The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, August 09, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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Beautify the Complexion IN TEN DAYS. ■K Nadinola ——i The UNEQUALED M BEAUTIFIER.en- jmjhfc Horsed by thousands; i guaranteed to remove f ankles, pimples, all Wul discolorations and restore the beauty of youth. The worst cases in twenty days. 50c. and SI.OO at all leading drug stores, or by maiL Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., - Paris, Tenn. Richmond College Stong'ly Endowed and well equipped. Total value of property and endowment 81,200,- 000.00. New dormitories have conveniences of city homes. Courses of study lead to degrees of 8.A., 8.5., M.A. and LL. B. Heads of departments have been called from other strong colleges, and are proved teachers and educa.ional leaders. Library facilities unsurpassed in the South. Special attention is invited to the thorough course in law. Hon. A. J. Montague became Dean of the Law School immediately upon leaving the Governor’s chair last winter, and will teach regularly. He is assisted by 3 professors and 3 lecturers. Special endowment for aid of ministerial students from other States than Virginia. Session opens Sept. 20. Two catalogues, one general and one of the law school. Copies of either or both sent upon request. Address, Pres. F. W. Boatwright, Richmond, Va. Georgia-Alabama Business College. Incorporated capital, $100,000; establish ed fourteen years; largest patronage in the South; $5,000 deposited to cover all guar antees given; six Colleges In one; Com mercial, Stenograph, Telegraph, Music, Painting, Pen Art. Training the most thorough and practical. Expenses the smallest. Apartments the most elegant and delightful; time the shortest. Open day and night to both sexes the entire year. President’s home, 309 Georgia Ave. u B 1 jjlll£ whiwo m ih ih 2 -F^SSczzz.z: —y ,:••''•■■■' *■ AX. sVir -wM>W JWI .tSWWrUBMm—KWM—W— IMJ i "eW&S^aaWP— -nmeßK -»UX. .i'll lMr_ COLLEGE and R D V V A T ] Gainesville Conservatory UIX Two separate institutions under one management. The College furnishes high course in language, literature, science and kindred subjects; faculty of 25; well-equipped laboratories. The conservatory offers best advantages in music, elocution, art; special course and training classes for Music Teachers; 50 pianos ; two pipe organs ; most beautiful concert hall in the south. Brenau had 275 boarders last year, ■ representing 15 states. Beautiful buildings, ideal location. Altitude 1,500 feet. For cata ogue, address k A. W. YA v HOOSE or H. J. PEARCE, Associate Presidents. Gainesville, Georgia B Georgia Normal and Industrial College. Georgia Normal and Industrial College. A State College for Young La dies. Free Tuition to Georgia Girls. Board, Laundry and Matriculation fee only $104.50. Three Departments: Collegiate, Normal and Industrial. En rollment last year, 410. The College offers superior advantages in Collegiate studies, in Normal and Business training, and in Music. In addition to this, the College en deavors to fit young women for proper home making by giving them a careful and thorough course of instruction in Domestic Science and the Household Arts. Write for catalogue. M. M. PARKS, President, Milledgeville, Ga. Do Not Pay Three Profits For Your Eye Glasses. - SHUR-ON Write us tor Free information. We show you I 11OW to get y° ur Classes at Wholesale Pi ices. We n n send you FREE our simple method Eyes Test and beautiful illustrated catalogue No. 2. Write for it today. Reference: any Bank. " WHHf RADIUS OPTICAL MFG. CO. ATLANTA, GA. H Associated with him, a most efficient and accomplished staff of successful American and European teachers. LARGEST SCHOOL UN MIDDLE WEST. «S“AN IDEAL AND EXCLUSIVE RESIDENT DEPARTMENT FOR YOUNG WOMENS rn CT We wUI distribute 100 Complete Scholarships and Partial Scholarships FREE for the t* n2L E* coming school year, September 1, 1906. to June 30, 1907. It is possible for YOU to securea scholarship FREE. Write to-day for particulars and our Conservatory Catalog. Address, EDGAR M, CAWLEY, Director, 430 N, Meridian St,, Indianapolis, Ind. A Little Boy’s Vacation Letter. By JUNIUS W. MILLARD. My Dear Little Boy: The other morning I was eating breakfast in the dining room alone, when I heard a voice saying' “Where is he?” I looked all around me but could see no one, and thinking that maybe I was mistaken, I went on with my breakfast, when, after a little, I heard the same voice enquiring, “When will lie come back?” I was startled, and looked all about the dining room, and just about that time the maid came in with a plate of hot biscuits, and T asked her if she had said anything to me. and she said that she had not. Thinking that I was mistaken again, I put some butter inside a biscuit and started on to finish my breakfast. Just about that time I heard the same voice saying, “Why don’t you answer me? Didn’t you know a chair could talk?” I looked down and sure enough Georgie, in setting the table, had put your chair up to the table, and there it was looking up at me in the most roguish manner, saying, “Didn’t you know a chair could talk?” Well, I didn’t know that a chair could talk, for I never had heard one talk that I could remember, and so how was I to know it? So I said to this chair, “No, I don’t know a chair can talk.” “Yes,” said the chair, “and I’ll bet there are lots of other things you don’t know-about chairs, too. You didn’t know that chairs liked people, did you?” “No,” I said, “I did not.” “Don’t you like to sit in some chairs better than you do in others?” it asked. “Why, certainly,” 1 said. “Now,” it explained, “just as you like some chairs better than you do others, those same chairs like you better than they do other people.” This was a new proposition to mo, so I had nothing to say, when the chair said, “And it is because I like the boy who sits in me that I want to know where he is, and how long he will be gone, for I am very lonely with out him.” “Oh,” said I, “you mean Junius?” “Yes, that’s his name,” said the chair. “Where is he?” “He is away with his mother and his sister in Kentucky for the sum mer,” I explained. ONLY $95.00 FOR TUITION AND BOARD in New Club Home of Meridian Female College, for a whole session of nine months. Apply at once to J. W. BEESON, President Meridian Female College. The Golden Age for August 9, 1906. fiercer l£ni verst tv ALLOWS SELECTION OF COURSES PREFERRED Curriculum at Mercer allows the fullest individual development of special abilities in students, giving full, unhampered choice of particularly desirable courses, Our traditions, environment and teaching serve to develop the highest standard of Christian manhood. Equipment consists of 20 instructors, 11 buildings, 20,000 volumes in library and 100 current periodicals. Well equipped laboratories, gymnasium, hot and cold baths, literary societies and all cultured social advantages. Write for in formation and catalog. Address .Y. JAMESON, President, MACON, GEORGIA I Walter Ballard Optical Co. MANUFACTURING, DISPENSING AND REFRACTING OPTICIANS Bell Phone 352 61 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. We have had many years experience in manufacturing fine optical lenses, and filling oculists’ prescriptions. Our factory is second to none in doing high-class optical work. Our salesrooms, 61 Peachtree street, you can find everything that is carried in an exclusive optical house, including every nose g ass made. If it’s possible for you to wear nose glasses we can fit you. The service given you here is not usually found elsewhere. We can furnish you with any glass made. HI?KT TP I OTP ls y ? u are interested in a Dental Education, mail this Coupon to the 111* In I 111 tC ■ S° u< her n Dental College for beautiful, illustrated free Catalogue. IS I'll 1 lu> 111 1 dr. S. W. FOSTER, Dean, 100 N. Butler St., Atlanta, Ga. Send me Catalogue No of Sou hern Dental College. Mail Thii To-Day NAME ADDRESS THE WORLDS BEST BABY MEDICINE iMMb. 25cte-SGcte.ALLDJWGG/Srs. Baby case All Bowel Corn^\r^-T££THlAfGTfiOUßU9^Mt9f^Fr^G 9O l l lgt awwcr TuwhJ!. The most obstinate case of Eczema can be quickly and completely cured by the application of Ileisk'dl s Ointment. It also cures Blotchy, Rough and Pimpled Skin, Erysipelas, Fetter, Ulcers, and all other skin diseases. Before applying the ointment, bathe the parts affected, using lleiskell s Medicated Helskell's Blood and Liver Tills tone up the liver and purify the blood. Your druggist sells these preparations. Ointment, soc a box; Soap, 25c a cake; Pills, 25c a bottle. Send for book of testimonials ami learn what these wonderful remedies have done for others. JOHNSTON, H3LLOWAY & CO., 531 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FREE BOOKKEEPING AND SHORTHAND to FIVE persons in each county, desiring to take personal instruction, who will within 30 days clip and SEND this notice to either of DRAUGHON’S Atlanta, Raleigh, Knoxville, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Montgomery or Dallas. teach BY MAIL successfully, or REFUND MONEY, Law, Penmanship, Arith metic, Letter-Writing, Drawing, Cartooning. Business English, Banking, etc. “ 27 Colleges in 15 States. 5300.000.00 Capital. 17 years’ success. Indorsed by bust, nessmen. No vacation; enter any tima "Write vXFi a Vl 1 .3^-r , ’lOSITI 1 OSITI 5 NS secured or MONEY REFUNBED. YOU MUST in order to get Home Study FREE, write now, thus: “I desire to know more about your special Home Study Offer made in the .published at iSh ft System of Home 1/iai/i Treatment. as Well as Curative. 500-501 Lowndes Building Atlanta. Ga. 13