The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 01, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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14 Holds America’s Highest Prize Walter Baker & Co. s Breakfast Cocoa Finest tn the World i f jU I 46 f Wb E I fl V lib I HIGHEST IB A awardsin HI I JJ ■ I EUROPE || 1 AND AMERICA Sold in %-lb. and J£-lb. Cans FULL WEIGHT WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS. Light Saw Mills and Supplies Engines, Boilers, Fittings and Repairs sSi TRY sS j£& LOMBARD IRON WORKS AUGVSTA. GA. Cancer Cured WITH SOOTHINC, BALMY OILS. Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh, Piles. Fistula. Ulcers. Eczema and all Skin aud Female Diseases. Write for Illustrated Book. Sent free. Address DR. BYE I Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. Old Dominion Nurseries. XI7 A 'NTT'TTIA Reliable salesmen to han- »v -CAIN iDD die our com pi e line o f nursery stock. Virginia grown. Liberal terms. Write immediately for contract. Exclusive ter ritory. Previous experience not necessary. Out fit free. Established 40 years. W. T. HOOD 8 CO., Richmond, Va. A)/) jZ Z GUARAN. t b e A° <k K AAA BANK DEPOSIT R, R. Fare Paid. Notes Take.l " 500 FREE COURSES ■HMBBEKI Board at Cost. Write Quick GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon, Ga. Cure For Liquor and Tobacco The Kansas Anti-Liquor Society is mailing free a recipe for the cure of the liquor habit. It can be given secretly in <ood. Also one for the tobacco habit that cm be given secretly. The only request they make is that you do not sell recipes, but give copies to friends. Address with stamp, Kansas Anti-Liquor Society, Gray Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. GKEIDER’S FINE CATALOG JEX of Prize-Winning Poultry for 1906. This book is printed in several Beautiful Colors and is larger than ever. Contains a Fine Chromo of lifelike J fowls. It illustrates and describes 00 varieties of poultry, ducks, geese, pigeons, etc. It shows best equipped poultry yards and houses howto build houses; cure for diseases; Best Lice Destroyer; how to make hens lay; poultry supplies and all kinds of in formation indispensable to poultrykeepers. Prices of eggs and stock within reach of all. Send 10 cts. for this noted book. {'. IL GREIDEII, Rheems, I’a. flk DIIDDED LIECI O This Woman’s Vici Kid Bk v XtlUDDtn HttLo Hospital Shoe, Patent Leather Tip, London Toe, Best Rubber Heels, to 8, C to EE, sent postpaid on receipt of 51.50 Equals any J 2.50 shoe. Money if unsatisfactory. FREE Ulus. Cat. of 500 styles of shoes. Dexter Shoe WBr Mfg. Co., Dept. 1 , Truro, Mass. * The Golden Age for March 1, 1906. 7/z/o Marvelous Light By LLEWELYN STEPHENS. {Continued from last nveek.) SYNOPSIS OF FIRST INSTALLMENT. In the first chapter of this story, a young man, walking one night beside the Hudson River, near Grant’s Tomb, New York City, accosts a young clergyman in a rough manner, and by the “retort courteous” of the clergyman, Julian Deveaux is attracted to him and determines not to lose sight of so unusual a person. With this end in view, he follows the preacher—John Marsden —to a nearby hovel whege a pathetic death bed scene is in progress. The dying man is young, and is surrounded by his wife of a year, an infant child and an aged mother and father. The latter re grets that no priest of the Roman Catholic Church is present, but the mother and the dying man, Tom, are content- with the ministrations of John Marsden, both agreeing that “There ain’t but one priest that can save a soul from Hell and that Priest is The Son of God.” With this thought and with a vision of the Beyond, Tom McCarty dies, and Julian Deveaux, the unseen witness of the event, retraces his sfeps toward the spot where he is first discovered. A deeper interest in the scene he has witnessed siezes him. Inhaling a deep breath of the exhilarating morning air, he turned his steps toward the house where he had witnessed the death. “Who lives there,” he asked of an early wayfarer, pointing toward the McCarty home. “The McCarties,” was the reply. “Do you know them well?” , “Faith, and sure I do.” “Very poor?” “Yes.” ‘ ‘ How so ? ” “Well, the ole’ man is gettin’ too ole’ to do much. The ole’ lady takes in washin’ an’ the daughter-in-law use ter take in sewin’ before ther baby come. She has been too w r eakly since. Tom was alius a good-hearted fiddlin’ sort uv a feller, loved his dram an er lively game er cards, and him an’ Sallie use ter make er purty good livin’ actin’ in er play house down on the Bowery, until a boy minister uv some heretic set got him inter one o’ them cursed mis sions one day when Tom was strollin’ about. The upshot uv it all wus, he quit chumming with Father O’Brien, and gave up his job for a better one promised him. He married Sallie, what he’d already been er livin’ with, got her ter leave the playhouse, too, an’ under the listenin’ of that boy preacher, he got ter imaginin’ they was allns goin’ ter sail erlong on beds uv flowers. Then he took the fever, and hit appears to me he’s not gettin’ well over fast.” “He is dead,” said Deveaux. “The poor bye,” exclaimed Flannigan; “they’ll be buryin’ him in the Potter’s Field, they will.” “No, my man,” said Deveaux. Go in and tell that boy minister—he