The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, May 17, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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14 FRECKLES AND PIMPLES REMOVED In Ten Days. Nadinola The Complexion Beatitifier is en dorsed by thousands W " ■ of grateful ladies, and iih»\' jas guaranteed to remove facial discolora tions and restore the beauty of youth. The worst cases in twenty days. 50c. and SI.OO at all leading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO.. Paris. Tenn. 9L System of Home 1/tCtl/l Treatment. as Well as Curative. 500-501 Lowndes Building Atlant ~ , Ga. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Al en’s Foot-ease, a powder. It cures painful smarting, nervous feet and ingrowing nail-, and inst.nt y takes the sting out of corns and bun ions. . t's the great s! co nfort diccove yof the ae. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, caLo s, swollen, ired. aching feet. I’ry it today. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores By mail foi 25c in s amps Don’t accept any substitutes. Tii 1 package FREE, Address Allen S. Olm sted, Leßoy, N. Y “BACK TO NATURE.’’ “Look pleasant, please,” said the photographer to his (more or less) fair sitter. Click! “It’s all over, ma’am. You may resume your na tural expression.”—Cleveland Lead er. Owen Wister, the novelist, who hates long-winded preambles and useless questions, tells of a man who stood before a mirror in his room, his face lathered, and an open raz or in his hand. His wife came in. She looked at him and said, “Are you shaving?” The man, a foe to surplusage, replied fiercely, “No, I am blacking the kitchen range. Where are you—out driving or at a four-o ’clock tea ? ’ ’ —Exchange. TO THE TRUSTEES OF BAPTIST CHURCHES. Gentlemen: Always have your church buy linseed oil at barrel prices. Don’t let them pay $1 50 a gallon for canned oil. which ought to cost but 60 cent a gallon. Ready-mixed paint is about half oil and half pa nt. Buy oil fresh from the barrel, and add it to the L. &M. Paint, which is semi-mixed, an you then get a fu 1 gallon of paint at the lo west pr ces. Largest mills in the world use L. & M. Arnold Print Works, North Adams, Mass., used nearly 17,000 gallons L. & M. Paint made with 10,000 gallons L. &. M. and 7.<><>() gallons pure Linseed Oil. For sale in every city, town and village in the United States by some one merchant who has exclusive sale therein. Look him up and use the L. M. on your church «n vn»r house, outside and Inside 1 KL J te-feJl F H W ,3 BK. ? JM Rx ■■ EntvHl h < >' Xs < jfl IpBKKSBMHnSKSMHBKSHMMSwsHsMHHHHMMnHHMHHHBsHMBBSBH&wHBBWraHMHffIHBHMM sLJ; l«l The Prettiest IHMm Summer Resort y tt I im*i Ci Health and pleasure go hand in hand at Chick Springs. tllljß E 00^*n &f° r e ‘ { h e ryou’d better repair thither. lilfflH 1- The most valuable water known for kidney, liver and stomach troubles. 2. The most Ino(lern an<i cmnfoitable hotel. ( Everything bran new.) ■?. Cool days and pleasant nights. MEduZgS Illi 4- No mosquitoes. 5. Easily accessible 6. Five dai y trains. 7 Only 1 mile from main line M|gv i MBMiffll 'oil IrviumLJ~ X - < n Railway. 8. Convenient teleplv ne anu tel graph connections. 9. Altitude 1 300 ! <iJbH ,eet - 10. An imn ens° amount of po[>ular outdoor amusements. 11. The best orchestra to be f|] JKfl fi und ; and (12) last, but not least, a laige crowd of congenial guests. P> Chick to jour and interesting consisting as it does of opinions, conclusions and discoveries of eminent workers along individual lines. If it is desired to keep in close touch with current events through the medium of the photographist’s art and the clever writer’s pen, then the reader should choose such publications as Harper’s and Leslie’s Weeklies which in a measure cover about the same fields, although editorially and politically these publications are at variance. The public has almost formed a habit of waiting for these weeklies after any important event has occurred whether it be in America or “the utter most ends of the earth,” for the scope of the news service of both these papers is almost limitless. Whether the subject be a revolution in Russia or an earthquake in South America, full details of the event may be found here, both pictorially and verbally. S. T. D. . THE WORLDS BEST BABY MEDICINE mMBH BABY tisE Bowel CQ'mf>\QArt\s-TEETfIINGTRO(JBLE&-Writefi>j' Free Book let baby ease rBEATEN BISCUIT-, I FREE SAMPLE AND RECIPE I I Send us your name and address today, so we can send you by return mail, free sample and 9 recipe formaking genuine “Old Fashioned Southern Beaten Biscuit,” the kind your mother 9 9 and grandmother ate in Ante-Bellum days. You never tasted anything so perfectly de- 9 9 licious. The sample we send is not beaten in the old way; it is made with the DeMUTH 9 I BEATEN BISCUIT