The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 20, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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14 Artlß iZt'* $1 Eczema £3 1 # ® ’• I in its worst @| F H k I form, as well as H| V’’ 4ri LB MJSF" all other skin dis- gB v fl eases can be quickly o H cured by the application ga jgr'JS ?v °* tliat hiarvelous remedy ga HESSKELL’S | IJIaF OIWTMEHT lg| BWp” The best tonic soap for the skin is bg H ”tßr Heiskell's Medicinal Sosp (25e). Hciskell's m EES £& Blood and Liver Pilis (25e), tone up the liver H g-0/y find blood. Ointment (50c). At all drug- gM flMr gists. Send for book of testimonials to M JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY A CO. vK 581 Commerce St., Philadelphia, Pa. jaß mißaui GUARANTEED Taffeta Silk Petticoats Custom-made in the very latest modish styles from genuine old-fashioned taffeta n the silk of our grandmothers”—cut and made to your measure at a price no higher than you would pay for a ready made garment, and your choice of over 50 styles and 50 different shades. OUR GUARANTEE. Should this petticoat bearing trade mark S-H*& M" crack or split | within three months from date of pur chase, return it with this guarantee to us. We will replace it with a new one, provided the damage has not been caused by tearing, alterations or by wear on bottom ruffle. A postal brings you our illustrated catalog “ Petticoat Points ” containing full instructions on styles, prices and mode of self-measurement. Address: THE S # H a & M ® cc | 324 Mercer St., New York City. |)| I" A "V"I rLtM I 1 SUNBURST “ U ys.bdS PLEATING I fry woman who will send name and address by re iil,wewil! send absolutely samples of cloth and li ed folder describing the inburst” skirt, a striking itiful Parisian creation, ke them complete ready ',from your own material, matter where you live, r pleating work ranks h the finest in Europe 1 America. Prices ax tremely low. Pleating, . Pinking, and Ruehlng (36 styles); also buttons made to match your dress from scraps. Write us today. French Dry k —Cleaning and Dyeing. Vldeal Pleating Co. 20 Douglas Bik Omaha Neb. JOHNSON’S CHILL AHD FEVER TONIC <H> . 2 BOTTLES FREE, TILL AFTER IT CURES. After it cures you send us $1.00; if it fails to cure you fW never send us anything. JOHNSON’S CHILL AND FEVER H TONIC CO., ’ Savannah, Georgia. Help is Offered to Worthy Young People. We earnestly request all young persons, no matter how limited their means or education, who wish to obtain a thorough business training and a good position, to write by FIRST mail for our GREAT HAt.F RATE OFFER. Success, Independence and probable Fortune are guaranteed. Don’t delay. Write today. The Ga.-Ala. Business College, MACON, GA. Mother Earth is the Best Apothecary. and her . best work is found in the wonder ful combination of minerals helpful to hu man health found in Piedmont Concentrated Iron and Alum Water —a quick cure for Indigestion, Liver, Kidney and Bladder troubles. 18 ozs, .contains as much mineral as 25 gals, of ordinary Mineral Water. Cheaper and more effective. Your drug gist, or the Spring owners, J. M. Echols, Co., Lynchburg, Va. Life and Death. So ho died for his faith. That is fine— • Afore than most of us do. But. say, can you add to that line That he lived for it, too? In his death he bore witness at last As a martyr to truth. Did his life do the same in the past From the days of his youth? It is easy to die! Men have died For a wish era whim— From bravado or passion or pride. Was it harder for him? But to live—every day to live out All the truth that he dreamt, AVhile his friends met his conduct with doubt, Ami the world with contempt. Was it thus that he plodded ahead, Never turning aside? Then we’ll talk of the life that he lived, Never mind how he died. —Ernest Crosby. Recent reports from Kansas still indicate that Prohibition tends to in crease, rather than retard, prosperous conditions. More than one million dol lars was invested last year in banks established for the most part in the sma’h-r towns, and the estimated per capita wealth of the state is $88.69 in cash (not including stocks, bonds, securities and money in safe deposits). Only a few other states in tlie Union can equal the record.