The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 07, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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V MOZLEY’S I Ilemonl lelixirl | The Ideal Laxative. I There are no unpleasant effects I from Mozley’s Lemon Elixir, but I I its action is thoroughly effective. I It regulates the Liver, Stomach, I Bowels and Kidneys, cleanses the I .. I system of all impurities, but does I H not gripe or produce the least un- I pleasantness. Mozley’s Lemon H 9| Elixir, unlike other laxatives, I H lias a most pleasing taste, children H Kra even beg for it. 5Q cents and ■ SI.OO per bottle. AT ALL DRUG STORES. Wonderful Improvement in Typewriters. ,, Hl B* I JU L. C. Smith, who formerly manu factured the L. C. Smith gun and the Smith Premier Typewriter, has sev ered his connection and is now man ufacturing na improved writing-in sight-single keyboard machine. Writs for catalogue. Agents Wanted in Florida and Georgia. H. M. ASHE Wrifing-in-Sighf Co. Y. M. C. A. Bldg., 71-73 N. Pryor and 17-19 and 21 Auburn Ave., ATLANTA, GA. ■ PIONESaOASIwTEEDa A NURSERY STOCK A K •AT WHOLESALE PRICES. J : All stock guaran* teed disease free —true jNPHB to name—pure bred and Iheavy crop producers. Full i\y/ value for every dollar sent us. No \Nt /] Em agent’s commission. Write for price VU j 1 list. We save you money. \1 LA HART PIONEER NURSERIES 11 rTV Established 1865. Fort Scott, Kan. Piedmont Concentrated Iron and Alum Water is a Natural Mineral Water, containing nearly every mineral of the human body, combined by nature, concentrated by man. Cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Female dis eases, Stomach and Bowel disorders, Kid ney and Bladder troubles, Scrofula, Impure Blood, Malaria, skin diseases and Liver troubles. This is a pure Mineral Water, concentrat ed to be used as a medicine. Your druggist, or J. M. Echols Co., owners., Lynchburg, Va. nought which leaves naught to dread. With the King’s Dreadnought there is everything to dread. The tiny yacht preserves the peace between the two branches of our one harmonious, friendly, brotherly race that is soon to domi nate the world.” “I wish,” added Mr. Carnegie, “ ambitious rulers of the world—emper ors, kings and strenuous presidents—would read history and learn that mon ster warships never lead to peace, but always tempt to war. ‘How oft the means to do ill deeds, Makes ill deeds done.’ ” The speaker trusted that the attention of King Edward would be at tracted to the example of Canada and the United States, and that his powerful influence would be exerted in behalf of the British Prime Minister’s recent ap peal for a League of Peace among the Nations, which would ensure the total exclusion of battleships from the high seas as we exclude them from our in land seas, thus bringing nearer the permanent peace of the world. “Let not the old home scorn to take a lesson from her children,” he said, “when that lesson leads to the greatest possible step forward—a lesson whose triumphant success here should be heeded by all European nations now staggering in what the wise Prime Minister of Canada calls ‘the vortex of militarism.’ ” Referring to a book of poems glorifying war, which had been sent him by the author, a Jingoistic clergyman, Mr. Carnegie was scathing and scorch ing: “The compiler of the volume of terrific war songs, glorifying human slaughter,” said he, “is a clergyman, preacher of the Christian religion, subject of the Prince of Peace. Imagine that! I wonder if he knows that the chief difference between the Christian and non-Christian in early days when Christianity was first established, was that the Christian would not serve in the legions? Maximilian, a Centurion, was tried and put to death because he said, ‘I have become a Christian, and I cannot kill my fellow-men.’ “Tertullian, only one hundred and fifty years after Christ, declared that ‘the baptismal vow and the military oath are inconsistent with each other, the one being the sign of Christ, the other of the devil.’ I humbly suggest that the last man who should have compiled that blood-thirsty volume is a minister of the Prince of Peace. I know that one of the last men who would circulate it is the humble individual who now addresses you. We have far too much of men killing men in battle, the foulest stain upon civilization. Os course, it is a holy duty to protect our homes, but that which makes it so also makes it a holy duty not to attack the homes of others.” LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES one size smaller after using- Alien’s Foot Eas a , a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It’s the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen’s Foot-Ease i< a cer tain cure for tiied, sweating, hot, aching feet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Don’t ac cept any substitute. For FREE trial package, also Free Sample of the FOOT-EASE Sanitary CORN-PAD, a new invention, address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a horse Wheeze, have Thick Wind, or Choke down, can be removed with 9 j >-) or any Bunch or Swelling Z\ ' caused by strain or inilain- V niation. No blister, no f . hair gone, and kept \ at work. H-'.OO per hottie, de livered. Book 3-C free. ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind, SI.OO, de livered. Cures Goitre, Tumors, Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Varicocele. Book free. Made only by W. F. YOUNG, P. D. F., 114 Monmouth St., Springfield, Mass GOT THE ITCH? Dr. Boeck’s Ointment positively and quick ly cures the worst known cases. It never falls. We will send you by return mail. FREE trial box if you mention The Golden Age. Why suffer longer from this annoying diseasa when you can be cured so quickly and easily Write us today. Sent by mall to any address at 50 cents and SI.OO a box. MONRAD COMPANY, DES MOINES, IOWA. Cold Sulphur Springs In the Mountians of Virginia. Elevation 1,800 ft. Sulphur, chalybeate and freestone waters. Abundant shade. Homelike and attractive. Hot sulphur baths. Terms moderat . Address, J. S. CRAIG, Proprietor, Cold Sulphur Springs, Va. SALESMAN WANTED One wide-awake hustler in every County to take orders for easy-selling Fay-Sholes typewriters. Liberal proposition to a reli able man. Write today. FAY-SHOLES 614 Majestic Building, Chicago The Golden Age for June 7, 1906. What the Mother May Learn From the Children. The “Fighting Parson” Answered. Use theGreat English Remedy ■ BLAIR'S Safe, Sure, Effective. 50c. & sl. DRUGGISTS, or 93 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. If you want to be cured of Cancer, Tumors, Chronic sores without the use of the Knife or X-ray, go to KELLAM HOSPITAL 1615 East Main St. Richmond, Va. There you will find what you are seeking a cure We are endorsed by the Senate and Legis lature of Virginia. IVE GUARANTEE OUR CURES. SmimsLors | SOOTHING SYRUP (* Has been used by Millions of Mothers for their •, . i children while Teething for over Fifty Years. <, * It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays C *, all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best < < < remedy for diarrhoea. , ’ » ( 1 SOUTHERN PINE JUICE —Nature’s Own Remedy for Coughs, Croup, Colds, Bronchitis and all Lung Affections; Sovereign Balm for Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Insect Bites. The animal’s friend—immediately relieving and quickly curing Mange in dogs, Galled Shoulders in horses and mules. Purely Vegetable. No mineral, drugs or chemicals. Distilled from the life giving, health-restoring Long-Leafed Pines of Summerville, S. C. —the health iest town in the world (see Report of Congress of Physicians in Paris, France. Try a sample bottle, 25 cents. Stamps accepted. Write today. PINE BALM CO., Lock Box 93, Summerville, S. C. & System of Home J/tCtl/l Treatment. as Well as Curative. 500-6 01 Lowndes Building Atlanta, Ga, NOTHING CONVINCES LIKE A DEMONSTRATED CLAIM IT HAS BEEN PROVED TIME AND AGAIN THAT (RADDOCmra? SHOES PSBllSSwjk F FO R D COM FORT B LONGWEAR AND' LOOKS Wk ; wK THE DEWBERRY School Agency This Agency was estab lished in 1892 and for four teen years has served teach ers and schools in all parts of the South and Southwest. Schools desiring teachers or teachers desiring positions should address R. A. CLAYTON, Manager, Birmingham, Alabama. I w ■ ll 11013 M I JHsSSSSffi I fil that has never been equalled. I zl 8 on the s pdng pre- I u vents tearing the doth. The l IvS/t I only pin that fastens from either side and can’t slip through. See I u_l Ivl th 3 * car<^s have our name on. \\(iL/AI Send 4 cente in etampe for a ample I worth double the money. \ CONSOLIDATED SAFETY PIN CO., Box i 5» BLOOMFIELD, N.J. r Al be yours I WJ SEND IUK ME IODAYI I If Thia ad will not appear again the chance of a life- ■ ■ time. A genuine imported Guaranteed -To - Talk ■ O* MEXICAN PARROT Han ideal present —a joy for any bonne now offered I ■ for the first time at Less Than Cost. Send Today. I A WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EVERY BIRD I I Write for Beautiful Bird and Fish Catalog— l<*a Free ■ ST. LOUIS SEED COMPANY ■ “ America’s Greatest Bird and Fish Emporium ” N. 4th St., ST. LOUIS, MO. J 13