MACHINE, the original, perfect beaten biscuit machine. So simple a 9 child can operate it. Lasts a lifetime. Made in three sizes—three prices. Thousandsnow 9 9 in use all over the South. Write today for free sample and Booklet B. 9 J. A. DeMUTH, 819 South 14th Street, St. Joseph, Missouri. JR Walter Ballard Optical Co. MANUFACTURING, DISPENSING AND REFRACTING OPTICIANS Bell Phone 352 61 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. We have had many years experience in manufacturing fine optical lenses, and filling oculists’ prescriptions. Our factory is second to none in doing high-class optical work. Our salesrooms, 61 Peachtree street, you can find everything that is carried in an exclusive optical house, including every nose giass made. If it’s possible for you to wear nose glasses we can fit you. The service given you here is not usually found elsewhere. We can furnish you with any glass made. Magic 5 f Liniment 8 h This bottle for you—FREE u, n fl Those who seek relief from rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, headache, M ■I backache, lumbago, sprains,sore muscles, and other pains—Read carefully. II 9 We want to help you. We know the marvellous curative power of Dr. U 9 Brown’s Magic Liniment; how wonderful it is; that when it is poured on W 9 ■V a piece of cloth and pressed closely to the place where the pain exists the -= j K U pain instantly vanishes. It is different from other liniments which need /fe W" Y, . I® M H rubbing. You simply smother the cloth under your hands and the lini- mQBKm I I fflz IS ■I inent penetrates to the source of the pain and instantly relieves it. It II ■r soothes the nerves, produces warmth, and starts up the circulation. 1■ 9k We know it does all these things— and we want you to know it. 9 Send for the sample bottle and try it. Write to W M BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Dept., A Nashville, Tenn. Q wiMiilMil"" WMI - MuJI The Golden Age for May 17, 1906. Your Friend Who Drinks I WILL SAVE HIM I Have a HOME CURE, Whose Proof is FREE, That Restores FOREVER The Farthest Cone, That Conquers The Disease and The Desire, That Re builds Nerve Strength and Ambition. No one, except the victim, himself, knows the mental sufferings—the noble lights and the ignoble falls —of the drinking man. Others see only his transgressions and his frequent lapses. Again and again they watch him secure a foothold that crum- J bles to sand. For the strongest Will Power Can Not conquer that devouring thirst, the trembling craving that is voiced by every nerve-cell of the helpless, hopeless victim of inebriety—the condition that leaves man no longer master of himself, but a half-crazed martyr to perverted appetite. Advice and kindly words will not help your af flicted friend, any more than a straw will save a drowning man. What you must do to rescue him is to “throwout the life-line,” in the shape of an ac tual, tangible Cure for the disease. To prove that I have such a cure, I will send in a plain wrapper, so that no one can guess its contents, a large treatment, sufficient to test its wonderful merit, free of all expense. A marvelous change will at once be evidenced. The terrible, incessant craving will vanish, appetite return, the nerves grow steady, the haggard appear ance will vanish, the eyes grow clear and the sufferer will again be able and inspired to take his proper place in business and society, I appeal to the Worst cases—l glory in such cures —cases that again and again have failed to yield to other treatments. My record is 100 per cent, of cures —Cures to Stay Cubed. And I have the proof to verify my claims. No matter how hopeless the case may seem, do not despair. Remember mine is a home treatment. There is no advertising the fact that it is being taken—no kindling of neighborhood gossip. Nothing hut the blessed reality of a perfect cure. Remember, I do not ask, and will not accept, one single penny of pay till I have proven that my simple home remedy is an absolute, unfailing cure. You take not a particle of risk and the gain is priceless. Write this very da? tor free treatment, sent in geale<L< plain wrapper. PARKER WIXI.IS, Mta,te Lite jß’ld’ff, Indianapolis, Ind. SOUTHERN PINE JUICE —Nature’s Own Remedy for Coughs, Croup, Colds, Bronchitis and all Lung Affections; Sovereign Balm for Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Insect Bites. The animal’s friend—immediately relieving and quickly curing Mange in dogs, Galled Shoulders in horses and mules. Purely Vegetable. No mineral, drugs or chemicals. Distilled from the life giving, health-restoring Long-Leafed Pines of Summerville, S. C.—the health iest town in the world (see Report of Congress of Physicians in Paris, France. Try a sample bottle, 25 cents. Stamps accepted. Write today. PINE BALM CO., Lock Box 93, Summerville, S. C.