The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, August 23, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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14 A NOTRE DAME LADY. I will send free with full instructions, some of this simple preparation for the cure of Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, Displacements, Falling of the Womb, Scanty or Painful Periods, Tumors or Growths, Hot Flashes, Desires to Cry, Creeping feeling up the Spine, Pain in the Back, and all Female Troubles, to all sending address. To mothers of suffering daughters 1 will ex plain a Successful Home Treatment. If you decide to continue it will only cost about 12 cents a week to guarantee a cure. Tell other sufferers of it, that is al ask. If you are interested write now and tell your suffering friends of it. Address Mrs. M. Summers, Box 544, Notre Dame, Ind. Wonderful Improvement in Typewriters. L. C. Smith, who formerly manu factured the L. C. Smith gun and the Smith Premier Typewriter, has sev ered his connection and is now man ufacturing an improved, writing-in sight-single keyboard machine. Writs for catalogue. Agents Wanted in Florida and Georgia. H. M. ASHE Writing-in-Sight Co. y. M. C. A. Bldg., 71-73 N. Pryor and 17-19 and 21 Auburn Ave., ATLANTA, GA. Locust Grove Institute, Locust Grove> Ga I WsSs ■ 1 ■ '/ ' ■ '' ■ 9 Ta ■ .... - M ’ ' >•■ (ZL- ■ ■ . . . „ --. ■ ’7ji-^-^- : iir^w— bi iIBUH * IBBMWRj' ~MI "" ‘* >BsSl •" 1: ~' * - - - lilwffliflH ■* " B« : :: ■<■ •■ • - . '; •: . • : - ' - . J RECITATION HALL. Fall Term begins September 3d. For Catalogue write to CLAUDE GRAY, President. Great'Meeting of Sunday School Workers. During the week just passed there was held at Winona Lake, Ind., a meet ing of Sunday School leaders from all parts of the United States and Canada and the Bible study interests of more than 14,000,000 were represented. These meetings have been conducted by the Executive Committee of the Interna tional Sunday School Association, this committee being composed of ninety six business and professional men who are deeply interested in Sunday school work. The men represent sixty-nine states, provinces and territories including Canada, Mexico, Cuba and Porto Hico. The meeting just closed at Winona was a notable one because of the vast territory represented as well as because of the enthusiastic interest shown in the work. Perhaps the most important matter consummated was the creation of three new branches of the work to be termed international departments and to cover adult work, temperance work and intermediate work. Hon. Justice J. J. Maclaren of Toronto, Can., will be Chairman of the Temperance Committee and Frank L. Brown of New Fork of the Intermediate Committee. The need of advanced methods in Sun day school work is to be met by these departments, and much is hoped to be accomplished. The next international meeting is to be held at Louisville, Ky., Tn 1908 and the world’s convention of Sunday School Workers is to be held in Rome in 1907. THE MERIDIAN MALE COLLEGE gives out a limited number of free scholarships of free tuition each year to worthy boys. Write for particulars, to, M. A. Beeson, President. Dr. Broughton Going Abroad. The readers of the Golden Age who enjoy Dr. Broughton’s stirring ser mons from week to week will be interested in the announcement that they will have the privilege of following this great man across the water. While he preaches in England this summer you will be given every week the ser mon and the place of its delivery. “The Ministry of Satan and the Mystery of Sin.” This will be the title of the series he will deliver while abroad. Some of these sermons have been' published in an abridged form, but the interest in them has been such as to call for their revision and amplification. Dr. Broughton’s hearers do not sleep whether he is talking with tongue or pen. In the pulpits of Campbell Morgan and Samuel Chadwick and other great preaching centers these sermons will be delivered. Tell your neighbor about them and ask him to subscribe so as not to miss one of these burning messages. niM REPAIRS wk 9 9 of Gin ENGINES, BOILERS and PRESSES ™ and Repairs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, In jectors, Pipes, Valves and Fittings, Light Saw, Shingle, and Lath Mills, Gasoline Engines. Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUPPLY COM PAN V, Augusta, Ga. The Golden Age for August 23, 1903. Rheumaticine ...8a1m... I j || TAKES I l H the hll PAIN ■ All AWAY I i llHii 1 I p 1 i lluHlr I '''4 MnrlW r H BMI if n A combination containing a freely absorbed Salicylate, eliminating the objections of the internal Salicylic treatment. Its therapy in RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, MYALGIA, SCIAT ICA, and all forms of pain, it has proved most potential in the treat ment of Rheumatism, both acute and chronic, and in cases of Neuralgia, Sciatica, Tabes and Arthritic Gout. It has been used with marked advan tage in relieving headache and tooth ache, and also for bronchitis and af fections of the throat. It has been used with success in treating pleuret ic and peritoneal pains, and in severe cases of phlebitis. Rheumaticine Balm is used Exter nally. Applied externally, its action is quite comparable to that produced by the internal employment of Sali cylate of Soda, which it advanta geously replaces, especially as it spares the stomach and nervous sys tem; one avoids also the cutaneous manifestations going from simple erythema to chronic, pimply eczema, that the Salicylate of Soda produces with a great number of invalids. The use of Rheumaticine on the skin does not change in any way the aspect of the epidermis, even after repeated ap plications. Price Per Tube, 50 Cents, Postpaid. THE V. E. PERRYMAN CO. PHYSICIANS’ SUPPLIES 3b Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA.