The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, July 19, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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14 Peterman’s Roach Food. A BOON' TO HOUSEKEEPERS. As the roaches go to the food, enticed by it at night from their breeding places, it perfectly elimi nates large or small roaches. It has been sent for 20 years to large institutions throughout the U. S. and abroad, with bills not pay able unless it did the work to their entire satisfaction. Bedbugs if “Peterman’s Discovery” (quicksilver cream) will kill bed bugs that go over where it is painted onlightly; is also a pre ventative. It will not rust or harm furniture or bedding. ®a “ Peterman’s Discovery,’* liquid, in flexible cans, with • 'SOSsgr v spouts; pressing sides of can will force it in cracks and kill bedbugs and eggs instantly, Peterman’s Ratmouse Food. Ready for use. — l Tauu rrT ' l 7is&, Rats and mice made wild by this noxious food; alarm others; they will leave the building and not return. . , , Peterman’s Ant Food, a strong food to kill and drive away ants. Large black beetles may also be destroyed by it in one night. Take no other, as time may be even more important than money. Originated in 1873. Perfected in 1905 by Wm. Peterman, Mfg. Chemist, 54, 56, 58 West 13th St., New York City. London, Eng., Montreal, P. Q. If not obtainable from your local dealer, mail order direct to me. 50 cent packages of these preparation# will be sent postpaid upon receipt of price. FREE maL BOOKKEEPING AND SHORTHAND to FIVE persons in each county, desiring to take personal instruction, who will within 30 days clip and SEND this notice to either of DBAUGHDN'S Atlanta, Raleigh, Knoxville, Norfolk, Little Rock, Montgomery or Dallas. MAIL successfully, or REFUND MONEY, Law, Penmanship, Arith metic, Letter-Writing, Drawing, Cartooning, Business English, Banking, etc. 27 Colleges in 15 States. $300,000.00 Capital. 17 years’ success. Indorsed by busi. ness men. No vacation; enter any time ''Write for catalog. POSITIONS secured or MONEY REFUNDED. YOU MUST morder to get Home Study FREE, write now, thus: “ I desire to know more about your special Home Study Offer made m the published at Saw it in The Baptist Flag. W. H. Coffman, Avery, Texas, sent for two bottles Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic on trial. He cured his daughter-in-law with one bottle and his grandson with the other. Then he paid his bill. Here was the contract: “Pay if it cures.” Sent anywhere on these terms. Write the Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic Co., Savannah, Ga. GOT THE ITGH? Dr. Boeck’s Ointment positively and quick ly cures the worst known cases. It never fails. We will send you by return mail. FREE trial box if you mention The Golden Age. Why suffer longer from this annoying disease when you can be cured so quickly and easily Write us today. Sent by m*il to any address at 50 cents and SI.OO a box. MONRAD COMPANY, DES MOINES, IOWA. I Cure Cancer. My Mild Combination Treatment is used by the patient at home. Years of success. Hun dreds of testimonials. Endorsed by physicians, ministers, etc. The local application destroys the Cancerous growth, and the constitutional treatment eliminates the disease from the sys tem, preventing its return. Write for Free Book, "Cancer and its Cure.” No matter how serious your case—no matter how many operations you have had—no matter what treatment you have tried—do not give up hope, but write at once. DR. O. A. JOHNSON, 313 E. 12th St., Kansas City. Mo. dflk System of Home J/iCll/t Treatment. Educational as Well as Curative. 500-501 Lowndes Building Atlanta, Ga. I didn’t know wliat to say next, and so said nothing, when in a moment the purse asked, “When is she coming back?” “Not until September,” I replied. “My, I can’t wait that long to see her,” said the purse. “Well, I will have to send you out there to her,” I said. And with that, I opened the purse, when there went up such a shout that I w’sh you could have heard it. It was a shrill, little metallic shout that sounded like it might have been made by a little tin horn not more than a hundredth part of an inch in length. “I'm glad I’m found at last!” it said. And then I noticed that there was a dime in the purse. And it must have been the dime that shouted, lor there was nothing else that could have done it. Again I heard the same little shrill voice: “I was mighty lonely in there by