The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 06, 1906, Page 13, Image 13

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Beautify the Complexion IN TEN DAYS. ,|lfb Nadinola -s The UN EQUALED yL -- BEAUTIFIER.en- QfcaL,. Horsed by thousands; guaranteed to remove ' < pimples, all Mnal discolorations MMr and restore the e beauty of youth. The worst cases in twenty days. 50c. and SI.OO at all leading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., fc Paris, Tenn, Richmond College Stongly Endowed and well equipped. Total value of property and endowment $1,200,- 000.00. New dormitories have conveniences of city homes. Courses of study lead to degrees of 8.A., 8.5., M.A. and LL. B. Heads of departments have been called from other strong colleges, and are proved teachers and educa ional leaders. Library facilities unsurpassed in the South. Special attention is invited to the thorough course in law. Hon. A. J. Montague became Dean of the Law School immediately upon leaving the Governor’s chair last winter, and will teach regularly. He is assisted by 3 professors and 3 lecturers. Special endowment for aid of ministerial students from other States than Virginia. Session opens Sept. 20. Two catalogues, one general and one of the law school. Copies of either or both sent upon request. Address, Pres. F. W. Boatwright, Richmond, Va. SOUTHERN SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITY ATLANTA. GA. 13,000 Graduates in positions. 787 calls from business men last year for bookkeepers and stenographers. Enter now. Catalog free. Address A. C. Briscoe, Prest., or L. W Arnold, Viee-Prest., Atlanta, Ga. $95 PAYS TUITION AND BOARD for a few more in Club Home of Meridian Female College a whole session. Largest and best pri vate College in the Scuth. Apply at once to President J. W. Beeson, Meridian, Miss. BOOKKEEPING Business Phonography | TYPEWRITING and TELECRAPHYH&H Commercial College of Ky. University Refers to thousands of graduates in positions. Cost of Merchants’ Business Course, including tuition and board, about $65. Begin now. «Kentucky Univer sity; Assets sl,—its diploma, under seal awarded our y graduates. Address, kM Uirtlt \K/ WTi W © »<»«’* *** ,0P An » mone y * ith aUSI Libera you act our \ /X //JWB i&l«j££uj V ( New Vehicle \/ vrl ■■ r.,, rrmumW •M#» J catalog 'mb -[~~i_ HI I \jm 1i J jznM* m < ft 11*1* TUIC ARI 411 IT* send it to us and we will mail you free the most complete catalog of vehicles ind himes, ever printed. The CnU are UUI InlOH&J UU I ytry large, the descriptions are complete and plain. All vehicle* shipped direct from our factory. Prices lowest ever made. Don‘t buy a vehicle or hames* until you get our 1906 catalogue and *g MARVIN QMITH CO CaHlCAfifl. 1 see our astonishingly low price* and the moat liberal term, ever made. • 111 AH Win Offll I fl VU. VniVHUV. IfaW BRI MM 1 kIWM tV/?i (i] ft rau PKI n| K| Associated with him, a most efficient and accomplished staff of successful American and European Hfl W teachers. LARGEST SCHOOL IIS MIDDLE WEST. I <®“AN IDEAL AND EXCLUSIVE RESIDENT DEPARTMENT FOR YOUNG WOMEN.*®* Rs 81 —■ n _ r- a We will distribute 100 Complete Scholarships and Partial Scholarships FREE for the ■ ■ ■! f* HJv t coming school year, September 1, 1906. to June 30, 1907. It is possible for YOU to KB Bl secure a scholarship FREE. Write to-day for particulars and our Conservatory | CATALOG. Address, EDGAR M. CAWLEY, Director, 430 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. erybody began picking up my vegetables, and I thought it real kind of them until I discovered that they did not intend returning them to me; they were going to keep them as souvenirs. Then an impudent town boy on the rear platform started up a foolish song about Reuben coming to town, and it is the honest truth, the grown people in the car, some of them middle-aged, joined in, and the car simply recked with it. Then that boy started up another verse which went this way: “Rufus, Rastus, Johnsing Brown, What you goin’ to do when you come to town? Wearin’ a suit of home-made jeans, Totin’ a sack of corn and beans!” This verse was very popular, and they were singing it when we reached my corner. As the car started on again I heard that wretch lining out a new verse but I couldn’t catch the words. My family is living on a reguler diet of breakfast foods and canned meats. I can’t see much sense in the vegetarian doctrine anyway. Resolved, 1. If ever I see that boy again I will kill him. 2. It is not safe to say “Beans” to me. A. E. R. n The Work of the Saloon. By REV. J. C. SOLOMON. If we could only look on all the skeletons in the closets of the Atlanta homes, how our very hearts would ache. We can not know in this world (nor would it be best) all the sorrow that lies on the hearts of our neighbors, even those on the same block with ourselves. God is merciful to keep some sights from our eyes and some sounds from our ears The staggering drunkard, the breaking heart, the cheerless home are enough in evidence to touch the most indifferent soul. Many a fair life has faded and many a bright light has gone out since the licensed saloon was first opened in Atlanta. O, the tearful hearth-stones, the wasted fortunes, the crushed hopes, the blasted lives since that awful day! Since our appeal to the neglected and abused women (all on account of their loved ones drinking, in last Friday’s Constitution), sad, heart-searching stories have been coming to us about drunken fathers, sons and brothers— one dear woman with tears in her eyes for her brother, who had spent a for tune, and was then standing at the door of doom. These stories are pathetic— some of them enough to melt the heart of stone. Poor afflicted souls—here is a hand and here is a heart for you all who have your sorrows. I lay my heart down by the side of yours and weep with you in the day of your gloom. 