The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, April 19, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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| A Washing 1 I Machine FREE I I /Txx or 3® Oays I \\\ 1 Z I j| B |WMm [ | I I J J I I I ' ■ll I Here’s a chance for any woman to get away ■ I from the washboard forever. Simply drop us I a postal card,asking fora Spotless Washer, I and we will send you one, on trial, lor 30 days. I It will cost you only a penny. We even pay I thefreight. If you don’t like it. if itdoesn'tdo | the wash quicker, better and witii less labor I than any other machine, tell us so, and we’ll ■ pay the freight back. If you do like it we I will make terms of pay meiit on such easy I Installments that anyone enn buy It. There I are no strings to this offer. It’s a square deal. ■ ■ We make it, because we know that the SPOTLESS WASHER I is the best machine made. Tt does most of the B ■ work itself. You only have to guide it, and I you can do this sitting or standing. Operales I in either direction. Made of finest selected Virginia White Cedar. Steam tight—never I comes loose. Mechanism all enclosed—no I danger of hands or clothing being caught. Ball bearing—lightest running. Send to-day for full particulars of this remarkable offer and our proposition. SPOTLESS WASHING MACHINE CO., Inc. Box 564 M, Chicago, 111. 89 M New York,N. Y. 64 M Richmond,Va. L. & B. PIANOS) NEW SCALE Four Hundred Dollar Models TO CLUB MEMBERS AT $287. Cash or Easy Payment?. Nine out of every ten pianos are bought on payments —gifts to the family— Many are taken away on account of the death of the wage earner. Join the club, now forming. Save nearly a hundred and twenty-five dollars— and besides in case of death of purchas er we give the family a receipt in full for balance due on piano— provided contract has been in force six months and the payments have been made ac cording to agreement. It costs you nothing extra to protect your fam ily — write for Booklet No. 38 „ its I free and will explain everything. Over 300 1“ & B. Club Pianos sold inside of four months to satisfied customers— They are warranted for a life time. Address LUDDEN & BATES S. M. H. 36 YEARS IN MUSIC. SAVANNAH. - - GA. DRAUGHON’S SHuiineitf&ilkgeb Atlanta, Columbia, Montgomery. Waco, Dallas, Little Rock and Nashville. POSITIONS secured or money REFUNDED. Also teach BY MAIL. Catalogue will convince you that Draughon’s is THE BEST. Send for it. TITC $ f - Vlius D ance an d a 't Nervous Diseases fI I \ permanently cured by Dr. Kline’s * Great Nerve Restorer, used sue ess full for more than 35 years. Free $2.00 trial and treatise. Dr. R. H. Kline, It’d., No. 931 Arch St- Philadelphia, Pa. up, great movements of thought and action, institutions, associations, common wealths, empires, become conspicuous for a time, and then pass away. But the unfathomable abyss of humanity still remains, and God’s eternal pur pose moves on toward the accomplishment of wise and righteous ends. —Cen- tral Presbyterian, Richmond, Va. AA e believe that every property owner, whether rich or poor, white or clack, should pay his equal part of the taxes, and a man that isn’t willing to pay his equal part of taxes, whether it be a cow, a horse or a railroad, doesn’t possess that patriotism essential to good government.—Gwinnett Journal, Gwinnett, Ga. The current issue of the Golden Age contains a beautiful article in refer ence to the lamented Chas. H. Smith, (“Bill Arp”). One of the sweetest letters the writer ever received came from Major Smith a short while before “lie wrapped the draperies of his couch about him and lay down to pleasant dreams.” The letter was an appreciation of a little poem we had dedicated to the great and beloved Georgian.—Walton Tribune, Monroe, Ga. Science is not a lot of facts, but a lot of theories, and any given scientific theory is liable to be overturned by the discovery of new facts as investiga tion proceeds. AA itness the havoc radium has made in scientific theories. On the other hand theology cannot be overturned by any discovery of new facts, since all the data are already in hand. AVe have the Bible, and we have human nature, and have had them for centuries. There is no new Bible and no new human nature to be discovered.—Temple Messenger, Hot Springs, Ark. To be charitable towards error, is to love it, and tolerate it, and to not oppose it is to contribute to its growth. All evil and wrong will prosper by being let alone. Be charitable, i. e. loving, towards people who have the errors, be considerate of their honest convictions, but attack the errors of their faith. Nothing can be more uncharitable than to let those whom we love go on in a wrong faith, when we know it to be wrong. The demons who possessed a man asked of Jesus nothing but toleration, “let us alone.” This is the modern idea of charity.—Baptist Flag, Fulton, Ky. A firm in Boston offered as an advertisement, a sum of money for the best answer to the question, “What constitutes success?” A Western wo man submitted the following, and received the prize of $250: “He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of the little children; who has filled his niche and accomplisheed his task; who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth’s beauty or failed to express it; who has always looked for the best in others, and given the best he had; whose life was an inspiration, whose memory a benediction.”—Enterprise- Gazette, Senoia, Ga. There is more trouble in the seminary camp, growing, perhaps, out of the declining numbers to study in those schools. The trouble now is that the seminaries—some of them—are sending out agents to buy up students. That is certainly a startling disclosure. If the Lord isn’t calling enough young men to keep the seminaries going, then we had better close up some of them. Any school, that must go out and buy up students had better turn its plant into a packing house or a flouring mill, or a canning factory, or something that will be of substantial benefit to mankind.—Baptist Flag, (Fulton, Ky.) I H This bottle for you—FREE u, n Those who seek relief from rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, headache, 11 ■I backache, lumbago, sprains, sore muscles, and other pains—Read carefully. II ■T We want to help you. We know the marvellous curative power of Dr. M W Brown’s Magic Liniment: how wonderful it is: that when it is poured on I B 11 a piece of cloth and pressed closely to the place where the pain exists the ~ j E® Vfl U pain instantly vanishes. It is different from other liniments which need I® U nibbing. You simply smother the cloth under your hands and the lini- JgLdMB M II ment penetrates to the source of the pain and instantly relieves it. It II ■r soothes the nerves, produces warmth, and starts up the circulation. fftU B We know it does all these things—and we want you to know it. iKlIw B 3M Send for the sample bottle and try it. Write to B U BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Dept., A Nashville, Tenn. VZ M rBEATEN I FREE SAMPLE AND RECIPE I ■ Send us your name and address today, so we can send you by return mail, free sample and ■ recipe formaking genuine “•Old Fashioned Southern Beaten Biscuit,” the kind your mother ■ B and grandmother ate in Ante-Bellum days. You never tasted anything so perfectly de- ■ ■ licious. Tbe sample we send is not beaten intbe old way: it is made with the DeMUTH ■ ■ BE ATEN BISCUIT MACHINE, the original, perfect beaten biscuit machine. So simple a ■ child can operate it. Lasts a lifetime. Made in three sizes—three prices. Thousandsnow ■ B in use all over the South. Write today for free sample and Booklet B. B J. A. DeMUTH, 819 South 14th Street, St. Joseph, Missouri. A The Golden Age for April 19, 1906. Beautify the Complexion IN TEN DAYS. tfg Nadinola The UNEQUALED beautifier , en dorsed by thousands: j- guaranteed to remove freckles, pimples, all facial discolorations and restore the beauty of youth. The worst cases in twenty days. 50c. and SI.OO at all leading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris, Tenn. There are types of Fever which if treated with Quinine will run from four to six weeks. These same types are cured in from one to two days by using Johnson’s Tonic. Some types, Quinine cannot cure at all, such as Typhoid Fever and yet John son’s Tonic will cure this type every time. Send si.oo and we will send two bot tles charges paid. We will send your dollar back if you are not satisfied. Refer to any Bank in Savannah, Ga. Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic Co. Savannah, Ga. Oflr Wnnllov’c SENT FREE t 0 a ’ s Uli VfUUllej v users of morphine, pAiMi ccc opium, laudanum, ■k ■■ ■■ m efixirot opium,co -8 ■ ■ nfl caine or whiskey, a LI ■ I ■ Bln large book of P ar * ■ ■ I IWI ticularsonbomeor ■ ■wi IVI sanatorium treat • amt* * " ment. Address,Dr. ANO b. M. WOOLLEY, Whiskey Cure Atlanta, Georgia. Au Test Your Own Eyes - Get your Glasses at wholesale. , We send you FREE our Simple 4 Method Eye Test and beautiful L7/jgi, .Ji illustrated catalogue A. Write to-day. Reference Neal Loan Radius Optical Mfg. Co. ATLANTA, GA. A Notre Dame Lady’s Appeal. To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism, whether muscular or of the joints, sciatica, lumbagos, backache, pains in the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write to her for a home treatment which has repeatedly cured all of these tortues. She feels it her duty to send it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself at home, as thousands will testi fy—no change of climate being necessary. This simple discovery banishes uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened joints, purifies the blood, and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. If the above interests you, for proof address Mrs. M. Summers, Box 544, Notre Dame, Ind. The Secretary—l congratulate you, sir, on your new distinction. The Fnancier—What’s that? The Secretary—The insurance in quiry is over, and you weren’t called as a witness. “Hogs Climb Skyward,” was the headline of an article in a Chicago paper the other day. It surmounted a market report, and meant that pork had risen some cents a pound. TO THE TRUSTEES OF The Churches of Every Denomination Gentleman: We take the liberty of telling you that every church will lie given a liberal quan tity of L. & M. Paint whenever they paint. 4 gallons of L. & M. mixed with 3 gal lons Linseed Oil will paint a moderate sized house. L. & M. Paint costs only $1.20 per gal lon. L. & M. Zinc hardens L. & M. White Load and makes the paint wear like iron. Largest mills in the world use L. & M. Arnold Print Works, North Adams, Mass, used nearly 17,000 gallons L. & M. Paint made with 10.000 gallons L. &. M. and 7,000 gallons pure Linseed Oil. For sale in every city, town and village in the United States by some one mer chant who has exclusive sale therein. Look him up and use the L. & M. on your church or on your house, outside and In side. 15