The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, September 27, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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16 Red Rock NO DOPE! NO ALCOHOL!! Is purchased and recommended by the best Sanitariums, Physicians and Ministers in the United States, a bless ing and not a curse to humanity. Manufactured by Hagaai & Dodd Co., ATLANTA, GA. P. S.—When you condemn RED ROCK you only display your igno rance. Buy a bottle and get wise. Would you save half of your fuel bills? Would you save half the labor and trouble of your cooking? You can do this and more with the COSBY PATENT AIR- TIGHT BAKER andHEA TER The Cosb y Air Tight Baker M and Heater is a stove designed for practical work. It is guar anteed to heat any room thor oughly, and cooks better than most ranges. It can be used satisfactorily for any purpose , that a cooking range is intended to serve. Examine at your dealer’s. If f he hasn’t it, be sure to write at once or illustrated booklet, giving full information and prices. Union Stove Company, Inc., Box 274-B, Richmond, Va. JUSnSEND ME ONE DOLURI ■ SI m *OO and I will ship C. O. D. to any railroad station in the B ■ I r |5S IBBBBmHBBh U. S. this fine Willard Steel Range. Anyone ean say | I w iWMB. IMMh they have the best range in the world, but I will fur- ■ H|MbEB bW I Dish the evidence and leave the verdict to you. After ■ you examine this range, if you are satisfied in every I ■ *V ; - ' i ? r way, pay Agent $14.00 and freight, and you become I ■ ■IMm 111 11 /' the possessor of the best range In the world for the I I | money. The range has six 8-inch lids; 17-lnch oven; I 15 -K al « reservoir; large warming closet; top cooking I surface, 30x34 ins. Guaranteed to reach you in perfect I order. Shipping weight, 400 lbs. Thousands In use ■ TUM and every one of them giving satisfaction. Write lor ■ Sull description and testimonials. WM.G. WILLARD I The Golden Age for September 27, 1906. THE WORK ONCE DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS. This is the title of a booklet, which I am now writing and hope to have out of the publishers’ hands by the first of November. In it will be found some discussion of Baptist Polity, of better organization and of better work to be done by Baptists. In it too, will be found advocacy of new customs. Price 25 cents. Orders for the booklet sent now will be appreciated. Money can be sent when the work is delivered. Send orders to the undersigned at Macon, Ga. H. R. BERNARD, Do Not Pay Three Profits For Your Eye Glasses. Sh UR-ON — Write us tor Free information. We show you I how to get your Glasses at Wholesale Prices. We n n send you FREE our simple method Eyes Test and beautiful illustrated catalogue No. 2. Write for it today. Reference: any Bank. WBMF* * RADIUS OPTICAL MFG. CO. ATLANTA, GA. /OjWintßrsmith's I tonic I ■ / h ffK brb FOR 45 YEARS this standard remedy has been I B Z S yypge chilli a boon to the people in malarial districts. Soldi Jf Tv,, ** on a positive guarantee. Leaves no bad effects I W Vouß w ■■ i > ■ like quinine. Harmless for children. If your I w Malarial Fevers s ~ pp,y if ’ send price to Arthur I PETER & CO., General Agents, Louisville. Ky., B ouc ana »i an( j jf w j ll be sent by express prepaid. ■ The Biggs Treatment A COMPLETE NATURAL CURATIVE SYSTEM—NO DRUGS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED If you are interested in the cure of disease by natural means, you should % investigate the BIGGS TREATMENT, which embraces all that is of value in ■r , . J the various drugless methods. The Biggs Hygienic Sanitarium is the only place in the South where all BE A' rational measures, such as Physical Culture, Swedish Movements, Massage, Osteopathy, Mechanical Vibration. Violet Ray, White Light, Dry Hot-Air ' Bath, Electricity, the Oxyoline Method, Hydro-therapy, and prescribed diet, are thoroughly and systematically employed. As we are able to accommodate a bmited number of patients, we accept for treatment only such cases as JW* we consider curable. Each patient that is accepted is given earnest, thought ful attention; and every effort is made to effect a CURE in the shortest time possible. Consider ng the nature of th' treatments given, our charges are remarkably low. Interesting booklet free. The Biggs Hygienic Sanitarium, Greensboro, N. C. K ST “ FOR FEEBLE-MINDED ch S, Expert training, mental development, and care by specially trained teachers, and experienced physician who has devoted his life to the study and treatment of nervous children. Home influences Delightfully located in the blue grass section of Ken ’ tucky. 100 acres of beautiful lawn and woodland for pleasure grounds. Elegantly appointed building, electric lighted and steam heated. Highly endorsed and recoin* -wypP j mended by .prominent physicians, ministers and patrons. BwB? Write for terms and descriptive catalogue. Address • ■*i DR * NO, P- STEWART, Sup!., Box 4, Farmdale, Ky. ftg/Sws JSS.I I fl This bottle for you—FREE 1L . g H Those who seek relief from rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, headache, M II backache, lumbago, sprains. sore muscles, andother pains—Read carefully. II ■7 We want to help you. We know the marvellous curative power of Dr. 1 14 W Brown’s Magic Liniment; how wonderful it is; that when it is poured on JS ■V a piece of cloth and pressed closely to the place’where the pain exists the 1 K U pain instantly vanishes. It is different from other liniments which need I |H fl f| rubbing. You simply smother the cloth under your hands and the lini- LJw M ■I ment penetrates to the source of the pain and instantly relieves it. It 11 ■r soothes the nerves, produces warmth, and starts up the circulation. Ajagsjl II Gk We know it does all these things—and we want you to know it. gKjW 4W a Send for the sample bottle and try it. Write to B U BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Dept., a Nashville, Tenn. xiZ Q SUPERIOR SERVICE IS OFFERED BY THE Seaboard Air Line Ry. Between ATLANTA and BIRMINGHAM and the West; Raleigh, Wilmington, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington and New York and the East. THE SHORT LINE Interchangeable Mileage is good over the entire system, including the NEW BIRMINGHAM DIVISION. Pullman Drawing-Room Sleepers. Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars, comfortable coaches, and Case Dining Car Service—Meals a-la-Carte C. B. WALKER, D. T. A., Atlanta. D. W. MORRAH, C. P. & T. A., Atlanta. W. E. CHRISTIAN, A. G. P. A., Atlanta.