The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, August 16, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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Freckles and pimples REMOVED In Ten Days. K. 51 Nadinola The Complexion , Beautifier is en~ ’t dorsed by thousands of grateful ladies, and guaranteed to remove "yj a ]l facial discolora- ' tions and restore the beauty of youth. The worst cases in twenty days. 50c. and SI.OO at all leading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris, Tenn. Richmond College Stongly Endowed and well equipped. Total value of property and endowment 81,200,- 000.00. New dormitories have conveniences of city homes. Courses of study lead to degrees of 8.A., 8.5., M.A. and LL. B. Heads of departments have been called from other strong colleges, and are proved teachers and educational leaders. Library facilities unsurpassed in the South. Special attention is invited to the thorough course in law. Hon. A. J. Montague became Dean of the Law School immediately upon leaving the Governor’s chair last winter, and will teach regularly. He is assisted by 3 professors and 3 lecturers. Special endowment for aid of ministerial students from other States than Virginia. Session opens Sept. 20. Two catalogues, one general and one of the law school. Copies of either or both sent upon request. Address, Pres. F. W. Boatwright, Richmond, Va. GOT THE ITCH? Dr. Boeck’s Ointment positively and quick ly cures the worst known cases. It never fails. We will send you by return mail. FREE trial box if you mention The Goiden Age. Why suffer longer from this annoying disease when you can be cured so quickly and easily Write us today. Sent by mail to any address at 60 cents and SI.OO a box. MONRAD COMPANY, DES MOINES, IOWA, CONTINENTAL PROHIBITION. Temperance societies are growing in number and influence in Europe. A special committee of Parliament has made an exhaustive study of the alcohol question, and its report has been posted all over Great Britain. It makes plain that the abuse of al coholic stimulants is a most potent and deadly agent of physical deterio ration. Alcoholic persons are espe cially liable to tuberculosis and all inflammatory disorders. Lunacy fig ures show a large and increasing number of admissions of both sexes due to drink. In France, by order of the government, there has been placarded a similar report as to the fatal effects of alcohol on physical efficiency. The French statement emphasizes that alcoholism is a chron ic poisoning resulting from the ha bitual use of alcohol, whether as spir its, wine, or beer; that it is an im possibility that anyone, especially those who do heavy manual labor, should require alcohol either as food or tonic. It is made plain that alco hol is really a narcotic, dulling the nerves, is more dangerous than lau danum or opium, that it weakens man’s self-control, excites his pas sions, and therefore greatly increas es the number of crimes. It makes a strong point of the fact that the sins of alcoholic parents are visited on the children. If these survive in fancy they are threatened with idio cy or epilepsy, and many are carried away by tuberculosis, meningitis, or consumption In short, alcoholism is the most terrible enemy of health, family happiness, and national pros perity.—The Pilgrim. CANCER Send today for my FREE BOOK, telling all About my great home cure for this dreadful disease; „o knife; no pain. A postal card will do. Address JL. J. MILLER, M. D„ ST. LOUIS, MO. Kansas Charles M. Sheldon has recently published a review of twenty-five years of prohibition in Kansas, which is certainly a strong showing. Very briefly his points are as follows: In three-fourths of Kansas today the prohibitory law is as well enforced as other laws. Practically all the ten thousand school-teachers in Kansas believe in the prohibitory law. The law has so put the stamp of the criminal on the brewer and liquor seller that he has no social standing whatever. The economic value of the law is beyond dispute. Kansas has the smallest number of paupers to population—l to 1,000 —of any state, and the smallest number of drunkards. The cost of enforcing the law is sn ail, in some towns only fifteen cents per citizen per annum. Less than ten thousand barrels of liquor are annually sold in Kansas. The prohibitory law has united men and women of differing religions and political beliefs. The law has educated the young people to regard the social custom of drinking as an evil. “Prohibition Only a Fad.” It is through the fierce fires of persecution, therefore, gentlemen, that we have learned that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty; and that the enemies of the liquor business—whether in the persons of economists, fanat ics, Prohibitionists, faddists or blacpmailers—never sleep, and are ever ready to apply the torch of lying and vituperation to whatever foolish or sentimen tal outburst there may be against the traffic. We have proven to you, gentlemen, not only that ours is a mighty in dustry, but also one that is a bulwark of finance to the State, contributing, as has been shown, hundreds of millions of dollars annually. We have shown that this revenue is absolutely essential to the government, national, state and municipal; that if this source of income be destroyed one of two results must surely ensue; either the stoppage of public improvements, or the levying of heavy additional taxes. Again, we have shown that our trade provides a market where the farmer can dispose of the results of his toil; using in one year over eighty million bushels of grain. This prosecution would close that market, and would throw out of employment millions now engaged in this useful industry who would have to compete with their brothers in the labor market of the land. Are you ready, gentlemen, to work this hardship upon your fellows?