The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, August 23, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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12 Iwon-inawalkl I 322 SHOES - /o -1 I 4— jRO7 I jgMSWpSfe J4w/oi/s Zasts /UVD Zsatwers Neat siqles for the well groomed gentleman* The tough texture of the mate rial used insures long-wear. tRADDOCKTERRYCO. From $5.00 to 16 Cents. In 30 years quinine has fallen in price from $5.00 an ounce to 16 cents. Why? Because it can’t cure Fever. Mark our prediction:—lt will be worth less than 10 cents a pound in 10 years. B ,t Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic will cure Fever every time. Sent on trial to any man, any where, to be paid for after it has cured. Price 50 cents. The Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic Co., Savannah, Ga. "The Old Reliable” GEORGIA RAILROAD Elegantly Equipped PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN ALL POINTS. Pullman Palace Cars be tween Atlanta, Augusta and Charleston, also between Au gusta and St. Louis and Charleston and Cincinnati. Fast Freight Service Between the West and Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charleston, Savannah and all points in SOUTHEASTERN AND CAROLINA TERRITORY. A. G. JACKSON General Freight and Passenger AgL, Augusta, Ga. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad OPERATING The Best Equipped Freight and Passenger Service in the South. Coaches electric lighted, with steam heat in Winter and elec tric fans in Summer. If you desire to have your freight handled with dispatch and to travel comfortably and conveniently, patronize THIS POPULAR ROUTE h. c. McFadden, Genera.! Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Book Reviews. THE COLONEL OF THE RED HUSSARS. By John Recd Scott, Cole Book Co., Atlanta. If the dramatist fails to take advantage of the opportunity offered in the thrilling story of The Colonel of The Red Hussars, by John Reed Scott, much will be denied the romance-loving patrons of the matinee as well as the pea nut-eating admirers of the strenuous on the stage. The story is of that kind which makes the dinner bell unheard and the midnight hour pass unreeded. It impels a reading at one sitting, and is laid asire with the same regret with which one reaches a delightful journey’s end. A scion of the Royal family of the kingdom of Valeria had come to America and fought under Washington. His great grand-son, also a United States army officer, is sent as attache of the American legation to his ancestral home, and a wonderful likeness to the Royal revolutionary volunteer, together with the possession of a family heirloom in the shape of a ring, secures volun tary recognition and acknowledgment of Royal kinship. The restoration of ancestral estate follows. A rival for the succession and the hand of the princess, in the person of a Royal cousin, attempts assassination of both per son and character, and the story abounds in thrilling, sensational, scenes and denouements, all intensely dramatic, the climax coming in the complete un masking of the villain. No less than three charming romances are brought to the highly satisfactory stage, the hero having won a Royal bride and a reason able assurance of a throne. The story is altogether entertaining and is de lightfully told. R THE LADY EVELYN. By Max Pemberton. Published by the Authors’ and Newspapers’ Association.—Cole Book Co., Atlanta; Price 50. In reading this last issue of the “Authors’ and Newspapers’ Association” we are led to question whether this Association is deliberately catering to the taste of the great American public or whether the books by them and bearing the names of well known writers are simply written and issued as a sort of National Reporting Company 1023 Century Building, Atlanta, Ga. Bell Phone 3122 All kinds of Stenographic and first-class Mimeograph work done on short notice at reasonable rates. Manuscripts, Sermons, Correspondence and all kinds of Legal Work a Specialty. DR. BROUGHTON’S BOOKS. Among the Greatest Sellers in the Religious Book World. Order from The Golden Age Publishing Company, Atlanta, Ga. ‘‘The Revival of a Dead Church,” contains more spiritual dynamite than any book for its size on the market. Price 30 cents. ‘‘Up From Sin,” a special book for young people. It shows how sin will wreck a life. Price 30 cts. ‘‘God’s Will and My Life,” a spiritual biography. Price 25 cts. ‘‘The Second Coming of Christ.” The exponent of the Tabernacle Bible Conference on the Second Coming. Price 50 cts. ‘‘‘The Representative Women of the Bible” has had a great sale and is as interesting as a novel. Price SI.OO. ‘‘Old Wine in New Bottles.” A book of sermons containing the latest and best of Dr. Broughton’s illustrations and stories. Price SI.OO. ‘‘The Soul Winning Church” tells how every church can win souls. It has had the greatest sale of any of Dr. Broughton’s books. Price 50 cts. ‘‘The Table Talks of Jesus.” “Specially adapted to the fireside and home. It is an exposition of everything Jesus ever said ‘at meat.’ ” It is Dr. Broughton’s last book and has already gone through the Ist edition. Price 50 cts. Be sure and get these books and you will see the human side of the suc cess of the great Tabernacle in Atlanta. THE GOLDEN AGE, Atlanta, Ga. ■I The attention of the readers of The Golden Age, is called to the advertise ment of the Nasal Shield Company which appears elsewhere in this issue. This company has discovered a new method of treating Hay Fever which does away with all drugs, and it is so simple that one wonders why it was not thought with all drugs, and it is so simple that one wonders why it was not forded almost immediately after the patient begins treatment, and cures have been effected even in the most obstinate cases. They have issued an attrac tive little booklet describing the method of treating this annoying disease by the use of their appliance and will mail you one absolutely free if you will drop them a postal to-day, and mention The Golden Age, when you write. The address of the company is 480 Fidelity Trust Co., Kansas City, Mo. The Golden Age for August 23, 1906. [Jell-0 lee Cream j I /IL P° w d cr - I WoW 2 Packages OracA make nearly I wWv a Gallon. I F-'-'-W Costs I 25 Cents Stir the contents of I y J one package into a ■ quart of milk and I P~<JELL-b —freeze. No cooking or I Pdfhm heating ’ no eggs ’ su< I .Jia.™ S ar or ff avor i n g to I add- Everything but I the ice in package. ■ —RECIPE BOOK FREE. B I B Flavors. 2 packages, enough for a gallon, I I 25 Cts. at all grocers, or by mail if he hasn’t it. ■ Approved by Pure Food Commissioners I <he Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y. J I Cure Cancer. My Mild Combination Treatment is by the patient at home. Years of success. Hun dreds of testimonials. Endorsed by physicians, ministers, etc. The local application destroys the Cancerous growth, and the constitutional treatment eliminates the disease from the sys tem, preventing its return. Write for Free Book, “Cancer and its Cure.” No matter how serious your case—no matter how many operations you have had—no matter what treatment you have tried—do not give up hope, but write at once. DR. O. A. JOHNSON, 313 E. 12th St., Kansas City. Mo. 'SKTwiiisLors | SOOTHING SYRUP ( 1 nas been used by Millions of Mothers for their ', .l children while Teething for over Fifty Years. <, ► It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays < ' * all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best 1 * > remedy for diarrhoea, ( ' [ Stanley’s Business College, MACON, GA. Has long been noted for firm discipline, thorough instruct on and lofty morals. Parents who con sider the formation of character the corner-stone of education, are asked to examine the ideal . conditions affoided by this school from every point of view. Saw it in The Baptist Flag. W. H. Coffman, Avery, Texas, sent for two bottles Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic on trial. He cured his daughter-in-law with one bottle and his grandson with the other. Then he paid his bill. Here was the contract: “Pay if it cures.” Sent anywhere on these terms. Write the Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic Co., Savannah, Ga. Agents Double Money In Short Time Only a small amount of money to start. De mand increases with every sale. One sale makes a lifetime customer. Sells to every fam ily People will come to you for it. Staple as bread, and safe as government bonds. No can vassing. No peddling. You benefit yourself and bless your neighbors by handling it. Business people as well as farm ers can sell it from their homes or places of business without taking up time from other affairs. For full particulars, address, with name, P. 0., County and State, DR. C. H. GREGORY, Little Rock, Ark. Write to-day. $95 PAYS TUITION AND BOARD for a few more in Club Home of Meridian Female College a whole session. Largest and best pri vate College in the South. Apply at once to President J. W. Beeson, Meridian, Miss. HAY FEVER CURED WITHOUT DRUGS By Use of the CARENCE NASAL SHIELD this distressing disease can JF WV be prevented, and with Z*ttsnii-: nature’s aid it will effect a fbW/ permanent cure. It r&x ‘ $ affords instant relief * n worst cases ; stops I 9ne ezing and watery dis- I fir charges from the eyes and nose, and makes breathing easy and natural. It is a dainty little mechanical device, simple and sanitary in construction; right in principle. Invisible when in use. Endorsed by physicians and ministers. Atrial will convince you of its efficiency. Write today for FREE DESCRIPTIVE BOOKI . ... TESTIMONIALS THE NASAL SI .-.tit D CO. 480 Fidelity Trust Buildinj SAS CITY, MO.