The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 13, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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14 TO CURE ECZEMA. The one infallible method by which Eczema can be quickly and permanently cured is by the use of Heiskell’s Oint ment. For half a century this great remedy has been the means of curing skin diseases of every nature. Erysipelas, Tetter, Ulcers, Pimples, Ringworm, Blotchy Skin, Erup tions, Rough Skin, Salt Rheum, Scald Head—all yield as readily to the marvelous curative virtues of Heiskell’s Ointment as the dread disease—Eczema. Before apply ing the ointment, bathe the affected parts, using Heiskell’s Medicinal Boap. Heiskell’s Blood and Liver Pills tone up the liver and cleanse the blood. Oint ment, 50 cents a box; Soap, 25 cents a cake; Pills, 25 cents a bottle—at all druggists. Send for interesting book of testimonials to Johnston, Holloway & C0.,531 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Light Saw Mills and Supplies Engines, Boilers, Fittings and Repairs *? & TRY & & LOMBARD IRON WORKS AUGUSTA. GA. PLEATING jOfJk To every woman who will send Wk us her name and address by re- .rn'ii IvkSL turnmail,weiwillsendabsolutely •■jlii'il llmt free, samples of cloth and il ffli’il Il'iW lustrated folder describing the ffl' i mW new “Sunburst” skirt, a striking lillii KMw beautiful Parisian creation. Irfl/'l wllvft " e make them complete ready 111 Illi to wear, from your own material, 111 liWw 110 matter where you live. mnH II libvWh U lr P ! eating work ranks lllimml with the finest in Europe 1/mlllli RlViwvSk America. Prices ax- II I tremely low. Pleating, Inti , Pinking, and Ruching fty/w/11111l (36 styles); also buttons f 11 iI ■1 y\ Umade to match your |dress from scraps. Write today. French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing. Feeling B&.d? Try Piedmont Concentrated Iron and Alum Water —a wonderful health restorer. Enriches the blood, destroys disease germs, restores strength and makes a new man of you. Not a medicine —but a magnificent mineral water, concentrated. If ailing, write for pam phlet telling of wonderful cures effected. J. M. Echols Co , Spring Owners, Lynchburg,Va. • Cure Yourself of FEVER with JOHNSON’S CHILL AND W FEVER TONIC. We send you 2 A bottle «on trial. Costs nothing it ■ it fails. Only after it cures you send us SI.OO Write at once. JOHNSON’S CHILL and FEVER TONIC CO., Savannah, Georgia. TOLERABLE, HOW’RE YOU.” J. T. Shuptrine Laurens, Ga., Sirs: —“Having obtained a box of your Tetterine which I used on a case of itching piles of five years’ stand ing, I spent SSO, for different kinds of remdies and the skill of doctors, all for no good, until I got the Tet terine, I am well. Accept thanks.” Yours, W. R. King. Ictterine also cures Eczema, Tet ter, Ground Itch, Erysipelas, Dan druff and all other forms of skin dis eass. 50c the box. Your druggist or address J. T. Shuptrine, Mfr., Savan nah, Ga. lusetiwGreat English Remedy BLAIR’S PILLSEIO ■Safe, Sure, Effective 50c. Sc sl. 11 I DRUGGISTS, or 93 Henry St, Brooklyn, N. Y A Home For Incurables For Colored People. One of the key-notes to true charity is an appreciation and sympathy for the sufferings of others, and one of the first steps toward alleviation is this recognition of the need for assistance. Already ranch is done in the South for the help of the poor and distressed among the colored population, but there is much still to do, and this fact is being more and more fully real ized by the members of this race themselves. While the more intelligent and educated negroes are devoting themselves to teaching their own race, there are others who seek a broader field for their ministrations. Among these is a capable and intelligent colored woman, Crimona Logan Stiekley, who is herself a teacher, but who has become interested in the afflicted mem bers of the colored race. This interest has assumed a practical form to the extent of being almost a 11 call” for so urgent is the need that Mrs. Stiekley has found to exist among those afflicted with incurable diseases who are not eligible to regular hospitals, and for whom there is absolutely no provision in organized charities. The plan that this woman is now endeavoring to perfect is to establish a Home for Incurable Colored People, and as she has for several years visited this class of sufferers, she knows the great need of such an institu tion. As a means toward the desired end she has herself saved $20.00 from her earnings as a teacher, and she desires to rent a small house for the pur pose of a home, and will herself give up her teaching to take charge of the small institution if she can secure sufficient aid to make the project feasible. The ‘‘incurables” she has known and visited are so grateful for any sort of help, either food, clothing or medicines, that she is certain to have appli cants for places in her home, while in some instances a small um may be paid by the friends of the invalids for their maintenance. Mrs. Stiekley is canvassing Atlanta and the state of Georgia, and she deserves to succeed in her undertaking, which is surely one prompted by the purest spirit of humanity. The public should investigate the condition of the children bound out or “farmed” out to employers. Their fathers imprisoned or their mothers dead, is no justifiable ground for the government to legalize child slavery or to practice neglect for those who will soon be its active citizens. Unfortunate children should be treated as though they had a right to an existence and to an existence amidst wholesome surroundings. In this connection it should be inisisted upon that industrial and similar reformatory asylums should be more rigidly safeguarded.—The Christian Conservator (Huntington, Ind.) Sympathy is often more needed and more helpful to a person than money. Moral support is more important than material support, though the two should go together.—Baptist and Reflector (Nashville, Tenn.) If American and English Statesmanship should become really accessory to Christian missionary effort for the people of the Orient, a great step in advance would be made toward forming among those ancient peoples the ideal set for them. * * * j n other words, if there had been less of the white man’s exploration of territory belonging to the people of the Orient, more of justice and less injustice generally, in his dealings with them, the Christian’s task would have been easier.—The Southern Witness (De Land, Florida). It is not “worldly business,” so-called, which damages Christian char acter, but the worldly spirit in business; and this spirit damages character when it dominates religious business as certainly and as seriously as it does in secular work.—The Examiner (New York City). A NOTRE DAME LADY. I will send free with full instructions, some of this simple preparation for the cure of Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, Displacements, Falling of the Womb, Scanty or Painful Periods, Tumors or Growths, Hot Flashes, Desires to Cry, Creeping feeling up the Spine, Pain in the Back, and all Female Troubles, to all sending address. To mothers of suffering daughters 1 will ex plain a Successful Home Treatment. If you decide to continue it will only cost about 12 cents a week to guarantee a cure. Tell other sufferers of it, that is al' ask. If you are interested write now and tell your suffering friends of it. Address Mrs. M. Summers, Box 544, Notre Dame. Ind. IAN INFLAMED TENDON NEEDS COOLING. Will do it and restore the circulation, assist nature to repair strained, rup tured ligaments more successfully than Firing. No blister, no hair gone, and you can use the horse. $2.00 per bottle, delivered. Book 2-C Free. ABSORBING, JR., for mankind, SI.OO bottle. Cures Strained Torn Ligaments, Varicose Veins, Varicocele, Hydrocele, en larged Glands and Ulcers. Allays pain quickly W.F. YOUNG P.D.F. 114 Monmouth SL, Springfield, Mass The Golden Age for September 13, 1906. HOW DEBTS ARE PAID. Do you owe. any mony? Do you wan to pay it? Do you want a bank acount? Do you want to earn an ed ucation? You can do all these. How? By selling Dishwashers. Every family needs one more han they do a washing machine. The Dishwasher is used three times a day, but the washing machine only once a week. You make nearly 100 per cent, profit on every Dishwasher. Money comes in fast. Sell only one a day and it means a good salary. Sell two a day and you can soon have a good bank account. Write us and we will tell you just how to go to work to make money. Your time is your capital. MOUND CITY DISHWASHER. CO., 3001 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. GOT THE ITGHP Dr. Boeck’s Ointment positively and quick ly cures the worst known cases. It never fails We will send you by return mail. FREE trial box if you mention I’he no den Age Why suffer longer from this annoying disease when you can be cured so quickly and easily Write us today. Sent by mall to any address at 50 cents and SI.OO a box. MONRAD COMPANY, DES MOINES, IOWA. P|p SHOE Billie Superioriiy ihis neaishoe lies in ihe exceptional long wear if gives * 7,L° 7o CRADDOCK-TERRY DRAUGHON’S Atlanta, Columbia, Montgomery and Nashville POSITIONS secu ed or money REFUNDED. Also teach BY MAIL. Catalogue will convince you tnat Draughon’s is THE BE ->T. Send for it. "The Old Reliable” G E) OJR G I A RAILROAD Elegantly Equipped PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN ALL POINTS. Pullman Palace Cars be tween Atlanta, Augusta and Charleston, also between Au gusta and St. Louis and Charleston and Cincinnati. Fast Freight Service Between the West and Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charleston, Savannah and all points in SOUTHEASTERN AND CAROLINA TERRITORY. A. G. JACKSON General Freight and Passenger Augusta, Ga. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad OPERATING The Best Equipped Freight and Passenger Service in the South. Coaches electric lighted, with steam heat in Winter and elec tric fans in Summer. If you desire to have your freight handled with dispatch and to travel comfortably and conveniently, patronize THIS POPULAR ROUTE h. c McFadden. General Passenger Agent. Atlanta, Ga.