The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 27, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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FRECKLES AND PIMPLES REMOVED In Ten Days. 1 Nadinola The Complexion Beautifier is en- ff: • ■■ Horsed by thousands °f grateful ladies, and [A ~ guaranteed to remove [ all facial discolora- '' tions and restore the beauty of youth. The worst cases in twenty days. 50c. and SI.OO at all leading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris, Tenn. THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS that make a horse Wheeze, have Thick Wind, or Choke- down, cau be removed with TA 0 or any Bunch or Swelling dr / \ caused by strain or Inflam* V * mation. No blister, no ( w hair gone, and horse kept V" at work. #2.ooper bottle, de livered. Book 3-C free. ABSORBINE, JR., for mankind, #I.OO, de livered. Cures Goitre, Tumors, Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Varicocele. Book free. Made only by W. F. YOUNG P.D.F. 114 Monmouth St., Springfield, Mass G. A. HOLLEY, Pres. W a t Incorporated, $25,000, Paid Up. W. O. CARR, V. P. and Sec. g I ClCo.So >/>/ American National Bank Building, A. J. KLINE, Gen. Man. Salesman. w w Postoffice Box 26. R. DOWNING, Treasurer. IITTI ITTII CI I*^lll (I fl. C Stigler, I. T. LOTS S4O ° 0 EACH ON INSTALLMENTS A New Town in the Heart of the Indian Territory. ON THE FRISCO Destined to be a city. This is your golden opportunity. A S4O lot today may be a SI,OOO lot at the grand opening. Second largest shipping point for cattle on the Frisco System. ALL EYES ARE ON THE INDIAN’S COUNTRY. The Real Boom is On. Now is the time to enter this magnificent country. It’s the leaders, not the followers, who make the gains. Never before have such opportunities been offered to young men and men of limited means to get a chance and equal show for the flattering prospects of the future as now. This country is calling for men of energy, push and ability to develop her wonderful resources. START WITH THE TOWN. Our plan of town building is the best that could be devised. Think of a city built in a day. For the sake of rapid population a limited number of lots will be sold for S4O each on installments. See our salesmen. Start with th® town. We, THE OKLAHOMA BAPTIST ASSEMBLY AS SOCIATION, have accepted as a gift ten acres of land in the town of Scullin, Ind. Ter., from the pro moters of said town, for the purpose oi using for the building of a college, academy, or some other Bap tist institution or institutions, which, in the judgment of said board may be considered wise. (Signed) WM. S. WILEY, Pres, of Board. W. D. MOORER, Sec. of Board. In the very few years this new State with its wonderful resources will be more thickly settled than many eastern states. The opportunity for the man with limited means to become independent. Values must increase. Remember, you can get a lot for Forty Dollars, (three per cent off for cash) with sixty days in which to pay for same, if you apply in time. Address A. «J. KLINE, Chickasaw Immigration Co. STIGLER, I. T. Chicago is assured of a revenue of $7,353,000 from saloon licenses, and the number of saloons has not decreased materially. The temperance advo cates are disgusted. Tins is the result of the doubling of the saloon license and the ordinance limiting the number of saloons to one for every 500 of population. The Harkin limitation ordinance went into effect today. The number of saloon licenses issued is 7,353, which provides for a population of 3,606,500. The popu’aCcn must increase to that figure before another saloon license is granted in Chicago. One of the last licenses to be granted was for a buffet in the old Zion temple at Michigan avenue and Twelfth street. Under the old SSOO fee 5,097 licenses were issued.—The “Journal,” Chicago. The Tffteenth Annual Report of the Hyde Park Protective Association, of Chicago, 111., which has just been issued, shows a splendid resume of the progress of Prohibition in the western metropolis. One of the most interest ing features of this report is a map of the city brought down to date show ing in detail every Prohibition and local option section of the municipality. This map shows an aggregate of fifty square miles of Prohibition territory, and in addition more than fifty square miles of local option territory not yet excluding the saloon, out of a total municipal area of one hundred and ninety square miles.—Exchange. “FREE.” Send J. B. Vaughan, Athens, Ga., six or more names and addresses of music leaders, and he will send you free a copy of his great selling Sunday School song book, “Window of Heaven” No 4. SC L LLIX ENDORSED BY THE LEADING BAPTISTS OF THE STATE. In writing advertisers please mention The Golden Age. The Golden Age for September 27, 1906. HAS MORE NATURAL RESOURCES THAN ANY STATE IN THE UNION. Without considering the Timber, Mineral, Oil, As phalt and Ranching interests, the agricultural terri tory surrounding Scullin is more than sufficient to support a large Metropolis. LOOK AT THE MAP. Scullin is located very near the center of the Chicka saw Nation, a little to the East. This Nation em braces 4,703,108 acres of land. Os this 4,253,961 acres are classified by the U. S. Government as Agricul tural land, or 90 per cent., which can be farmed profit ably. Remember, Scullin is nearly in the center of this vast agricultural region. The soil is admitted to be the richest of the Indian’s Garden lands. Crop failures are unknown. Sulphur, I. T., July 21, 1906. To Whom It May Concern: We wish to say concerning the town of Scullin, Indian Territory, that it is located in the heart of the rich asphalt fields of the Chickasaw Nation, and also in a good farming section. It is located on the highest land of the Indian Territory, and is one of the healthiest places in said territory. It is a beautiful place for a good town, located on the main line of the Frisco railroad. CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IN AT ONCE, DON’T DELAY. 1 go 6. State, Town. I hereby make application to the Chickasalv Immigration Company for lot in Scullin, Indian Territory, and am enclosing you Dollars as first installment on same. To whom Deed is to be made. Where to send Draft for deferred payments. (SEND FIVE DOLLARS WITH EACH APPLICATION.) I For the most delicious I ICE CREAM ■ Is cheap enough, isn’t it ? That 18 all it costs I I when made with I Jell-0 Ice CreamPowdcr I I and it can be made and frozen in 10 minutes. ■ Simply stir contents of one package into a ■ ■ quart of milk and freeze. No cooking, heat- ■ I ing or fussing; no eggs,sugar or flavoring to ■ ■ ada, as everything but the ice and milk is I I contained in the package, and approved by ■ I Pure Food Commissioners, rive kinds: I Chocolate, Vanilla, Lemon, Strawberry and ■ I Unflavored. ■ If your grocer hasn’t it, send his name and ■ I 25c. to us for two packages. Illustrated ■ ■ Recipe Book Mailed Free. W The Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. Y» BLAIR’S PILLSEWm |Safe, Sure, Effective 50c. & sl. |1 | DRUGGISTS, or 93 Henry St, Brooklyn, N. Y IN THE HEART OF THE CHICKASAW NATION. The Garden Spot of the New State. On the Main Line of the Frisco-Railroad and the Sulphur and Scullin branch. Fifty miles north of Denison, Texas, and fifty miles south of Shawnee, Oklahoma. The town is beautifully laid out and platted. Streets are 60 to 80 feet wide, and valua ble lots are reserved for school buildings, churches, town hall, etc. Remember, you can get a lot for S4O with 60 days time to pay for same if you apply in time. We did not raise the price when the New State was admitted into the Union, but you will have to hurry if you get in on the original ground floor valua tion. Get in the Band Wagon, don’t delay, as we are closing them out so that we can throw the town open for occupancy. . Considering its fine location and the natural re sources which surround it, Scullin ought to become one of the good towns of the Territory, and w'e believe the parties who are promoting it win make it such a town. (Signed) W. S. WILEY, Bacone, I. T. W. D. MOORER, Oklahoma City, Okla. ON THE FRISCO 15