The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, June 28, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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SUPERIOR SERVICE IS OFFERED BY THE Seaboard Air Line Ry. Between ATLANTA and BIRMINGHAM and the West; Raleigh, Wilmington, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington and New York and the East. THE SHORT LINE Interchangeable Mileage is good over the entire system, including the NEW BIRMINGHAM DIVISION. Pullman Drawing-Room Sleepers, Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars, comfortable coaches, and Case Dining Car Service—Meals *-la-Carte C. B. WALKER, D. T. A., Atlanta. D. W. MORRAH, C. P. & T. A., Atlanta. W. E. CHRISTIAN, G. P. A., Atlanta. I Pains Where? | If in head, back, sides, waist, hips or legs, they are probably due to serious womanly disease which will ■ need prompt treatment to prevent grave consequen- ■ ces. Women suffering from such pains, should take TCARDUI I Woman’s Relief I a pure, vegetable medicine for female ills. Mrs. Sarah l\. G. Butts, of White Plains, Va., writes: “Live or die, I am sure death is no worse, than the pains I suf >. sered periodically. Since taking Cardui, my pains have gone and I am stronger than I us" Freely have been in years.” It Is a gentle describing symp- tOnlC f ° r sll Sick WOHIOn, With HO in- toms and stating age. \. toxicating qualities, or other bad ■BS We will send you FREE , >m -n i i »-r> ■ ADVICE, in plain, sealed effeCtS. I Will help yOU. Try it. B envelope and a valuable book “HOME TREATMENT FOR .. i| WOMEN.” Address: Ladies’Advis- q|| |J| IjUU iSTS S ory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., U 56 MS 4 X A -V ■ ' \ <ly!SaK < -.*> y >->_?' *Wdrr< >. . -. ? KBNr lEv ah ‘^IWH / The Golden Age for June 28, 1906. Investment and Dividends Guaranteed The San Domingo Mining Company, recently organized to purchase the famous old San Domingo group, consisting of 47 miles in Old Mexico— mines that have been worked off and on since the year 1523—offers a limited amount of its stock for a short time only at SI.OO per share, under the fol lowing conditions: Every dollar you pay for the stock is at once deposited with the United States Banking Company, a bank with assets of eleven million dollars (re sponsibility unquestioned), and a certificate of deposit is issued to you in your name and held by you until this Company pays you dividends of SI.OO per share. You don’t part with your money until you are actually paid in dividends an amount equal to your investment. Loss of a dollar absolutely impossible. Profits will be large, as the property is now being rapidly devel oped, and we have hundreds of thousands of tons of low grade ore on dumps. It requires machinery—reduction works to save the value. That’s why we are offering the stock at SI.OO. We need the money for the reduction works. We work on the interest of the money paid for the stock until you get your money back in dividends. A full description of the properties will be sent you for the asking. Write to-day. SAN DOMINGO MINING CO., Dept. 9, Frisco Building, ST. LOUIS, MO. THE WORLDS BEST BABY MEDICINE„ BABY EASE All Bowel CQmpla\nte-TEETWNG'TRO(/BL£S-Wrrte for FreeSoa/ifet Baqyeasec .macon, ga. Tib J ¥7 you are interested in a Dental Education, mail this Coupon to the I■ ■ Ma I a « ■ It ■ Southern Dental College for beautiful, illustrated free Catalogue. liJl 11 1 DR. s. W . FOSTER, Dean, 100 N. Butler St., Atlanta, Ga. Send me Catalogue Noof Sou hern Dental College. Mail This To-Day L______ NAME ADDRESS-- tees JUST SEND ME ONE DOLLAHI I*l M *l*o and I will ship C. O. D. to any railroad station in the I I 1 !S£ U. S. this fine Willard Steel Range. Anyone can say B | V ?MMw jiiltMM I they have the best range in the world, but I will fur- B Dish the evidence and leave the verdict to you. After B I you examine this range, if you are satisfied in every I I I|. | iphih ,< way, pay Agent $14.00 and freight, and you become I I t the possessor of the best range In the world for the I | money. The range has six 8-inch lids; 17-lnch oven; B L . 15-gal. reservoir; large warming closet; top cooking I surface, 30x34 ins. Guaranteed to reach you in perfect I XffiSP order. Shipping weight, 400 lbs. Thousands in use B Tire and every one of them giving satisfaction. Write for B ■ full description and testimonials. ISXr WM.G. WILLARD ■ COAL JnaasiSSSEESSSi No. 62 WILLARD BLDG. CT IAI TIC MA B u 320 CHESTNUT STREET LULIIb, MU. J The Columbia Typewriter The only visible writer that sacrifices nothing to gain visibility, and is unapproached in its auto matic movements, easy action, convenience and durability. Either single or double key board, and in either case visible writing. We think it the best machine on the market. What do others think? Listen: Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 5, 1905. Columbia Typewriter Co., Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sirs: We have been using the Columbia Type writer in our office for twelve years and now have three machines actively in use. The machine has given us uni form satisfaction, with minimum cost for repairs. We espec ially commend it for billing and tabulating purposes. Yours truly, FRANK E. BLOCK CO. Catalogue to fer THE COLUMBIA TYPEWRITER CO. 391-2 Whitehall St. ATLANTA, GA. 32 1-2 S. Broad St. 15