0, pitiless saloon, will you never hear the cries of a broken mother or a despairing wife? Atlanta, proud, beautiful Atlanta, rise up in your majest and strength, and crush out every horrible saloon in your midst, and so revive the hopes of our outraged womanhood. Georgia School of Technology. A technical institute of the highest rank, whose graduates, without ex ception, occupy prominent and lucrative positions in engineering and commer cial life. Located in the most progressive city in the South, with abounding opportunities offered its graduates in the South’s present remarkable devel opment. The forty members of the class of 1906 were placed in lucrative and desirable positions before graduation. Advanced courses in Mechanical, Electrical, Textile, Mining and Civil Engnieering and Engineering Chemistry. Extensive and new equipment of Shop, Mill, Laboratories, etc. New Library and new Chemical Laboratory. Cost reasonable. Each county in Georgia entitled to fifteen free scholarships. The next session begins September 26, 1906. For catalogue, address K. G. MATHESON, A.M., LL.D., President, Atlanta, Ga. The Golden Age for September 6, 1006. “GLORIOUS PRAISE” More than 300 songs. 114 composers, and 153 writers. Round or Shaped Notes. Beit Silk Cloth Binding'. Composed by W. H. Doane, who is recognized as the best man living to prepare a book of sacred song, and this is the crowning work of his life. He has had the assistance of Mr. W. J.Krk patrick, who is second only to Dr. Doane. The following letter from the Superintendent of West End Presbyterian S. S., Atlanta, Ga., is a sample of the endorsement of leading' Presbyterian papers: Suitable for Church Services, Sunday Schools and Young Peoples’ Meetings. Atlanta, Ga., January 3, 1906. Mr. H. C. Robert, Mgr. Dear Sir: Answering your favor of 30th inst., referring to the matter of song books purchased by our Sunday School, we wish to state that the competent committee selected “Glorious Praise.” after a careful consideration of a large number of song books. We are more than pleased with our selection. It is, in our opinion, the best book we have ever used in our Sunday Sehool work, cover ing a period of more than twenty years. Yours very truly C. R. Normandy, Supt. West End Pres. S. S. READ WHAT OTHER GOOD JUDGES SAY: Dr. E. C. Dargan of the Southern Baptist . Dr. J. M. Frost, Sunday School Secretary, calls Theological Seminary, and himself a master of it a glorious book.” .... , sacred song: "It strikes me as a very handy Dr. Carter Helm Jones of Louisville: The best and useful book, . . . admirably serving the old and new hyrns have been skillfully blended, Durpose for which it was intended. and a fine musical sense and taste pervade the arrangement.” $25 a 100; $3.60 a Dozen, Not Prepaid. Single Copy by Mail, 35c. If you examine "Glorious Praise” you will buy no other. Send all orders to HARVEY 6 BURNETT, Louisville, Ky. Clk r /1 rS ffttMil I 1 I Eczema I I Hand I should not be covered by a glove. A fresh antiseptic bandage every day after applying Heiskell’s Ointment is all that is needed to cure the matter how old or stub- H ■ born it may be. I Heiskell’s I I Ointment I goes right to the spot. It cools the B skin, stops the burning and itching, and cures. There is no case too ob stinate. All skin diseases yield to its magical influence. Used success fully for half a century. In all cases it is best to bathe the part affected with Heiskell's Medic inal Soap before applying the Oint- B ment. To make the blood pure and clean up the liver take Heiskell's Blood and Liver Pills. Ointment 50c. a box ; Soap 25c. a cake; Pills 25c. a box. Sold by all druggists, or sent by mail. ■ JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & CO., ■ B 531 Commerce St, Philadelphia, Pa. B Mineral Waters sold In bulk are'too weak to effect a rapid cure. Piedmont Concentrated Iron and Alumn Water is pure Mineral Water evaporated to make 1 lb. equal 25 gals, of ordinary Mineral Water. Does its work quickly and effectively. Incomparable cure for indigestion, liver, bowel, kidney and bladder troubles. Quick relief for blood poison, scrofula ami fe male diseases. Your druggist, or the spring owners, J. M. Echols, Co., Lynchburg, Va. I’LL HELP YOU MAKE MONEY. I want immediately, an honest, energetic man or woman in every town in the South to go to worK for me as soon as possible. Experience unnecessary. Permanent employment and one of the most liberal propositions ever made to make big money if you mean business. If you would be satisfied to make from $3.00 to $5.00 a day. I want to hear from you at once. Don’t put it off: write now for full particulars and EXPENSIVE SAMPLES FREE. T. M. SAY MAN, 2130 Franklin Av., St. Louis, Mo. & System of Home Treatnunt. as Well as Curative. SOO >SOI Lowndes Building Atlanta, Ga. 13