—The New Voice. DR. BROUGHTON’S BOOKS. Among the Greatest Sellers in the Religious Book World. Order from The Golden Age Publishing Company, Atlanta, Ga. “The Revival of a Dead Church,’’ contains more spiritual dynamite than any book for its size on the market. Price 30 cents. “Up From Sin,’’ a special book for young people. It shows how sin will wreck a life. Price 30 cfs. “God’s Will and My Life,’’ a spiritual biography. Price 25 cts. “The Second Coming of Christ.’’ The exponent of the Tabernacle Bible Conference on the Second Coming. Price 50 cts. ‘“The Representative Women of the Bible’’ has had a great sale and is as interesting as a novel. Price SI.OO. “Old Wine in New Bottles.’’ A book of sermons containing the latest and best of Dr. Broughton’s illustrations and stories. Price SI.OO. “The Soul Winning Church’’ tells how every church can win souls. It has had the greatest sale of any of Dr. Broughton’s books. Price 50 cts. “The Table Talks of Jesus.’’ “Specially adapted to the fireside and home. It is an exposition of everything Jesus ever said ‘at meat.’ ” It is Dr. Broughton’s last book and has already gone through the Ist edition. Price 50 cts. Be sure and get these books and you will see the human side of the suc cess of the great Tabernacle in Atlanta. THE GOLDEN AGE, Atlanta, Ga. WAR ON LIQUOR AND TOBACCO. The Kansas Anti-Liquor Society has adopted a new plan to fight the liquor traffic. It is distributing free to all who write and enclose a stamp, a recipe for the cure of the liquor habit. It can be given secretly in coffee or food. Also one for the tobacco habit that can be given secretly. The only request they make is that you do not sell the recipes, but give free copies to four friends. Their address is Room GB, Gray Building, Kansas City, Mo. •6 The next session of the Stone Mountain Association convenes with the Covington Church on September 12th. Those who expect homes in Covington during this meeting will please write to the undersigned committee on or before September Ist. The attention of Pastors is called to the fact that it may be impossible to provide homes for delegates who do not so notify us. Please announce from the pulpit and remind them of the five foolish virgins. Most respectfully and cordially, 0. E. COOK, Chairman Com. on Hos. The Golden Age for August 16, 1 » ® ln itß worßt I F ft J form,aswellaa ■ v •’ rB an other skin dis- I V I eases can be quickly I I cured by the application I jyjf ll of that marvelous remedy HEISKELL’S I lIVJr OINTMENT M The best tonic, soap for the skin Is ■ I Ileiskell's Medicinal Soap (25r). Heiskell'a I I Flood and Liver Pills (25e),tone’upthe liver H UHf and blood. Ointment (50c). At all drug- I MMr gists. Send for book of testimonials to W JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & CO. S' 581 Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. I" F" RV FREE mail BOOKKEEPING AND SHORTHAND to FI VE persons in each county, desiring to take personal instruction, who will within 30 days clip and SEND this notice to either of DRAUGHON’S Atlanta, Raleigh, Knoxville, Norfolk, Jacksonville, Montgomery or Dallas. Wo also teach BY MAIL successful!v oi* REFUND MONEY, Law, Penmanship, Arith metic, Letter-Writing, Drawing, Cartooning. Business English, Banking, etc. 6 27 Colleges in 15 States. $300,000.00 Capital. 17 years’success. Indorsed by busi. nessmen. No vacation; enter any time Write POSIT '°, NS secured or MONEY REFUNDED. YOU MUST in order to get Home Study FREE, ■! write now, thus: “ I desire to know more about your special Home Study Offer made ln the published at, jA System of Home 1/ldl/t Treatment. as Well as Curative. 500-5 01 Lowndes Building Atlanta, Ga. few* IS I 1 8 I J H wB A standarTA that has never been equalled. The guard on the spring pre 'xa/Y vents tearing the cloth. The VIA on ly pi n fastens from either I/tha side can ’t dip through. See yj jw that all cards have our name on. ■ li/LZO Send4cents in stamps for sample I ' JMbZ' g I worth double the money. vwSn consolidated safety pin co., Box 159 BLOOMFIELD, N.J. jfljL I ■.or K ■ Light Saw Mills and Supplies Engines, Boilers, Fittings and Repairs ® TRY & £t LOMBARD iron works AUGLSTA. GA. Cancer Cured WITH SOOTHING, BALMY OILS, dancer, Tumor, Catarrh, Piles. Fistula. Ulcers. Eczema and all Skin and Female Diseases. Wnw for Illustrated Book. Sent free. Address DR. BYE I Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. 13