The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 21, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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12 HEARN ACADEMY CAVE SPRING, GA. Will open its fall term Tuesd >y. Sept. 4tli. Its campus is a natural park of fifteen ac r es. Pre pares for all colleges. Christian influences. Thorough work. Expenses moderate. R. W. EDENFIELD, Principal "The Old Reliable” GEORGIA RAILROAD Elegantly Equipped PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN ALL POINTS. Pullman Palace Cars be tween Atlanta, Augusta and Charleston, also between Au gusta and St. Louis and Charleston and Cincinnati. Fast Freight Service Between the West and Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charleston, Savannah and all points in SOUTHEASTERN AND CAROLINA TERRITORY. A. G. JACKSON General Freight and Passenger Agt, Augusta, Ga. Georgia-Alabama Business College. Incorporated capital, $100,000; establish ed fourteen years; largest patronage in the South; $5,000 deposited to cover all guar antees given; six Colleges in one; Com mercial, Stenograph, Telegraph, Music, Painting, Pen Art. Training the most thorough and practical. Expenses the smallest. Apartments the most elegant and delightful; time the shortest. Open day and night to both sexes the entire year. President’s home, 309 Georgia Ave. Cold Sulphur Springs In the Mountians of Virginia. Elevation 1,800 ft. Sulphur, chalybeate and freestone waters. Abundant shade. Homelike and attractive. Hot sulphur baths. Terms moderat'. Address, J. S. CRAIG, Proprietor, Cold Sulphur Springs, Va. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad OPERATING The Best Equipped Freight and Passenger Service in the South. Coaches electric lighted, with steam heat in Winter and elec tric fans in Summer. If you desire to have your freight handled with dispatch and to travel comfortably and conveniently, patronize THIS POPULAR ROUTE h. c. McFadden. GeneraJ Passenger Agent. Atlanta, Ga. SRsfwiiKLors 1 SOOTHING SYRUP:; ! 1 has been need by Millions of Mothers for their * ( I children while Teething for over Fifty Years. < > It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays i i all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best i 1 1 1 remedy for diarrhoea. . > ( TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. ' “PHASES OF THE LIQUOR QUESTION.’’ By David A. Gates, in Watson’s Magazine for June. The above article is a calm, dispassionate discussion of the selling of li quor, the revenue accruing therefrom to the United States Government, the status of the dispensary in the Southern States and the progress of national and state prohibition with a careful review of the liquor selling conditions in every state in the Union. The article is a carefully prepared one and its sta tistic? as well as its deductions are worthy of earnest attention. The follow ing selections will prove of general interest and win our hearty endorse ment : Report of Internal Revenue Commissioner. The annual report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shows that, for the year ending June 30, 1905, 241,239 retail liquor and 14,976 retail malt liquor dealers’ stamps were issued in the United States (including Alaska), total, 256,215 stamps. On a basis of an estimated population of 85,568,759 in continental United States, a special retail liquor dealer’s stamp was issued for every 345 persons. Nevada heads the list with a special taxpayer for every 49 inhabitants and Mississippi is the last with a dealer in liquor for every 3,240 persons. Nevada has somethng like 66 times as many liquor sellers as Mississippi. The Dispensary. Another interesting feature of the whisky question is the establish ment of an institution that is peculiar to the South—the dispensary. The dispensary has passed the experimental stage, and it is now possible to pass judgment upon it. From an economic standpoint, it can be stated as a fact that the dispensary is a success. If the affairs of the dispensary are admin istered honestly, and the county or municipality gets the profits of the busi ness, these profits amount to more than what saloons would yield in licenses. The expenses of the county are often paid by the dispensary and no county tax is levied. In Terrell county, Ga., no county tax has been levied for four years. Viewed from a moral standpoint, however, it is doubtful if the dispen sary is an improvement over the saloon. It is as easy for a man to get enough whiskey to kill himself in a dispensary town as it is in a town full of saloons ihe only advantage being, that bought from a dispensary the whiskey does not come so high and the cost of killing is not so dear. The chances are that a larger estate will be left to the widow and orphans where the dispensary does the job. Probably the only argument t l iat can be urge! for the dispen sary is that it abolishes to a large extent social drinking and has none of the attractions of the saloon. The dispensary takes the business that comes its way; the saloon goes out after business. Temperance Situation in the United States. A pertinent inquiry would be: What is the situation in the matter of temperance? Are the people of the Unted States more or less temperate than formerly? In 1892, domestic distilled spirits withdrawn from government warehouses for consumption aggregated 97,148,447 gallons. The population was then 65,000,000 persons. The average annual per capita consumption of domestic distilled spirits then was 1.49 gallons, or, 149 gallons for every 100 persons. Last year 85,000,000 people consumed 116,808,974 gallons of the same class of spirits, an average of 1.38 gallons to the person, or 138 gallons Bagwell’s Business College and School of Shorthand. SHORTHAND IN 2 TO 3 MONTHS BOOKKEEPING IN 3 TO 4 MONTHS COMBINED COURSE IN 5 TO 6 MONTHS OUR OBJECT—To give a thorough and efficient course of shorthand and bookkeeping at ithe least expenditure of time and money. SYSTEMS—Exclusive right in Georgia to tea?h the famous Chartier Electric Shorthand. Can be learned in one-half time required for any other system. Only short system that has been adopted by the leading business colleges of United S ates. DORMITORY- -Furnishes good board at actual cost. Young men under watch care of president. No idleness or dissipation allowed. Positions secured for all graduates. Special course for 1 hose of limited time a n d means which will enable them to secure good positions and thus get a start in the bu iness world. Special rates for a limited time. Write or come to see us before making other arrangements. Address BAGWELL’S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 198 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. Walter Ballard Optical Co. MANUFACTURING, DISPENSING AND REFRACTING OPTICIANS Bell Phone 352 61 Peachtree St. Atlanta. Ga. We have had many years experience in manufacturing fine optical lenses, and filling oculists’ prescriptions. Our factory is second to none in doing high-class optical work. Our salesrooms, 61 Peachtree street, you can find everything that is carried in an exclusive optical house, including every nose glass made. If it’s possible for you to wear nose glasses we can fit you. The service given you here is not usually found elsewhere. We can furnish you with any glass made. lusethe Great English Remedy BLAIR’S PILLSEWSi I Safe, Sure, Effective. 50c. & sl. 11 | DRUGGISTS, or 93 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. The Golden Age for June 21, 1906. CANCER Send today for my FREE BOOK, telling all about my great home cure for this dreadful disease; no knife; no pain. A postal card will do. Address ▲. J. MILLER, M. D., ST. LOUIS, MO, A Debt of Gratitude. Tampa, Fla., Apr. 25, 1903. "I feel like I owe to my fellowman this much: For seven years I had Eczema on my ankle. I have tr ed many doctors and numerous remedies which only temroraiily le.ieved. I dec ded to give your Tetterine a trial. I did so, and after eight weeks am entirely fiee from the terrible Eczema. I. S. Giddens.” Tetterine also cures all other forms of skin disease . 50c. per box. Your druggist or J. T. Shuptrine, Mfr , Sax annah, Ga. Peterman’s Roach Food. A BOON TO HOUSEKEEPEBS. As the roaches go to the food, enticed by it at night from their breeding places, it perfectly elimi nateslarge or small roaches. It has been sent for 20 years to large institutions throughout the U. S. and abroad, with bills not pay able unless it did the work to their entire satisfaction. Bedbugs if “Peterman’s Discovery” (quicksilver cream) will kill bed bugs that go over where it is painted on lightly; is also a pre ventative. It will not rust or harm furniture or bedding. olrßnfli “ Peterman’s Discovery,” liquid, in flexible cans, with • ’ spouts; pressing sides of can will force it in cracks and kill bedbugs and eggs instantly Peterman’s Ratmouse Food. Ready for use. Rats and mice made wild by this noxious food; alarm others; they will leave the building and not return. Peterman’s Ant Food, a strong food to kill and drive away ants. Large black beetles may also be destroyed by it i n one night. Take no other, as time may be even more important than money. Originated in 1873. Perfected in 1905 by Wm. Peterman, Mfg. Chemist, 54, 56, 58 West 13th St., New York City. London, Eng., Montreal, P. Q. If not obtainable from your local dealer, mail order direct to me. 50 cent packages of these preparations will be sent postpaid upon receipt of price. • POSITIONS j • We can qualify yo -, place you in a -K if- position, and allow you to pay tuition • • after position is secured. Write at once. • Stanley’s Business College, £ • MACON, GA. • ? Test Your Own Eyes ■T***^ -1 Y our asses as wholesale. We send you FREE our Simple Method Eye Test and beautiful 1. 7/AY ■ illustrated catalogue A. IVrite Du/'-'V' to-day. Reference Nca] Loan Radius Optical Mfg. Co. ATLANTA, GA. WAR ON LIQUOR AND -TOBACCO. The Kansas Anti-L : quor Society has adopted a new plan to fight the liquor traffic. It is dis tributing free to all who write and enclose a stamp, a recepe for the cure of the liquor habit. It can be given secretly in coffee or food. Also one for the tobacco habit that can be given se cretly. The only request they make is that you do not sell the recipes, but give free copies to ycur friends. Their address js Room 68 Grant Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN’S FOOT EASE. Ladies can wear shoes one size smaller after using Alien’s Foot-Ease. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It’s the great est comfort discovery of the age. Cures swollen feet, blisters, callous and sore spots. It is a certain cure for sweating, hot, aching feet. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25c. Don’t accept any sub stitute. For FREE trial package, also Free Sample of the FOOT-EASE Sanitary CORN-PAD, a new invention; address Al len S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. a, Nearly 2 score years we have C M|TH DEA pRAC TI dfSUf V been training men and women UXISs bUS *_ tgjats; for business. Only Business Col lege in Va., and second in South to own its building. No vacation, ghirlhf nd PenmanXkbXf IS!'* j-Ci ku° r thana, Penmanship by mail. yll El; 1 s " ~ President leading bus. 001. south Potomac river.”-— Sten. Richmond, Fa.