The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, May 10, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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A Perfect Complexion is so often spoiled by pimples and fa/in’ eruptons. Not necessary either. Read this: “Please forward six boxes of Tett?ri”e C. O. D. L thiiik it strange that it is not sold here in New England, as it is the best cnre for eczema, ringworm and all erup tions of the skin 1 ever saw. P. O. HANLON, Providence, R. I.” Ask your druggist for a box of fragrant Tetterine. If he hasn’t it in stock, send 50 cents for one box to J. T. SHUPTRINE, Savannah, Ga. "The Old Reliable” GEORGIA RAILROAD Elegantly Equipped PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN ALL POINTS. Pullman Palace Cars be tween Atlanta, Augusta and Charleston, also between Au gusta and St. Louis and Charleston and Cincinnati. Fast Freight Service Between the West and Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charleston, Savannah and all points in SOUTHEASTERN AND CAROLINA TERRITORY A. G. JACKSON General Freight and Passenger Agt.. Augusta, Ga. The Columbia Typewriter The only visible writer that sacri fices nothing to gain visibility, and is unapproached in its automatic movements, easy action, convenience and durability. Either single or double key board, and in either case—visible writing. We think it the best machine on the market. What do others think? Lis ten : Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 5, 1905. Columbia Typewriter Co., Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sirs:—We have been using the Bar-Lock Typewriter in our office for twelve years and now have three machines actively in use. The ma chine has given us uniform satisfac tion, with minimum cost for repairs. We especially commend it for billing and tabulating purposes. Yours tru ly, Frank E. Block Co. Write today for catalogue to The Columbia Typewriter Co. 39 1-2 Whitehall St 32 1-2 S. Broad St. ATLANTA, GA. gh Dropsy b Removes all swelling in 8 to 20 'T®'- / days; effects a permanent cure .A&g' A. in 30 to 60 days. Trial treatment given free. Nothingcan be fairer Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons. “MsS'rTiV®)* 1 * Specialists. Box <3 Atlanta. Ra Usethe Great English Remedy BLAIR’S PILLSEsOI Safe, Sure, Effective. 50c. 8c sl. DRUGGISTS, or 93 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. fW-yjULBI VOOK REVIEWS “FAITH AND THE FAITH.’’ By T. T. Eaton, D.D., LL.D. This is a new book, fresh from the press, and is receiving the heartiest endorsement from Noah K. Davis, Henry G. Weston, B. H. Carroll, Theodore L. Cuyler, Prof. Albert H. Newman, J. M. Frost and many other wise and be loved brethren. We have read the book twice and are charmed with the straight-forward, clear-cut vigorous style in which the thoughts of the author are put. Dr. Eaton makes a most heroic stand for “Old Time Religion,” as against the innovations of higher critics and all others who in any wise give evidence of departure from the “old paths.” Dr. Carroll says, “the book hits like lightning and need not hit again.” This is a feature of the production, and one which perhaps is to be regretted. The author seems to charge that those who belong to what may be termed the “new school” theologians, say hard things against the time-honored teachings of the orthodox, and he seems to come back in the spirit of the man who says, “you are another.” The spirit of persuasion is better than the spirit which moves to harsh speech. Paul was a great logician, but he was also a great persuader of men who were out of the way. On pages 49, 50 and 51, Gamaliel’s speech, is presented and both Gam aliel and his speech are minimized. Many discriminating, thoughtful and pious readers of the Bible will not agree with Dr. Eaton as to his utterances here. The Doctor asserts that the speech “has done great harm.” Many good things put out of relation do harm. Good speeches, seasonably applied as Gamaliel’s was, do good. Dr. Eaton seems to teach that Saul of Tarsus, as a young Pharisee, was approved by God, and regenerated on his way to Damascus, although he was “breathing out threatenings and slaughter,” be cause he was “ epi-agonizing for what seemed to him—Saul—to be right. From this it would appear that any man’‘s course, no matter how erroneous, will commend him to God, if he is downright in earnest—sufficiently in earnest to epi-agonize. To epi-agonize is a good thing provided it is for the truth, otherwise not. Now the “Old Time Religion” is what we all ought to “epi-agonize” for, but whose “Old Time Religion?” Ah! that’s the question, at least one of them, in the present day. “We are to ‘epi-agonize’ against error,” says Dr. Eaton; but whose error? The “epi-agonizers ,” as a class, have been martyrs, and we owe them a debt for their testimony in the flames, that we will never be able to pay. However, some of these “epi-agonizers” have been in power sometimes, and have not hesitated to burn the heretics. Paul epi-agonized too much when he consented to the death of Stephen. John Calvin did some flaming epi-agonizing when he burnt Servetus. We love Dr. Eaton, and are proud of him for several reasons, but we warn him not to make too much out of his “epi-agonize.” There ought to be no epi-agonizing unless we know the truth first. Dr. Eaton s book deserves a place in every religious library in the land. It ought to have a wide reading; and all this can be said of some other books now coming from the press, where the authors are pious men and who doubtless love the truth, and no doubt are just as sincere as our gifted Brother Eaton—although they do not think as he does. We commend this book, and would advise that it be carefully read by all lovers of truth. There is not a tame sentence nor a dull thought in it. It contains much truth. That feature in it that is so well suited to in spire the spirit of martyrdom is most timely and worthy of all accepta tion. We commend other good books, too, written by authors who do not see exactly as Dr. Eaton does. Dr. Eaton writes as though everything was set tled. Other authors do not so teach. Who is right about it? This is an age of enquiry. Let the enquirers do their work. We “draw the line” on no man’s right to investigate as long as he is sincere. Insincerity ought to be the only bar to enquiry and investigation. If a man is sincere, give him a pen and a platform, too; give him plenty of room. These are his rights. If he puts forth error, he and his erors must come to naught. If he presents truth—though it may be in new dress, he proves himself a benefactor and is entitled to praise. The price of “Faith and the Faith,” is 50 cents, net. It can be bought from the Baptist Book Concern, a perfectly reliable house, 642 Fourth Avenue, Louisville, Ky. H. R. Bernard. “NATURAL GOODNESS.’’ Rev. T. F. Randolph. Bishop Candler has rescued from oblivion a very worthy little book under the above title. The volume is printed in Atlanta by J. C. Candler. It is a very clear and remarkably fair discussion of that mysterious sec tion of religious philosophy which has to deal with man’s fallen nature in relation to the law, the providence and the grace of God. The author discov ers unmistakable proof that man has left in him in spite of the fall a good portion of “natural goodness.” but he makes it thoroughly clear that this The Golden Age for May 10, 1906. 1 Removes Bursal Enlargements, Thickened Tissues, In silt rated Parts, and any Puff or Swelling, Cures Lameness, Allays Pain without laying the horse up. Boes not blister, stain or remove the hair. 82. UV a bottle, delivered. Pamphlet 1-0 free. ABSORBIN G, JR., for mankind, gtl.OO bottle. Cures Synovitis, Weeping Sinew, Strains, Gouty or Rheumatic Deposits, reduces Varicose Veins, Varicocele, Hydrocele. Allays pain. Book free. Genuine mfd. only by W.F. YuUNG.P.D.F., 114 Monmouth St., Springfield. Mass Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad OPERATING The Best Equipped Freight and Passenger Service in the South. Coaches electric lighted, with steam heat in Winter and elec tric fans in Summer. It you desire to have your freight handled with dispatch and to travel comfortably and conveniently, patronize THIS POPULAR ROUTE h. c. McFadden, General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. FRFF Just What You Want JI Dr. Barrett’s Medical Hand Book "what to do before the Doctor comes” Worth SI.OO, sent Free upon reque t. BARRET CHEMICAL CO.. Desk 12, St. Lou s. :jßS?wiswrS I SOOTHING SYRUP i 1 nas been used by Millions of Mothers for their S J children while Teething for over Fifty Years. <. > It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays C ', all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best ' > remedy for diarrhoea, , * j TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. THE DEWBERRY School Agency This Agency was estab= lished in 1892 and for four= teen years has served teach= ers and schools in all parts of the South and Southwest. Schools desiring teachers or teachers desiring positions should address R. A. CLAYTON, Manager, Birmingham, Alabama. Mother Earth is the Best Apothecary, and her best work is found in the wonder ful combination of minerals helpful to hu man health found in Piedmont Concentrated Iron and Alum Water —a quick cure for indigestion, Liver, Kidney and Bladder troubles. 18 ozs. contains as mwh mineral as 25 gals, of ordinary Mineral Water. Cheaper and more effective. Your drug gist. or the Spring owners. J. M. Echols, Co., Lynchburg, Va. 15