The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 06, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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2 and covering sermons, addresses and special services conducted by the distinguished pastors from other cities as well as by me. The following is a brief statement of the order of exercises to be observed. First Week. Sunday, Sept. 16.—11 a. m., Sermon, Rev. W. W. Landrum, pastor First Baptist Church; S p. m., sermon, Rev. John E. White, D.D., pastor Second Baptist Church. Monday, Sept. 17.—8 p. m., Congratulatory Ad dresses by the following: Rev. Charles 0. Jones, D.D., pastor St Mark Methodist Church; Rev. Z. S. Farland, Rector All Saints Episcopal Church; Rev. R. 0. Flinn, Pastor North Avenue Presbyterian Church; Rev. C. T. Willingham, supply at Jackson Hill Baptist Church; Rev. T. P. Bell, D. D., editor Christian Index. Tuesday, Sept. IS.—S p. m., address, Christian Education, Rev. S. Y. Jameson, D.D., President Mercer University, Macon, Ga. Wednesday, Sept. 19.—8 p. m., address. Saving Georgia, Rev J. J. Bennett, Cor. Sec. Board of Missions, Atlanta. Thursday, Sept. 20.—8 p. m., address, The Sun day School Work of the Denomination, Rev. J. M. Frost, D.D., Cor. Sec. Sunday School Board of Mis sions, S. B. C., Nashville Tenn. | -n *■ .■ .. 'X,- ■ ' wF REV. JUNIUS IK. MILLARD, D.D. Friday, Sept 21.—4 p. in., Conference, The Effi ciency of the Sunday Schoo], Mr. L. P. Leavell, Field Secretary, Sunday School Board, Oxford, Miss. 8 p. m., address, The South as a Missionary Field and Force, Rev. B. D. Gray, Cor. Sec. Home Mission Board S. B. C., Atlanta. Second Week. Sunday, Sept. 23.—11 a. m., sermon-address, R'ev. R. J. Willingham, I). I)., Cor. Sec. Foreign Mis sion Board, S. B. C., Richmond, Va. 8 p. m., sermon-address, Rev. E. Y. Mullins, D.D., President Southern Baptist Theological Sem inary, Louisville, Ky. Monday to Friday, September 24th to 28th. Each evening at 8 o’clock, the pastor himself will preach on the general topic: “Life’s Tomor rows. ’ ’ This topic is sub-divided as follows; Monday, September 24, “Does Death End All?” A discussion of the immortality of the soul. Tuesday, September 25, “Shall We Know Each Other There?” An inquiry into Heavenly recog nition. Wednesday, September 26, “With What Body do They Come?” A study of he Resurrection. Thursday, September 27, “Who Shall be Able The Golden Age for September 6, 190$. to Stand?” A consideration of the Day of Judg ment. Friday, September 28, “Is Punishment Eternal?” An inquiry into the final fate of the wicked. The object of these sermons is not idle discus sion, but an earnest purpose to instruct, and to deepen an interest in these “last things.” There is no object of deeper human interest than the fu ture of the soul, and no question of more profound personal concern than this, “My Life and the Fu ture. What?” Although the public is cordially invited to at tend all these services, and seats are free, special invitations are to be issued by the members of the congregation to such friends as they may deem especially interested in the services. I do verily believe, from the experience of the past year and a half, that the time will come, and that soon, when the Ponce DeLeon Avenue Baptist Church will be one of the greatest churches, not only in the city of Atlanta, but in all our Southern land. To that end, it is my desire to lead them into all that is true and noble. We are not a sensational folk, and do our own quiet work; but when it is done we hope the King may say “Well done.” Labor Da^ —Its Origin and Its Uses. On the first Monday in September, Georgia, as well as forty-three other states, agree to suspend all work which entails the labor of workmen in every mechanical branch of industry, and to give to this vast working class a holiday which is pure ly and solely organized as a sort of recognition of the rights of the laboring; man and a consideration of his position in the life of our country. The holiday is of comparatively recent origin, but so fixed lias it become that its observance is now almost general throughout the United States. Very gradually, however, was this day incorporat ed in the same class with the Fourth of July, Christmas, Decoration Day, etc., etc., and perhaps oven now the first named holiday alone rivals Labor Day in the universal recognition which it com mands. The first movement for the establishment of labor day was had in New York in September, 1882, when the Knights of Labor met in that city for their annual convention, and the Central Labor I nion decided to Judd a parade to which the vis iting knights were to be formally invited. This incident assuming the shape of a precedent in 1883, the Labor organizations of New York had their parade on the first Monday in September, and a year later the Central Labor Union resolved that this first Monday in September be reserved as a special holiday, and at once began to endeavor to have this resolution become a law. It did not, how ever, prove an easy matter to accomplish this, for it wps not until May, 1887, that the bill was passed by the New York Legislature, which met the wishes of the labor unions in this particular. This bill, however, had attracted considerable at tention even before it became a law, and Oregon was the first state to legally establish a labor day holiday. This was in February, 1887, and soon after New Jersey enacted a similar law, New York being third on the list. It was not, however, until 1894 that Congress passed a labor day law for the District of Columbia. The various states in the Union have passed similar laws regarding Labor Day, making it now almost a universal legal holi day, and this example has been followed in Porto Rico, Hawaii, Alaska and the Philippines. There is much meaning in the fixing of a day for the special recognition of Labor. “Unions” for the protection of laborers have become a growing force in this country, and their formation has kept pace with the enormous increase of capital. If there is one single element which goes far to pre serving a feeling of amity between labor and cap ital, it is this recognition of the rights of labor as shown by the legal fixing of a day when the in dividual membeis of the different organizations shall unite in a general holiday which shall mean relaxation ami reci eat ion, and, let us hope, it may aid in the promotion of good feeling and good fellowship. News of General Interest. Tea carriers of China carry tea in bars, each weighing twenty pounds. A statue of Gen. Nicholson, the mutiny hero, was recently unveiled at Delhi by Lord Minto, the Vice roy of India. A movement is on foot in England to prohibit women from acting as barmaids. If passed, the proposed bill will affect between 30,000 and 40,000 women. Two high school teachers in Trieste have in vented a new system of wireless telegraphy. Their experiments have proved so successful that the government has come to their aid. The National Baptist Convention, the (largest body of colored Baptists in America, has decided to establish a theological .seminary of its own. It already has a large and prosperous publishing house. Howard F. Mayhew, a young millionaire of New Bedford, Mass., is employed in a cotton mill there, going to work at 6:30 in the morning and quitting at 6 at night, and studies in a textile school until 10 o’clock. Among the curiosities of church architecture in America may be mentioned the fact that in Santa Rosa, Cal., is a church with a seating capacity of 200, which is built entirely of timber sawed out of a single redwood tree. In Northern China a perambulating village black smith goes about in the early spring making im plements for the farmers. The plows differ in de sign in the various localities, and are only sufficient to scratch the surface of the soil. • It is estimated that before the cles" of the current year the sum of $500,000,000 will be ex pended by Ameiican tourists in traveling abroad. It is impossible that this sum should fail to affect the trade balances of the country. Both Canada and Mexico are in advance of the I nited States in the establishment of new rail roads. The former country has no less than three thousand miles of new roads under way, while the new railroads projected in Mexico will cost in the neighborhood of $60,000,000. There is soon to be established in Paris an in stitution for sea-bed research which will have one million dollars as an endowment fund by the Prince of Monaco. This nobleman has a passion for deep sea research, and has spent a fortune in further ing this science. A debt-collecting agency, which is run as a part of the regular postal system, is the newest “im provement” of the postoffices of Austria. Despite the novelty of the enterprise, the plan has worked admirably, so that many thousands are collected annually by the postmen throughout the Austrian empire. A remarkable increase in the number of students attending the twenty-one universities of Germany is reported by the Journal of Education. The ma triculated students now number 42,390, an increase of 13,273 over the attendance of ten years ago, or nearly 50 per cent. The University of Berlin leads, with 8,081 students; Bonn has 2,908, and Heidel berg, 1,443. An interesting work in which the United States Government is now engaged is the building of a new breakwater in the San Pedro Harbor near Los Angeles, Ca. In 1898 an appropriation of $2,9*00,- 000 was made by Congress for this work, and at this time, although only about one-half of the super structure appears above water, the harbor is al ready being used by vessels,