The Golden age. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1915, October 25, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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12 FRECKLES AND PIMPLES REMOVED In Ten Days. Nadinola The Complexion ,»>>>< Beautifies* is en -*-y| ; | dorsed by thousands - £ rate^u l ladies, and ■ : j guaranteed to remove ■■•■• ‘"j all facial discolora- tions and restore the beauty of youth. The worst cases in twenty days. 50c. and SI.OO at all leading drug stores, or by mail. Prepared by NATIONAL TOILET CO., Paris, Tenn. Blood Disorders. If your blood is not right, you ought to set it right, and RIGHT NOW. Hundreds of diseases owe their origin to impure blood. Vitae-Ore has been most successful in curing blood disor ders. Read the trial offer on last page. 1 Cures Strained Puffy Ankles, Lymphangitis, Bruises and Swellings, Lameness and Allays Pain Quickly without Blistering, removing the hair, or laying the horse up. Pleasant to use. #2.00 per bottle, delivered with full directions. Book 5-C, free. ABSORBING, JR., for man kind, #I.OO Bottle. Cures Strains, Gout, Varicose Veins, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Prostatitis, kills pain. W.F. YOUNG P.D.F. 114 Monmouth St, Springfield, Mass Let me send you FREE my WINTER STYLE BOOK and a BIG BUNDLE of NEWEST SAMPLES Let me tell you how to get rid of dressmaker’s troubles. Let me prove that I can make you a better and newer style garment than you can possibly get elsewhere and save you money, too. I make to order only Suits . . $7.50 up Prince Chap Suits, $13.50 up Skirts . 3.50 up Silk Suits .... 12.50 up Raincoats 7.50 up Cloaks 5.50 up I pay all express charges. Before you pur chase your new garment, read my Style Book. It contains 17 REASONS— every one a sound argu ment-why it will pay you to patronize me. I want you to know how my garments are made and why they hold their shape. My Free Book is an absolute Fash ion Guide. It shows the very . jwjßMjjw newest modes, My samples— over 120 different kinds, all free —lay before you choice fabrics unlike those you get in stores. We Make Changes to Suit You 6 You may choose materia! In -jy % au.v shade, and of quality to e flt £ ■ suit your purse. You may a order the skirt of one ni<>d el wit ' l the jacket of ano ’WfiSr vAA ther; selectsleeves, collar, VUHK w Ri and trimmings most be iMa Coning; change from WjypWwk single to double-breast- aHBh .yag iotA e( l: from tight to loose- MMMsrW fitting and vice-versa; ■ TA from short to long. etc. 5r From me you get your jSKt 'Uk / g ar '"ent as you want it. >,’ I® n * guarantee to fit ad BwL/i ! ’ et - rn y° ur money. MMSk Wa*jf * ‘'"essmaker will do as MWHRk mr.. ii. '1 he fact th t I aWyHbVi Lave been in this l. isi- JJKNK boss twelve seasons, is W* ImglEßk Hitlie.ent evidence that Ido as L say. Every #£ Jp WWM Wi Coat I make is on shrunken can- W ’ as - re-en forced 'fljF'VSr MMBi* *jM With Erencii 11 a r W rMMpML ( lolh so It mu.-t bold its shape. If ’ nr S ™>necessary, felt pad ding is used to round --imi out the figure. We do not make “skimped” back skirts, the kind so generally found In stores. Each of my garments is the product of one man, is hand-finished and THOROUGH!. Y PRESSED by men with pains-taking care; no loose threads; no long stitches —every inch is exquisitely finished. Write to-day for my Style Book, big bundle of newest samples ana simple instructions for taking your meas ure-ALL SENT FREE. ALBERT M. HOFFHEJMER The Ladies’ Tailoring Co. We make garments from Ladies’ own material at reasonable prices. Diseased Kidneys. Thousands of people have said there is nothing like Vitae-Ore for cur ing Kidney Troubles, people who knew what they were talking about from having used it. Read offer on last page. Ten Years Torment. Buckingham, Fla., March 30, 1905. J. T. Shuptrine, Dear Sir: I send you 25c for a cake of Tetterine Soap. If it is as good as your Tetterine it must be fine. I have had an itching on my leg for ten years and two boxes cured me. Yours truly, H. G. McL< od. Tetterine costs only 50c per box. Cures all forms of skin disesses. J. T. SHUPaKu\E, Mfr., Savannah, <ia. “What Matters.” By JAMES CARY SOLOMON. What matters if a woman’s heart breaks? 0, that is a trifling thing, What matters if she trembles and quakes? Who cares for the pois’nous sting? If only men can gather the gold, And stalk like princes in times of old? What matters if home is wrecked at last, If only the dram-shop grows? What matters if every blinding blast Brings blood and anguish and woes? If only men can get sordid pelf, And then mount the throne of selfish self? What matters if he’s a drunkard now? Who cares for the drunkard’s wife? What matter's if shame’s stamped on his brow, And he’s lost, and 'her poor life Is crushed and bleeding ’neath rum’s black reign, If men—if only men can get gain? What matters if boys wander off in sin? Who cares for a mother’s boy? What matters if they come not again To hearthstones of light and joy? If only saloons can thrust their beaks Into women’s hearts and hear their shrieks ? What matters if every maiden sweet, Os brilliant mind and good heart, Lay beneath men’s cruel feet, Bleeding, as the cutting dart Sent her shrieking to the shameful dust, If only saloons might vent their lust? What matters if roses fade and die, And cheeks turn pale like death? What matters if starving children cry, And every painful breath A prayer; if saloons can touch and blight, And turn the day into darkest night? What matters if in the slimy sweep,— Yes, in rum’s most awful wake, Every home should crouch ’neath shadows deep, And every sad heart should break? Men will laugh and fill their coffers well, And shout while the drunkard wails in Hell. n Ram’s Horn Fine Cartoon. The cun ent issue of the Ram’s Horn shows a beautiful and significant front page (in colors), which is appropriately entitled “The Temperance v eteran, ’ ’ and the following strong lines: “'The progress of the temperance crusade is sometimes slow, but with prophetic vision he sees the promised land ahead. Perhaps, like Moses, he may not live to enter it, but he knows it will be a heritage for his chil dren and his children’s children.” The view depicted and thus described is that of a gray haired veteran sitting half wearily on the roadside, viewing far beneath him a beautiful city illumined by the rays of a rising sun. The spires of churches rise from out green fields and a river flows whitely through the peaceful valley. No on© can see the picture without a rush of hope for the things predicted by it. A stirring editorial on the march of temperance reform which appears in this same issue gives many pertinent facts about the temperance move ment, and concludes with the encouraging assertion that “the fight has been worth while; the ultimate victory is assured.” Dere Ole Allan: Sinz hiz Majesti, Prezdent Roozfelt, has sed that awl loyel subjeks must in the fewtur uz the reformed spelin, I ges its up 2 me 2 pruv mi loyelti bi makin a ful of miself. Ther hav ben sum hot tims in this ole burg within the las fu daz. 30 nigers ded and 60 in the hospital dun up preti badli. A mob of 10,000 krazi pepul held the citi in its powr for meni owrs. The citi is now undr marshul law an things r lukin britr 4 the nigrs. I had 2 go 2 town 4 Hadi yestrdi an I saw 5,000 yelin men chasm one, por, 41on nigr down Marieta St., roks flyin an pistuls going 2 beet the ban. He wuz ezi goin 66 mils an owr an lam glad 2sa that tha hadnt kawt him wen I horded mi kar. Dadi iz -goin to get a gun if he ken, but the sal uv firarms haz ben prohibted az wel az the sal uv liker. The hole afare wuz a grusum thing 2 hapn to At lantu an I am miti glad things hav kwited doun a litl. So yu r bak agen in Savannu, r yu? How duz the ole toun Ink? I wish I kud get 2 se it agen, I ges yu saw lots uv pepul yu nu, didnt yu? The Golden Age for October 25, 1906. .95 Buys TN* Lar9 ® Handsome Ntotol Trimmed Steel Range arming closet or With high warm porcelain lined just as shown In arge, square oven, r holes, body made led steel. Duplex ns wood or coal, nickel trimmings, Ished. UR TERMS th! lost liberal ever ide. You can pay ter you receive the nge. YoucantakS into your home, lays. If you don’t actly as represent ggest bargain you , equal to stoves for double our turn It to us. We ..... freight both ways. Ufrlla Terieu for our beaut! rii'lv illustrated Stove Writn lousy Ca | B | cgue n o . j 293 a postal card will do. 7B styles to select from. Don’t buy u ntll you get it. MARVIN SMITH CO., CHICAGO, ILL. fl I1 11 •J ft STAjjDABirA f | that has never been equalled. The guard on the spring pre vents tearing the cloth. The CVA only pin that fastens from either side and can’t slip through. See | j that all cards have our name on. \(iL/Ai Send 4 cents in stamps for sample I worth double the money. \ wVI CONSOUOATED safety pin co., Box 159 BLOOMFIELD, N. J. j| Cure Yourself of FEVER with JOHNSON’S CHILL AND FEVER TONIC. We send you 2 ■ bottle-< on trial. Costs nothii gif M it fails. Only after it cures you send us SI.OO Write at once. JOHNSON’S CHILL and FEVER TONIC CO., Savannah, Georgia. System of Home j/ltll/t Treatment. as Well as Curative. SOO-5 01 Lowndes Building Atlanta, Ga. Feeling Try Piedmont Concentrated Iron and Alum Water—a wonderful heath restorer. Enriches the blood, destroys disease germs, iestores st length and m ke a new man of you. Not a medicine —but a mag ificent mineral concentrated If ailing, write for pam phlet telling of wonderful cures effected. J. M. Echols Co .Spring Owners, Lynchburg,Va. Stomach Trouble. If your Stomach is ailing, if your food distresses you and fails to feed you, you ought to try Vitae-Ore. Sent on thirty days’ trial. See offer on last page. Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad OPERATING The Best Equipped Freight and Passenger Service in the South. Coaches electric lighted, with steam heat in Winter and elec tric fans in Summer. Ii you desire to have your freight handled with dispatch and to travel comfortably and conveniently, patronize THIS POPULAR ROUTE h. c • McFadden, Genera.l Passenger Agent, Atlanta. Ga. When writing advertisers please mention The Golden Age.