is in there now—that you met a friend of Tom McCarty’s who is willing to at tend to everything about the funeral and pay all the expenses. Now, mind you, you are not to tell anything about how this friend looks, nor anything else he said. Not a word, do you understand?” ‘‘An ’ faith, an ’ I have ears. ’ ’ “Then meet me here and go to the undertaker’s with me to assist in carry ing out my plans. Be quick about it before that boy minister has gone to any unnecessary expense and trouble. Here’s a dollar for you. Hurry back. I will wait for you around the corner.” CHAPTER 11. - r Julian Deveaux had never been a man of impulse. Everything he did was coolly calculated, measured and weighed, to benefit himself directly or indirectly. What he determined to accomplished allowed no obstacles in his way, so far as man’s power went. He had reached that prominence financially and socially w r hich permitted him to honor his most autocratic whim. He was an actor, an artist and an author, and he had risen ot a high degree of fame in each. The night we met him pacing up and down the banks of the Hudson, a mental problem was troubling him. That was why he was so annoyed when he came upon John Marsden, who had strolled from the stifling air of the room in which Tom McCarty lay dying, and had wan dered down to the refreshing river breezes. There the contrasting natures of these two men first met and clashed. Yet, somehow their drawn swords were crossed at just the angle to hold them together for an indefinite time. There was an indefinable something about John Marsden’s whole bearing that drew Deveaux’s attention to him from the first moment he heard him speak. His interest greatly increased as he followed him to the bedside of Tom McCarty. There he determined to win his confidence and friendship. Deveaux knew it would take unusual means to accomplish such an undertaking, and that it would have to be done in a most delicate way. His first step was to give Tom McCarty a respectable funeral. He would allow John Marsden time for the usual nine days’ wonder to pass before revealing the name of the benefactor. Then he would manage to leave him discover it as if by the merest accident. He decided one morning to go to John Marsden’s mission church and hear him preach. It had been long since he had been within a church, and he ventured no further than the back seat. When Marsden arose to read the first hymn, the unusual face and figure of Julian Deveaux caught his eye. A swift look of recognition -was exchanged between the two men. Deveaux wondered why he slightly winced under it. At the close of the service he remained sitting, waiting for John Marsden to come down the aisle. Marsden intentionally delayed the meeting, | WHY TAKE ■ ■ CALOMEL? ■ ■ When Mozley’s Lemon I I Elixir, a purely vegetable 1 I compound, with a pleas- I H ant taste, will relieve you ■ I of Biliousness, and all ■ I kindred diseases without ■ ■B griping or nausea, and ■ I leave no bad effects. 50c. and $l;00 per bottle I at all Drug Stores. | | ■ LEMON ELIXIR. ■ •'One Dose Convinces.’’ KUIDINE. DIRECTIONS: For Kidney and Bladder Troubles, two tablets three times a cay. For Indigestion two tablets after meals. For Costiveness, one teaspoonful of liquid on retiring. For Sleeplessness take three tablets on retiring. A Box of “Kuidine” Tablets, 50c or sl. Bottle of “Kuidine” Dissolved 50c. or sl. MOUNTAIN IRON MINERAL COMPANY Spartanburg, S. C. Your Druggist or direct from Manufacturers. A for 50c worth of leading Novelties in I 111* Choicest Garden Seeds. sl’s worth of Universal Premium Coupons free with every order. BOLGIANO’S SEED STORE, Baltimore, Md. New Sweet Peas McMillan’s New Giant Mixed, the most gorgeous collection of Sweet Peas yet introduced. They have caused quite a sensation wherever shown during the past year. The stems are long and stout, and may be described as a giant in every way. Price, 10 cents ounce; 75 cents per lb. McMillan Seed Co., 23 S. Broad St. The Old Reliable Sead Store. Excellent Facilities For Treating Cancer. New Up-to-Date Hospital Just Completed. We are curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic Sores without use of the knife or X-ray, and are endorsed by the Senate and Legislature of Vir ginia. If you are seeking a cure come here and you will get it. WE GUARANTEE OUR CURES. KELLAM CANCER HOSPITAL 1615 West Main St. RICHMOND, VA, DRAUGHON’S Atlanta, Columbia, Montgomery, Waco and Nashville. POSITIONS secured or money RE FUNDED. Also teach BY MAIL. Catalogue will convince you that Draughon’s is THE BEST. Send for it. HOTEL BRISTOL 42-44 Walton St., ATLANTA, GA. In same block with Postoffice and First Baptist Church. A MODERN, UP-TO-DATE HOTEL Delightful rooms. Table first-class. Special rates per week on application. J. D. McMILLAN, Proprietor ißsTwiisiws I SOOTHING SYRUP ( 1 Has been used by Millions of Mothers for their ’ > . I children while Teething for over Fifty Years. <. j It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays < ' i all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best i 1 > remedy for diarrhoea, < * ' > ~ C BOTTLE._ luse the Great English Remedy I BLAIR’S |Safe, Sure, Effective. 50c. St sl. I DRUGGISTS, or 93 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y.