men/ladies unless it’s chic these days for candy sales men/ladies to drive around in what looks to be an early 80s Chevy Impala and with 40 inch rims. Hey, don’t get me wrong. I am a fan of the candy ... man. In fact I collect M&Ms products (got a nice one for Christmas). And I’m think- FRESH AIR PURIFIERS \ Like Clean water, fresh air is essential to our well being. Now, having the fresh air you want is as easy as pressing a button when it’s Fresh Air by Eco Quest™ 72352 —"— ' ,m 'Vy> ml ■** 8-■ Ww ] ShoWKlsf* Elementary (K 5 - sth5 th Grade) Weekday Afternoon Classes Tues. orThurs., 3:45pm-spm/spm-6:lspm damning evidence just has to be printed from a com puter. Which brings me to a broader point ... the way we now engage in casual, print ed, durable conversations in e-mails and text messages. Today, most of us shoot off hundreds, if not thousands, of e-mails from work and home each week. What do those little nug gets do for us? Well, if you are Bill Gates, they cost you billions of dollars, expos ing Microsoft’s campaign to “game” the computer mar ket to create a Microsoft world monopoly. If you are going through a divorce, they can shine a light on the dark secret of a torrid love affair. And, these messages bounce around out there, easy to be handed out to while there is still time. In fact, tonight we’re going to see a stage production of “South Pacific” with my mother-in-law! As I reflect back I recall a very hurried past of 50+ hour work weeks and travel that left little time for some of the really important things in life like a quiet cup of coffee and chat about “what hap pened in your world today, mom”? I’m resolving to try not to cram so much into each day in ’O9 so I can have ing of joining - but “daring to be different”. I can see my truck with a big old Gorton’s fish prod ucts decal on the door. That’s right. I’m going to “shrimp” my ride. ftrtf Jtmkr kapt SPRING REGISTRATION ii - till-January 31\2|09 - &WAISM& a£Tl jfnl Register Online at „ P ■ perryjuniorleague.net 1 <, I I Register at the Park t \ % Jan. 3 rd , 10 th & 17 th 1 ) from 9am - 12 pm f i / Register in December i ) » and SAVE sss!. ( < OPENING NIGHT 1 Friday, March 13 th , 2009 LGames begin on Sat. March 14 th 1 For more information call Maddox at 478-256-1780 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2008 ♦ other side’s merciless trial attorney. When I watch something like Ken Burns’ great docu mentary “Civil War,” I am enthralled with the beauti ful, poetic letters lovingly composed by soldiers and their families, as opposed to our banal “IM-speak” mod ern world. Yet, electronic messaging is an integral part of our lives today. In the family law context, e-mail is actually a useful tool. E-mails create defini tive documentation of sim ple everyday agreements on exchanges, visitation, and, as well, a potentially non confrontational way for par ents to communicate. Yes, the written word can be thoughtless and come across much more aggressive than might be called for by a particular situation. Still, those chats this year ... while there is still time. Finally, as I reflect back I recall times of spiritual emp tiness because I was too busy trying to cram too much other less important stuff into my hurried life; you know, the tyranny of the urgent vs. the important. Well, this is the most important one of all. Spend whatever time it takes in ’O9 to help your seniors get ready for all eternity ... while there is still time! Bill Milby is a retired 30 Assessing Your Leadership Skills -SBS/person the knowledge that the e mail is “historical,” and the time-delay caused by typing - in contrast to blurting out intemperate comments - serves as a very beneficial brake on the usual sniping between divorced parents. This is where the law is headed. Be careful what you post on your Facebook or MySpace page, be careful what you e-mail; remem ber, some lawyer may use it against you! Local attorney Jim Rockefeller owns the Rockefeller Law Center and is a former Houston County Chief Assistant District Attorney, and a former Miami Prosecutor. Visit www.rock.e fellerlawcenter.com to submit confidential legal questions, and to review former arti cles and Frequently Asked Questions. year veteran executive with Blue Bird Corporation and current Director of Visiting Angels of Macon, a non-med ical, living assistance service for seniors. You can reach him at wmilby@visitingangels. com if you have questions or comments about this col umn. People Pleasing! (We will delight you!) 1-75 ExR 136 * 987 8877 F. Dennis Hooper Certified Leadership Development Coach Building leaders and organizations of excellence (478) 988-0237 dhooper2 a juno.com 5A 171050 h)47 1 3 72606