The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 05, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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12 A Notre Dame Lady’s Appeal. To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism, whether muScular or of the joints, sdath-a. hirabagos, backache, pains in the kidneys or -fieuralgia pains, to write to her for a hottie treatment,which has repeatedly cured all" of these tortues. She feels it her duty to Send it to all sufferers FREE. Yon cure yourself at home, as thousands will testi fy^—no change of climate being necessary. This simple discovery banishes uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened joints, purifies the blood, and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. If the above interests you, for proof address Mrs. M. Summers, Box 544. Notre llame, Ind. •I, <1 Nearly 2 score years wc have mpW '■& b een training men and ’t-uien 1,51,1 f° r b uslljess - Duly Business 10l- lege in Va., and seootd in tenth . to own its building. No vacation. Catalogue free. Bookkeeping, * *' I t' ? At! £ 1 Vila* ' //' y K —' V. S 1 nsiaent. "wuling bus. col. south Potomac river.”— Zien. fHcr.mind, Va- "The Old Reliable' GEORGIA RAI LROAD Elegantly Equipped PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN ALL POINTS. Pullman Palace Cars be tween Atlanta, Augusta and Charleston, also between Au gusta and St. Louis and Charleston and Cincinnati. Fast Freight Service Between the West and Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charleston, Savannah and all points in SOUTHEASTERN AND CAROLINA TERRITORY A. G. JACKSON General Freight and Passenger Agt M Augusta, Ga. Cold Sulphur Springs In the Mountians of Virginia. Elevation 1,800 ft. Sulphur, chalybeate and freesto e waters. Abundant shade. Homelike and attractive. Hot sulphur baths. Terms moderat . Address, J. S. CRAIG, Propr’etor, Cold Sulphur Springs, Va. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad OPERATING The Best Equipped Freight and Passenger Service in the South. Coaches electric lighted, with steam heat in Winter and elec tric fans in Summer. It you desire to have your freight handled with dispatch and to travel comfortably and conveniently, patronize THIS POPULAR ROUTE h. c. McFadden, General Passenger Agent. Atlanta, Ga. CANCER Send tertny t’-r my FRKK BOOK, telling all about my great h<nae cure for this dreadfuldUoaaej HO fefliMJ no palm A pottal card will do. Address 4.J. MAUWCH, M, MT* £QVIS* MQ. An Open Letter. The following is a copy of a letter mailed by the Georgia Anti-Saloon League to each of the candidates for municipal office in the city of Atlanta: Dear Sir:— The Anti-Saloon League is seeking to secure some further restrictive measures, and a more rigid enforcement of existing laws, relative to the liquor traffic, and to this end we are writing to ascertain to what extent you are willing to co-operate with us, and in the event of your election, if you will favor the passage of some Ordinances we propose asking at the hands of the City Council looking to the general uplift of the moral condition of ov‘r city. Following are some of the Ordinances we are preparing to ask at the hands of the Council, viz.: To prohibit employing minors in any beer or liquor establishment, and to more rigidly enforce the law against selling liquors to minors. To allow no other business in same store-room with a saloon, and to pro vide against entering a saloon through a cigar stand or barber shop, all en trance and exit to be at the front as indicated on the license. To provide for an inspector whose duty it shall be to test liquors offered for sale at several saloons in the city. To provide against the use of dopes and liquors in the dispensing of soft drinks, said to be quite common at some of the stands. We will ask to have all painted windows, curtains and screens removed from Billiard and Pool rooms and Bucket Shops, and allow them only on ground floors, as are the liquor shops. Then, we come to ask if you will agree to give greater consideration to ap peals of the thousands of good people of the city touching great Moral Issues, rather than to the Liquor Bosses, Trusts and Combinations which have so long dominated our city politics? This letter has been prepared by the League, and is being sent out to all the Candidates for Mayor and Council, with a hope of securing their aid and co-operation in a movement to better the Moral condition of the City of At lanta. Yours Most Cordially, J. C. SOLOMON. State Supt. How to Make Money. You should make money and make it fast by sehnga Dishwasher, an artic e more valuab.e in a household than a sewing machine. It does away wi h t’e drudgerv of the kitchen and makes dish-washing a pleasure. By s el ing these goods your Profits Double Your Investment. Agents are making from #2.50 to S.\CO a day sell ing these go ">ds. Peeple pay SSO 00 for a sewing, machine which often stands idle for weeks; whereas, a Dishwasher is used three times eve-y day. How quickly they will ray $5.00 for one ihat will save that amount in dishes even ye <r. Y u cannot break or chip dishes in thisDsh washer. In abo t five minutes y> u wash and dry your dishes and silverware readv to be ■ ut awav. Wii»e tn the MOUND CITY DISH WASHER CO.. Dept. 730 G St. Louis. Mo They will give you all particulars. Agents wanted everywhere. lA/AXT’T’VTI T° correspond with W ADI 1 £ll ten y° un S men at once who wish to work their way through College. Address R. M. FL, Russellville, Ky. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen’s Foot Eas3. a powder. It cures painful, smarting, nervous f> et, and instantly tak s th - out of corns a>d minions. Alien’s Font- Fase makes t ightornew sho-s feel easv. 1 is a certain cure for sweati’g, c Hous swollen, tired, achi g feet. Try it today. S Id bv all Druggists and Sho-- Stores. B mail for 25c. in stamps Don’t accept any substitute. F r FREE trial pack : ge alsnF-e Sample of the FOOT EASE Sani tarv CORN-PAD. a new invention, address Al.en S. Olmste i Le Roy. N.Y. accept an Agency until UlJil I you S et m y free sam ples and big offer. SAYNAN, 2133 Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. h for feeble-minded ch S s . a. U.j.l Expert training, mental development, and care by specially trained teachers, and S' - WS., crieuced physician who has devoted his life to the study aud treatment of nervous ... y-Wg «-children. Home 11 lluene- s Delightfully located in the blue grass section of Ken- A. t ue,! y- ' ” acr--s of he-iutilul lawn and woodland for pleasure grounds. Elegantly il Pl ,olllt, ‘ d building, electric lighted and steam heated. Highly endorsed and recom t mended bv prominent phvsicians, ministers and patrons. "’rite for terms descriptive eata'oirue. Address DR - jNO - p - STEWART, Supt., Box 4, Farmdale, Ky. FEMALE LARGEST PRIVATE COLLEGE IN THEJSOUTH~\JT n ' v Non-sectarian, not supported b.v church or state t W // q stands ONLY ON ITS MERITS. Best religious influence. M L If Hi h currit plum, excellent facuit , thorough work. Id Porfy Free Scholarships so tuition given. Largest Con servatory of Music In the South, patrons ray Safest Col« Al AiJ-v lege for Girls in the Land. Free catalogue. /a L W. BEESON, President, Meridian, Min. The Golden Age for July 5, 1906. Best Thing in Europe. Read what C. H. Me Jonnell, Mgr. Economical Drug Co ,of Chicago, says: “I am finishing a tour of Europe; the b st thing I’ve i ad over here is a box of Tetteriue I herefrom hom .” Cures Ringworm, Eczema, Dandruff, and all itchin cutaneous diseases. Get from your d uggis or send 50c for a box to J. T. Shup trine, Mfr., Savannah, Ga. Get "Farm Science” Free Book of 128 Pagfes. Handsomely illustrated with iepro luctions of nhotographs. The latest authority on all subjects of farming. Chapters on‘ Alfalfa Culture,” “Modern Corn Culture,” “Best Methods of Seeding,” "In creased Fertility,” “Profitable Hay Making ” Power on the Farm ” “Up-to-date Dairying,” and ‘Small Giain Grow - .” 1000 questions answered by eight leading ex perts on agriculture. Special Offer to Farmers. Any rearie of this t aner will receive FREE a cwpy of ‘'FARM SCIENCE” by sending three 2-c nt stamp for postage and mailing charges to ‘ Farm Science International Harves er Co. of America. Chica o III.” M ntion this paper. Editor’s Note. The copy of “Farm Science” before us ba so impressed us that we u ge every reader o this paper to procure a copy at once. SALESMAN WANTED One wide-awake hustler in every County to take orders for easy-selling Fay-Sholes typewriters. Liberal proposition to a reli lable man. Write today. , tfAY-SHOEES the Great English Remedy! BLAIR’S Safe. Sure* Effective. 50c. &$L DRUGGISTS, or 93 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. For the most delicious ICE CREAM is cheap enough, isn’t it ? That Is all it costs when made with Jell-0 IceCreamPowder and it can be made and frozen in 10 minutes. Simply stir contents of one package into a quart of milk and freeze. No cooking, heat ing or fussing; no eggs, sugar or flavoring to add, as everything but the ice and milk is contained in the package, and approved by Pure Food Commissioners. Five kinds: Chocolate, Vanilla, Lemon, Strawberry and Unflavored. If your grocer hasn’t it, send his name and 25c. to us for two packages. Illustrated Recipe Book Mailed Free. CENTRAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Thoroughly reliable, prompt and efficient in selecting suitable teachers for schoo:s and col leges. Send for circular-. MISS KATE EDGAR Prop, and Mgr- Paris, Kentucky. Peterman’s Roach Food. A BOON TO HOUSEKEEPERS. As the roaches go to the food, enticed by it at night from their breeding places, it perfectly elimi nates large or small roaches. ft has been sent for 20 years to large institutions throughout the U. S. and abroad, with bills not pay able unless it did the work to their entire satisfaction. Bedbugs ML. - If “ Peterman’s Discovery ” FwT (quicksilver cream) will killbed- bugs that go over where it is JSiiffiggak painted on lightly; is also a pre- ventative. It will not rust or harm furniture or bedding. “ Peterman’s Discovery,” liquid, in flexible cans, with • ’ spouts; pressing sides of can will force it in cracks and kill bedbugs and eggs instantly Peterman’s Batmonse Food, Ready for use. Rats and mice made wild by this noxious food; alarm others; they will leave the building and not return. Peterman’s Ant Food, a strong food to kill and drive aw-ay ants. Large black beetles may also be destroyed by it in one night. Take no other, as time may be even more important than money. Originated in 1873. Perfected in 1905 by Wm. Peterman, Mfg. Chemist, 54, 56, 58 West 13th St., New York City. London, Eng., Montreal, P. Q. If not obtainable from your local dealer, mail order direct. to me. 50 cent packages of these preparations will bo sent postpaid upon receipt of price. HEARN ACADEMY CAVE SPRING, GA. Will open its fall term Tuesday. Sept. 4th. Its campus is a natural park of fifteen acres. Pre pares for all colleges. Christian influences. Thorough work. Expenses moderate. R. W. EDENFIELD, Principal a mLLUI J i jhM k| that has never been equalled. The guard on the spring pre-- I vents tearing the cloth. The vjjfl | only pin that fastens from either /T\v\| side and can’t slip through. See | | jk| that all cards have our name oil \(_j La f Send 4 cents in stamps for sample 1 iWrMg SI worth double the money. consoudated safety pin co., Bo* 159 BLOOMFIELD, N, J.