myself, I tell you.” “Why was that?” 1 said. “Money never likes to he by itself,” it said, “especially if it belongs to a little boy or girl, for they will soon spend it, and then they will have nothing left, to spend next time. See?” I thought to myself that that was quite a pert dime, but I only replied, “Yes, I see. And you think Elizabeth ought to have more money, do you?” “Certainly I do. Hasn’t her mother gone off to the Springs, and left her at her grandmother’s? And what is she going to buy candy and soda water with when she goes to town with her grandfather, I’d like to know. Don’t you think there ought to be some more money in here with me, old man ?” Really, I never did see such a disrespectful dime! To think of calling me an old man! I felt that such ought to be corrected, so I said, rather tartly, “I’m no old man!” “Yon are compared to the children and me,” said the dime. “I may be old compared to the children,” I retorted, “but you are older than I am.” “That shows how much you know about it,” replied the dime. “I’m younger than the children.” Then I examined it more closely to see really how old it was. (Ask grandfather to tell you how he can tell the age of a horse. Then ask him to tell you how to tell the age of a dime.) When I examined this dime, sure enough, I found that it was not yet a year old, for it was born in 1906. I confess that I was somewhat taken aback, for no one likes to be outdone by a dime, so I changed the subject. “So you think I ought to put some more money in there with you, do you?” I asked. “Yes, I do.” “How much?” “How much change have yon in your pocket?” asked the dime. “A dollar bill, a silver dollar, three nickels and a penny.” “You keep the dollars, and put in the three nickels and the penny,” it said. “But who are they for?” I insisted. “Who for? Why, for Junius and Elizabeth.” “But how are you going to divide it?” I asked. “Leave that to mo,” replied the dime. “I already belong to Elizabeth, so leave me out of the count. Then you must send a nickel apiece to the two. That leaves one nickel and the penny. As Junius is the older, I will tell Elizabeth that he ought to have the nickel, and she will take the penny.” “But do you think they .will be satisfied that way?” “Satisfied! Why, certainly Aren’t they the two best children you ever saw?” 1 • Os course I think that is true, so feeling that the other was true also, and that you and brother would be satisfied with the arrangement suggested by the dime, I placed the three nickels and the penny in the purse, and was just about to close it, when the dime said, “Good bye.” And I said, “Good bye, and give my love to the children.” And as I closed the purse, the purse said, “ I will take good care of the money.” Then I arranged for the purse and its contents to make the trip to Kentucky, and as it is a long trip I secured a sleeping car for them—that is, I put them up in a nice little bundle, and put it in a nice, big bag, with other bundles and letters that want to make the same journey, and they will all take a nice long nap, and wake up the next morning in Shelbyville. I hope that the purse and the money will reach you safely. And be sure, when you open the purse, that you make the dime give you my love. Your devoted, Father. E. .TH E WORLD'S BEST-BABY MEDICINE _ ABt EASE AJJ we! Comp taintsfar BASYeascc .macon, ga. The Golden Age for July 19, 1906. The Adrienne Body Conformer Health Brace (PATENTED) For Men and Women FRONT VIEW. I Yr f i 1 W’l/ bl ~SMg Will rest you while you work. A natural physical culture develop er without exercise, for men, women and children. Increases the height. Acts in stantly. Positively reduces the stom ach. Very vital for growing girls. BACK VIEW. Are you flat-chested? Are you round-shouldered? Do you cough? Is one shoulder lower than the other? Are you short-winded? Are you ruptured? Do your shoulder-blades protrude? Any defect of the spine or lungs cured? Have you lumbago? Have you pains in the back? Have you a weak spine? Have you curvature of the spine? Have you asthma, bronchitis or in digestion? Have you spinal trouble? Do you think you have consump tion? Do you get fainting spells? INDORSED BY EMINENT PHYSICIANS. Adrienne Health Brace weighs 3 oz. Made of Linen, washable, adjusts it self to any form and its secret is due to the laws of physical culture. WRITE FOR CIRCULAR. FOR SALE BY THE V. E. PERRYMAN CO. 3b Taachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA.