The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 12, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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14 Peterman’s Roach Food. A. BOON TO HOUSEKEEPERS. As the roaches go to the food, enticed by it at night from their breeding places, it perfectly elimi nates large or small roaches. It has been sent for 20 years to large institutions throughout the U. S. and abroad, with bills not paj’- able unless it did the work to their entire satisfaction. Bedbugs “Peterman’s Discovery” (quicksilver cream) will kill bed bugs that go over where it is painted on lightly; is also a pre- Tentative. Itjwill not rust or harm furniture or bedding. /C: “ Peterman’s Discovery,” liquid, in flexible cans, with • * spouts; pressing sides of can will force it in cracks and kill bedbugs and eggs instantly Peterman’s Batmonse Pood. Ready for use. j. GHE9QEK9HHHHhQBHBkHHhkKBI -- Rats and mice made wild by this noxious food; alarm others; they will leave the building and not return. Peterman’s Ant Food, a strong food to kill and drive away ants. Large black beetles may also be destroyed by it i n one night. Take no other, as time may be even more important than money. Originated in 1873. Perfected in 1905 by Wm. Peterman, Mfg. Chemist, 54, 56, 58 West 13th St., New York City. London, Eng., Montreal, P. Q. . If not obtainable from your local dealer, mail order direct to me. 50 cent packages of these preparations will be sent postpaid upon receipt of price. FREE BOOKKEEPING AND SHORTHAND to FIVE persons in each county, desiring to take personal instruction, who will within 30 days clip and SEND this notice to either of DRAUGHON’S Atlanta, Raleigh, Knoxville, Norfolk, Little Rock, Montgomery or Dallas. teach BY MAIL successfully, or REFUND MONEY, Law, Penmanship, Arith metic, Letter-Writing, Drawing, Cartooning, Business English, Banking, etc. 27 Colleges in 15 States. $300,000.00 Capital. 17 years’ success. Indorsed by busi. ness men. No vacation; enter anv time 'Write (?JlE a W.??;-r- P - 0SIT!0 ? S secured or MONEY REFUNDED. YOU MUST inorder to get Home Study FREE, write now, thus: “ I desire to know more about your special Home Study Offer made m thepublished at SKEPTICISM It Is better to believe everything a man ■ays than to believe nothing. The crucial test comes and the true things accepted on faith will greatly aid you in life’s bat tles in time. Believe everything rather than reject everything. Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic is the greatest Fever medicine and Life saver in the whole world. If you believe this and accept it as a truth, you will be the im mense gainer thereby, and if you doubt it and wholly reject it, you may be the loser to the extent of your very life. We will send 2 bottles to any reader of this paper on these terms: If the two bot tles cure two cases of Fever, send us ?l#)0. If they do not do all we claim, send us nothing. We take the risk. The Johnson Chill and Fever Tonic Co., Savannah, Ga. I Cure Cancer. My Mild Combination Treatment is by the patient at home. Years of success. Hun dreds of testimonials. Endorsed by physicians, ministers, etc. The local application destroys the Cancerous growth, and the constitutional treatment eliminates the disease from the sys tem, preventing its return. Write for Free Book, “Cancer and its Cure.” No matter how serious your case—no matter how many operations you have had—no matter what treatment you have tried—do wot give up hope, but write at once. DE. O. A. JOHNSON, 313 E. 12th St., Kansas City. Mo. System of Home J/tCtl/l Treatment, r Educational as Well as Curative. 000-501 Lowndes Building Atlanta, Ga. i/M * V/ Prohibition Notes. The Sunday Civil Bill with an amendment that prohibits all appropria tions to National Soldiers Homes which permit canteens or saloons on the premises was recently passed after a spirited debate in The House of Repre sentatives. During the recent session of the American Medical Association in Boston a motion was tabled which advocated the re-establishment of the canteen. This, too, despite the active efforts of the supporters of the canteen. Ninety-four successful Prohibition rallies have just been completed in the state of California and a sum of $5,000 contributed for the continuance of the good work. A movement for Prohibition reform is on foot for the Hawaiian Islands and in a recent issue of “The New Voice” Mr. Theodore Richards, editor of the “Friend,” Honolulu, says: “The liquor traffic has always been one of, if not the most deadly enemy of the Hawaiians. One notable incident of our history is the request of our government for a strong Prohibition law which was made over twenty-five years ago by the great planters of this territory, who knew by bitter experi ence and most constant observation, the terrible ravages of the drink traffic on their great plantations. Since that time the battle against drink, both as a habit and a legalized traffic, has gone steadily forward, and today, I believe, the sentiment throughout the territory is very strongly in favor of Prohibi tion, at least by means of stringent local option. “The one difficulty there, as everywhere else, has been the lack of or ganized opposition to the business, but during the last few years there has been an awakening along that line. To-day the strong Civic Federation in Honolulu is in close alliance on this question, with the churches and the Anti-Saloon League, and we look for a victory in the next legislature.” In giving an account of the baccalaureate address delivered before the G. R. C. College, at Henderson, Tenn., recently by Senator E. W. Carmack, a correspondent of the Nashville Banner says: “On the question of so briety he elicited the greatest applause accorded him at any time when he declared that the day is not far distant when from Carter to Shelby the legal ized, open saloon will be banished from the sacred soil of the old Volunteer Slate.” This was certainly a bold, brave utterance, but it was a true one. We are glad to know that Senator Carmack had the vision to see and the cour age to utter such a prophecy. E. THE WORLD’S BEST BABY MEDICINE abv ease AU Bowel Complaints- TEETHINGTROUBLES-WritefarFreeßoQldet BABYEASEC ,macon,ga. FY you are intereste d in a Dental Education, mail this Coupon to the I 9 ■ Iw I 111 all Southern Dental College for beautiful, illustrated free Catalogue. 1/L/ll 1 IkJ 111 1 DR. s. W . FOSTER, Dean, 100 N. Butler St., Atlanta, Ga. Send me Catalogue Noof Sou hern Dental College. Mail This To-Day !___ _ NAME ADDRESS SUPERIOR SERVICE IS OFFERED BY THE Seaboard Air Line Ry. Between ATLANTA and BIRMINGHAM and the West; Raleigh, Wilmington, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington and New York and the East. THE SHORT LINE Interchangeable Mileage is good over the entire system, including the NEW BIRMINGHAM DIVISION. Pullman Drawing-Room Sleepers, Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars, comfortable coaches, and Case Dining Car Service—Meals a-la-Carte C. B. WALKER, D. T. A., Atlanta. D. W. MORRAH, C. P. & T. A., Atlanta. W. E. CHRISTIAN, G. P. A., Atlanta. The Golden Age for July 12, 1906. The Adrienne Body Conformer Health Brace (PATENTED) For Men and Women FRONT VIEW. MEE2ZS * 1 H IK JI if is Will rest you while you work. A natural physical culture develop er without exercise, for men, women and children. Increases the height. Acts in stantly. Positively reduces the stom ach. Very vital for growing girls. BACK VIEW. /\ 5® /\ lit \ i v Are you flat-chested? Are you round-shouldered? Do you cough? Is one shoulder lower than the other? Are you short-winded? Are you ruptured? Do your shoulder-blades protrude? Any defect of the spine or lungs cured? Have you lumbago? Have you pains in the back? Have you a weak spine? Have you curvature of the spine? Have you asthma, bronchitis or in digestion? Have you spinal trouble? Do you think you have consump tion? Do you get fainting spells? INDORSED BY EMINENT PHYSICIANS. ? Adrienne Health Brace weighs 3 oz. Made of Linen, washable, adjusts it self to any form and its secret is due to the laws of physical culture. WRITE FOR CIRCULAR. FOR SALE BY THE V. E. PERRYMAN CO. 3b Faachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA.