The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, March 08, 1906, Image 19

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Buy Your Clothes FROM YOUR LOCAL DEALER Why pay exorbitant prices to custom tailors when you can secure our hand made ready to put on clothes from your local dealer at less than half? We do not sell our clothes by mail _ nor through mail order | houses— we sell only JfiMMjilßyß; through dealers and you’ll find the dealers who sell SCHWAB CLOTHES, good Uft. dealers to buy from. We rST. Oct especially want to interest I you in our Men’s and Young /F”/ IK Men’s Spring Suit Special at $15.00. These garments are hand-tailored through- OU U absolutely perfect in fit; guaranteed to give good I ’’ service and ONE price to ’ all, Your local dealer sells I - •»; v them at the same price as h , *fi e largest stores in the < largest cities. You can wear the latest styles without v extra cost and buy them at home - THIS SHIELD sets the price : IF -.1 P" > ' |r»£.chxvEib | ' AB?'. z m.Totiw > jf W'- ?? I ft )<B?( 1 Schwab Clothing Co. \ • K Saint Louis ■ “It’s On The Sleeve” It assures you absolute satisfaction and our guarantee that they are the best suits on earth made to sell at $15.00 Wear one of our $15.00 Special Suits this Spring and enjoy the satisfaction of being well dressed at a moderate cost. Send us two 2c stamps and the name of your local dealer, and we will send you FREE our new Spring Fashion Booklet and several samples of cloth of our $15.00 Special Suits. Schwab Clothing Co. MAKERS OF HONEST CLOTHES I Cure Cancer. My Mild Combination Treatment is by the patient at home. Years of success. Hun dreds ol testimonials. Endorsed by physicians, ministers, etc. The local application destroys the Cancerous growth, and the constitutional treatment eliminates the disease from the sys tem, preventing its return. Write for Free Book, “Cancer and its Cure.” No matter how serious your case—no matter how many operations you have had—no matter what treatment you have tried—do not give up hope, but write at once. DR. O. A. JOHNSON, 313 E. 12th St., Kansas City, Mo. Cool Sleep In Hot Weather is assured if you use Foster’s Ideal or Four Hundred Spring Bed. They con form to every curve of the body. Yield luxurious ease. Never sag or become un - even. Best bed for business men, ner vous people and invalids. Write for book - let, “Wide Awake Facts About Sleep,” and dealer’s name. ’ldeal Safety Cribs - have high sliding sides, close spindles and woven-wire springs. Relieve moth ers of worry. Write for Ideal Booklet, “A Mother’s Invention.” FOSTER BROS. MFG. CO., 50 Broad 1450 N 16 Street, ||E JESsT TT I" treet ’ Utica, I #St. Louis n.y. iLPw Hr L ~TT I Mo ' , Baby can’t gel out • or stick its head through 9 KIIIDINF A GREAT HEALER nUlDlliL A GOOD TONIC Not a patent jnedicine. Not compounded of Drugs. A Mineral Water Remedy. 50c. and SI.OO per bottle. In tablet doses 50c. and SI.OO per box. Manufactured, guaranteed and sold by MOUNTAIN IRON MINERAL COMPANY, Spartanburg, South Carolina, CALL ON YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. I Bigger Yields ■ ■ A given number number of acres fertilized with Far- ■ ■ mers’ Bone produce a greater yield of cotton, than the I I Same acreage with ordinary fertilizer. Farmers’ Bone ■ docs more than that. It makes it possible to reduce the acreage and increase the yield. Try it this year. ■ The man who uses Made with Fish gH ■ has twenty-one years of fertilizer experience back of him. Over 13,000 carloads of Royster fertilizers were used on the crops of 1905. This volume of business stamps I Farmers’ Bone the best. LOOK AT OUR TWENTY YEARS’ RECORD . . I z < X 1885 250 TONS X* / 1890-1,500 TONS X I 4 X !89 5- ,2 » o °o tonsX*7. VV// 1900—58,455 TONS {Kd I -1 f 906 - |3o ’° 9l t °n sW F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. JiESw z Awhb i rtf \ TRAl>c MAR * & j A&kL WnonwadfidMon. ■ GO O D I ■ COMPANY I You can’t be lonesome If you ewn an Edison Phonograph. It I brings vaudeville, comic opera or minstrel entertainment, band, I orchestra, classic or sacred music right into your own room. I ■ You can hear fust what suits you, whenever you like. The I ■ IMPROVED EDISON ■ ■ PHONOGRAPH ■ makes your rooms attractive and yourself popular, You can ■ always entertain friends with good stories or fine music. ■ To appreciate the marked superiority of the Edison Phono- ■ ■ graph and Gold Moulded Records, hear one at the dealers’, free I of charge. Phonographs cost from SIO.OO up; Records, 35 cents. ■ k NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY fl Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J. 1 • Dealers, with stores, wanted in every town not yet covered Do Not Forget Elastic Hosiery, 'Belts, etc., for the relief, cure and support of Varicose Veins, Weak, S Ivo lien or Ulcerated Limbs cannot be beat; and by carrying the largest stock of these goods of anystore in the South, Ive are in position to supply your Ivants at the right price We Furnish Measurement Blanks Upon Appli cation. T TT— -1 K- | O’ MMI ® Ml SV I r«w f jjSBI ? 'X II F r \ CLASSIFICATIONS Anklet A to C Thigh Piece G to I Knee Caps L to G Abdominal Belt K to M Legging C to E Wristlet R to T Garter Stocking A to L KneeJLeggiug C to G Knee Stocking A to G Thigh Legging C to I Thigh Stocking A to I THE V. E. PERRYMAN CO. Surgical Instruments and Physicians’ Supplies 36 Peachtree Street ATLANTA, GA.