The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 07, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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14 R®F J35“h3 R>M& e made v : lr ; Css* From Pore tABMEO M rr OLIVE OIL ft ft $ by a MISSION SOCIETY J U II ’£< at the foot of MOUNT I I '/< CARMEL. Palestine, where the olives grow. I II £lt is absolutely pure, keeps the skin soft ! I V and smooth and is the only safe soap for II W the Nursery, Toilet and Bath. Recommended 1 5 Mby Physicians. Sold by Druggists and fi;st * k Class Grocers, 10c. per cake. Sole Importers 5 g, A. KLIPSTEIN & CO., t> $ 122 Pearl St M New York. £ JUST TO SATISFY HER. Heiress—l am afraid you love me merely for my money. Count—Ah, no; and wlieen we are marrieed I will prove to you by getting reed of eet as queekly as possible. —Smart Set. TO THE TRUSTEES OF BAPTIST CHURCHES. Gentlemen: Always have your church buy linseed oil at barrel prices. Don’t let them pay $1 50 a gallon for canned oil, which ought to cost but 60 cent a gallon. Ready-mixed paint is about half oil and half paint. Buy oil fresh from the barrel, and add it to the L. & M. Paint, which is semi-mixed, and you then get a fu 1 gallon of paint at the lowest prices. Largest mills in the world use L. & M. Arnold Print Works, North Adams, Mass., nsed nearly 17,000 gallons L. & M. Paint made with 10,000 gallons L. &. M. and 7,000 gallons pure Linseed Oil. For sale in every city, town and village In the United States by some one merchant who has exclusive sale therein. Look him up and use the L. k M. on your church or on your house, outside and inside. A H TT rw 1 WHF WFI was awarded the HAGAN GAS ENGINES at the !■ WU , Georgia Stata Fair, Atlanta, Oct. 4-21, 1905, JfrNJTA BL ML IK J * s adapted to all power purposes—cotton gins, oil mills, yarn and hosiery mills, farm and dairy machinery, grain eleva- 7’/ tors, feed mills, water works, electric lighting, irrigation, etc. Write for catalogue and price list of the best built engines m the world. Address THE HAGAN GAS ENGINE AND MFG. CO., w K t £gggg£j?- wHMffIMH /■!■ hill 11 ! 'I r /''IK '1 w w ' .Mll'ldo yoltlh av e ' O 0,0 D -B R & D ; CAMT V/TH OUT GOOD FLOU/?. M (Q) UR b es t argument for quality 18: THE SALE DAIL Y OF THE LARGEST soft winter heat OUTPUT of flour r MILLsf IN THE lUORLD. • NASttVILLI Trade with the man who does the most ! is-TEMkiii business. There is a reason for it.” I 1 —Darnel Webster. fl JgV-S.A Repeat this quotation aloud. OPr Wnnllnw’c SENT EREE t 0 •» Uli ■IUUIIBJ 0 users of morphine, daiui rce opium, laudanum, me ■■ ■ m m elixirot opium,co- I BIHK caihe or whiskey, a BJ| ill HM large book of par ■ I I BWI ticularsonhomeor MM ■■■ sanatorium treat* ■ ".TL 1 " * ment. Address,Dr. AND B. M. WOOLLEY, Whiskey Cure Atlanta, Georgia. lest Your Own Eyes & et Y ° ur lasses at wholesale. you FREE our Simple V/Otv * Method Eye Test and beautiful L A illustrated catalogue A. Write PH/to-day. Reference Neal Loan \ & Banking Co. Rad^us Optical Mfg. Co. ATLANTA, GA. Cancer Cured WITH SOOTHINC, BALMY OILS. Cancer, Tumor, Catarrh, Piles. Fistula. Ulcers. Eczema and all Skin and Female Diseases. Write for Illustrated Book. Sent free. Address DR. BYE I Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. < Call for "Manninghose" UP Qkk Insist on "Manninghose’’ “Well I Declare!” “The heel and toe of ’Manninghose’ is made of three-ply thread, and I find that the whole gar ment is made of two-ply, double and twisted yarn.” “Surely it will last well.” Made only by Manning Hosiery Mill 9 MAN N ING, S' , C The Golden Age for June 7, 1066. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad OPERATING The Best Equipped Freight and Passenger Service in the South. Coaches electric lighted, with steam heat in Winter and elec tric fans in Summer. If you desire to have your freight handled with dispatch and to travel comfortably and conveniently, patronize THIS POPULAR ROUTE h. c. McFadden, Genera.l Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga.. WAR ON LIQUOR AND TOBACCO. The Kansas Anti-Liquor Society has adopted a new plan to tight the liquor traffic. It is dis tributing free to all who write and enclose a stamp, a recepe for the cui e of the liquor habit. It can begiven secretly in coffee or food. Also one for the tobacco habit teat can be given se cretly. The only request they make is that you do not sell the recipes, but give free copies to your friends. Their address js Room 68 Grant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. attend the Summer Session ■ In this beautifu 1 city —■fiEL—— -2b at 1 h e f a in ous Commercial College of Kentucky University. Bookkeeping and Business, Shorthand, Type writing and Teh graphy Taught. Begin now. Positions—Refers to 10,000 successful graduates Ky. University Diploma Awarded Graduates. Address WILBUR B. SMITH, Lexington, Ky. The Adrienne Body Conformer Health Brace (PATENTED) For Men and Women FRONT VIEW. SMES’./ *^* l V. IB 1H r i Jk I w M Im l Will rest you while you work. A natural physical culture develop er without exercise, for men, women and children. Increases the height. Acts in stantly. Positively reduces the stom ach. Very vital for growing girls. BACK VIEW. /V / \ • - 'lf \ Iw Are you flat-chested? Are you round-shouldered? Do you cough? Is one shoulder lower than the other? Are you short-winded? Are you ruptured? Do your shoulder-blades protrude? Any defect of the spine or lungs cured? Have you lumbago? Have you pains in the back? Have you a weak spine? Have you curvature of the spine? Have you asthma, bronchitis or in digestion? Have you spinal trouble? Do you think you have consump tion? Do you get fainting spells? INDORSED BY EMINENT PHYSICIANS. Adrienne Health Brace weighs 3 oz. Made of Linen, washable, adjusts it self to any form and its secret is due to the laws of physical culture. WRITE FOR CIRCULAR. FOR SALE BY THE V. E. PERRYMAN CO. 36 Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA.