The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, October 11, 1906, Page 15, Image 15

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It is stated on good authority that a whiskey man of Nicholasville went to Cincinnati the day before the local option election, and brought twenty negroes home to vote, and ten of them voted for local option. We think this puts him in a predicament; the local option people pity him, and the whiskey people curse him. The only advice we can give him is to “go away back and sit down.”—Kentucky Issue. The Christian citizens of the most municipalities can outlaw Sunday theaters, stop Sunday baseball, drive out the gamblers, dry up the streams of .commercialized social, impurity, and throttle the lawless liquor business. Not many communities have even made an honest attempt to do the righteous thing. What does God think of that sort of servants? —American Issue. Tennessee has 110 dry counties, Texas 125, Georgia 110, Mississippi has only five counties with saloons, and Kentucky, even Kentucky, has 77 dry counties, with a people determined that every one in the state shall go dry. After that they will hear the Macedonian call from other wet states.—Ex. THE WORK ONCE DELIVERED TO THE SAINTS. This is the title of a booklet, which I am now writing and hope to have out of the publishers’ hands by the first of November. In it will be found some discussion of Baptist Polity, of better organization and of better work to be done by Baptists. In it too, will be found advocacy of new customs. Price 25 cents. Orders for the booklet sent now will be appreciated. Money can be sent when the work is delivered. Send orders to the undersigned at Macon, Ga. H. R. BERNARD, DR. BROUGHTON’S BOOKS. Among the Greatest Sellers in the Religious Book World. Order from The Golden Age Publishing Company, Atlanta, Ga. “The Revival of a Dead Church,” contains more spiritual dynamite than any book for its size on the market. Price 30 cents. “Up From Sin,” a special book for young people. It shows how sin will wreck a life. Price 30 cts. “God’s Will and My Life,” a spiritual biography. Price 25 cts. “The Second Coming of Christ.” The exponent of the Tabernacle Bible Conference on the Second Coming. Price 50 cts. ‘“The Representative Women of the Bible” has had a great sale and is as interesting as a novel. Price SI.OO. “Old Wine in New Bottles.” A book of sermons containing the latest and best of Dr. Broughton’s illustrations and stories. Price SI.OO. “The Soul Winning Church” tells how every church can win souls. It has had the greatest sale of any of Dr. Broughton’s books. Price 50 cts. “The Table Talks of Jesus.” “Specially adapted to the fireside and home. It is an exposition of everything Jesus ever said ‘at meat.’ ” It is Dr. Broughton’s last book and has already gone through the Ist edition. Price 50 cts. Be sure and get these books and you will see the human side of the suc cess of the great Tabernacle in Atlanta. THE GOLDEN A*>E. Atlanta. Ga. SUPERIOR SERVICE IS OFFERED BY THE Seaboard Air Line Ry. Between ATLANTA and BIRMINGHAM and the West; Raleigh, Wilmington, Portsmouth, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington and New York and the East. THE SHORT LINE Interchangeable Mileage is good over the entire system, including the NEW BIRMINGHAM DIVISION. Pullman Drawing-Room Sleepers, Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars, comfortable coaches, and Case Dining Car Service —Meals a-la-Carte 0. B. WALKER, D T. A., Atlanta. D. W. MORRAH, C. P. & T. A„ Atlanta. W. E. CHRISTIAN, A. G. P. A., Atlanta. tonic I \ ass FOR 45 YEARS this standard remedy has been WZ s K CnBaBS a boon to the people in malarial districts. Sold W K vwiwvhmw on a positive guarantee. Leaves no bad effects W SB . A ? D — like quinine. Harmless for children. If your W YOUH w Mn|np]Q| FCVCrS druggist can’t supply it, send price to ARTHUR CHILLS . PETER & CO., General Agents, Louisville. Ky., st> c ond >' and it will be sent by express prepaid. When writing advertisers please mention The Golden Age. The Golden Age for October 11, 1900. I Forget All About Soap I A ND remember Gold Dust. You do not need them both in I I XX your housework, any more than you need two noses. Gold Dust is more than soap—better and more eco nomical than any mere soap. It is a good, honest, vegetable-oil soap in powdered form I —scientifically combined with other purifying materials in exact I I proportions that insure the greatest cleansing power. GOLD DUST cleanses so easily—asks so little aid from you —that keeping your home dirtless and dainty and neat, in the good old New England way, becomes a pleasure instead of a task. No soap, borax, soda, ammonia, naphtha, kerosene or other foreign ingredient needed with GOLD DUST. I For washing clothes and |i hHEtP , ■ dishes, scrubbing floors, clean- \WANTESj // ing woodwork, oil cloth, silver- B|||l 7 ware and tinware, polishing 9$ fl brasswork, cleaning bath room JW pipes, refrigerators, etc., soften ing hard water and making the WSHW l MF I finest soft soap. Made by ® The N. K. Fairbank Company—Chicago \l| W ft -W TW| Makers of Fairy Soap /DT J ■ I “Let the GOLD DUST Twins do your work” I The Golden Age’s Liberal Clubbing Offer. Select Your Reading For the Coming Year. The regular subscription to The Golden Age is two dollars per year. We will give one year’s subscription to The Golden Age and the periodicals mentioned, at the following prices: The Golden Age and Cosmopolitan Magazine (regular price, $3.00), $2.25. The Golden Age and the Woman’s Home Companion (regular price $3.00)» $2.25. The Golden Age and The Review of Reviews (regular price $5.00), $2.95. The Golden Age, Cosmopolitan and Woman’s Home Companion (reg ular price $4.00), for $2.90. The Golden Age, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Woman’s Home Companion and Review of Reviews (regular price $7.00), $4.25. The Golden Age, Woman’s Home Companion and Harper’s Bazaar (reg ular price $4.00), $2.90. We will be glad to make any combination of the periodicals mentioned above at prices equivalent to those quoted. Watch this column for new offers. Address THE GOLDEN AGE, Atlanta, Ga. FOR SALE. We have for sale at a bargain, one L. C. Smith Writing in Sight Type writer, regular price, $102.50; entirely new, at much less than usual cost. THE GOLDEN AGE. We have for sale one Columbia Typewriter, entirely new, price SIOO.OO, at a great bargain. THE GOLDEN AGE. k FOR FEEBLE-MINDED CH &. KpS Expert training, mental development, and care by specially trained teachers, and ■ *?!_ experienced physician who has devoted his life to the study and treatment of nervous -.<''*’*7 JSp - children. Home influences Delightfully located in the blue grass section of Ken- tucky. IPO acres of beautiful lawn aud woodland for pleasure grounds Elegantly Mappointed building, electric lighted and steam heated. Highly endorsed and recom- BFu. mended bv prominent physicians, ministers and patrons. 1.1 w Write for terms aud descriptive catalogue. Address DR. JNO. P. STEWART, Supt., Box 4, Farmdale, Ky. When writing advertisers please mention The Golden Age. 15