—The “New Voice” (Chicago). A Notre Dame Lady’s Appeal. so all knowing sufferers of rheumatism, whether muscular or of the joints, sciatica, lumbagos, backache, pains in the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write to her for a home treatment which has repeatedly cured all of these tortues. She feels it her duty to send it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself at home, as thousands will testi fy—no change of climate being necessary. This simple discovery banishes uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened joints, purities the blood, and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. If the above interests you, for proof address Mrs. M. Summers, Box 544. Notre Dame, Ind. Make Money Easily! A new article that everybody wants as soon as they understand what it is, and on which agents make a very large commission, is the easiest and most profitable thii g to sell. This just describes our medicated gloves armlets and face masks, for keeping the hands, arms and face soft, white and in healthy condition, and curing chappe l, rough, sore or sunburned skin, or r moving tan. Everybod suffers from these things, especially at this time of the year, and everybody wants soft, white and h.althy hands and face. This makes everybody a possible customer. Our agents are making from s'.so to $5 00 a day with out giving all their fhne. You shoull do as well. Write us about exclusive territory, or about sell ing near your own home. COMMON SENSE MFG. CO., Dept. 930, St. Louis, Mo. Walter Ballard Optical Co. MANUFACTURING. DISPENSING AND REFRACTING OPTICIANS Sell Phone 352 61 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. We have had many years experience in manufacturing fineoptical lenses, and filling oculists’ prescriptions. Our factory is second to none in doing high-class optical work. Our salesrooms, 61 Peachtree street, you can find everything that is carried in an exclusive optical house, including every nose giass.made. If it’s possible for you to wear nose glasses we can fit you. The service given you here is not usually found elsewhere. We can furnish you with any glass made. z E BEST®"" 1 "™ (i) —OF THE REALLY GOOD COFFES N^ d MAXWELL HOUSE BIEND. T Get a sealed can from your grocer for proof of purity. M*d until We Oon’t Ask for Any with Order MKd ”° Liberal you get our \ xU/Mls ' M -Efll V E ve f' KcwVeblcle N / NFi 'sasras.' Made*, OfiSlS* sen d it t° us and wc will mail y° u free ihe most complete cmlog °f vehicles an dharn ess ever printed. Thecutsara Uw h 0 adßOf H very large, the descriptions are complete and plain. All vehicles shipped direct from our factory. Prices lowest ever made. Don’t buy a vehicle or harness until you get our 1906 catalogue and MADVIM CIMBTK II I See our sitonishingly low prices and the most liberal terms ever made. v BTI/tttlwlni VillvHuVii SLImB The Golden Age for September 20, 1906. Dinner was a little late. A guest asked the hostess to play something. Seating herself at the piano, the good woman executed a Chopin nocturne with precision. She finished, and there was still an interval of waiting to be bridged. In the grim silence she turned to an old gentleman on her right and said: “Would you like a sonata before din ner?” He gave a start of surprise and pleasure. “Why, yes, thanks!” he said. “ 1 had a couple on way here, but I think I could stand another.” —Harper’s Weekly. Cheap Relief. Riceboro, Ga., March 9, 1905. Mr. J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah. Ga. Dear Sir:—l was greatly annoyed last year with a severe attack of eczema on my leg, and after using several other remedies with no bene fit, I tried Tetterine ; two boxes having made a complete cure I think it the best remedy I have ever found for skin diseases. Yours truly, Bennie Deal. Tetterine also cures Tetter, Ringworm, Dan druff and all forms of skin diseases. 50c per box. J. T. SHUBTRINE, Mfr., Savannah. Ga. IWWJM oes yi zwot/s Zaszs £UVD Z£7177/ERS Neat siijles for lhe well groomed gen demon- The tough iexlure of the .mate* rial used insures teg-wear. (HADDOCK TEKRY (0. DRAUGHON'S Atlanta, Columbia, Montgomery and Nashville POSITIONS secu ed or money REFUNDED. Also teach BY MAIL. Catalogue will convince you that Draughon’s is THE BEaT. Send for it. "The Old Reliable” GEORGIA RAILROAD Elegantly Equipped PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN ALL POINTS. Pullman Palace Cars be tween Atlanta, Augusta and Charleston, also between Au gusta and St. Louis and Charleston and Cincinnati. Fast Freight Service Between the West and Augusta, Athens, Macon, Charleston, Savannah and all points iu SOUTHEASTERN AND CAROLINA TERRITORY. A. G. JACKSON General Freight and Passenger Agk, Augusta, Ga. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad OPERATING The Best Equipped Freight and Passenger Service in the South. Coaches electric lighted, with steam heat in Winter and elec tric fans in Summer. If you desire to have your freight handled with dispatch and to travel comfortably and conveniently, patronize THIS POPULAR ROUTE h. c McFadden, General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga.